study guide for exam 2 human anatomy & physiology

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Metabolic processe that require oxygen

eccrine gland

Most widely distributed sweat glands that regulate body temperature by releasing a watery secretion that evaporates from the surface of the skin

epidermis & dermis

Moving from the superficial to the deeper layer, what are the names of the 2 layers of skin?

isometric contractions

Muscle contraction which results in increased tension but the length does not alter, for example, when pressing against a stationary object.

prime mover

Muscle that has the principal responsibility for a given movement

TB- tuberculosis

infection may spread to bones, especially the long bones of the extremities & wrist & ankle bones

serratus anterior

inferior to axilla on lateral chest, to scapula; moves shoulder forward; aids in raising arm, punching or reaching forward


inflammation of joints


inflammation of the skin

vastus medialis

inner front thigh muscle; extends leg

atopic dermatitis or eczema

intense itching & skin inflammation; is a chronic, inflammatory skin disorder with a genetic predisposition of asthma and hay fever, or allergies to irritants

deep partial thickness- 2nd degree burn

involves the epidermis & dermis, the tissue may be blistered with weeping surface or dry because of sweat gland damage. These burns may be less painful because of nerve damage

superficial- 1st degree burn

involves the epidermis only, skin is red & dry; minimal pain

full thickness- 3rd degree burn

involves the full skin & sometimes subcutaneous tissue & underlying tissues as well, tissue is broken, dry, pale or charred. These injuries may require skin grafting & loss of digits or limbs

carpal tunnel syndrome

involves the tendons of the flexor muscles of the fingers as well as the nerve supplying the hand & fingers, numbness & weakness of the hand is caused by pressure on the medial nerve as it passes through a tunnel formed by the carpal bones of the wrist


irregular patches of melanin are called


irregular wound caused by tearing of the skin

cleft palate

is a congenital deformity in which there is an opening in the roof of the mouth owing to faulty union of the maxillary bones


is a connective tissue layer around each fascicle


is a connective tissue shealth that encases the entire muscle, this forms the innermost layer of the deep fascia

rheumatoid arthritis

is a crippling condition characterized by joint swelling in hands & feet, articular cartilage is gradually destroyed & joint cavity develops adhesions; shares characteristics of autoimmune disorders where antibodies produced attack the body's own tissues


is a derangement of joint parts: ball-and-socket has the greatest tendency to dislocate


is a hereditary disorder that impairs melanin production, resulting in lack of pigment in skin, hair & eyes


is a inflammation of bone caused by pyogenic (pus producing) bacteria (strep, staph) enter blood stream because there is break in skin

ethmoid bone

is a light, fragile, single bone located between eye orbits (E for eye) forming superior part of nasal septum, contains ethmoid sinus


is a malignant tumor of melanocytes, originates in a mole or birthmark anywhere on the body


is a sudden & involuntary muscular contraction which is always painful

the difference in female pelvis

is adapted for pregnancy & childbirth, lighter in weight, ilia are wider & flared, pubic arch is wider in female, pelvic opening is wider & more rounded, lower diameter, pelvic outlet is larger, sacrum & coccyx are shorter & less curved


is any wound or local damage to tissue


is diffuse redness caused by increased blood flow to the skin


most commonly occurs in a young person in a bone's growing region, especially around the knee


"handle", superior part of the sternum that joins laterally on the right & left with a clavicle (collarbone)


"helping" muscles, they work with the agonist to accomplish a movement "together"


"shin bone" stronger weight bearing bone (big bone- big toe side)

false ribs

(8-12) 3 pair of ribs that do not attach to the sternum, they connect (costal cartilage) to the rib directly above them


(articulation) is an area of junction or union between 2 or more bones

the summary of events in a muscle contraction

1) ACh is released from a neuron ending into the synaptic cleft at the NJM. 2) ACh binds to the muscle's motor end plate & produces an action potential. 3) the action potential travels to the SR (sarcoplasmic reticulum). 4) the SR (sarcoplasmic reticulum) releases calcium into the cytoplasm. 5) calcium shifts troponin & tropomyosin so that binding sites on actin are exposed. 6) myosin heads bind to actin, forming cross-bridges. 7) using stored energy, myosin heads pull actin filaments together within the sarcomeres & the cell shortens. 8) new ATP is used to detach myosin heads & move them back to position for another "power stroke." 9) muscle relaxes when stimulation ends & the calcium is pumped back into the SR.

floating ribs

2 pair of false ribs that do not attach to anything at their anterior ends

compact bone & spongy bone

2 types of bone tissue

1st class, 2nd class & 3rd class

3 classes of levers

nutrition, blood supply, infection & age

4 factors that affect healing of skin

flexion, extension, abduction, & adduction

4 kinds of angular movement

gliding, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle & ball-&-socket joints

6 types of synovial joints

vesicle (bulla)

A blister or small fluid filled sac as seen in some stages of chickenpox or shingles eruption


A hypersensitivity to a substance that does not normally cause a reaction.


