Surface Mining1

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1. A mineral deposit that can be worked at a profit under existing economic conditions. a. ore b. waste c. gangue d. tails


10. The maximum slope at which any loose material will stand without sliding. a. angle of draw b. working slope c. angle of repose d. gradient


100. It is the BESR at the final pit limits. a. pit limit SR b. economic SR c. end of mine life SR d. break even SR


11. It is use to retard or contain falling boulders or rocks in open pit mining. a. roads b. berms c. switchback d. high wall


12. The horizontal rock shelf in open pit mining. a. berm b. bench c. crest d. mine road


13. A graduated measure used to determine or plot distances on a map. a. planimeter b. pantograph c. scale d. coordinates


14. The vertical distance between the crest and the toe. a. bench height b. digging height c. bank slope d. sub-grade


15. The distance between the explosive charge and the free face. a. burden b. spacing c. berm d. heave


16. The initial cut made in the floor of an open pit or quarry for the purpose of developing a bench at a level below the floor. a. drop cut b. burn cut c. down cut d. cut-outs


17. A device for directing a high-pressure jet of water in hydraulicking. a. monitor b. jet pierce c. water hose d. projector


18. The vertical and lateral extent to which the mining of a mineral deposit by open pit may be economically carried. a. pit limits b. ore boundary c. mine radius d. variogram


19. Unconsolidated deposits of detrital material containing valuable mineral. a. placer deposits b. outcrops c. coal seams d. bank deposits


2. Commonly considered as the surface exposure of a mineral deposit. a. vein b. outcrop c. stockworks d. bonanza


20. An open or surface working usually for the extraction of slate, limestone, etc. a. gratuity b. quarry c. agglomerate d. conglomerate


21. The separation of minerals in flowing stream of water. a. panning b. tabling c. sluicing d. hydraulicking


22. A road arrangement to surmount the grade of a steep climb in an open pit mine. a. switchback b. ramp out c. turnaround d. flatback


23. Amount of vertical rise or fall in 100 units of horizontal distance expressed in percent. a. grade b. percentile c. fall ratio d. rise ratio


24. The top edge of a bench in an open pit mine. a. crest b. toe c. berm d. bench slope


25. The ratio of the mass of a body to the mass of an equal volume of water at a specified temperature. a. moisture b. tonnage factor c. porosity d. specific gravity


26. Accumulation of broken rock as a result of blasting. a. boulders b. muckpile c. stockpile d. blast stock


27. Workhorse of the surface mining industry. a. power shovel b. dragline c. bulldozer d. excavator


28. The minimum economic tenor of ore. a. cut-off grade b. marginal grade c. milling grade d. mine grade


29. It is the ratio of overburden to ore at the ultimate boundary of the pit where the margin of profit approaches zero. a. break-even ratio b. stripping ratio c. ultimate ratio d. pit limit ratio


3. An excavation made on the earth to extract minerals. a. glory hole b. shaft c. mine d. dog hole


30. The volume of overburden to the weight of ore in an entire minable ore body. a. overall SR b. max. allowed SR c. pit limit d. break-even SR


31. It is the work involved in gaining knowledge of the size, shape, position and value of a mineral deposit. a. reconnaissance b. prospecting c. exploration d. kriging


32. It is the work of mining and marketing the ore. a. prospecting b. exploration c. exploitation d. development


33. In development drilling, a larger hole diameter is usually preferred because: a. it's faster b. it cost lower c. leads to higher recovery d. none of these


34. In evaluating a mineral property already studied by another engineer, what should your analysis focus on. a. his recommendations b. his conclusions c. his methodology d. his assumptions


35. What would you do first in evaluating an unexplored mining property. a. diamond drilling b. geological mapping c. exploratory tunneling d. all of these


36. To explore a horizontally lying deposit, how will you best position your holes. a. inclined at a steep angle b. inclined at a shallow angle c. vertical d. none of these


37. Grid pattern of drill holes is most applicable in evaluating this type of copper deposit. a. vein type irregular deposit b. contact metasomatic deposit c. porphyry type deposit d. all of these


38. Which of the following is a geophysical method of exploration. a. seismic survey b. gravity survey c. magnetic survey d. all of these


39. The diamond used as a cutting medium in diamond drilling is called: a. precious stone b. industrial diamond c. synthetic diamond d. none of these


4. Road grades are based on what criterion. a. soil properties b. truck performance c. pit slopes d. all of these


40. One optimizes the information from diamond drilling by: a. getting a high core recovery b. drilling in the appropriate locations c. accurate analysis of core samples d. all of these


