Survey of Visual Arts- Chapter 2

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What is one way a society demonstrates the value of art and artists?


Cultural Style Period Style School Style

- Aztec style - Gothic Style - Impressionist style

Which of the following characteristics describe Claude Monet's career and his relationship to the art world?

- He was able to achieve extraordinary financial and critical success - He belonged to a group of Parisian art students

According to some theories what formal qualities contribute to the perception of beauty?

- Pure colors - Symmetry - Simple geometric shapes

How can Kara Walker's use of space in her installation A Subtly be characterized?

- She gave the public access to a space where they had never been allowed before. - She connected a single physical space to a broad range of social

Both abstract and naturalistic styles of art are used by past sculptors to create works honoring the kingdom's rulers. Which characterizations of Yoruba kingdom of life sculptors are true?

- They were created in both abstract and naturalistic styles. - Works of art were made in pairs so to represent both the physical and spiritual reality of the subject.

In his composition of Piano Lesson, Henri Matisse used formal elements including:

- a balance of colors - repetition of shapes

In the royal courts of 16th-century Mughal India

- artists lived in residence and were paid a monthly salary - young apprentices studied with master artists to develop skills and establish their own positions and expertise

Determining the context of a work of art

- begins with the objects of events the work depicts - helps with understanding its meaning

Determining the content of a work of art

- helps with understanding its meaning - begins with the objects of events the work depicts

One could conclude from the popularity of outsider art during the 20th century that there has been a collapse of the distinction between ___ and ____.

- high - low

Works of art made specifically to be presented in museums and galleries

- often question the implications of such a specialized context - can lose context when removed to another setting

Trompe L'oell works of art can are described as

- representational - convincingly lifelike

What characterized Felix Gonzales-Torre's 1995 Untitled?

- viewers of the piece were invited to come to their own conclusions about its meaning - the collector who purchased it purchased the idea, not the physical object.


A characteristic or group of characteristics that are constant, recurring, or coherent

Which of the following statements about artists is true?

All artists develop an individual style

What is part of the iconography of Amida Nayori?


___ is what a work of art is about.


What is at the root of Louise Bourgeois's artwork?

Deep emotions connected to childhood

Which of the following paintings by Pablo Picasso demonstrates his ability to paint in a representational style?

First Communion


Identifying and describing subject matter in art

What is an art form that is a space and is presented as a work of art that can be entered, explored, experienced, and reflected on?


What best describes Sonia Delaunay's Electric Prisms?

It is non-objective

Which of the following styles did Pablo Picasso not work in?


Which of the following best describes the performance of Joseph Beuys's How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare?

Questioning an artists role in a materialistic society and possibly suggesting change to a more spiritual existence

When in history did the approach of artists by and large shift from a focus on the production of objects in a specialized realm, to focus on questions about the artistic process itself?

The 20th century

Which of the following characteristics added to the fame of the Mona Lisa in Leonardo's lifetime?

The Mona Lisa had an almost lifelike appearance.


The way an artwork looks and material it is made of


The web of connections that an artwork has to the artist and the larger world

Which well-known artist lived a meager life, struggling to find funds even for basic art supplies, only to have his paintings sell for millions of dollars after his death.

Vincent Van Gogh

subject matter

What is depicted in the artwork


What the artwork is about as intended by the artist

Art that uses the appearance of the world only as a starting off point and is then further radically stylized, so that is may not be immediately recognizable, is described as


The philosophical field of ___ asks questions about nature of art and its audiences.


When discussing the ___ of this tea bowl, some cultures may find it pleasing or not pleasing, whereas in Japan it can be appreciated based on its wabi and sari.


Titian painted this Assumption specifically to be presented

as part of a large and elaborate central altarpiece.

Andres del Vercocchio's David was ___ by Piero de Medici, one of the wealthiest and most influential men in 15th-century Florence.


During the 1960s, idea-based art, for example a work of art where the artist sells or creates an idea rather than something tangible, came to be called ___ art.


Analyzing an artist's journals and letters for biographic details that impact our understanding of a work of art is an example of establishing.


To understand art, we must consider the ___ conditions that give rise to art.


All representational art is naturalistic.


Seeing Akan linguist's staff in a museum will give the viewer a good idea of how the mask was viewed by the society that produced it.


The role of art and understanding of its role in society has been consistent throughout history.


Until the introduction of photography, images were made by


In Western art, the representation of low burning candle is understood to depict the passage of time. This analysis is an example of


The study of ___, which involves identifying, describing, and interpreting subject matter in art, is an important activity of art scholars.


___ is the identification , description, and interpretation of background information related to the subject matter of a work of art


Vincent Van Gogh spoke of art as something that exists

in an ideal realm

Artists seek out ___ in many different places and in many different forms.


Art that decried any use of the visible world as a starting point for art began at the beginning of the 20th century and was known as ___ art.


Beauty and art were discussed together during the 18th century because both were felt to provide ___.


Writers and poets of the 19th century were mesmerized by the Mona Lisa's ___, writing articles, stories, and poems that attracted crowds of visitors to a new installation at the Louvre.


The term ___ helps us to categorize art by its appearance and refers to a characteristic or group of characteristics that we recognize as constant, recurring, or coherent.


Representational art that conforms to a set of conventions for depicting of the world is described as being


The content of Henri Matisse's Music Lesson can be best summarized as

the pleasure of music, its social and sensuous side

Which of the following symbols suggest that the Amolfini Double Portrait could be a wedding portrait?

the shoes

A ___ shape, based on the from form of a metronome, is echoed throughout Henri Matisse's composition of Piano Lesson.


The French term, ___ ___, describes convincingly lifelike works of art that momentarily trick the eye as to appear real.

trompe l'oeil

What is the content of Jan van Eyck's painting Amolfini Double Portrait as accepted by contemporary art historians?

we may never know what the painting signified to its original audience.

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