Stress Management

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Some mental health professionals propose that the most effective means for coping with stress exists at the _______ level.

belief system

Quieting response—

Sit in a comfortable chair in a quiet atmosphere; close your eyes; exhale slowly and hold your breath for about eight seconds; inhale and repeat pattern for three or four minutes. This deprives the body of oxygen necessary to maintain a hyperactive state.

Deep breathing—

Sit or lie in a quiet location; close your eyes; begin to take slow, deep, regular breaths; once relaxed and calm, slowly open your eyes and stay still for a moment.

What type of stress is followed by a relaxation response?


What type of stress triggers a "fight or flight" reaction?


A plan for resolving conflicts with positive results can change a potential source of stress into a source of coping.

Reflective listening is the first step in conflict resolution. This process of reflecting the speaker's words and feelings back to him shows empathy and understanding, plus enables one to gain additional insight into his position. Sometimes, just the paraphrasing of the speaker's thoughts and feelings back to him will enable him to clarify his position enough to eliminate the conflict. The next step is to identify your position by stating your thoughts and feelings about your position. This may enable the other person to see your side of the issue and enable him to gain additional insights. Then, solicit and explore alternative solutions. Be open to more than the one or two alternatives commonly present at a conflict. Brainstorming can help. Avoid narrow-mindedness; be creative and open.

Working conditions can become stressful when individuals are exposed to excessive physical, emotional, and environmental demands while on the job, especially when these are combined with low salaries and limited recognition for their efforts.

Resources, or lack of them, are another source of stress that can directly impact people in any profession. Examples of resource-related stress include insufficient staffing, seasonal employees replacing permanent employees, not replacing employees who retire or quit, equipment shortages, inadequate equipment, and budget problems.

Which of the following are effective methods for managing stress?

*a. Engaging in aerobic exercise *b. Eating properly c. Eating chocolate *d. Using relaxation responses e. Sleeping 10 to 12 hours a day *f. Thinking positively

When a stressful event is real, a natural physiological reaction occurs that enables us to run or fight.

A reaction to real stress involves several phases: alarm (cause), flight or fight (reaction), relaxation response (rest and recovery). These physiological changes help us survive the event. When the threat is defeated, we experience the relaxation response, the counterresponse to the flight or fight response.

The ABCs of Stress are a mnemonic device used to break stress response down into its separate parts.

A: Activating event- source of stress B: Belief System- It is with this belief system that you evaluate things and events as positive, negative, or neutral. C: consequences- represents the consequences you experience as a result of your evaluation of the source of stress. These consequences are long- and short-term, and include physical, emotional, and behavioral reactions to stress.

Which type of stress results from confining policies or regulations?


Engaging in aerobic exercise is a very effective coping mechanism because the body can handle stress better when it is in good shape.

Aerobic exercise can reduce, and help compensate for, the cumulative effects of stress. Running or swimming is better for you than drinking, and more calming than painting your boss's face on a punching bag after a stressful shift. Sustained regular physical activity has been shown to produce a response similar to relaxation or meditation. A 20-minute, three times per week aerobic exercise program is recommended.

What does the "C" stand for in the ABCs of Stress model?

Consequences you experience as a result of your evaluation of the source of stress

Which of the following is NOT an example of resource-related stress?

Customer complaints

Many sources of stress relate to lack of time, deadlines, and issues having to do with time

Deep breathing Quieting response— Meditation— Humor—

The effects of stress include:

Digestion slow perspiration increases muscles tense adrenaline enters the blood awareness is heightened heartbeat quickens breathing quickens pupils dilate

Physical consequences are those associated with the "flight or fight" response wherein our bodies are energized as though we were facing a life-threatening situation.

Emotionally, we may react with any one of several negative emotions, such as anger, fear, anxiety, and worry. Behaviorally, a person in this type of emotional state is unlikely to maintain or improve good relationships with others.

Administrative policies and procedures can be major contributors to stress.

Employees frequently encounter supervisory conflicts or confining policies and regulations. They are seldom given the opportunity to contribute to the development of policies and procedures; thus, it seems that these policies and procedures come from administrators who have lost touch with the "real world" of business operations.

A symbolic source of stress is anything perceived as threatening, aside from personal health. Symbolic sources of stress are threats to one's sense of well-being, values, ego, and similar nontangible items.

Examples of symbolic sources of stress include being stuck in traffic, an unpleasant work assignment, being 'ground up' in bureaucracy, unresolved nonviolent conflicts with other people at home or at work, financial problems


Find a quiet environment, one in which you will not be disturbed for about 30 minutes. Assume a relaxed posture, preferably sitting up. Maintain a passive attitude, being at peace with yourself, accepting the fact that disturbing thoughts may occur during meditation, and being prepared to 'pass them out.' Then focus on a mental device or something to occupy your conscious mind to the exclusion of all other conscious thought. It may be a secret word or phrase such as is used during transcendental meditation, or any word or phrase you find peaceful and relaxing. It may be a visual device, such as a fire in a fireplace or a sunset. You must also concentrate on your breathing, maintaining a normal, natural pace of breathing. Anytime your mind 'chatters,' return to thinking of your breathing and then your 'mental device.'

