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So, how do you know Britney? Have you tried the muffins Emily made? Are you enjoying yourself? It looks like you could use another drink. Pretty nice place, isn't it? I love your dress! Can I ask where you got it?

Honnan is ismered Britney-t? Megkóstoltad már a muffint, amit Emily sütött? Jól érzed magad? :) Úgy tűnik rád férne még egy ital! Jó kis hely, nem igaz? Tetszik a ruhád. Megkérdezhetem, hogy hol vetted?

I didn't think it would be so busy today! The bus must be running late today! It looks like we're going to be here a while! How long have you been waiting?

Nem is gondoltam, hogy ekkora forgalom lesz ma! Ma egész biztos, hogy késni fog a busz! Úgy néz ki itt leszünk még egy darabig! Mióta vársz?

Doctor: Good morning, Mr Morgan! Man: Good morning! Doctor: How do you feel, Mr Morgan? Man: Not very well. Doctor: What's your problem? What can I do for you? Man: I have a terrible headache. I'm coughing and my nose is running. Doctor: Do you have a fever? Man: No, fortunately I don't have a fever but sometimes I feel a bit dizzy. Doctor: I see. Get undressed, please. I have to examine you. Man: All right. Doctor: Well, I don't see anything serious, but I think you should stay at home for a few days. You shouldn't go to work. You should drink a lot of hot tea, but you shouldn't drink any cold drinks. If you feel worse, come back. Man: Thank you. Do I have to take any medicine? Doctor: Yes, you have to take these pills three times a day always before your meals. Man: All right. Thank you very much. Bye! Doctor: Bye!


Shop assistant: Good morning! What can I do for you? Woman: I would like to change this sweater. Shop assistant: Was there any problem with it? Woman: It was a gift from my husband and the sleeves are a bit too long for me. Shop assistant: I see. No problem, Madam. Do you have the receipt? Woman: Yes, here it is. Shop assistant: Thank you. Would you like a smaller size or you want to choose something else from the shop? Woman: I'd like to try on a smaller size. Shop assistant: In the same colour? Woman: Yes, please. Where is the changing room? Shop assistant: Over there, next to the cash desk. Woman: I think it fits me much better. Shop assistant: Yes, it looks great on you. And the colour suits you as well. Woman: Thank you for your help.


Travel Agent:Good morning. Take a seat, please. How can I help you? Woman: Good morning. I browsed through your catalogue, and I'd like to book a holiday. Travel Agent: Where would you like to go? Woman: I'd like to go to Sicily. Travel Agent: All right. When would you like the holiday for? Woman: Some time during the last two weeks in August. Travel Agent: How long are you going to stay? Woman: I would like to stay for a week. Travel Agent: What type of accommodation would you prefer? Woman: I prefer hotel accommodation in a double room, I'm going with my husband. Travel Agent: All right. So, a double room with breakfast. Woman: If you have anything all inclusive, I'd go for that. Travel Agent:Certainly. You mean full-board pension. Woman:That's right. Travel Agent:Ok, we have a 4-star hotel, right on the beach that offers all inclusive holidays. It is situated in Giardini Naxos, just 10 kilometres away from Taormina. Woman:Could you tell me something about the hotel facilities? Travel Agent:There is a swimming pool with a sun terrace and free sun loungers in the garden. There is also a pool bar, which is open all day long and also serves snacks. The hotel has a 24-hour reception. Woman:How much is it per night? Travel Agent:It costs 112 Euros per night. Woman:Per person or per room? Travel Agent:Per room. Woman:That's not bad. I'd like to book it now. Travel Agent:How would you like to pay? In cash or by credit card? Woman:In cash. Can you arrange a flight to Sicily, too or shall we book it for ourselves? Travel Agent:Yes, of course. Do you want me to arrange that for you, too? Woman:Yes, please.


Looking forward to the weekend? Have you worked here long? I can't believe how busy/quiet we are today! It's been a long week, hasn't it? You look like you could use a cup of coffee! What do you think of the new computers?

Várod már a hétvégét? Régóta dolgozol itt? El se hiszem milyen elfoglaltak vagyunk ma/csönd van ma! Hosszú volt a hét, nemde? Úgy látom, rád férne egy csésze kávé! Mi a véleményed az új számítógépekről?

Booking clerk: Odeon Cinemas Customer: I'd like to book two tickets for tomorrow. Booking clerk: Matinée or evening? Customer: Evening, for the 8 o'clock show. Booking clerk: Where would you like to sit? Customer: Somewhere in the middle. Booking clerk: There are 13 rows, and I can book you two seats in the middle of row 9. Customer: That's all right. Booking clerk: Ok, then two tickets for the 8 o'clock show tomorrow. Two seats in the middle of row 9. Customer: Certainly. Thank you very much. Booking clerk: Bye. Customer: Bye


Reservations clerk: British Airways, good morning. How can I help you? Woman: I´d like some information on flights to London, please. Reservations clerk:Certainly, Madam. When would you like to leave? Woman:Sometime between the 25th and 30th of May. Reservations clerk:Well, let me check... we have a 19:00 flight on the 26th of May. Woman:Good. I need a return ticket. Reservations clerk:When would you like to come back? Woman:Around the 10th of July. Reservations clerk: Let me see... we have a flight on the 10th of July, leaving at 20:30. Woman:That will be perfect. Reservations clerk:That will be 200 pounds for the return ticket, excluding taxes. Woman:Is there a stop-over? Reservations clerk:No, it's a direct flight to London. Woman: All right. Please book me on the flights. My name's Samantha Collins. Reservations clerk:Economy, premium economy, business or first class? Woman:Economy class will be fine.


Man: I'd like a ticket to London, please. Railway Station Clerk: Which station? Man: Liverpool Street Station. Railway Station Clerk: A one-way ticket or a return ticket? Man: A return ticket. Railway Station Clerk: When do you want to return? Man: I'm not sure. I would prefer an open-return ticket. Railway Station Clerk: All right, first or second class? Man: First class. How much is it? Railway Station Clerk: First class is £80. Man: Where does the train leave from? Railway Station Clerk: From platform 9. Man: ... and when exactly? Railway Station Clerk: At 10.35 am. Man: Excuse me, just one more question. When does it arrive in London? Railway Station Clerk: At 13.34 pm.


Customs Officer: Good morning! Can I see your passport? Woman: Here you are. Customs Officer: Are you a tourist or on business? Woman: I'm on business. I'm going back next week. Customs Officer: Ms Collins, do you have anything to declare? Woman: No, I don't have anything to declare. Customs Officer: All right. Could you open your suitcase, please? Woman: Certainly. Customs Officer: You have items of alcohol which are not permitted in our country. Woman: Sorry, I was not aware of the law. Customs Officer: I am sorry, but we will have to confiscate them. Woman: Can I claim compensation on the items? Customs Officer: Sorry, that is not possible. Woman: I am not happy. Can I see someone in charge? Customs Officer: I am sorry Miss, but I am in charge. Woman: Okay, just take the item so I can get out of here.


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