An autoimmune disorder in which the immune system produces antibodies against specific proteins in the skin and mucous membrane. These antibodies produce a reaction that leads to a separation of skin cells; is fatal unless treated by methods to suppress the immune system

cervical vertebrae

C1 to C7 are located in the neck

paranasal sinuses

Cavities within cranial and facial bones near the nasal cavity

axial skeleton & appendicular skeleton

How are the bones of skeleton divided?


Largest Muscles of the calf, posterior leg, to calcaneus; plantar flexes foot (ballerina)


Outermost portion of skin, protection from wear and tear, injury, and harmful substances; composed mostly of stratified squamous epithelium, avascular, composed of stratum corneum & stratum basale

lactic acid

Produced in muscles during rapid exercise when the body cannot supply enough oxygen to the tissues, causes muscle fatigue

dermal papillae

Projections from dermis into epidermis. Increase surface area of the dermis and stratum germinativum. Form ridges in epidermis and form fingerprints and footprints

troponin & tropomyosin

Regulatory proteins that recognize calcium as the signal to allow actin and myosin to interact with each other.


Stiff neck caused by spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the neck; wryneck

Pott disease

TB- tuberculosis of the spine; infected vertebrae are weakened & may collapse, causing pain, deformity, & pressure on spinal cord


The middle layer of the skin, has a framework of elastic connective tissue & well supplied with blood vessels and nerves, location for sebaceous (oil) glands, sweat glands, hair follicles & sensory receptors


The thick fibrous membrane covering the entire surface of a bone except its articular cartilage. It contains osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), osteoclasts (bone destroying cells), nerve fibers, and blood & lymphatic vessels. Ligaments & tendons attach to this

epithelial & connective tissue

What 2 categories of tissues repair themselves most easily?

depth of the burn & extent of body surface involved

What 2 factors are used to assess the severity of burns?

dilation (widening) & constriction (narrowing) of blood vessels & evaporation of perspiration from the body surface

What 2 mechanisms involving the skin are used to regulate temperature?

keratin & sebum

What 2 substances produced in the skin help to prevent dehydration?

lactic acid

What acid accumulates during anaerobic metabolism?

help to form joints, are points for muscle attachments & allow passage of nerves and blood vessels

What are some functions of bone markings?

melanin, hemoglobin & carotene

What are some pigments that impart color to the skin?

pemphigus, lupus erythematosus & scleroderma

What are the 3 autoimmune disorders that involve the skin?

foramen, sinus, fossa & meatus

What are the 4 different bone markings that are depressions or holes?

coronal suture, squamous suture, lambdoid suture & sagittal suture

What are the 4 most prominent cranial sutures?

head, process, condyle, crest & spine

What are the 5 different bone markings that are projections?

cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum & coccyx

What are the 5 regions of the vertebral column?

vertebral column & bones of the thorax (ribs & sternum)

What bones make up the skeleton of the trunk?

loose connective tissue & adipose (fat) tissue

What is the composition of the subcutaneous layer?


What is the name for a cancer of the skin's pigment producing cells?

hair follicle

What is the name of the sheath in which a hair develops?

the sebaceous glands

What is the name of the skin glands that produce an oily secretion (sebum)?

integumentary system

What is the name of the system that comprises the skin & all of its associated structures?

sudoriferous glands

What is the scientific name for the sweat glands?


a ball-like surface of 1 bone fits into deep cuplike depression in another bone. It allows the greatest range of motion in 3 directions, as in circumduction (examples are shoulder & hip joints)


a band of connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone


a blister (vesicle) filled with pus


a bony depression

open fracture

a broken bone protrudes through the skin or an external wound leads to a broken bone


a cavity or hollow space, most commonly, an air-filled chamber found in some skull bones. These sinuses are named for the bones in which they are located


a chemical reaction that involves the loss of an electron. Oxidation often involves the addition of oxygen and the loss of hydrogen ions.


a chemical released from the neuron to stimulate the muscle fiber

myasthenia gravis

a chronic progressive disease characterized by chronic fatigue and muscular weakness (especially in the face and neck) drooping of the eyelids(ptosis) is a common early sign

lupus erythematosus

a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease of connective tissue (skin or joints), "butterfly rash" across the nose & cheeks


a chronic, recurrent skin disease marked by silvery scales covering red patches, papules, and/or plaques on the skin that result from overproduction and thickening of skin cells; common sites of involvement are the elbows, knees, genitals, arms, legs, scalp, and nails


a common disorder in which the tendons & ligaments that support the foot's long arch are weakened, flattening its curve


a contracting subunit of skeletal muscle, it consists of a band myosin filaments & actin filaments on each side of them. the myosin molecules are shaped like 2 golf clubs twisted together with their paddle-like heads projecting away from the sarcomere's center,the actin molecules are twisted together like 2 strands of beads, each bead having a myosin binding site


