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Define Treason (3)

1. Levying war against US 2. Giving enemies aid and comfort 3. Requires testimony of 2 witnesses or confession

Types of texas courts

1. Municipal 2. County 3. State 4. Federal

Third amendment

1. No quartering of soldier in peacetime, and none in war without law

Roles of constable (4)

1. Peace officer 2. JP court security 3. Service of civil paperwork 4. Patrol and investigate crimes (sometimes)

What are two ways LEO can reduce crime?

1. Presence 2. reducing crime hazards

What are the objectives of patrol? (5)

1. Preserve peace by presence and action 2. Prevent crime by opportunity reduction 3. Supress crime by timely response 4. Apprehend suspects 5. regulate non criminal conduct by good relationships

What is the duty of a peace officer?( Article 2.13 CCP)

1. Preserve peace within officers jurisdiction 2. Prevent/suppress crime 3. Execute all lawful processes 4. Arrest offenders/bring before court

Article 2 - Executive branch (3)

1. President 2. Commander in chief of army/navy 3. State of union

Two parts of preventative patrol

1. Preventative enforcement 2. Selective patrol (specific problems/ violations)

What does silhouetting provide the suspect? (2)

1. knowledge of how many officers, fire power, approach 2. allows to plan course of action

What are the negative consequences of ineffective public service?

1. lack of trust/respect 2. reduced bugetary support 3. INCREASED CITIZEN COMPLAINTS

Disadvantages of foot patrol

1. mobility is restricted 2. communications may be inadequate

How should you be familiar with known offenders? (6)

1. nicknames 2. habits 3. types of crimes 4. what vehicles they drive 5. TCIC/NCIC info (tx crime info center) 6. KNOWING THESE FACTORS INCREASES CHANCE OF ARREST

Basic categories of POLICE hazards (4)

1. persons 2. property 3. places 4. situations

what is crime prevention (2)

1. proactive anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of crime risk. 2. Action needed to remove/reduce risk

What are the major PATROL hazards? (3)

1. silhouetting 2. telltale noises 3. suspects hands

What is the officers response time determined by? (4)

1. size of area 2. familiarity of area 3. type of complaint 4. availability of officers

Interview techniques for one officer two or more persons

1. speak to person being interview - dominant personality 2. maintain reactionary gap 3. Maintain observations of persons 4. MOVE AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT PERSONS FROM SURROUNDING OFFICER 5. separate suspects if interview becomes investigative

3 phases of cycle of violence

1. tension building: hostility escalates and emerges in the form of angry outbursts, often in response to his feelings of jealousy and a desire to control 2. acute battering: uncontrollable rage and aggression often in the context of some disagreement or otherwise frustrating moment. 3. contrition: perpetrator apologizes and promises to change, and tries to convince the anyone else involved that the severe abuse will never happen again; a temporary calm is restored

Conclusions of cover and concealment (6)

1. vehicle has limitations as fighting platform 2. be aware of surroundings 3. have enough ammo 4. use cover properly 5. wear body armor 6. go to range

What do municipal courts do?

1. violation of city ordinances 2. Class c within city limits 3. Water safety act if enforced by MSEO of their dept.

What is the basic interview stance when one officer one person

1. weapon side away 2. ones arms length away 3. 45 degree angle 4. maintain observation 5. be aware of surroundings 6. watch hands

Role of sheriff (3)

1.Peace officer 2. Charge of county jail and dispatcher 3. Bail bonds, civil processes, court security Jail, dispatch services, backup

When is the double back pattern helpful? (4)

1.When learning the beat 2. In problem areas 3. When spotted someone/something that needs a closer look 4. Keeps criminals off game

Hit conformation time limit for urgent

10 minutes

What is the percentage that people remember what they hear


Which US constitution amendment gives states' rights not explained in the constitution?


How many more times are you likely to be in a wreck as an LE officer than the average citizen


Due process amendment


Criteria for Amber Alert

17 or younger, is there a threat, was taken unwillingly, enough info for public to help

How long can an arrestee be in a jail in a county that didnt issue the arrest warrant

72 hours

What is the percentage that people remember what they see


Which amendment outlaws cruel and unusual punishment?


What percentage of an officer's duty involve verbal skills


Explain the four corners rule

A court can only determine if probable cause exists, it only looks in the affidavit

Definition of Crisis intervention

A process to assist individuals in finding safe and productive outcomes to unsettling events

Incident Command System (ICS)

A system implemented to manage disasters and mass-casualty incidents in which section chiefs, including finance, logistics, operations, and planning, report to the incident commander.

Definition of Crisis

A temporary state of upset and disorganization, characterized by an inability to cope with a particular situation using customary methods of problem solving


Ability to handle steering, curves, turns

Test developed through Graham v Connor

Ability, Imminent jeopardy, preclusion

Definition of Authoritative

Able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable Commanding, self-confident; likely to be respected and obeyed


Acronym to remember the information for vehicle descriptions

Who can file a protective order?

Adult member of family or household, dating relationship, marriage, any adult to protect child, prosecuting attorney, DFPS

Where, when and who established Crime Stoppers?

Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1976, MacAleese

Which of these are not a peace officer under CCP?

All are peace officers

What type of peace officer is responsible for getting livestock out of roadway?

All of them


Multiple entities being able to communicate with each other when working a large-scale incident

What happens to glass when struck?

Multiple fragments are produced both towards target and shooter

Are religious tests required for public office?


Can federal agents enforce state laws?


Can federal officers (USFWS) enforce state laws?


Should an officer frisk as a matter of routine?


Should you crowd cover?


should you stand in doorways or hallways and peer through broken windows or open windows?


Is a warrantless search reasonable?

NO always presumed unreasonable

Can game wardens enforce municipal code?

NO per TPWD policy

Does bill of rights or government give rights to people?

NO, they are God given

contents of application of protective order

Name and county of residence for each applicant, each offender, relationships, request, and child support

Family violence written report includes

Name of victim and suspect, date, time, location, description of the incident

Required information that a suspect must give when arrested

Name, Residence, date of birth


National Crime Information Center

Maryland v Shatzer

Need 14 days after person invokes miranda to interview again

Are GW authorized to enforce county ordinances?


Are cars good cover?


Are game wardens authorized to enforce city/municipal ordinances?


Are judges in JP court required to be an attorney?


Should you allow suspect to put hands in pockets?


Levels of control

Officer Presence, Verbal Direction, Soft Empty Hands, Hard Empty Hands, Intermediate Weapons, and Deadly Force

What are the four areas of liability applicable to pursuits in state court?

Officer owed injured party a duty not to engage in certain conduct. Officer's actions violated that duty. Officer's negligent conduct was the proximate cause of collision. Injured party suffered actual and provable damages.

Where is verbal communication used on the force continuum

Officer presence

Officer reaction to psychological intimidation

Officer pressence

Vondrak v Las Cruces

Officers are not entitled to qualified immunity on claims that they used excessive force in unduly tightened handcuffs

Sandra Bland Act Bill

SB 1849 HB 2702

minor can possess or consume alcohol when in the presence of whom

adult spouse

How to deploy baton to abdomen of suspect

both hands, down at 45 degree angle into abdomen

pressure point located on the side of the neck on each side

brachial plexus clavical

pressure point located next to arm pit

brachial plexus tie in

if a person gives the officer consent to specifically search the trunk of a car, the officer

cannot assume that is consent to search the entire car

Disadvantage of rear approach on foot

cannot see hands for face

Disadvantage of side approach on foot

cannot see opposite side

Goose neck wristlock

compression type using wrist and elbow to put pressure on wrist

person who makes alcohol available to a minor is punishable by what misdemeanor

class A

first violation of attempt to purchase alcohol by a minor is punishable by

class C

possession of alcohol by a minor is a

class c

You should do what with the license and the person?

closely compare the two

3 things by way an act is induced through

coercion, force, fraud

what can extend the duration of a protective order

commits felony, causes SBI, was subject of two or more previous protective order

Criminal Court can order offender to prohibit

committing FV, communication with victim, going to residence or place of employment, possess firearm, interfering with care of pet

Pressure point located on side of thigh

common peroneal

Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)

communications facility operated continuously assigned the task of receiving first line 9-1-1 calls and dispatching a response.

Civil Court can order offender to

complete battering intervention and prevention programs, complete counselling, counsel with a licensed person

Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)

computer based system which aids PSAP Telecommunicators by automating selected dispatching and record keeping activities

What is community policing?

concept based on officers and citizens working together to solve problems

DPS State Operation Center (SOC)

coordinates the dissemination of qualifying missing person information with its resource partners

Victims of reactions to abuse

coping, managing, resisting

What is required to be given or left at the location for a search warrant

copy of the search warrant inventory of what was seized

A tip can be used to obtain a warrant if the tip is


Venue of protective order

county where victim or offender lives, or county where incident occurs

how to block a short hay maker

cover, hand on back of neck, tuck head, opposite arm abdomen strike, push away

What are the 3 problems community policing solves?

crime and fear of the crime, social and physical disorder, neighborhood decay

person commits an offense if purchases alcohol for or gives or with __________ makes available alcohol to a minor

criminal negligence

person commits an offense if with _________ sells alcohol to a minor

criminal negligent

When to use baton

crowd or riot control, attacked with a non firearm type weapon, assaulted by unarmed subject, several subjects threating/ able to act on threat/ act to carry out threat, suspect committed a crime and refuses to comply


crushing outer garments, not handcuffed

What are two characteristics of a paramilitary organization

curiosity and suspiciousness, cynicism

What does the ward in watch and ward refer to?