The ability to act assertively can enable you to avoid conflicts or resolve them rapidly with positive results for both parties. Assertiveness can be achieved by following four basic steps.

First, describe the situation and/or the person's behavior about which you wish to be assertive. Paint a verbal picture as you see the situation. Second, relate your feelings regarding the situation and/or behavior you have described. Take responsibility for your feelings by using 'I' statements; avoid statements that seek to place the blame for your feelings on the other person. Third, specify several ways you would like the behavior or situation changed. Give several acceptable alternatives and, again, use 'I' statements. Last, state the consequences you have decided to apply, and be reasonable. It is important to be objective when stating the consequences. In other words, just state the reasonable outcome of a given behavior should it continue. It is best not to say what you are going to do to this person, but merely state what is likely to happen.

There are many recommended methods for minimizing the impacts and damages of negative stress on the body and returning one's system to normal.

However, it should be noted that no single coping method can compensate for all the stresses in one's life. A combination of coping mechanisms will work best. Individuals are encouraged to deal with stress by developing a life outside of work, engaging in aerobic exercise, eating properly, thinking positively, managing time effectively, and using relaxation responses.

Promotional equity can be a source of stress generated at the administrative level.

It can be caused by an organization's size that only allows limited promotional opportunities. It may be due to a promotional system where it seems that only the "favored few" get promoted. The promotional system may be such that it rewards behaviors not related to leadership and promotional potential.

Some mental health professionals propose that the most effective means for coping with stress exist at the 'B' level, in the belief system

It is at this level that you give the source of stress its power by the way you evaluate it as positive, negative, or neutral. Belief system and language development coincide and continue to develop with reinforcement throughout your life. People attempt to change their belief system to cope with stress, but they lack adequate guidance as to how to do it. There are procedures such as rational behavioral thinking and religion that, with proper guidance, a person may use to change beliefs and effectively cope with stress.

Some professions involve a greater number of opportunities to encounter real stress in the form of frightening and dangerous situations. It is often impossible to flee, so an individual must control the fight reaction, despite provocation that may be present, in order to perform professionally.

It is important to recognize stress in order to be able to choose an effective coping method. Sources of stress can be personal-, administrative-, public-, resource-related, or the result of personal work habits.


Laugh and the world laughs with you. Do not take yourself or the job too seriously.

Most stressful situations are not best dealt with at the source.

Most sources of stress are out of your direct controland are not subject to change by your influence. This is not to say that it's impossible to deal with stress at its source, because some sources are subject to your influence. Sources of stress such as deadlines or excessive debts may be dealt with effectively by learning effective time management or using more efficient money management techniques.

As individuals are exposed to stress, their responses to the long-term effects of unmanaged negative stress can result in:

an internalization, externalization, or burnout.

The characteristics of stress vary because individuals react to stress in different ways when exposed to different stimuli, impacts, and damages to the body.

People may react very strongly or weakly to the same situation. That difference in reaction is due primarily to personal evaluations of the same event. You may encounter stressful situations both personally and professionally. The goal of stress management is not to eliminate stress, but to make stress work more constructively. The ability to identify characteristics of stress will help you to use stress management techniques to improve your quality of life.

Another type of administrative stress involves performance appraisals.

Performance appraisals may be perceived as being 'personality contests' instead of fair and objective evaluations of a person's performance. The system of performance appraisals may leave too much room for the subjective opinions of the rating supervisor rather than resulting in objective observations vital to fair and impartial appraisals. Supervisory conflicts may also negatively impact performance appraisals, causing futile stress.

Health can be a source of stress, so good nutritional habits should be practiced as part of a life plan.

Probably the most widely recognized problem in the American diet is the overuse of fat. Reducing fat to no more than 30 percent of calories (20 percent is better) can have a marked effect on how you feel and how you look. Fatty diets have been implicated not only with the development of heart disease, but also with certain cancers, notably breast, colon, and prostate. You control what you eat. Too often, food selections are made on the basis of taste rather than the effects on the body. A conscious effort must be made when deciding what to eat, how much to eat, and the type of food to eat.

Develop a life plan to relax the mind and body.

Start by doing things to keep your mind away from your job responsibilities and minimize the after-hours impact of job-related stress. Make your home life as important as your career by setting goals and sticking to them. Here are some suggestions for developing a life plan: Develop friends other than coworkers and talk about things other than work responsibilities Talk to your family and share your thoughts; do not repress them Nurture spiritual beliefs, if you have them Find a hobby to concentrate on, but avoid competitive activities and events that may induce negative stress Vacation at a destination that will allow you to forget about work

Frequently when experiencing stress, we are living in the past or the future, not the present.

The present is all that you are given because the past is over and cannot be changed, and the future is but a dim promise over which you have no direct control. There are three techniques for developing thinking for the present instead of the past or future. The first is to consider the positive features of the present. The second method is to live as if you only had a week, month, or year to live, and the third technique for living in the present is called mindfulness. Mindfulness is a state of mind reached by living the present moment as a 'meditation.'