a contraction in which there is no change in muscle length but there is a great increase in muscle tension


a crack in the skin


a dark pigment that colors the skin & protects it from sunlight's harmful rays; it is produced by melanocytes in the deepest layer of the epidermis


a dark-colored pigment that protects the skin from ultraviolet light is called


a depression on a bone surface

myasthenia gravis

a disease characterized by chronic muscular fatigue due to defects in neuromuscular transmission


a disease that involves overproduction of collagen with thickening & tightening of the skin; hardening of the skin


a distinct border or narrow ridge, often rough, such as over the top of the hip bone


a fibrous protein that gives the tissue strength & resilience

tinea corporis

a fungal infection of the skin, resembles a worm shape: ringworm of the body


a general term referring to any skin disease


a hole that allows a vessel or nerve to pass through or between bones


a hole through bone


a large projection of a bone, such as the superior process of the ulna in the forearm that creates the elbow


a large, rounded articular process


a lateral curvature of the vertebrae column, most common type


a medical term that means "scar"

concentric contractions

a muscle as a whole shortens to produce movement; picking up a book

acetylcholine (ACh)

a neurotransmitter that, among its functions, triggers muscle contraction


a point of communication between a neuron & another cell


a process that forms the point of the elbow


a raised lesion


a rounded bony projection


a rounded, knoblike end separated from the rest of the bone by a slender region, the neck


a scratch into the skin


a sharp bony prominence


a sharp projection from the surface of a bone, such as a spine of the scapula (shoulder blade)


a short channel or passageway, usually the external opening of a canal. An example is the channel in the skull's temporal bone that leads to the inner ear

closed fracture

a simple bone fracture with no open wound

motor unit

a single neuron & all the muscle fibers it stimulates comprise


a skin lesion caused by a virus of the human papillomavirus group; usually a raised bump


a sore associated with disintegration & death of tissue (it goes all the way through skin)


a spasm of the visceral muscles, severe abdominal pain

maintenance of posture

a steady partial contraction of muscle, known as muscle tone helps keep the body in position


a surface lesion


a tapping procedure done to drain or remove fluid from a joint


a term that means "muscular pain"


a thinner membrane that lines the bone's marrow cavity, contains cells that aid in the growth & repair of bone tissue


a type of lighted instrument known as an endoscope that a physician uses to examine injured joints & can also repair them surgically


above & near ear; closes jaw

levator ani

aids in defecation


aka DJD (degenerative joint disease) usually occurs in elderly people as a result of normal wear & tear; occurs mostly in joints in weight bearing hips, knees & spinal column


all muscle contraction requires energy in the form of ---, most of this energy is produced by the oxidation ("burning") of nutrients within the cell's mitochondria, especially the oxidation of glucose & fatty acids

hinge joint

allows forward or backward motion, the joint that moves like a door, found in legs, fingers and toes


along lateral neck, to mastoid process; flexes head; rotates head toward opposite side from muscle


an air-filled bony cavity


an exaggeration of the thoracic curve, "hunchback"


an excessive lumbar curve, "swayback" common in pregnant or overweight woman


an indication of damage, a mark on the skin that is left after a cut or other wound has healed


an inflammation of muscle tendons & their attachments


an injury to muscle tissue resulting from overstretching.


another name for a tumor


another name for clavicle

shoulder blade

another name for scapula


another name for wart, an epidermal tumor caused by human papilloma virus (genital warts)

biceps brachii

anterior arm along humerus, to radius; flexes forearm at elbow & supinates the forearm & hand

quadriceps femoris

anterior thigh, to tibia; extends leg


any muscle that performs a given movement

intercostal muscles

are attached to & fill the spaces between the ribs; the external & internal intercostals run at angles in opposite directions, contraction of intercostal muscles elevates the ribs, thus enlarging the thoracic cavity from side to side & anterior to posterior


are individual muscles arranged in bundles held together by fibrous connective tissue


arises in cartilage & usually appears in midlife

septic (infectious) arthritis

arises when bacteria spread to involve joint tissue, usually by way of the bloodstream (examples are invasive medical procedure, illegal drug use, injections) pathogens: staph, strep & neiserria

epiphyseal plate

around the time of birth, secondary bone- forming centers develop across the ends of the long bones


at the angle of jaw; closes jaw

ciliary glands

at the edge of eyelids

ischial spine

at the posterior of the pelvic outlet is used as a reference point during childbirth to indicate the progress of the presenting part down birth canal

tinea pedis

athelete's foot

skeletal muscles

attached to bones, long & cylindrical; multinucleated; HEAVILY STRIATED, voluntary control, produces movement at joints; stimulated by nervous system; contracts & relaxes rapidly

errector pili muscle

attached to most hair follicles is a thin band of involuntary muscle, when a person is frightened, or cold this muscle contracts, raising the hair & forming "goose bumps" on the skin "hair raiser"

vernix caseosa

babies are born with this covering (resembles cream cheese) produced by sebaceous glands "cheesy varnish"


baldness, is an expression of heredity & aging; influenced by male sex hormones


bands of fibrous connective tissue, help stabilize & reinforce joints at various points


bending motion that decreases angles between bones, as in bending the fingers to close the hand

open comedones


anterior & posterior fontanels

bone formations are incomplete "soft spots" on the infant's skull, closes at about 18 months


bone linking the scapula and sternum


bone matrix is produced by:


bone tissue softens due to lack of calcium salt formation; causes- vitamin D deficiency, renal disorders, liver disease.