What should be a priority for all law enforcement agencies


4th amendment

deadly force is a type of seizure, must not violate

PC 9.32 Deadly force in defense of person

deadly force is justified if crimes to prevent the other's imminent commission of aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery

What are structure changes for community policing?

decentralized service, personalized service, assigning CPO

Fraud includes

deceptive employment offers, deceptive marriages, deceptive promises of a better life.


degree of influence the officer must exert over the violator to take him or her safely into custody

peace officer ________ any person he obverses violating any provision on ABC code

may arrest without warrant

pressure point located on the corner of the jaw

mandibular angle

what kind of roadblock is legal

random stop

Definition of Emotional Intelligence

the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our emotions; and to recognize, understand, and influence the emotions of others

Definition of Empathy

the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

Circadian rhythm

the biological clock; regular bodily rhythms that is a cycle that tells our bodies when to sleep, wake, and eat

Summarize the situation back to the suspect to provide the officer with

the bottom line and conclusion to the situation

Venue of protective order can be ordered in

the county of where the incidence occurred or in the county of the applicant

Where are handcuffs applied on a suspect

the crease of the wrist

Where are the highest tension points in a crowd or mob

the front and back

Literal Apex

the geometric midpoint of the inside edge of a turn

A tip from an informant can contribute to probable cause or reasonable suspicion if

the informant is reliable

Sheriff was appointed by who in europe

the king

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

the management system used by federal, state, and local governments to manage emergencies in the United States.

why is there an exemption for automobiles that doesnt apply to a residence

the mobility of the automobile

Rational appeal is based on

the use of reasoning

Explain ride

the vertical movement of the vehicle

If the hit is confirmed the office must ensure

the violator is in custody

Preclusion in reference to Graham v Connor is

there is no other options to deal with the situation other than force

What is the crime stopper organization not interested in

tipster's identifiable information

Non verbal is

raised eyebrows, posture, etc.

3 branches of government

1. Legislative 2. Executive 3. Judicial

What gives legislative powers to congress?


Ninth Amendment

Constitution NOT complete list of rights of people

Non Verbal comminication reveals

Mood Attitude Intent Sometimes precise thoughts

Suspects in a patrol area should be

positively identified

two officers two or more suspects

still contact and cover officer - AVOID CROSSFIRE

Two officers one person interview techniques

Contact officer and cover officer (control scene)

Cold Zone

Contains the command post, to control the incident No hazmat will get to the area

What is the last thing you say before handcuffing someone


What are disadvantages of vehicle patrol?

Criminals more likely to read patterns of patrol

Police effort is only as good as WHAT from the community?

support and cooperation

pressure point located on base of neck on each side


If any sheriff or officers neglects a subpoena etc, he shall be liable for a fine range of


Societal Strain

(fear and insecurity) leads to justification for various types of discrimination that are thought to be of advantage to the dominant group.

Describe the 4th Amendment

- guards against unreasonable searches and seizures - requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause

Power and Control Wheel

- using intimidation - using emotional abuse - using isolation - minimizing, denying, and blaming - using children - using male privilege - using economic abuse - using coercion and threats

Travis v. City of Mesquite

-1st court cases to address issues with law enforcement liabilities -Deliberate indifference= conscious or reckless disregard of the consequences of ones actions

Hit conformation time limit for routine

1 hour

What 3 elements must be met for you to search due to plain view exception

1) lawful vantage point 2) immediately recognizable 3) lawful right of access

Miscellaneous peace officers

1. Airport police 2. University police 3. District/county investigators 4. AG investigators 5. River Rangers

Officer safety results from conscious professional effort that depends on officers what? (5)

1. Alertness 2. caution 3. skill 4. PHYSICAL CONDITIONING 5. PREPARATION

What should you do if you are under attack by assailant? (5)

1. Become creative 2.look for cover/concealment 3. escape routes 4. create distractions 5. weapons of opportunity

Juvenile courts (3)

1. C violations of city ordinances in municipal court 2. C violations of county/state in Justice court 3. A B misdemeanors/felonies in county court at law or district court

What 6th amendment means to us?

1. Clearly worded complaints 2. Confront witnesses (cross examine) 3. Witnesses need to come to court 4. Right to attorney

County court of law characteristics (4)

1. Created as needed by legislature 2. A, B misdemeanor trials 3. C appeals (de novo) 4. JUDGE HAS TO BE A LAWYER (elected)

Eighth Amendment

1. Cruel and Unusual punishment 2. Reasonable Bail 3. Reasonable Fine 4. Reasonable Punishment

Rights under 5th amendment (5)

1. Double jeopardy 2. Self-incrimination 3. Due process 4. Right to Grand jury 5. Emminent domain (just compensation)

14th amendment (4)

1. Due process applied to states 2. Equal protection of laws (can't discriminate) 3. Born or naturalized is citizen in US and state 4. States must respect privileges and immunities of US citizens

What are the elements of shift orientation? (5)

1. Duty assignment 2. Warrants 3. Current stolen property/vehicles 4.Hazadous situations 5. Special events

County court characteristics (4)

1. Established by TX constitution 2. A,B misdemeanor trials 3. C appeals (trial de novo) 4. Judge presides over commissioners court

First amendment (5)

1. Freedom of Religion (practice own, govern. cant establish one) 2. Freedom of speech 3. Freedom of press 4. Freedom of assembly 5. Freedom to petition government for grievances

Article 1 - Legislative branch (5)

1. House of Reps and Senate 2. Govern elections (time, place, method) 3. Declare war 4. No titles of nobility 5. Limits state power (coin money, make treaties)

Tenth Amendment

1. If power not listed in constitution, government doesn't have that power. 2. US Constituion is exhaustive list of powers of fed government 3. Any power not listed left to states

District court (3) Characteristics

1. JUDGE MUST BE ATTORNEY 2. Criminal - Felonies, non appeals and magistrate duties 3. Civil- divorces etc

Goals of constitution (8)

1. Keep military under control 2. Independent judiciary 3. Trial by jury 4. Local trials 5. Citizens not subject to foreign laws 6. Regulation of interstate commerce 7. Chief executive cannot block legislation 8. No forced housing of soilders

What does there have to be for a warrant to be issued? (4)

1. Probable cause 2. Supported by oath 3. Describe place to be searched 4. Describe person/things to be seized

What best describes the importance of patrol? (2)

1. Protection-prevention of crime 2. Service to the community

What is a prohibited search for a GW without a warrant?

1. Residence (permanent or temp) 2. On publicly maintained roadway

TX Crime victims bill of rights (8)

1. Right to be treated with respect/fairly 2. Reasonably protected from accused 3. Right to notification of court proceedings 4. Right to be present at proceedings 5. Confer with representative of court 6. Right to restitution 7. RIght to info about conviction, sentence, imprisonment 8. Victim statement at end of trial

Seventh amendment

1. Right to trial by jury in civil cases only in federal courts 2. Relevant for getting sued for violating civil rights

What does a winning mind involve?

1. Soul 2. Mind 3. Body

Sixth amendment (2)

1. Speedy and public trial 2. Impartial jury of ppl where crime commited

Article 3 - Judiciary (3)

1. Supreme court 2. Fed courts review state and federal laws to ensure dont infringe upon rights and are constitutional 3. Trial by jury

Types of state police in TX (4)

1. TPWD 2. TABC 3. DPS 4. TDCJ

What are some benefits of a good working relationship with the sheriff in your county?

1. They accept your prisoners 2. Can use deputies as backup

For what can president be impeached?

1. Treason 2. Bribery 3. High crimes 4. Misdemeanors

What two conditions must be met to waive miranda rights? (2)

1. Voluntary 2. Knowledge of consequences

What is crime prevention? (4)

1. anticipation 2. recognition 3. appraisal of risk 4. action needed to be taken to remove/reduce risk

What are characteristics of your beat you should know? (6)

1. area 2. conditions 3. crime hazards 4. crimes comitted in area 5. offenders 6. KNOWLEDGE OF THE ABOVE INCREASES PROBABILITY OF ON SITE ARREST AND OFFICER SAFETY

What are the benefits of the lane nearest the curb?

1. better view of storefronts/windows 2. focus on one problem area longer

In statement of action planned step of the 7 step violator process, how should you give the statement of action to be taken?

1. clearly 2. no doubt as to action needed to be taken

What is the random patrol pattern? (3)

1. combination of circular and double back 2. most effective patrol pattern 3. keeps criminals off game

Characteristics of active shooters

1. does not conceal crime 2. seeks notoriety 3. access to multiple victims 4. injured victims present 5. police intervention necessary

Benefits of foot patrol (6)

1. immediate traffic patrol 2. person to person contact 3. GOOD PUBLIC COMMUNITY RELATIONS 4. INCREASE KNOWLEDGE OF BEAT 5. develops CIs 6. increased knowledge of community needs/hazards

Positive consequences of effective public service

1. increased trust and respect 2. support for budget 3. reduction in citizen complaints

TCLEOSE was established by legislature in what year?