41. Non-core drilling is often resorted to in the evaluation of fairly homogenous mineral deposits to: a. reduce costs b. facilitate the drilling program c. drill more holes d. all of these


42. What exploration method measures the velocity of sound waves through sub-surface material: a. seismic survey b. magnetic survey c. gravity survey d. none of these


43. What is meant by preventive maintenance? a. repair immediately after breakdown b. inspect the equipment as frequently as possible c. inspect the equipment on a regular basis d. allow breakdown before repairing


44. Which of the following is a key factor in deciding when to switch to underground mining from an existing open pit mine? a. stripping ratio b. effect on the environment c. all of these d. effect on surrounding communities


45. What is breakdown maintenance? a. repair equipment before it breaks down b. inspect equipment at regular basis c. change equipment parts even when in running condition d. none of these


46. A truck working in an open pit mine for 480 hours during a month was under repair for 60 hours and on standby for 180 hours. What is the effective utilization of the truck? a. 89% b. 92% c. 67% d. 73%


47. A truck can position and be filled by a shovel in 4 minutes. It takes 12 minutes to travel and dump its contents and travel back again to the shovel. How many trucks do you need to keep the shovel busy, with a little waiting time for trucks? a. 4 trucks b. 3 trucks c. 5 trucks d. 6 trucks


48. An excavator worked 500 hours a month, was under repair for 100 hours, and on stand-by for 50 hours. What was the shovel physical availability? a. 84.6% b. 83.3% c. 90.0% d. 76.9%


49. How many long tons are there in a short ton? a. 1.12 b. 1.10 c. 0.89 d. 0.91


5. The best truck road gradient is between the range of: a. 7 - 12 % b. 8 - 15% c. 8 - 12% d. 7 - 15%


50. On a day, a shovel operates for 15 hours, on stand-by for 5 hours and was on repair the rest of the day. What is its effective utilization? a. 62.5% b. 83.3 c. 61.5% d. 82.3%


51. A dragline runs for 10 hours, on standby for 4 hours, and under repair for the rest of the day. What is the mechanical availability? a. 50% b.41.7% c. 16.7% d. none of these


52. In an open pit mine ramp system with an 8% ramp grade, how many meters must a truck travel to cover a vertical distance of 500 meters? a. 3593 m. b. 6250 m. c. 625 m. d. 40 m.


53. A large porphyry copper deposit has been explored by drilling a grid pattern with 80 drill holes at 100 meters deep of mineralized zone averaging 0.8% Cu, 10 DH of 80 meter thickness averaging 1.5% Cu, and 10 DH of 90 meters thickness averaging 0.6% Cu. What is the average grade of the deposit? a. 0.80% b. 1.00% c. 1.50% d. none of these


54. What distinguishes an ore deposit from a mineral deposit? a. geology b. economic viability c. mining method d. size


55. A cord which burns at a definite speed and is commonly used to initiate a plain detonator or blasting cap. a. detonating cord b. igniter cord c. safety fuse d. none of these


56. In rock mechanics and geostatistical logging, RQD means: a. rock quality description b. ratio of qualified diameter c. rate of quantity direction d. rock quality designation


57. A collective term used for all fractures in a rock mass such as joints, faults that have relatively low tensile strength. a. structure b. discontinuity c. lineation d. fracture plan


58. The percent increase in volume occupied by a given mass of solid material after it has been blasted or broken is called? a. swell factor b. powder factor c. expansion ratio d. heave


59. Circular failures in slopes are examples of? a. raveling b. soil failure c. piping d. groundwater


6. A failure that occurs below the toe of the bank. a. base failure b. slip circle failure c. slope failure d. toppling failure


60. The vertical distance drilled below bench floor. a. drill depth b. sub-grade c. free face d. stemming


61. The horizontal distance between the bench toe and crest at the same elevation. a. berm width b. road width c. bench height d. ramp width


62. A GPS is an instrument used to determine what? a. rock strength b. rock hardness c. geographical location d. soil bearing capacity


63. The physical weight ratio of blasting agent to the material blasted. a. swell factor b. fillability c. powder factor d. blastability


64. In open pit blasting, a rock that is thrown at an excessive distance from the blast site is called? a. heave b. fly rock c. muck d. throw


65. The failure of an explosive charge to explode when detonated is called? a. bootleg b. misfire c. hangfire d. implusion


66. The vertical measurement of the blasting agent in the drill hole. a. stemming b. sub-grade c. explosive column d. deck load


67. A pit slope failure caused by geological discontinuity that strikes parallel to the slope face and dips into the excavation at an angle lower than the bank slope is known as? a. circular failure b. base failure c. wedge failure d. plane failure