bone-building cells; immature cells, manufacture matrix which is material located between cells- matures into osteocytes


bones are covered by connective tissue membrane called:


bones of the middle ear that carry sound vibrations, composed of the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup). The stapes connects to the oval window, which transmits the sound vibrations to the cochlea of the inner ear.

long bone formation

cartilage begins to turn into bone, epiphyseal plates develop across bone ends, bones continue to lengthen, bones stop lengthening, bone resorption & formation continues


caused by herniated disks, kidney infections, strains on the lumbosacral joint, infections or tumors & elderly osteoarthritis

herpes simplex virus

causes the formation of watery vesicles (cold sores & fever blisters) on skin & mucous membranes; Two Types.-Type 1 causes lesions around the nose & mouth & Type 2 is responsible for genital infections, often reoccuring


cells of the stratum corneum contain large amounts of a protein called

orbicularis oris

closes eye

sweat (sudoriferous) glands

coiled glands located in the dermis & subcutaneous tissue that vent directly to the skin surface or through hair follicles; release perspiration to cool body by evaporation, eliminate some soluble wastes


composed of keratin, develops in the follicle, grows from base of follicle

appendicular skeleton (body's "appendages")

consists of 126 bones & forms the framework for the extremities (limbs), shoulders & hips

axial skeleton (body's "axis")

consists of 80 bones- bony framework of the head & trunk


contagious skin disease caused by an itch mite burrowing under the skin


covers shoulder joint, to lateral humerus; abducts arm; flexes & extends arm at shoulder


crosses anterior thigh, from ilium to medial tibia; flexes thigh & leg (to sit crossed legged)


deep to biceps brachii, inserts at anterior elbow joint; forceful flexor of forearm


deepest layer of this connective tissue surrounds the individual fibers in the fascicles


developed from WBC, responsible for resorption or breakdown of bone tissue; necessary for bone remolding & repairs

muscles of respiration

diaphragm & intercostal muscles


disease caused by the same organism that causes chickenpox in children; infection follows nerve pathways, producing small, vesicular skin lesions along the course of nerve


disorder of bone formation, lack of ca++ salt deposits & decrease bone protein, increase breakdown bone tissue without increase in deposit of new bone by osteoblasts, bones become fragile & break easily, involves spine, pelvis & long bones- most postmenopausal female(decreased estrogen levels), Caucasian & Asian females

vertebral column

drum shaped anterior portion serves as the weight-bearing part; disks of cartilage between vertebral bodies absorb shock & provide flexibility, linked together by ligaments


either of two flat triangular bones one on each side of the shoulder= Shoulder blade

intercostal muscles

elevate ribs & enlarge thoracic cavity

orbicularis oris

encircles mouth; closes lips

erector spinae

extends vertebrae column to produce erect posture

external oblique

exterior abdominal wall muscles

muscles of abdomen & pelvis

external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis & levator ani


fatty acids are stored as this, formed into fat droplets, these droplets can be broken down into fatty acids when needed by muscle cells


fibrous protein that helps give the epidermis its protective properties



true ribs

first 7 pairs of ribs, attach directly to sternum by costal cartilages


flat (neither raised nor depressed) spot = freckle


flat, immovable joints which unite the skull bones: sagittal, coronal & lamboid


flattens cheeks


fleshy part of cheek; flattens cheek; helps in eating, whistling & blowing wind instruments

hair structure

follicle, shaft, root & errector pili muscle


foot is bent upward at the ankle, as walking on heels

Coccyx or tail bone (coccygeal vertebrae)

formed by 4 fused vertebrae, is a small triangle-shaped bone that attaches to the bottom of the sacrum


forms the anterior part of the os coxae


forms the upper, flared portion of pelvic bone


freely movable (synovial- gliding, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle& ball & socket joints)

tinea capitus

fungal scalp infection

muscles of lower extremities

gluteus maximus, sartorious, quadriceps femoris, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, hamstring group & gastronemius

muscular dystrophy

group of disorders in which there is deterioration of muscles that still have intact nerve function; causes weakness & paralysis

palms of hands, soles of feet, lips, nipples & parts of external genitalia

hairless regions

the structure of a long bone

has a long, narrow shaft, the diaphysis & 2 irregular ends, the epiphyses, the medullary cavity has yellow bone marrow