When and where was the first Texas Crime Stopper formed?

1978, El Paso

When was Crime Stoppers established by a house bill in Texas?


Snyder v Phelps

1st amendment applies to extends to westboro

offense for continuous trafficking

1st felony, 25-99 years, must happen more than once more than 30 days apart

default duration of protective order

2 years

how many years is a unit?

2 years

What article identifies peace officers


TCLEOSE attempted to require all to obtain a degree but failed in what year?


Sandra Bland Act year and session

2017 during the 85th legislative session

What is the most effective speed for street patrol?


minor is defined as under how many years of age


How many railroad officers can be appointed by magistrate?


offense for trafficking person

2nd felony, enhancable

How long do you have to execute a search warrant

3 days day of issuance and day of execution do not count

How many questions does it take to control of a situation?

3-4 questions

The officer must respond to a hit conformation in

30 minutes

Percentage of Paralinguistic in Communication


Degree of offense for smuggling

3rd felony, enhancable

How many years is a cycle?

4 years

Sheriffs term is how long?

4 years

How many hours are required of continued education per unit?

40 hours

How long do you have to take an arrestee before a magistrate?

48 hours

How many rounds for the 3 firearms are required for TCOLE?

50 handgun, 5 shotgun, 30 rifle

Percentage of Non Verbal in Communication


What amendment gives you freedom from double jeopardy?


Where are federal appeals heard for the state of TX?

5th circuit court of appeals in NOLA

Criteria for Silver Alert

65 or older, diagnosed condition, confirmed disappearance, within 72 hours of disappearance, enough info for public to help

How many hours is the current BPOC training?


Which amendment lets you confront your accuser?


How long does the privilege last for person making firearm accessible to a child if person SBI or killed

7 days

Percentage of Verbal in Communication



A movement around the vehicles center of gravity that changes the direction it is pointing, to the left or right of its direction of motion

PC 9.42 Deadly Force to Protect Property

A person is justified in using deadly Force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property to prevent the others imminent commission or arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the night, or criminal mischief during the night

PC 9.43 Protection of Third Person's property

A person is justified in using force or deadly force to protect a third party property if requested to protect it, legal duty to protect, or if they are the parent, child, or guardian of someone who resides on the property

Scott v. Harris

A police officer's attempt to terminate a dangerous high-speed car chase that threatens the lives of innocent bystanders does not violate the fourth amendment, even when it places the fleeing motorist at risk of serious injury or death.

What are the four alerts

Amber, Silver, Blue, Endangered Missing Persons

behavioral crisis

An episode of mental and or emotional distress that is creating instability or danger and is considered disruptive by the community, friends, family, or the person

Estate of Ceballos v Bridgewater, Porras & Mull

An officer cannot use deadly force without an immediate threat to himself or others

P.C 9.53 Maintaining Security in Correctional Facility

An officer or employee of a correctional facility is justified in using against a person in custody to the security of the correctional facility.

Emotions that could be shown by someone who wants to commit suicide by cop

Anger Agitation Resoluteness Defiance Desperation

sexual abuse

Any sexual contact that is forced upon a person against his or her will

Define Texas Court of appeals

Appeals go here before supreme or court of criminal appeals. both criminal and civil

Most important part of responding to a crime in process?

Arriving safely

Which statute in Texas Constitution and CCP lines up with the 4th amendment

Article 1 section 9 Article 1.06 CCP

Which document failed to establish national government?

Articles of Confederation

the 2 trafficking case studies

Atlanta coalition, New York City Community Response to Trafficking

Who created the first crime lab, was the police cheif for Berkeley, CA, and started using finger prints

August Vollmer

Magistrate can issue warrant or summons when?

Authorized by law to verbally order arrest When person under oath states another committed a crime


Automatic Number Identification / Automatic Location Identification, used to route 911 calls

Feelings of Superiority fosters

Aversion, Dislike, Hostility

Benefits of the Critical Decision Making Model

Better decisions up front, gather information, help explain actions

Concepts of Human Relations

Bill of Rights, Stereotyping, Democracy cannot work unless its for all

What city was the watch and ward implemented.


Should state respect right to bear arms?

By 14th amendment they should

Duran v city of douglas

Cant pull someone over for being a jerk

California AB 931 Changing the Use of Force wording

Change the word objectively reasonable to necessary, creates single, acceptable right answer for use of force

3 types of campus programs

Charter Campus Crime Stoppers Programs, Campus Crime Stopper School Safety, Independent non profit campus crime stopper corporation

What are the benefits of community policing?

Citizens get a greater voice, officers have direct contact with citizens, encourages citizens cooperation to police themselves

the sale of alcoholic beverage to a minor is a

Class A

Officers are able to effect an arrest with probable cause for all crimes except

Class C traffic violations

Steps of the Critical Decision Making Model

Collect information, assess situation, consider policy, Identify options, act/ review

30th Amendment of TX Constituion

Compensation to victims of crimes

After Action Review (AAR)

Conducted soon after a critical incident Focus on objective, action, decision making Improving future performance


Conducting a search for weapons by patting the outside of a suspect's clothing, feeling for hard objects that might be weapons.

Which two types of law enforcement have been in existence since the TX constitution was created?

Constables and sheriffs

Tier 1 description

Country fully comply

tier 2 description

Country not fully comply, but making efforts

Tier 3 description

Country not making effort

tier 2 watch list description

Country special scrutiny because of increasing number of victims

Where do court appeals from the JP court go?

County court (trial de novo)

If you are filing an A or B misdemeanor, what court do you file it in?

County court or County court of law

What is the highest criminal court in TX?

Court of Criminal Appeals

If something is in county court and county court of law and is appealed, where does it go?

Court of appeals


Created by Macon in 1835, led to creation of radios, federal agencies used

Texas Disaster Act

Created in 1975 to establish the Division of Emergency Management and place it in control of DPS

Crime stopper tipsters are different from confidential informants how?

Crime stopper tipsters are completely anonymous

Why is a winning mind difficult to maintain?


Report ID to who


Officer reaction to Deadly Force

Deadly force

Tennessee v. Garner (1985)

Deadly force may not be used against an unarmed and fleeing suspect unless necessary to prevent the escape and unless the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious injury to the officers or others.

Graham v. Connor (1989)

Deals with excessive force. Diabetic man detained and sustained minor injuries. Force was applied in good faith.

PC 9.31 Self Defense

Degree the actor reasonably believes immediately necessary to protect yourself or another against the other's use or attempted use of unlawful force

Definition of suicide by cop

Deliberate act motivated, in whole or in part, by the subjects desire to die by suicide, which provokes the officers to act with the result being a justifiable homicide by the officers

Criteria for Endangered Missing Persons Alert

Diagnosed with intellectual disability, written diagnosis, verified disappearance, made within 72 hours of disappearance, enough info for public to help

Who has privilege from arrest

Diplomatic immunity- Staff, family members State and federal senators and reps Voter traveling to and from polling place Witness in civil case to and from court Witness in court case coming from out of state or driving through Texas

Role of Peace Officer

Display integity, impartiality, all persons are equal, no unfair treatment

Where are felony offenses filed?

District court

Who can issue a secondary search warrant for the same location

District judge, court of appeals judge, CCA judge, Supreme court judge

Before being deprived of life and limb, what are people entitled to?

Due process

Officer Professional Presence

Dynamic blend of poise, self control, confidence, and style, once acquired it permits you to be perceived as self assured and competent

How are Sheriff/constable hired and how long do they serve?

Elected, four years

Purpose of the police mission

Elimination of opportunity for misconduct and criminals confidence in success

Officer reaction to Defensive resistance

Empty Hard Hand techniques

Officer reaction to passive resistance

Empty Soft Hand techniques

Kinetic Energy

Energy stored in an object due to its mass and motion (or weight and speed)

Definition of Authoritarian

Enforcing very strict obedience to authority Much like an autocrat, or dictator, oppressive, tyrant

Three phase response process

Ensure scene is safe, try to get the person stabilized, begin the problem solving process

What is easiest part of preparation?

Equipment readiness check

Types of verbal appeals

Ethical Rational Practical Personal

Types of verbal appeals

Ethical Appeal, Rational Appeal, Practical Appeal, Personal Appeal

Core aspects of the Critical Decision Making Model

Ethics, Values, Proportionality, Sanctity of human life

Policing comes from where


City of Lancaster v Chambers

Extended Mesquite court case to passengers who are in/ on the vehicle. A motorcyclist led police on a high-speed chase, and the motorcycle passenger was injured when the driver crashed.

Seekamp v Michaud

Extension of Brower v Inyo, had road block but wasnt covering entire roadway, was illuminated, officers were good

Article 3 limits slavery t/f


Federal civil rights complaints are investigated by


Key agencies to include for human trafficking cases

FBI, ICE, DOJ, maybe BP

The general duties prescribed of a peace officer in chapter 2 CCP are waived in family violence cases because of a family or household relationship between the violator and the victim of family violence.



Fear + unmet expectations


Federal Emergency Management Agency, tasked with Disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery planning

Attitude is made up of

Feelings, knowledge, and experience


Finds and brings victim into industry, sell victims to broker, employers, brothel or bar owners

How are criminal cases in JP court punished?

