Public land survey system (PLSS) typically divides land into _
6 mile square townships
How close your answer is to the exact answer
PLSS also divides land into one-mile square sections. The area of a section is: One square mile 640 acres Four quarter sections All of the above
All of the above
When surveying, angles can be measured by distances using: Tape Trig trilateration all of the above
All of the above
_ direction angles are measured in the clockwise direction from north
In surveying leveling procedure a _ is a differential elevation of a point BEHIND the INSTRUMENT
N 86° 59' 59'' E is an example of a _ direction angle
A bearing is a direction measured clockwise from north
All engineer levels measures horizontal distances
Geodetic surveying assumes that the surveyed surface is projected onto a rectangular mathematical surface
True north is the point on the earth where the north pole of the earth's natural magnetic field is located
Which of the following are primary cardinal directions? North South East West Azimuth Bearing
North, South
The way to correct mistakes in surveying field note and level book entries is to _
Strike through
A plat is a plan, map, or chart of a piece of land with actual or proposed features included on it.
An error is any difference between true value and measured value. A mistake is one type of error cause by human blunders.
Azimuth directions do not include quadrant reference ie N 59 E
In the US surveying is a profession regulated in every state by a governing board
Precision is a measurement of repeatability. If the equipment has certain errors associated with a particular measurement, that measurement will not be accurate but easily may be repeatable.
Topographic surveys collect 3D info. They show the curvatures of the land i.e. valleys, riverbeds, mountains
In surveying, what is north: True Grid Magnetic A star isogonic declination
True, grid, magnetic
A _ is an intermediate point in a leveling procedure with a calculated elevation
Turning Point
Magnetic declination _ is the angle between true north and magnetic north varies with both longitude and latitude drifts all of the above
all of the above
The two basic categories of surveying are _ and _
boundary, engineering
In surveying, elevations are always referenced to some kind of _
Boundary surveying locates _ or man-made changes such as buildings, fences, and roads
Surveying is a learned, licensed, self-policing profession dealing primarily with _ measurement and _ law
NCEES is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing professional _ for engineers and surveyors
Meridians of _ converge at the poles and determine East-West position
What is the core of the science of surveying
Electronic distance measurement uses _ of infrared light to measure distances
Horizontal distances are always determined so that all measurements are on the same _
Plane surveying assumes all horizontal measurements are taken on a single _ and all vertical measurements are relative to that _, thereby allowing for all calculations to be done using _ trigonometry
Surveying is a _ regulated in every state by a _ board
profession, governing
Geodetic surveying assumes that the surveyed surface is projected onto a "_" mathematical surface
Any line passing through one and only one point on the circle is a _
7 types of surveying
topographic, hydrographic, route, property, final, aerial, and construction
Plane surveying assumes a fixed _ datum as part of _ coordinates in 3D space
vertical, cartesian