heel bone

ischial tuberosity

helps support trunk weight when a person sits down


highly contagious skin infection caused by streptococci or staphylococci organisms; marked by pustules that rupture and become crusted--most often occurs around the mouth and nostrils; honey-crusted lesions


hives (wheals), is an allergic reaction characterized by temporary appearance of elevated red patches

convulsion or seizure

if spasms occur in a series


immovable joint (fibrous- sutures)


important property of muscle tissue; a muscle fiber's capacity to undergo shortening, become thicker


in anatomic position, this bone lies laterally, above the thumb (fat bone w/ fat finger)


in anatomic position, this bone lies on the medial side of the forearm in line with the little finger (little bone W/ little finger)


in step; ball of foot

mammary glands

in the breasts

ceruminous (or cerumen) glands

in the ear canal that produce ear wax

internal oblique

in the middle


individual muscle fibers are arranged in bundles called

compact bone

is hard & dense; makes up the main shaft of a long bone & outer layer of other bones; located in rings of bone tissue called haversian canal (contains nerves & blood vessels)

the skeletal system

is made up of 206 bones, joints and supporting connective tissue; divided into 2 parts= axial & appendicular


is paleness of the skin, often caused by reduced blood flow or reduction in hemoglobin, as occurs in cases of anemia

iliac crest

is the curved rim along the ilium's superior border, it can be felt just below the waist


is the lowest & strongest part of pelvis


is the pigment that carries oxygen in red blood cells, gives blood its color & is visible through vessels in the dermis


is the wrenching of a joint with rupture or tearing of ligament; more severe than strains

sacrum (sacral vertebrae)

it is formed by the fusion of 5 vertebrae (S1-S5), a triangler bone below the last lumbar vertebra; completes the bony part of bony pelvis

spongy bone (cancellous)

it is made of a meshwork of small, bony plates filled with red marrow; it is found at the epiphyseal ends of long bones & center of other bones

pubic symphysis

joint becomes more flexible late in pregnancy to allow for passage of baby's head during childbirth


joint replacement



maintaining posture, walking, or swinging tennis racquet

large motor units are used for what


lateral forearm from distal end of humerus to distal end of radius; flexes forearm at elbow

vastus lateralis

lateral to rectus femoris, extends leg

2nd class lever

lever has the resistance located between the fulcrum & the effort; a wheelbarrow or a mattress lifted at 1 end

levator palpebrae superioris

lifter of the eyelid; opens eye (is the anatagonist for the orbicularis oculi)

foramen magnum

located at the base of occipital bone, is a large opening through which the spinal cord communicates with the brain


located at the posterior neck, where it helps to hold the head up

thoracic vertebrae (T1 to T12)

located in the chest, they are larger and stronger than the cervical vertebrae and have longer spinous process that points downward; second set of 12 vertebrae; they articulate with the 12 pair of ribs to form the outward curve of the spine; posterior ends of 12 pairs are attached to thoracic vertebrae

frontal sinuses

located in the frontal bone just above the eyebrows; an infection here can cause severe pain in this area,communicate with the nasal cavities,

lumbar vertebrae (L1- L5)

located in the small of the back

apocrine sweat glands

located mainly in the arm pits & groin area, these glands become active at puberty & release their secretions through hair follicles in response to emotional stress & sexual stimulation; body odor develops from the action of bacteria in breaking down these materials


material located between the cells


mature bone cells, consists of collagen, maintain & repair the existing bone matrix


metabolic process that does not require oxygen

latissimus dorsi

middle & lower back, to humerus; extends & adducts arm behind back

meibomian glands

modified sebaceous glands, are associated with the eye lashes & produce a secretion that lubricates the eyes


movement away from the midline of body, as in moving the arm straight out to the side


movement toward the midline of the body, as in bringing the arm back to its original position beside the body

fibromyalgia syndrome

muscle aches, tenderness, and stiffness along with fatigue and sleep disorders, difficult to diagnose and no cure

fascicles, endomysium, perimysium,& epimysium= all of these form the tendon

muscle structure

movement of skeleton

muscles attached to bones & contract to change postion of bones & joints

generation of heat

muscles generate most of the heat needed to keep the body at 37 degrees celsius; heat is a natural by product of muscle cell metabolism; example- when we shiver (rapid small contraction) this causes the muscles to boost their heat output

oxygen debt

muscles operating anaerobically are in a state of


muscular pain

1) bone 2) joint 3) applied by muscle

musculoskeletal system as a lever system 1) lever= 2) fulcrum= 3) force=


myosin head connects thick filaments and thin filaments during a contraction

motor impulses

nerve impulses coming from the brain & spinal cord stimulate skeletal muscle fibers (traveling away from the CNS)

rectus abdominis

of anterior abdominal wall

3rd class lever

of the 3 classes of levers, which 1 represents the action of most muscles?