Fine only

PC 9.63 Guardian- incompetent

Force but not deadly force against a mental incompetent if responsible for the general care and the force is necessary to promote welfare

P.C 9.61 Parent-Child

Force but not deadly is justified if acting in loco parentis to child and force is necessary to discipline

PC 9.41 Protection of one's own property

Force is immediate necessary

PC 9.05 Reckless Injury of Innocent Third Person

Force is not justified if he recklessly injures or kills an innocent third party

Deadly Force

Force that is intended or known by the actor to cause, or in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing, death or serious bodily injury


Force that resists a change of direction and force that tries to keep moving body in a straight line and constant speed

Operational tactics in crisis intervention

Get info, tactical pause, develop a working strategy, prepare and manage yourself

Principles of Procedural Justice

Give people a voice, being fair, respectful treatment, trustworthiness

NIMS and ICS calling protocol

Give the agency-unit # you are going then your agency- unit #

How to become sensitive to others

Going by only facts Being non-judgmental Showing compassion Empathize Willingness to communicate

First step in seven step violator?

Greetings/ID of agency

An officer is never at their best decision making and communicating when they are


Incipient skid

Happens just before the tires lose traction during braking. The tires lock, causing loss of steering control and a skid.

In re Gault

Held juvenile for phone call

Univ. of Houston v Clark

Hit Mrs. Clark while pursuing a fleeing suspect, officers had good faith

The 14 benefits of paraphrasing

Hooked take control

HALT stands for

Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired

What happens when someone accused of a Class C is brought before a magistrate

Identifies the person May release without bond Ordered to appear at later time

step 3 of contact method

Identify suspect, all licenses required

Proof of mental need for training

Identify- 25% Analyze- 25% Decide- 25% Execute- 15% 90% mental & 10% physical

What are the 4 limiting connections with communication

Immaturity, Ego, Failure to value everyone, Insecurity

Milstead v Kibler 2001

Immunity to civil damages

Where are crimes prosecuted?

In county where occured

Two types of contact by game wardens that don't need reasonable suspicion

Inspection authority, water safety check

PC 9.34 Protection of life or health

Justified to use force not deadly force to prevent the other from suicide or inflicting serious bodily injury to himself

Officer reaction to Active Physical Assault

Intermediate weapons

What is the goal when dealing with an active shooter?

Isolate or take them out

Requirements to be on an arrest warrant

Issue in name of state of Texas Suspects name and or description Specific offense that is accused Magistrates signature

PC 9.02 Justification As a Defense

It is a defense to prosecution that the conduct in question is justified under this chapter.

Where would a Class C trial be held?

JP court

When is the effective date of the CCP?

Jan 1, 1966

Which branch has the final say on whether a law is constitutional?


pressure point located at the bottom of the sternum

Jugular Notch

Where are most tpwd cases filed?

Justice court (jp) (class c misdemeanors)

PC 9.22 Necessity

Justified if conduct is immediately necessary, desirability and urgency of avoiding harm outweighs

PC 95.1 Arrest and Search

Justified in using force when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary

What is the acronym for helpful tools to redirect behavior


What should an officer use when in an uncomfortable situation


Police organizations work for who?

Land owners, hunters, fishermen, boaters, park visitors, the community

Who initiates the pursuit?

Law Enforcement

Public Safety Entities

Law Enforcement Fire Service Emergency Medical Service 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Emergency Management Services Emergency Notification System

Who does the organization work closely with to get information of Crime Stoppers out to the public?

Law enforcement and media

Criteria for Blue Alert

Law enforcement killed or seriously injured, the violator is dangerous, enough info for public to help, agency activated blue alert

What did the Crime Stopper bill provide in reference to protections and funding?

Legal protections for the anonymity of tipsters and funds for paying rewards

Where is municipal law enforcement officers jurisdiction?

Limits of city/county where employed

What does LEAPS stand for?

Listen Empathize Ask Paraphrase Summarize

3 tools to redirect behavior

Listen, empathize, ask

Apprehension patrol

Low visibility and surveillance

Duties of the Constable

Maintain order, light streetlamps, enforce criminal laws

Upon an allegation of identity theft or misuse, an officer shall do what?

Make a written report and provide the complainant with a copy

Types of crisis

Mental illness, substance abuse, situational stress, medical condition

Reasonable or Necessary Force

Minimum amount of lawful aggression sufficient to achieve a legitimate law enforcement objective.

Custodial interrogation automatically triggers

Miranda Warning

What court case is the controlling law for confessions

Miranda v Arizona

List three things a magistrate does

Miranda warning, set bond, read all affidavits


Mobile Data Computer, in car computer

Should you shoot over cover?

No, always shoot around.

Did the US Constitution ignore the debts of the states while under the articles of confederation?

No, it took responsibility

Does a writ of habeas corpus determine guilt or innocence?

No, just lawful or unlawful imprisonment

Can municipal officers handle wildlife resources?

No, only authorized members of department

Do you have to read miranda rights at time of arrest?

No, only when asking questions

Which amendments gives states power to coin money?


What is the duty of a prosecutor

Not to convict, but see that justice is done

Most effective patrol is?

One officer in car combined with one officer on foot

Can a city officer enforce the water safety act?

Only if they are a MSEO certified by TPWD

Tenn v Garner

Only shoot fleeing felon if probable cause to believe danger to officer or community

Writ of habeas corpus

Order to bring person before court, to explain why they're being held and if legal grant writ= release

What type of officer supervises early release from prison?

Parole officer

Definition of scarcity

People want more of those things that there are less of

Effects on Victims of FV

Physical injuries, guilt, low self esteem, no trust, dependent on abuser, powerless, blame self, denial, fear judgement, distance themselves, abuse alcohol or drugs


Physical or chemical process of reducing and preventing the spread of contaminants from persons and equipment used at a hazardous material incidents

Per TCOLE policy where should the duty pistol of the officer be when transporting a suspect in their truck?

Placed on the left side of the officer

What is the biggest expenses of most cities?

Police and fire departments

Describe warrant

Police bring person to court

Bublitz v cottey

Police chase after robbery, 100mph, police laid 2 spike strips, biblitz's (an innocent) car is hit

Fourth amendment

Police may not conduct unreasonable search/seizure of 1. Person 2. house 3. papers 4. effects

What are some Class B offenses that can be issued a citation instead of arrest

Possession of marijuana Criminal mischief Graffiti Theft or theft of service Contraband in correctional facility Driving while license invalid Possession of synthetic marijuana

How does a crisis occur?

Precipitating event, Person's perception of the event, Normal methods of coping fail

National Origin

Prejudice based on where someone is from means they should be good at certain things

Exceptions to running lights and sirens TC 546.004

Presence of the officer will cause suspect to destroy evidence End suspect to stop felony May increase risk of collision or extended duration of pursuit Cause suspect to evade apprehension or identification


Preservation of different cultures or cultural identities, within a unified society, as a state or nation

Principles of Self Defense

Prevention Be aware of potential dangers Avoid overextending yourself reactionary gap out of the line of force

What should you never refer someone to?

Private attorneys and bailbondsmen

Explain four corners rule

Probable cause has to be on the document, four corners, not something officer or magistrate knew or asked and had answered

Elements an officer must recognize and control in every encounter:

Problem, audience, constraints, ethical presence

Which model developed an emphasis on accountability and police standards

Professional Police Model

What is the basic purpose of US constitution?

Protect rights of people, control government

What are some types of breaches of the peace

Public intoxication DWI


Public service of the chemical manufacturer association providing emergency response information and assistance on a 24 hour basis for responders to hazmat incidents

Define criminal law

Punishes criminal conduct

Definition of Paraphrasing

Put another's meaning into your words and delivering it back to them

Definition of metaphrasing

Putting inaccurate words into other people's mouths, a perversion of paraphrasing

You should use your _______, then your _______.

Radio, phone

Roles of Traffickers

Recruiter, broker, travel agent, contractor, employer, forger, transporter, enforcer

Stage 2 of human trafficking


Aspects of active listening

Reduce distractions Demonstrate you are listening Listen to understand

Emergency Response Guidebook

Reference book, written in plain language, to guide emergency responders in their initial actions at the incident scene

Sandra Bland Act Summary

Relating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement

What happens during Probation?

Released instead of serving prison time, supervised freedom

Second ammendment

Right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Prior to questioning what must the suspect be informed of

Right to remain silent Anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law Right to have a lawyer present during questioning Cannot afford lawyer one will be appointed

Brower v. Inyo County

Seizure occurs when government termination of a person's movement is effected through means intentionally applied.

Brower v. Inyo County

Seizure occurs when government termination of a person's movement. 18-wheeler placed as roadblock across entire roadway

Basic concepts of weaponless strategies

Self control, balance, awareness

Test created through Graham v Connor

Severity of offense suspected, immediate threat, suspect actively resisting or attempting to escape

Who is the conservator of the peace?


Duty of Sheriff to receive

Sheriff will bring arrestee to proper magistrate has 11 days to receive arrestee that has a parole warrant

Who are two major types of LE in county?

Sheriff, Constable

What is the oldest office for our legal system?