68. In open pit mine planning, what do you call the factor used in converting the volume of a material into weight or tonnage? a. tonnage factor b. swell factor c. powder factor d. volume ratio


69. It is an applied science in the study of the mechanical behavior of rocks and rock masses is called? a. geomechanics b. rock mechanics c. geostatistics d. geology


7. The area of the cross-section of an ore body is determined by: a. pantograph b. transit c. planimeter d. GPS


70. In open pit mine planning and design, bench heights are designed based on what parameters? a. size of shovels and haul trucks b. size of drills and blasting pattern c. distribution of grades and variograms d. rock characteristics


71. A blasting method used in narrow veins to minimize dilution. a. double blasting b. overhand blasting c. secondary blasting d. mud capping


72. That part of the resource that can be exploited economically. a. in-situ resource b. mineable reserve c. geologic reserve d. inferred reserve


73. Reserve calculation method wherein drillhole influence extends halfway to adjacent sample. a. inverse distance b. kriging c. polygon d. triangle method


74. It allows computation of error bounds on precision of grade estimates taking into account the sample variability and geometry as well as size of blocks. a. geostat b. inmarsat c. seismic survey d. block modeling


75. The value of the semi-variogram for a _____________ between samples is equal to one-half the average square difference between sample values. a. correlation b. distance c. difference d. direction


76. In the variogram, it is the measure of variability in small distances. a. sill b. nugget c. range d. krige


77. The distance at which the variogram levels off at its plateau value. a. sill b. nugget c. range d. krige


78. It is a measure of the inclination of a ramp or road system in an open pit mine. a. percent inclination b. angle of repose c. gradient d. bank slope


79. It is the most costly equipment part of truck hauling. a. engine b. tyres c. dump box d. axles


8. Which of the following is classified as continuous mining. a. shovel b. dredging c. scraper d. dragline


80. In equipment selection, equipment are manufactured for ______________ . a. a specific duty b. all types of work c. all types of mines d. all of these


81. It is a gauge of the minimum working area for a truck haulage equipment. a. throw & heave b. operating radius c. berm width d. ramp grade


82. Rail track haulage is applicable for gradients in the following range. a. 4 - 6% b. 0 - 3% c. 0 - 6% d. 7 - 12%


83. Truck haulage gradients should be in the following range. a. 8 - 12% b. 7 - 15% c. 6 - 10% d. none of these


84. It can dig its own load, transport it, and spread the load in the dump area. a. bull dozer b. grader c. compactor d. scraper


85. Haulage equipment used when truck inclines are prohibitive and walls are steep. a. rail - track b. inclined skipways c. belt conveyors d. scrapers


86. Tractor trailer type rear dump trucks are sometimes called. a. compactors b. rockers c. stoners d. haulers


87. Hauling equipment designed for handling bulky and heavy blasted material. a. belt conveyors b. track-rail c. trucks d. scapers


88. It is the workhorse in the maintenance of mine haul roads. a. compactors b. scrapers c. motor graders d. dozers


89. Equipment that is preferred in pioneering mine works. a. dozers b. motor graders c. scrapers d. compactors


9. A failure that occurs intermediate between the crest and the toe. a. base failure b. slip circle failure c. slope failure d. toppling failure


90. Ore reserve calculation method that uses three points in calculating thickness of ore. a. polygon b. triangle c. kriging d. inverse distance


91. Ore reserve calculation that uses length and direction in weighing. a. polygon b. triangle c. kriging d. inverse distance


92. In ore reserve calculation, estimation should be a function of the specific properties of the deposit within which the block is located. a. polygon b. triangle c. kriging d. inverse distance


93. Defined as the delineation of the size, mineral content, and disposition of the ore body by drilling boreholes. a. exploratory drilling b. boundary drilling c. confirmatory drilling d. development drilling


94. The validity of an analytical ore model must ultimately be determined by what? a. statistical tests b. geologic interpretation c. using computer softwares d. mine planning


95. Data collection wherein lithology, alteration, mineralization, structures are noted. a. geostatistics b. borehole logging c. geologic logging d. core drilling


96. BQ core sizes are approximately equal to? a. 27 mm b. 85 mm c. 36 mm d. 47 mm


97. ROI in mining equipment is very important. What is ROI? a. ratio of income b. rolling out income c. rate of investment d. return of investment


98. Superelevation also means what? a. higher elevation than the projected and surveyed elevation b. maximum elevation of the boom of a power shovel c. graded at an angle to allow flow of water to certain direction d. elevated to a height beyond the allowed gradient of tracks.


99. A muck of material placed at the crest of haul roads. a. safety rocks b. safety berms c. safety measures d. safety guide

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