mastoid process

of the temporal bone projects downward immediately behind the outer ear. It is a place for muscle attachments & contains air cells that make up the mastoid sinus


oily secretion, lubricates the skin & hair & prevents drying

saddle joint

one bone fits into a saddle-like depression on another bone, allows movement in 3 directions: flexion & extension, abduction & adduction, & rotation (examples are wrist & thumb)

pivot joint

one bone rotates in a ring of another, allows rotation only, joint between atlas and axis of cervical spine or proximal joint between the radius & ulna that allows rotation of forearm

greenstick fracture

one side of the bone is broken & the other is bent

transverse foramina

only the cervical vertebrae have this hole on each side to accomodate blood vessels & nerves that supply the neck & head

muscles of the head

orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, levator palpebra superioris, buccinator, temporalis & masseter

condyloid joint

oval-shaped projection of 1 bone fits into a oval-shaped depression on another bone, allows movement in 2 directions: flexion & extension / abduction & adduction (examples are joints between metacarpal bones & proximal phalanges of fingers)


overproduction of uric acid (normally excreted in the urine) deposited as masses around the joints, the joints become inflamed & extremely painful; commonly affects big toe but can involve any joint, commonly seen in men past midlife


pain & soreness along the tibia "shin bone"

parietal bones

paired bones forming most of the top & sides of cranium

temporal bones

paired bones forming part of side & base of skull; each bone has a bony prominence behind the ears that is called a mastoid process; each mastoid process contains mastoid sinus

palatine bones

paired bones forming posterior hard palate

zygomatic bones

paired bones forming the "cheek bones"

nasal bones

paired bones forming the bridge of the nose


paired bones fuse midline forming the upper jaw & anterior hard palate (roof of mouth), each bone contains a maxillary sinus, that communicates with the nasal cavity

inferior nasal conchae

paired bones located along lateral walls of nasal cavities

lacrimal bones

paired bones, each about the size of a fingernail, form anterior medial wall of eye orbit


palm of hand & knuckles

rectus femoris

part of quadriceps group, extends leg at knee

vastus intermedius (deep)

part of quadriceps group,extends leg

levator ani

pelvic floor; aids defecation

sebaceous (oil) glands

saclike glands, ducts open into hair follicles and secrete sebum to keep hair and skin lubricated and provide protection against both bacteria and drying

triceps brachii

posterior arm, to ulna; extends forearm to straighten upper extremity


posterior neck & upper back to clavicle & scapula; raises shoulder & pulls it back; superior portion extends & turns head

hamstring group

posterior thigh

functions of the integumentary system

protection against infection, protection against dehydration (drying), regulation of body temperature & collection of sensory information

autoimmune disorder

reaction to one's own tissue

blood cells

red bone marrow manufactures:


redness of the skin


reduction in bone density to below average levels


shedding of dead skin cells

frontal bone

single bone forming forehead, roof of eye socket, contains frontal sinuses


single bone forming the lower jaw, is the skull's only movable bone

occipital bone

single bone forming the posterior skull & base, contains foramen magnum for passage of spinal cord

sphenoid bone

single bone forming the skull base anterior to the temporal bones, contains sphenoid sinus, contains saddlelike depression called sella turcica which holds & protects the pituitary gland (superior view, resembles a bat with its wings extended)


single bone, shaped like the blade of a plow, forms the inferior part of nasal septum

acne vulgaris

skin condition that occurs most frequently during the teenage years at varying levels of severity. It is caused by obstruction of a hair follicle due to overgrowth of sebum and keratin debris, an overproduction of oil due to enlarged oil glands, and bacteria known as pimples- usually found on face, chest, and back

pressure ulcers

skin lesions that appear where the body rests on skin that covers bony projections


slightly movable (cartilaginous- joints between vertebrae)

movements of eyes- tying shoe laces, holding a pencil

small motor units are used in fine motor coordination, give an example


small, elevated lump in the skin, as in some stages of chicken pox or 2nd stage of syphilis; pimple


socket for the femur, the deep socket that holds the head of the femur (thigh bone) to form the hip joint

synaptic cleft

space between nerve cells where chemical transmitters act to move impulses from one neuron to the next.