Sheriff, along with constable and JP

what word did the county concept come from?


Who is the father of modern policing?

Sir Robert Peel

Who started the first police force in 1829?

Sir Robert Peel

Three violations you cannot arrest for

Speeding, texting, open container

What is not a connection in communication


What governs how you drive on the road

State law and department policy

Highest civil court in TX?

State supreme court

Counter Steering

Steering into skid

What does SDC stand for?

Stop, Distance, Control

Feelings of Prejudiced Persons

Superiority, Others are strange and different, Proprietary claims, Fear

What is probation?

Supervised freedom instead of imprisonment

Who establishes exceptions to protections in constitution?

Supreme Court

What must an officer be able to articulate for a legal frisk?

Suspect is armed and dangerous furtive movements

T/F The tipster will not be paid for seizing the suspect and holding them in custody waiting for police.


There are some limits on the freedom of speech t/f


Who was the office of the sheriff authorized/ created by?

TX constituion

For a straight away and an upcoming curve what should you do?

Take as much speed into straight away, get ready for next curve

If a case is appealed from a district court, where does it go next?

Texas Court of Appeals


Texas Crime Information Center

Countries where trafficked people come from

Thailand, China, Russia, and Ukraine

Reactionary Gap

The distance an officer must keep between him- or herself and the subject in order to react effectively against a sudden threat

Reactionary distance

The distance needed to appropriately react to a threat

PC 9.06 Civil Remedies Unaffected

The fact that conduct is justified under this chapter does not or any remedy for the conduct that is available in a civil suit.

Centripetal Force

The force created by a vehicle that is turning, and the force that is opposing inertia. A center seeking force that pulls the vehicle to the inside of a turn.

Negative Weight Transfer/Shift

The front wheels break traction easier than the rear wheels due to the weight shift to the rear. Less force is needed to turn the wheels and there is less response to rapid steering. More traction force is used for acceleration and less for turning.

Who did the writers of the US constitution want to control?

The government, NOT the people


The ideal condition that law, the CJ system, and its personnel strive for

Different magistrates that an officer can bring an arrestee to

The one who issued the warrant One named in the warrant Before some other magistrate

Vehicle Control

The operation of a motor vehicle within the physical limitations of both the vehicle and the driver

Whose rights are emphasized by the US constitution?

The people

Vehicle Dynamics

The physical forces acting upon a moving vehicle, and how those forces affect the operation of the vehicle

Positive Weigh Transfer/Shift

The rear of the vehicle breaks traction easy, especially on slick surface. There is more weight on the front wheels, so more force is needed to turn them. More traction force is used from turning, and less for acceleration.

Who is the county court operated by?

The sheriff

P.C 9.62 Educator-Student

The use of force but not deadly force, against a person is justified if the actor is entrusted with the care of the student and force is necessary for discipline

Why would an agency chose to not take advantage of being able to issue a citation for an arrestable offense

They would miss out on a search incident to arrest of the person to find more evidence

Feelings of Superiority

Think they are better than others, the other group is alien, promotes social exclusion

How do patrol officers develop a state of mental readiness?

Thinking through hypothetical situations and deciding on proper response

Tiers of countries that entered the agreement

Tier 1, 2, 2 watch list and 3

Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

To limit government powers

San Antonio v Trevion

Travinos' were injured when a driver fleeing from officers, crashed into their truck, officers had qualified immunity

5 universal truths of human interaction

Treated with dignity and respect Asked rather than told Told why Given options Want a second chance

Federal district court

Trials of federal crimes and lawsuits

What is the only court that can supersede State Supreme or Court of Criminal Appeals?

US Supreme Court

Where police officers get their authority for deadly force

US constitution, penal code, Code of criminal procedures, Federal statutes, departmental policies, case laws

Countries where trafficked people go to

US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

6 deadly skids

Understeer Oversteer All wheel braking Power skid- fishtailing Spin out Hydroplaning

List the three common USA radio communication laws

Unlawful to rebroadcast, use pleasantries or profanities, broadcast any false distress signals

The 4th amendment protects people from what?

Unreasonable search and seizure

When is an arrest warrant valid

Until executed or withdrawn by magistrate

Officer reaction to verbal non compliance

Verbal command and direction

What happens during revocation?

Violator must serve up to the sentence originally imposed by the court if they mess up

Definition of Paralinguistic

Voice, tone Inflection, rate, pitch Timing, hesitation Contributes to the meaning and purpose

Criteria to qualify as suicide by cop

Voluntarily enter into a confrontation with law enforcement Communicate suicidal intent Act in a threatening manner to the police

definition of confession

Voluntary admission of some criminal activity

When could profanity be useful for an officer

When it would aid in preservation of life

What is the single most important factor in officer safety?

Winning Mind

What is an arrest warrant?

Written order from magistrate to a peace officer or another specifically named commanding officer to take person accused of an offense to be dealt with according to law

Can municipal officers enforce water safety act?

Yes - if certified by TPWD as MSEO

Can municipal departments enforce PWC?

Yes- but usually don't b/c don't know it or don't have time/resources

Centrifugal Force

a Fleeing force that pulls the vehicle to the outside of a turn.

The criminal penalty for misuse of information from crime stoppers is

a class A misdemeanor

Cross Cultural Communication

a field of study that focuses on how people of differing cultures communicate with each other

Definition of apathy

a lack of feeling, emotion, or interest

Hick's Law

a law of human performance stating that RT will increase logarithmically as the number of stimulus-response choices increases

Wide or high path of travel

a line through a turn that does not come as close to the apex as possible, or that does not come near the inside of the roadway.

Early Apex

a point along the inside edge of a turn prior to the literal apex where a vehicle might come the closest to the roadway's edge

Late Apex

a point along the inside edge of a turn that is past the literal apex point where a vehicle might come the closest to the inside edge of the roadway

Define Funneling

a term refering to the situation where an informant who has already given law enforcement info is funneled to crime stoppers for a reward

Drift turn

a turn negotiated with no brakes. As the vehicle is allowed to coast through the turn, the speed of the vehicle drops due to lateral friction forces


a unit composed of persons living together in the same dwelling, without regard to whether they are related to each other.

Define confession.

a voluntary admission of some criminal activity


a weapon capable of inflicting serious bodily injury or death

Non-target areas for baton

above shoulders, groin, center of back, kidney, pectorals

What should the officer do to dispel an argument

acknowledge truthful statements


act of regarding one's culture as the center of the universe


acting on the basis of prejudice

When words and actions disagree trust the


which is a necessary element of arrest

actual constructive seizure and detention of the person

Content is

actual message

Personal appeal is based on

addressing person's needs and desires

when does a warrant become public record

after executed

Deploying the baton

aimed at suspect, defensive position

It is the duty of every peace officer to preserve the peace within his jurisdiction by all lawful means. He shall

all of the above

The primary duties of a peace officer who investigates a family violence allegation is to

all of the above

who can enforce TABC code

all peace officers

The primary duties of a peace officer who investigates a family violence allegation is to

all the above

Which could be elements of probable cause

all the above, furtive movement, high crime, conflicting stories

What is the purpose of taking arrestee to magistrate without delay

allow magistrate to read accused their rights and inform them of what they are charged

Why do trafficked persons end up where they do

amount of people will to pay, more demand

family violence

an act by a member of a family or household against another member of the family or household that is intended to result in physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or sexual assault or that is a threat of, but does not include defensive measures to protect oneself;


an adverse judgement or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of or examination of the facts: bias

Force (v)

an aggressive act committed by any person which does not amount to assault and is necessary to accomplish an objective

define illicit beverage

an alcoholic beverage that is in violation according to TABC code

Each scene is dynamic, and the scene changes when

an officer enters the scene

define alcoholic beverage

any beverage containing more than one half percent

driving under influence of alcohol by a minor, the minor must have a BAC of what

any detectable amount

What is a crime hazard?

any situation which would provide an opportunity to the criminal element

Define interrogation

any speech or conduct by law enforcement concerning past criminal conduct that is reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response from the suspect

Hazardous material

any substance that is capable of creating harm to people, environment and property

Main characterizes of customers

anybody willing to pay

Explain how plain view is an exception

anyone can see the items officer presence must be legal items nature (unlawful, stolen etc) must be obvious Flashlight, night vision are ok IR is not ok

When can an officer execute an arrest warrant


Dead spots

area within a coverage area where service is not available

Travel Agent

arranges for trip, legitimate job and job description, serve as fronts for trafficking activity, arrange for documents

issuance of a citation is an


18 year old purchasing alcohol. What should officer do?

arrest the subject

Which of the following statements is false?

arrest warrant cannot be executed on sunday arrest can happen at anytime

Proprietary Claims

as a member of the group, the individual believes he is entitled to exclusive or prior rights in a certain area.

How soon after a violation should an officer stop a violator?

as soon as possible to get violator to connect stop with violation

What can a Peace officer do on mere suspicion

ask questions in consensual contact run LP and DL

What are the 3 structures of a paramilitary organization

authoritarian, chain of command, micromanagement

the escort technique is used when a suspect _____ in hand cuffs a) is b) is not

b) is not

how to activate the common peroneal

baton or knee strike

Theories of causes of FV

batterer gets what he wants, learned behavior, lack of control

Control Tool box

be alert, control emotions, maintain professional appearance, use angle, keep distance, get off the X, talking over fighting

when interviewing victims you must

be patient and empathic and aware of cultural and religious backgrounds

Force includes

beatings, rape, physical confinement, kidnapping, denial of food/water, denial of medial care/medications, denial of contraceptives/condoms, forced abortion, forced to give up custody of children, forced to use drugs, forced participation in violent or sexual acts, forced to lie.