The stress reaction is a common bodily reaction apparent throughout nature; it is a physical, chemical, and emotional reaction that causes tension.

The reaction is part of our nature to heighten our senses and muscular abilities to protect us from danger or physical threat. During a normal reaction to a stressful event, muscles are moved to their maximum capacity, and sensitivity is heightened. These physiological alterations to the normal operation of the body serve us well when we face a real threat.

The relaxation response enables:

The relaxation response enables our bodies to recover from the toxic effects induced by the flight or fight response. The body and mind totally relax as muscles relax, brain wave activity changes, and neutralizing chemicals enter the bloodstream to counter the toxic effects of the flight or fight chemicals. However, when the relaxation response stage is not reached, a chemical imbalance is created that taints the system and causes harm to the body.

Think positively

There are many events that you cannot control or alter, but you can change your evaluation of them. You are free to evaluate any situation as positive, neutral, or negative. An example may be a boss with whom there is a personality conflict. Unfortunately, you cannot always change your boss. You can change your reaction to that boss, however, by noting that the supervisor's intent may be positive, although you may disagree with his technique. If you change your perception of your boss, your attitude will change, too. Include time in your life for the things that make you happy. You should strive to set aside at least 30 minutes each day for something you enjoy besides television.

The hypothalamus region is the area of the brain that triggers stress reaction and the opposite reaction known as the relaxation response

There are several methods of triggering this response to relieve stress and to counter its cumulative harm. When you are relaxed, your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate will slow down.

With a real source of stress, people expend energy by running or fighting and reaching a conclusion regarding the threat.

They either win the fight or outrun it. With a symbolic source of stress, people do not run, fight, or reach any conclusion regarding the threat.

The human body needs stress.


Physically, the human body needs stress, but it does not need strain. Muscles must be used, but not overused.

When a muscle lacks activity, atrophy renders the muscle useless, and the muscle fails when it is critically needed. When a muscle is overused, the constant stress deteriorates the muscle instead of building it up, and again the muscle fails when critically needed. The key to muscle development is balancing exercise with relaxation to improve strength and allow time for muscles to rest and recuperate.

The body changes every time it experiences a stressful event.

When in a state of alarm, physiological reactions become more sensitive and efficient at self-defense for protection. Understanding the effects of stress helps individuals recognize stress in themselves and others and respond better to stressful events. Remember that stress is cumulative; the effects and damages do build up

Professionals can increase their levels of stress through personal work habits, either by procrastinating or by striving for perfection at all times. Either course of action will add unnecessary stress to a work situation.

Working at a steady rate and acknowledging that perfection is a goal, not an end in itself, can help individuals avoid stress buildup due to inappropriate work habits.

Which of the following are examples of long-term effects of stress?

a. Increased job performance *b. Physical illness *c. Suicide *d. Divorce e. Increased job satisfaction *f. Alcoholism

Short-term emotional effects result in negative emotions such as:

depression, anxiety, anger, and fear. Negative emotions accompany the stress response whenever people evaluate something as being negative. They may range from simple dislike to intense anger or fear. Negative emotions linger, with intensity increasing over time. Other emotional impacts that may result from short-term stress include boredom, guilt, frustration, and disappointment with career, family, or life.

When a muscle is overused, the constant stress _______ the muscle instead of building it up.


The difference in reactions to the same stressful situation is due primarily to personal _______ during the event.


Personal sources of stress can include

family, finances, health, lifestyle, housing, primitive living conditions, self-concept, personality, value conflicts caused by enforcing rules that do not agree with personal beliefs and values.

Physical effects of short-term stress include:

headaches, backaches, fatigue, and skin ailments. Sustained stress response may cause tension headaches and backaches due to muscle tension in the lower back. In fact, some orthopedic surgeons hold that the majority of all backaches are stress-related. Other physical impacts that may result from short-term stress include hypertension, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, heart and artery diseases, and lowered body resistance.

The long-term effects of unmanaged stress include:

higher rates of alcoholism divorce early death suicide debilitating disease.

When dealing with angry or aggressive people, emotions run high and stress mounts. It is important to remain calm and defuse the situation.

his can be done through listening, showing understanding, and being flexible. Be patient, act confidently and professionally, and be fair but firm.

The goal of stress management is to _______.

make stress work in a positive way

The short-term effects of stress include:

physical, emotional, interpersonal manifestations.

Dr. Hans Selye originally isolated and defined stress as:

the nonspecific response of the body to any demand.

The effect is nonspecific because it affects us in three primary ways: physically, emotionally, and interpersonally. Stress is often portrayed as a negative, but its purpose is to trigger a reaction in the body to help ensure personal survival.

the stress reaction, in its purely physical application, is a necessary mechanism that exists in most mammals, if not all life forms. This reaction is simply a mechanism in the body that prepares it to fight off or flee from a threat. An example of a stress reaction is a mother lifting a car off of an injured child.

he interpersonal effects of stress result from:

unmanaged physical and emotional effects. If you are angry, frightened, depressed, or worried, your relationships with other people are going to suffer. There is a greater likelihood for arguments, withdrawal, cynicism, rigidity, or even violence under these conditions. This can result in marital and job performance problems

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