1st class lever

the fulcrum is located between the resistance & effort; a seesaw or scissors

muscles of the neck

sternocleidomastoid & trapezius


stores additional oxygen, is similar to hemoglobin in blood, but is located specifically in muscle cells

creatine phosphate

stores energy; similar to ATP in that it has a high energy bond that releases energy when it is broken; this energy is used to make ATP for muscle contraction when muscle cell has used up its ATP


straightening motion that increase the angle between bones, as in straightening the fingers to open the hand


strong, painful muscle contractions, especially of the leg & foot

gluteus maximus

superficial buttock, to femur; extends thigh

pectoralis major

superior, anterior chest, to humerus; flexes & adducts arm

sagittal suture

suture joins the 2 parietal bones along the superior midline of cranium, along the sagittal plane

coronal suture (C for crown)

suture joins the frontal bone with the 2 parietal bones along the coronal plane

lambdoid suture (L for lay back)

suture joins the occipital bone with the parietal bones in posterior cranium

squamous suture (S for side)

suture joins the temporal bone to the parietal bone on the cranium's lateral surface

apocrine sweat glands

sweat glands located in the axillae & groin

malleus (hammer)

the 1st bone in the middle ear, shaped like a hammer, the handle-like part of it is attached to the tympanic membrane, the headlike part is connected to the 2nd bone-the incus

atlas (C1)

the 1st cervical vertebra, supports the head, nods the head, the skull rocks on this at the occipital bone

clavicle & scapula

the 2 bones of the shoulder girdle

ulna & radius

the 2 forearm bones

osteosarcomas & chondrosarcomas

the 2 tumors of bone

concentric & eccentric contractions

the 2 types of isotonic contractions

incus (anvil)

the 2nd bone in middle ear, is shaped like an anvil (an iron block used in shaping metal)

axis (C2) or dens

the 2nd cervical vertebra, projects into the atlas as a pivot point ; absence of vertebrae body allows for extra movement of head; only cervical vertebrae have a hole in transverse process on each side

epidermis, dermis & subcutaneous layer

the 3 layers of the skin

fibrous, cartilaginous & synovial joints

the 3 main joint types

ilium, ischium & pubis

the 3 pelvic bones

movement, maintenance of posture & generation of heat

the 3 primary functions of muscular system

kyphosis, lordosis & scoliosis

the 3 spinal curvatures

smooth, cardiac & skeletal

the 3 types of muscles

excoriation, laceration, ulcer & fissure

the 4 deeper lesions of skin

macule, papule, vesicle & pustule

the 4 surface lesions


the arm bone, bone extending from the shoulder to the elbow


the body part that the muscle puts into action

cartilaginous joint

the bones in this joint are connected by cartilage- example the joints between the bodies of the vertebrae

fibrous joint

the bones in this type of joint are held together by fibrous connective tissue- example is a suture between bones on skull= immovable

synovial joint

the bones in this type of joint have a potential space between them called a joint cavity, which contains a small amount of synovial fluid, most of the body joint are this type

12 pairs of ribs

the bones of the thorax form a cone shaped cage, these form the bars of this cage; these bones enclose & protect the heart, lungs & other organs in thorax

medullary cavity

the central portion -marrow cavity; the open area within the center of diaphysis of long bone


the conversion of cartilage to bone

stratum basale, or stratum germinativum

the deepest layer of epidermis, closest to the dermis, constantly dividing & producing new epithelial cells, which are pushed upward toward skin surface

herniated disk

the disks between the vertebrae of the spine consist of an outer ring of fibrocartilage & a central mass known as the nucleus pulposus; this central mass protrudes through a weakened outer cartilaginous ring into the spinal canal & puts pressure on spinal cord or nerves producing back spasms or pain along sciatic nerve that travels through the leg

3rd class lever

the effort is between the resistance & fulcrum. a forceps or tweezers

transversus abdominis

the innermost abdominal muscles

stapes (stirrups)

the innermost bone in middle ear is shaped like the stirrup of a saddle, the base of this is in contact with inner ear

achilles tendon

the largest tendon in the body, attaches the gastrocnemius muscle to the heel bone


the lateral leg bone to tibia, does not reach knee joint (little bone- little toe side)


the less movable attachment


the middle of the chest (connects the ribs), breastbone

skin cancer

the most common form of cancer in the United States


the most important muscle involved in act of breathing; forms the partition between the thoracic cavity above & the abdominal cavity below.

motor end plate

the muscle cell's receiving membrane

eccentric contractions

the muscle lengthens as it exerts force; slowly lowering book


the muscle that produces a movement opposite to that of the agonist "against" , a muscle that relaxes while another contracts

orbicularis muscles

the muscles of facial expression include ring-shaped "orbit" around the eyes & lips

orbicularis oculi

the muscles surrounding the eye; closes eye

arrector pili

the name of the muscle that raises the hair (goose bumps) is called


the narrow shaft of a long bone


the part of hair that projects above the skin

neuromuscular junction

the point at which a nerve fiber contacts a muscle cell is called:

neuromuscular junction (NMJ)

the point at which a nerve fiber contracts a muscle cell


the portion below the skin


the presence of carotene, usually in excess amounts, in the blood; yellowish red skin discoloration caused by excessive intake of carrots & other orange vegetables


the shaft of a long bone is called the:


the skin may take on a bluish discoloration when there is not enough oxygen in circulating blood

intercostal spaces

the spaces between the ribs

osseous tissues

the specialized tissue forming the bones.