Turn on BWC ______ initiating a radio traffic stop


What is cover?

being hidden while also being protected

What can negatively affect a contact

being tired with low EQ

how to block a straight punch

block with same arm, step with abdomen strike, push away

Define curtilage

buildings and open space surrounding a dwelling where the intimate activities of home life are conducted curtilage is considered part of the residence

How is municipal chief usually hired?

by city government

How do veteran officers survive critical situations?

by planning approach to each call by using available concealment and cover to gain advantage

New slavery offers

cheap, expendable, and disposable labor

If a dispute arrises between a taxidermist and a client because the taxidermist is taking a long time to mount the head, is that a criminal or civil matter?


PC 9.21 Public Duty

conduct is justified if the actor reasonably believes the conduct is required or authorized by law, judgement or order of competent court, acts in good faith

Immunity to civil damages unless

conduct violates federal statutory or constitutional right, right was clearly established, reasonable officer would understand the conduct violated a right


consanguinity or affinity, individuals who are former spouses of each other, individuals who are the parents of the same child, without regard to marriage, and a foster child and foster parent, without regard to whether those individuals reside together.

3 types of contacts

consensual/ voluntary, investigative detention, arrest

what are the two teams used during immediate action during an active shooter?

contact and rescue teams

object other than a weapon can be seized before and arrest


Hot Zone

control zone immediately surrounding a hazardous material incident which extends far enough to prevent adverse effects

Stereotype and Categorical Treatment

convenient grouping for people of whom one is not knowledgeable

Whenever a duty is imposed upon the sheriff, the same duty may be preformed by who?


While transporting a suspected of BWI to the shore to perform SFSTs, the suspect is


Recognizing a constraint means to

determine if there are any obstacles to effective communication

Listening to the suspect or victim allows you to

determine priorities for actions you must take

PC 9.44 Use of device to protect property

device is not known to create death or serious bodily injury and reasonable under all circumstances as the actor

Main characteristics of victims

dire economic situation, regional conflict, military occupation

who appoints the special rangers of Texas and southwestern cattles raises association

director of DPS

What is parole?

discretionary early release from prison under supervison of parole officer

Explain terry frisks exception for a search warrant

done for weapons on armed and dangerous person object must be determined by plain feel not manipulated to determine identity of object

The standard TCOLE include passing a _______?

drug test and no current drug use

examples of non verbals from victims of human trafficking include

dryness of mouth, excessive sweating, posture, grooming gestures, personal gestures and facial expressions.

When does a Texas senator or representative have privileges from arrest

during time of session, coming to and from session except felony, treason, breach of peace

Real resistance is ______ not ________

dynamic, static

Hue and Cry

earliest form of communications for law enforcement

How do you avoid incipient skid

efficient threshold breaking

Sheriffs are ______ not _______

elected, appointed

what is an example of fruit from a poisonous tree

evidence seen in plain view of a unlawful detention

What is the purpose of the patrol function?

eliminate opportunity for/confidence in succeeding at misconduct

EQ stands for

emotional intelligence

While taking someone's statement officers should ________ not sympathize


warning must be in

english and spanish

What is the purpose of bail

ensure attendance in court

when doing a building search what should you never do?

enter alone

Determining probable cause for an arrest, police may consider

evidence that may not be admissible in court

What is a tell tale noise on patrol?

equipment noise - engine, radio, seat belts, keys, whistles, baton, handcuffs etc

What can motorcycle patrol be used for?

escort units

Criminal court can order offender to

establish minimum distances from person, suspend LTC

Explain the teeth of the forth amendment

evidence found through illegal means are not admissible in court


excited the emotions to the point of overshadowing rational judgement

step 6 of contact method

explain the action and what the violator must do

stage 4 of human trafficking


Strangling is


The community act as the polices'

eyes and ears

Article 2 vests executive power in the senate t/f

f- the president

Stage one of human trafficking

factors that make individuals vulnerable

A peace officer who stays with a victim of family violence to protect them and to allow personal property to be removed from the residence is civilly and criminally liable for the wrongful appropriation of the personal property by the victim.


According to CCP a peace officer has no duty to take any action to prevent a threat of injury to another person's property.


If a person is on probation they are a convicted felon t/f


T/F peace officer can temporarily disarm suspects as a matter of routine


The justice of the peace has to be an attorney t/f


Federal Communications Commission

federal agency responsible for implementing and enforcing America's communication laws and regulations

citizen can perform citizens arrest for what offenses

felonies, consequences of theft

What are the 3 exceptions for privileges for arrest

felony, treason, breach of peace

pressure point located on inside of thigh

femoral nerve

What is the purpose of community policing?

fight crime, serve and protect, public safety

barriers of leaving FV

financial dependence on abuser, lack of support, negative experience with legal system, fear, children

What is the fee for a protective order


When can an officer of another state come into Texas to arrest a fleeing suspect

fresh pursuit of a felon and pursuit continues into Texas

Under Steering

front tires have less traction, cause plowing

Osabutey v Welch 1988

functions are entitled to defense of qualified immunity

2 factors to make informant reliable

given accurate info in past is subject to arrest for false report gives personal identification gives accurate future information


go between or middleman, buy victim to sell to employer, could be more than one

Accepted gifts or gratuities are very close to being considered what?


in a protective order the court may

grant exclusive possession of a residence, direct one to vacate, possession or access to child, require payment of child support, award a party to use of specified property

1 step of contact method

greeting and identification of police agency


groups of people with common ancestry and physical characteristics


guard, or roof provides protection, minimal protection for victim, prohibits escape of victim, make sure customer pays for services

Baskin v Smith 2002

handcuffing too tightly and failing to double lock may lead to excessive force claim

To be aware, you should be noticing where the suspects'

hands are

plain view is only allowable if the officer

has lawful access

dating violence

has or had a dating relationship, bodily injury, or in fear of

what is concealment?

hidden without protection

A vascular restraint is used in what level of resistance


where does the power for the hook strike come from


Pressure point located between chin and mandibular angle


while on patrol officers should ___________ situations hazardous to public


PC 9.03 Confinement as justifiable

if actor takes reasonable measures to terminate the confinement as soon as he knows it is safe to release, unless the person confined has been arrested

What is the exception for a warrant being state wide

if issued by a mayor, must be endorsed by district or county judge

How will human trafficking continue to thrive

if the gains out weigh the risks

CPRC 83.001 Civil immunity

immune from civil liability for personal injury or death that results from the defendants use of force

Warnings of protective order are located

in a specified location in bold letters on the protective order

When can an officer of a connected state transport a suspect into Texas?

in custody and transporting to hospital or medical facility in texas

where should the flashlight be held to prevent silhouetting?

in front and away from body

Where would you place a suspect with handcuff on in your boat

in front of the console on the seat or face down

Impact weapons may be used when

in lawful situations requiring a degree of force greater than the use of weaponless strategies but less than deadly force

For TPWD policy when transporting a suspect where should the officer's side arm be

in the holster

Disadvantage of direct approach on foot

in the same line of motion of force

member of household

includes a person who previously lived in a household

Person has reasonable expectation of privacy if

individual has personal expectation society recognizes that expectation as reasonable

Silver Alert

inform the public of missing older adults with a documented metal condition

Endangered Missing Persons Alert

inform the public of missing person with an intellectual disability

Amber Alert

inform the public of serious child abductions

Blue Alert

inform the public of suspected violent criminals who kill or seriously would law enforcement officers

Pressure point under the nose

infra orbital

When the officer asks a question, the suspect's brain does what

instinctively scans stored data to answer

Define abandonment

intent to abandon property PLUS decision to abandon was not result of police coercion

physical abuse

intentionally causing physical harm to another person

choking is


Definition of Immaturity

is the inability to see and act on behalf of others


is the sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another

LE role in arrest

it is not aggression when an officer takes the initiative to confront a law violator, problems may grow out of use of force against a combative unarmed suspect, needs a range of decision making tools, essentially defensive


jockey, escort, coyote, accompanies victim, delivers to broker or employer

You stop a car and the driver has outstanding warrants, the 3 passangers do not have any warrants, who are you allowed to search

just the driver

Components to effect a safe arrest

keep prisoner in sight, maintain control, handcuffing, transportation

how to activate the superficial peroneal

kick, soccer or toe

For one to waive their rights they have to have what mental state

knowingly, intelligently and voluntarily

define open field

land that is not a HOME or CURTILEGE OF A HOME does not have to be a specific field or open

Define Crowd

large number of persons temporarily congregated

Supremacy Clause (what article)

laws of constituion are the supreme laws of the land (article 6)

step 7 of contact method


What is due process of law?

legal procedures to which citizen are entitled before being deprived

person who holds alcoholic beverage license is what?


