Survey of Biology - Exam 2

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G1 checkpoint

Apoptosis can occur if DNA is damaged beyond repair

interphase parts:

G1, G0, S, G2,

The Centriole

Hold the sister chromatids and move to opposite sides of the nucleus to make the spindle


If the cell doesn't need to replicate then it may stay in the interphase

M checkpoint

Mitosis stops until chromosomes are properly aligned

g2 checkpoint

Mitosis will not occur until DNA has replicated

Parts of mitotic phase:

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis.

S (synthesis phase)

The DNA is replicated from a single chromosome, to a pair of identical chromosomes called sister chromatids


The cell grows and makes the proteins that will be needed during Mitosis

The Metaphase

The chromosomes align at the spindle equator (middle of cell) and the spindle sends microtubules towards the centromeres of the sister chromatids

The Anaphase

The sister chromatids separate into daughter chromatids and the microtubules from the spindles pull the the daughter chromatids to opposite sides


When the cell is no longer viable. The cell undergoes Apoptosis and is destroyed

extracellular matrix

a network of proteins and polysaccharides that connect animal cells

All cells have what in common?

a plasma membrane made out of phospholipids, a semifluid interior (cytoplasm -> where chemical reaction occur), Genetic material (DNA) that provides the information needed for cellular activities (including growth and reproduction)

cytoskeleton is mostly made up of ____

actin filaments

transport proteins

actively transport things that wouldn't normally be allowed to pass the membrane (transport things like sodium and potassium)


acts as a workbench in both Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells.

cell recognition proteins

allow our bodies to distinguish between our cells and foreign cells (example: glycoproteins on the outside of red blood cells)

junction proteins

allows cells to communicate and work together. This lets cells work together to make tissues (example: bladder cells working together to cold urine in the bladder)

receptor proteins

allows the body to signal for changes in cells using chemical reactions

Mitochondria is found in ____

animal cells

the difference between plant and animal cells in the cell cycle:

animals cells form a cleavage furrow and split, plant cells form a cell plate between the two new cells.

with the loss of telomeres, the DNA eventually becomes too short to be replicated and the cell dies via ____


What domains do prokaryotic cells typically fall into?

bacteria and archaea

the cell reproduces via ____

binary fission


break down/digest things for the cell

cellular reproduction: what does it do and why do we need it?

cells need to be able to reproduce so we can heal and mate.

The types of membrane proteins:

channel proteins, transport proteins, cell recognition proteins, receptor proteins, enzymatic proteins, junction proteins

cells can move with the help of specialized organelles called ____ and ____

cilia and flagella


collections of microtubules the cell uses to make more complex structures for cell division and cellular movement

are eukaryotic cells simple or complex?


The nucleus

contains chromatin, made of dna and rna

golgi apparatus

creates lysosomes, Vesicles, and Vacuoles

enzymatic proteins

directly participate in metabolic reactions (speeds them up)

smooth ER

does not have ribosomes, synthesizes lipids, for transport vesicles.


enzymes that move phosphate around and are need to increase the speed of getting energy from molecules

True or false?: eukaryotic cells do not contain organelles


channel proteins

form a tunnel which allow select molecules through the membrane (example: aquaporins allow in water)

The plasma membrane has _____ groups on the outside


The plasma membrane has _____ groups on the inside



in charge of all energy generation for the cell known as cellular respiration.


in charge of photosynthesis in plants

Why are chromosomes made of zig-zag patterned looped chromatins?

in order to save space in the nucleus


interconnected protein filaments that provide structure inside the cells (a lot like bones in people)

The cell cycle parts:

interphase and mitotic phase

malignant tumors

invade other cells and may travel through the blood or lymphatic vessels to start new tumors elsewhere in the body

Chloroplast also has it's own ____


Mitochondria has it's own ____ and is ____ inherited

membrane and dna; maternally

the spindle is made out of ____


cell wall

more rigid and provides extra protection for the cell at the cost of flexibility

vesicles get moved around the cell via _____ that walk along ____

motor proteins; actin filaments


move in undulating snakelike fashions


move stiffly like an oar

vesicles and vacuoles

move things in the cell and allow for things to be secreted from the cell

do prokaryotic cells have a nucleus?

no, they have a nucleoid

mitotic phase

phase in which cell division actually occurs

Chloroplast is found in _____

plant cells

cell walls are in ____

plant cells

What are the two types of eukaryotic cells?

plant cells and animal cells

The plasma membrane has a _____ head and a ______ tail

polar head; non-polar tail

What are the two types of cells?

prokaryotic and eukaryotic


proteins inside the cell that the cell needs to continue the cycle

what makes up the endomembrane system?

ribosomes, nuclear envelope, and Golgi apparatus

Are prokaryotic cells simple or complex?



small hollow cylinders that can be easily edited by the cell to all things to move around the cell without a vesicle

Endoplasmic reticulum

smooth ER and rough ER

Each time the DNA is replicated ____ are lost


Before cellular reproduction can take place:

the cell goes through chemical reactions to duplicate the chromosome


the cell hordes resources and grows, eventually doubling all of its organelles

unrestrained cellular reproduction leads to _____

the creation of a tumor


the development of cancer


the last base sequences on the DNA strand

What is the nucleus' membrane called?

the nuclear envelope

The Prophase

the spindle assembles and the nuclear envelope fragments

Telophase and Cytokinesis

the spindles begin to disappear and the nuclear envelope begins to reappear around the daughter chromatids

There are _____ major checkpoints that the cell uses to make sure it is ready to move on to the next step in the cycle.


Sometimes phospholipids can be ____ tailed


the centriole is made out of ____

two centrioles

sister chromatids

two duplicates of chromosomes

cancers have what in common?

unrestrained cellular reproduction

The Spindle

used by animal cells to pull chromatids apart

benign tumors

usually contained within a capsule and therefore usually don't invade nearby cells

Rough ER

where the ribosomes sit, modifies polypeptides when they are created and forms transport vesicles

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