action potential

the spreading wave of electric current; it calls the muscle cell into action


the storage form of glucose, a polysaccharide made of multiple glucose molecules that can be broken into glucose when needed by muscle cells

osteon (or haversian system)

the structural unit of compact bone is the:

root, cuticle.lunula, nail plate & free edge

the structure of the nail in order, starting with proximal end

plantar flexion

the toes point downward, as on toes like a ballerina

isotonic contractions

the tone or tension within the muscle remains the same, but the muscle length changes & the muscle bulges as it accomplishes work

deep fascia

the tough, fibrous sheath that encloses & defines a muscle

arm or upper limb

the upper extremity

comminuted fracture

there is more than 1 fracture line & the bone is splintered or crushed


thick & dark filaments of protein found in skeletal muscles; these give skeletal muscle its striated appearance

synovial fluid

thick, colorless fluid, resembles uncooked egg white and is secreted by the membrane that lines the joint cavity.


thigh bone


thin & light filaments of protein found in skeletal muscles

sliding filament mechanism

thin filaments slide over thick filaments simultaneously on each side of sarcomeres; shortens sarcomeres and muscle fibers, produces force that contracts the muscle

yellow marrow

this found chiefly in the central cavities of long bones; composed of mostly fat


this is the skin's main pigment, helps to protect against sunlight's damaging UV radiation

sternal angle

this is the slight elevation where the manubrium joins the body of the sternum; it can be easily felt as a surface landmark

xiphoid process

this is used as a landmark for CPR to locate the region for chest compression, the inferior portion of the sternum

red marrow

this marrow is found at the ends of long bones & at the center of others, manufactures blood cells

the rule of nines

this method is used to estimate percentages of body surface area (BSA) in treatment of burns


to waste away from lack of use; wasting or decrease in the size of a muscle when it cannot be used



integumentary system

together with blood vessels, nerves, sensory organs, the skin & associated structures form this

hyoid bone

tongue is attached to this bone; U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue muscles

muscles of upper extremities

trapezius, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, serratus anterior, deltoid, biceps brachii, brachialis, bracioradialis & triceps brachii

sensory impulses

traveling toward the CNS


turn palms down


turns palms up or forward, as if holding a "bowl of soup"


turns sole inward, so that it faces the opposite foot


turns the sole outward, away from body

gliding joint

two relatively flat bone surfaces slide over each other with little change in joint angle; found in tarsals and carpals

subcutaneous layer (hypodermis or superficial fascia)

underneath and supporting the dermis, this connects the skin to the underlying muscles, consists of loose connective tissue & large amounts of adipose (fat) tissue, helps to regulate body temperature.

stratum corneum

uppermost layer of epidermis or horny layer of the epidermis formed by the migrated, flattened cells of the basal layer.This layer consists of dead keratinized cells that are interwoven and closely packed. These cells are constantly being shed and are completely replaced with new cells from below; found on face, soles of the feet, & palms of the hands

cardiac muscles

wall of heart, branching networks; special membranes (intercalated disks) between cells; single nucleus; LIGHTLY STRIATED, involuntary control= pumps blood out of heart; self-excitatory but influenced by nervous system & hormones

smooth muscles

wall of hollow organs, vessels, respiratory, passageways; tapered at each end, branching networks, nonstriated; involuntary control= produces peristalsis; contracts & relaxes slowly; may sustain contraction

abdominal muscles are attached to other muscles & facial muscles are attached to the skin

what are the 2 exceptions in muscles being connected to bones?

isotonic & isometric

what are the 2 main types of muscle contraction?

excitability & contractility

what are the 2 properties of muscle cells that are needed for response to a stimulus?

superficial, superficial partial thickness, deep partial thickness & full thickness

what are the 4 different ways that depths of tissue destruction are categorized?

protection against infection, protection against dehydration, temperature regulation, and sensation.

what are the 4 most important functions of the skin?

epiphyseal plates

what are the centers for secondary growth of long bone called?


what compound is formed in oxidation of nutrients that supplies the energy for contraction?

skeletal muscles

what constitutes the largest amount of body's muscle tissue making up 40 % of total body weight?

actin & myosin

what filaments interact to produce muscle contraction?

the neuromuscular junction (NMJ)

what is the name of the special synapse where a nerve cell makes contact with a muscle cell?


what mineral is needed for interaction of the contractile filaments?

acetylcholine (ACh)

what neurotransmitter is involved in the stimulation of skeletal muscle cells?


when osteomalacia occurs in children; is usually caused by a deficiency of vitamin D

ribs & skull (cranium)

where are flat bones found?

arms & legs

where are long bones found?

carpals of wrist, tarsals of ankle

where are short bones found?

skin, hair, middle coat of eyeball, iris of eye & in certain tumors

where is melanin found in the body?

closed comedones





yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and whites of the eyes, caused by excessive levels of bilirubin in the blood (hepatitis, immaturity of liver in newborn)

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