Benefits to running local SO frequency

local dispatchers know area and violators, back up officers are closer

purpose of frisk of a building

locate if dangerous people inside

When emotions are high rational thinking is


What does fatigue do to your mental processes

lowers visual efficiency, causes longer perception time, causes longer decision/ reaction time

Officers must trust their tactics

maintain disinterest, allow people to be frustrated, listen, do not take things personally

What is the police mission?

maintenance of social order w/in carefully prescribed ethical and constitutional restrictions

What must an officer do to the suspect before bringing them onto their boat

make sure the suspect has a lifejacket on

Characteristics of FV offenders

male on female, jealous, low self esteem, witness or victim in past, blames others, town bully, two faced, a loner, denial, moody

pressure point on inside of forearm

median nerve

apprehension of something without proof or with slight evidence

mere suspicion

Type of suspicion for a voluntary consensual contact

mere/ none

standard hours for a bar must stop serving alcohol at what time


What amount of force can you use to effect an arrest

minimal reasonable amount necessary

Asking questions provides the officer

more time

Concepts of Control

must be in complete self control to control violators, results from development of confidence through training and practice, elicits cooperation

Explain the consent exception for a search warrant

must be voluniarty

if an address for a residence cannot be obtained, what must be used

must contain an accurate description

What are the required contents of a warrant

name of state of texas identify person place or thing to be searched what is to be seized command any peace officer to search dated and signed by magistrate

Which lane of the roadway lends itself to effective observation of both lanes of traffic?

nearest center of roadway

Truths of human interactions

need to feel respected, rather be asked than told, desire to know why, prefer options over threats, want a second chance

What is cynicism?

negative attitude toward people

land lord can consent to search of a tenants appartment when


What does the watch in watch and ward refer to?


Can you frisk as a matter of routine


Does an officer have to have the physical warrant in hand when executing an arrest warrant


During the seven step violator contact, should you ever use I?


Is there a typical victim in FV?


Should you apologize for writing a citation?


Should you preach to or chew out violator?


Should you say "thank you" at the end of a contact?


You issue a citation to a violator, he throws citation into fire, do you have probable cause to arrest for failure to appear


should you initiate pedestrian contact when seated in patrol car?


Under 14.06 CCP how soon should an arrestee be taken before a magistrate

no delay, 48 hours

Timing for hearing of protective order

no later than 14th day after application extended to 20th day if county has pop of over 2 million or jurisdiction is more than one county

Should you have any semblance of routine when on patrol?

no, avoid it

Can ex post facto laws be passed?

no, illegal.

Be attuned to

non verbals, 70% of communication

Identification requirement for detention


Required information that a suspect must give when investigative detained


What is the minimum justification for a consensual contact


if you conduct an unlawful, the evidence will

not be admissible

when the operator of a vessel is arrested, and the vessel is going to be turned over to the operators friend, inventory should

not be conducted due to the vessel not being impounded

no knock warrants are

not favored in the law

When interviewing children they tend to tell stories

not in chronological order


not peace officers, but have arrest search and seizure for felonies

Citizens that have information on a crime are

not required to contact law enforcement or crime stoppers

Duration of protective order

not to exceed 2 years

Awareness means to

observe suspect's hands, body language, weapons, associates, escape routes, officer footing

Document thief/ forger

obtains legitimate documentations, create or steal documents, position as immigration officer or lawyer

A peace officer who responds to a disturbance call that may involve family violence shall advise any possible adult victim:

of all reasonable means to prevent further family violence to include a written notice

Harlow v. Fitzgerald

officer can obtain absolute immunity but must first show that the responsibilities of his office embraced a function so sensitive as to require a total shield

Explain plain view exception for a search warrant

officer presence must be legal items nature of being criminal is obvious be lawful vantage point immediately recognizable lawful right of access

Rowe v Marlow

officers called off pursuit when coming to a T in the road, alyssa kept going. Crashed and died, officers did all they could do

Monroe v Pape

officers violated 4th and 5th amendment rights of family in Chicago

Okonkwo v Fernandez 2003

officials are entitled to qualified immunity, must plead the defense of qualified immunity

Where must the warnings for a written statement be

on the face of the document

Iron wrist lock tack down

one arm under control, pointing fingers back to head or elbow, step back turn drop to ground

What is alertness?

one of central attributes of professional patrol officer

examples of no reasonable expectation of privacy

open fields abandoned property patrol car trash odor vehicles

abandoned property can be

opened and searched seized into evidence

Duty of Care for officer liability TC 546.005

operate vehicle with appropriate regard to safety of all, the consequences of reckless disregard for the safety of others


organizer, oversees entire transaction, role of a relatively professional criminal or organization

For the TCOLE test when transporting a suspect, where should the officers side arm be

out of the holster, and on the left side of the officer

open field is classified as

outside of curtilage

hook strike

palm strike with forearm and elbow at 90^o

What are the four permissible types of conduct set out by TC 546.001 while driving in an emergency?

park or stand irrespective of another provision, run red lights or stop signs, exceed a max speed, disregard direction of movement (wrong side of the lane)

What is the heart of a police agency?

patrol division

What are the changes in the duties of peace officers with community policing

patrol their own beat, develop trust, serves as link to other agencies, doesnt reduce number of officers, networks with other professionals

Stressful conditions officers must communicate in

people dont want to talk, emotionally charged, dangerous, being watched or filmed, resisting, unreasonable people

Definition of Liking

people prefer to say yes to those they like

The 3 factors of Liking

people who are similar to us pay us genuine compliments people who cooperate

Definition of consensus

people will look to the actions of others to determine their own actions

Gousse v LA

permanent nerve damage to hand following tight handcuffing

person who holds alcoholic beverage permit is what?


Describe a summons

person brings themselves to court

What kind of person admits their mistakes

person with high self-esteem

What kind of person denies their mistakes

person with low self-esteem

What three things can be frisked?

person, vehicle, building

Define family

persons related by blood or current marriage, former spouses

Stage 5 of human trafficking

physical abuse or torture

To have balance you must maintain both

physical and metal balance

What are the justifications of use of baton

physical stature, need for immediate control, knowledge of fighting form

3 types of abuses

physical, emotional, psychological

SKIP interference

picking up different frequency because of atmospheric and weather conditions. transmission skips along the channel causing choppy radio

What is silhouetting

placing yourself, others or your patrol in such a position so as to provide the suspect with a definite identifiable target

Consent to enter a house allows an officer can use which search warrant exception

plain view

What are the exceptions to the search warrant requirement?

plain view terry frisk consent incident to arrest inventory automobiles exigent circumstances community caretaking

What are the exceptions to search warrant requirements

plain view terry frisks consent incident to arrest inventory automobiles exigent circumstances community caretaking

County of Sacramento v. Lewis

police run over motorcyclist, no shock of conscience

Ethical appeal is based upon

position as a professional officer

Posse Comitatus

power of the county

What does cover officer do if contact officer is in fight?

prevent others from joining fight, gives aid only if requested

What is the method of patrol used in targeted problem areas?

preventative and apprehension?

The first step in self control


3 level approach to combating human trafficking

prevention, punishment, protection

Rewards of providing quality police customer service

pride within agency and community, financial rewards, community support

As a law enforcement officer you should be

proactive not reactive toward human trafficking

Target areas for baton

radial nerve motor point, median nerve motor point, common peroneal, femoral, tibial

What is the justification for an arrest

probable cause

At the moment of arrest this ceases to build

probable cause cant use results to justify the means

probable cause for warrantless arrest is the same as

probable cause for issuance of arrest warrant

A colonial general warrant is

prohibited by law in the US

in order for consent to be valid in court what must happen

prosecutor must prove that the consent was given voluntarily

What is accomplishment of basic patrol duty?

protect and serve


provides a convenient group or person to blame when things go wrong in one's personal life or in the community.


provides an outlet for expressing one's tensions and frustrations onto other people.

Factors to determine if something is part of curtilage

proximity to home included within fence or wall surrounding house purpose of building or area protected by resident from public view

Levels of resistances

psychological intimidation, verbal non compliance, passive resistance, Defensive resistance, Active physical assault, Deadly force

Coercion includes

psychological or mental abuse, document confiscation, fines for rule violations, control of children, photographing in illegal situations, forced to watch pornography to learn prostitution or stripping, forced to meet quotas, control of money.


purchases then sells victim to customer, provides place of employment and living space, informs victim of demands

Anderson v Creighton 1987

qualified immunity for officials

list 3 things peace officers can do during detentions

question, hold for victim, take to victim, handcuff, SFSTs

pressure point located on top of forearm

radial nerve

For open area searches you should approach from the


Over Steering

rear tires have less traction than front

How long is a temporary investigative detention

reasonable amount of time to allow to complete investigation

If true name of suspect is unknown, an arrest warrant can still be issued if you have

reasonable definite description

The main factor for court decisions on excessive force is

reasonable force may be used to effect an arrest when an officer has probable cause for that arrest

What level of suspicion is necessary for a investigative detention

reasonable suspicion

Secondary safety answering point

receives 911 calls transferred from PSAP when it gets flooded with calls

How would you prove you read a suspect their rights if they were submitting an oral statement

recorded prior to questioning and statement

Define De-escalation

reduction of the intensity of a conflict or potentially violent situation


refers to shared culture and background

Define civil law

related to personal and property rights of individuals, governs disputes between individuals

Dating Relationship

relationship between who have or had a continuing relationship of romantic or intimate nature. Determined by length, nature and frequency and interactions

If you call for a dog to sniff the vehicle after you have given the suspect the citation, what must the officer do for it not to be an unreasonable search

release the suspect

When can you cite and release a suspect for public intoxication

released into custody of responsible person voluntarily admits into treatment facility

in a protective order the court may prohibit a part from

removing a child, transferring property, remove a pet

Whenever a peace officer summons the aid of a citizen and the citizen refuses to assist him, the officer should do what?

report to DA/CA

who should notify DPS when someone misused an ID

reporting officer

Final Stage of human trafficking

resolution by death or freedom

Success measures of professional police model

response time, crime stats, complaints

Ineffective control

results when the level of force is less than the subjects level of resistance

Excessive Control

results when the level of force is unreasonably greater than the subject's level of resistance potentially causing preventable injury

after a search warrant is executed what is the paper called given back to the magistrate

return and inventory

If suspect is in custody what MUST they be made aware of/ read

rights against self incrimination

What force can an officer use to protect a citizen

same force that citizen could use to protect

how to block a long hay maker

same side arm bent, push forward, strike brachial plexus with other arm

Besides law enforcement who else can receive tips directly from crime stoppers

school district employees

a cars interior is protected, in order to comb through is considered a


back pack emptied on the hood of a car is a


What is the rescue team

search and recover downed victims/officers

What should an officer do after arrest

search arrestee take him before magistrate

How should you search a building when searching with another officer?

search each room thoroughly before moving to another, leave violator an avenue of escape.

search after arrest

search everywhere for officer safety

what is not an exception for a search warrant

search incident to a traffic stop

What is required for you to have in your hand when executing a search warrant

search warrant

Angle of arrival

sector of the cell tower that the signal hits, used to route 911 calls

Advantage of direct approach on foot

see hands and facial expression

The officers use of force should be

selective and appropriate

Apologizing is a sign of

self confidence maturity good character

Protections of persons

self defense, deadly force in defense of person, defense of third person, protection of life or health

Prevent indicators

self grooming, target glancing, indexing, hidden hands, correlation of movements, self control, words and eyes

Benefits for students in crime stopper programs include

sense of belonging

Not a duty of the Shire- Reeve

sentencing offenders

on sunday, when does a package store have to stop selling alcohol

store is closed on sunday

Responsibilities for Board of Directors of Crime Stoppers?

set policy, raise funds, reward payments, trustees for all funds, program awareness, work with law enforcement, pay travel expenses for law enforcement training.

peace officer _________ report a seizure when illicit beverage are seized in violation of ABC


What could happen if freedom is granted

shame, cant return to normal life because of cultural norms, continues to be vulnerable, have health and mental problems

Who calls in military for riots


Who is in violation of a duty if a prisoner is committed to jail by warrant from a court and the defendant is prohibited to remain out of the jail without bail?


Will handcuffing a suspect _________ convince a court the suspect was under arrest


what must an officer do before applying a pressure point


What is the force continuum

standard that provides law enforcement officers and civilians with guidelines as to how much is justified

What should you avoid during a burglary call?

standing in front of windows/doorways or peeking in

Positions for applying handcuffs

standing, sitting, prone, kneeling

step 4 of contact method

state action to be taken

step 2 of contact method

state reason for being there and violation

Where in the state does a warrant extend

state wide

Looping commands

stating the same command over and over and over

How do you approach a suspect you are about to handcuff

step and slide technique

Force (n)

strength or energy brought to bear, active power, violence or constrain upon something

how to activate the radial nerve

strike with meaty part of forearm or hand hammer, or baton

how to activate the brachial plexus

strike, thumb up

Adult benefits for being in crime stopper programs include

stronger connection with youth, renewed energy, expanded resource base

Advantage of side approach on foot

subject has to turn to attack

Risk factors of arrest

subjects mental attitude, time and location, drug use, spectators, # of officers, officer attitude

Which of these are not like the others? Warrant Summons Capeous

summons capeous (arrest warrant)

pressure point located on base of ankle

superficial peroneal

Advantage of rear approach on foot


When is Miranda required?

suspect is under arrest and want to use statements in court

Factors of using force

suspect resisting? suspect armed? nature of the crime? suspect have history of violence? number of suspects? back up? risk of injuring 3rd parties

When approaching a suspect what should you be mindful of? (4)

suspects' 1. HANDS 2. Furtive Movements 3. Bulges in clothing 4. Behavior

Authoritarian Personality

symbolizes one's affiliation with a more dominant group

evidence seized during a search warrant must be taken where

take before magistrate

Peace officer charging a minor with committing a DUI of alcohol must

take minor into custody

step 5 of contact method

take the action

LE Cordinators responsiblities are mainly focused on?

taking tips, and maintaining good relationship with media.

What is the contact team

tasked with stopping the threat

Hand cuffs are what type of restraint


what is not used as a factor to determine curtilage of a house

temporary or permanent residence

What is a caster?

tendency to straighten front wheels

Protective order is valid unless

termination date has past court has rescinded order

When verbal and non verbal disagree which one should you trust?

the non verbal

emotional abuse

the nonphysical mistreatment of a person

Definition of Reciprocity

the obligation to give when you receive

Ability referenced through the Graham v connor test refers to

the offender having the ability to execute the threat

who has the burden to justify the use of a baton

the officer

Definition of Active Listening

the process of carefully gathering information based on verbal and nonverbal observations.

Vascular restraint

the safer form of neck restraints


the subjects attempt to evade an officer's attempt to control. The amount and type of resistance will vary based on factors

P.C 9.52 Prevention of Escape from Custody

the use of force to prevent the escape of an arrested person from custody is justifiable when the fore could have been employed to effect the arrest under which the person is in custody

Paraphrasing allows the officer to ensure

they understand the situation

Why would you handcuff a suspect while on a boat

they were combative/ a danger

The criminal penalty for misuse of information from crime stoppers that is done for monetary gain is

third degree felony

Imminent Jeopardy

threat is here and now

PC 9.04 Threats as Justifiable force

threat of using force is justifiable if the action of the force is justifiable, the threat is not deadly force

how to activate the hypoglossal nerve

thumb, constant pressure

how to active the mandibular angle

thumb, constant pressure

Pressure point located on back of calf

tibial nerve

How would one show they are listening

tilt head toward the speaker

Distance + cover =


special constable is authorized for how long?

time appointed

Why would an officer perform a frisk

to check for weapons

Identifying a problem allows the officer

to create a plan of approach

Reasonable force may be used

to effect an arrest if the officer has probable cause for that arrest

What is not an objective of the CCP

to ensure the uniform enforcement of Texas laws

Stage 3 of human trafficking


what is the only crime in the US constitution?


If a person is on parole they are a convicted felon t/f


Saucier v. Katz (2001)

two-pronged test for qualified immunity Did the actions violate someone's constitutional rights If so, was the right "clearly established" at the time of the misconduct

What does watch and ward mean

type of policing depending on night and day


unauthorized departure from custody or failure to return to custody following temporary leave for a specific purpose


under arrest by a officer pursuant to an order of this state or another state

How should you be in your patterns to confuse wrongdoers?

unsystematic and unpredictable

Practical appeal is based on

urgent need to change a particular circumstances

Voice is

verbal personality

Name the 10 exceptions for the arrest warrant requirement

view of officer view of magistrate fleeing felon admits felony assault with probable cause it will continue in the future interference with calling 911 violates protection order family violence consequences of theft suspicious person in suspicious place

Define Mob

when a crowd has been instilled with a purpose and intent to carry out their purpose, regardless of the conswquences

Define search

when a peace officer looks into an area in which someone has a reasonable expectation of privacy

When to not transmit

when advised to stand by, lengthy messages, during emergencies, superfluous

When does an officer have the ability to summon aid

when encounters resistance

Plowing is

when your vehicle continues straight but the tires are turned, caused by under steering

what is not a factor considered by court to define curtilege

whether residence is temporary or permanent

What is the most frequent time a for an LE collision

while backing

What is the coopers color code

white, yellow, orange, red

What questions should the organization obtain from the tipster about the crime?

who, what, when, where, how

a search incident to arrest happens indoors, the scope of the search can only extend to

within reach

Elements of communication

words, touch, body movement, message

What is the key principle for community oriented policing

working together with the community with finding new ways to address neighborhood concerns

What challenges detention if detention is illegal?

writ of habeas corpus

Delivery to respondent

written, orally, or mailed by 3rd business day


year make/model body style additional information license plate license plate state

Can a search warrant be issued to search for a person


Can a suspect terminate their consent at anytime


Can an officer arrest a person without a warrant if they committed an offense in the presence of a magistrate if magistrate commands you to arrest


Can you handcuff someone on your boat


Is it ok to drive up to a house through a driveway accessible to public?


Is it ok to walk up to the front door of a house that is accessible to the public and knock on the door


is game warden inspection authority a seizure and governed by the 4th amendment


Functions of Discrimination

• Tends to reinforce prejudice • limits the other groups' effectiveness in business, education, political office, etc. • economic exploitation of the group being discriminated against

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