Team Carnage Field Craft 1

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A casualty is labeled _________ if they have a max of 1 hour for evac.

Urgent surgical

A casualty is labeled __________ if they have a max of 1 hour for evac. and need surgery


Battlefield documentation is not part of a Soldier's official and permanent medical record.

Care Level 5

CONUS DOD hospitals/ VA Hospital

Phases of battlefield casualty care

Care under fire, Tactical field care, Tactical evacuation care


Casualty is labeled ___________ if they have no timeframe for evac.


Casualty is labeled ___________ if they need to be evac. within 4 hours


Casualty is labeled ____________ if they need to be evac. within 24 hours


Casualty is not going to get to a medical facility within 3 hours you should give them

Care Level 1

First responder/ Medic


Fluid of choice for casualties suffering from hemorrhaging, volume expander


For every 500ml of Hextend administered __________ml are pulled from the interstitial space

ET intubation

Golden Standard for airway management

Block 11 upper right hand corner initial it

How and where do you show you wrote the DD Form 1380?

25 seconds

How long do you have to transmit a MEDEVAC


How much blood can each side of the chest hold

1 liter

How much blood can one thigh hold

10 liters

How much blood can the abdomen hold


How much blood loss must occur to see a drop in blood pressure (aka Decompensated shock)

Heart muscle damage, Dysrhythmia, Valvular disruption

Intrinsic causes of cardiogenic shock

Aeromedical evacuation personnel

Loading onto a aeromedical ambulance is supervised by__________

Upper Right, Lower right, upper left, lower left

Loading sequence for four litter casualties

Collecting wounded, triage, care en route, casualty transportation

MEDEVAC encompasses

Written record of assessment findings and treatment given

Overall goal of medical documentation on the battlefield is....

4 Ps of wound packing

Peel, Push, Pile, Pressure

Emergency Cricothyroidotomy

Preferred advanced airway in the combat environment

Tactical Evacuation

Stage during which greatest amount of care is given

Lactated Ringer

The fluid of choice for casualties suffering from non-hemorrhagic causes of shock is?

Body Mechanics

Use of large leg muscles, slide or roll, back straight


What percentage of casualties could not be saved regardless of the medical care rendered

6 and 9

What two lines of the 9 line MEDEVAC change during times of war and peace?

Hypothermia, Near-drowning, electrocution

When should you perform CPR in the combat environment

Tactical Leader

Who decides if casualties will be evacuated?

Provider or MO

Who signs the Field Medical Card?

Medic Performing Treatment

Who signs the TC3 Card?

Everyone will eventually receive ABX

Who will receive ABX?


accumulation of fluid in the tissue surrounding an IV needle site (S/S cool hard to the touch, pale, swollen)

Circulatory Overload

an increased vascular volume resulting from excessive IV fluid being infused too rapidly into the vein.

Enemy fire

biggest obstacle faced when providing battlefield care

Primary blast injuries

caused by blast wave

Care level 2

forward resuscitation care capability/ Medical company

Bloody vomiting


Coughing up blood



non-medical vehicle used to transport combat casualties


object or structural component that will withstand a casualty or rescuers weight during egress

Simple Rescue

open fields, vehicles and/or structures, there are no hindrances to removing casualties

Sucking chest wound

open pneumothorax that is 2/3 the size of the trachea, presenting sucking sounds

Tertiary blast injuries

patient blown against a structure


required blocks of 1380 Field Medical Card


rubbing of one object or surface against another

Cover and Concealment

smoke, buildings, armored tactical vehicle

Personnel resources

soldiers trained in warrior tasks and battle drills, CLS, and medically trained soldiers are examples of what?

Ringer's Lactate

solution of choice for burns, solution of choice for dehydration

arrive at surgical facility within 2 hours, TQ has been in place longer than 6 hours, amputations

3 times you do not loosen a TQ


4 litters or 8 ambulatory casualties or 2 litters and 4 ambulatory

Septic, Neurogenic, Physcogenic, Anaphylatic

4 types of distributive shock

Acidosis, Medication, Hemodilution, Hypothermia, Blood Pressure

5 factors that affect clotting


60% of wounds are found in this area


A BP about _________ will dislodge any blood clot


A systolic blood pressure of ________ will perfuse all vital organs


ABX are not given to what kind of casualties

Secondary blast injuries

Caused by debris and shrapnel

TC3 Card

DA Form 7656 Casualty Card

Chest tube

Definitive care for a tension pneumothorax

Copper wire

FMC has what to attach it to a casualty

Battlefield PPE

IBA, DAPS, SAPI plates, ACH, gloves, ACS, eye pro, ear pro... these are examples of what?

Spinal immobilization

Limited on the battlefield due to time constraints

Contraindications of applying a NPA

Maxillofacial trauma, exposed brain matter, CSF

Casualties IFAK

Medics should use the _____________ _____________ contents before using the contents of their aid bag.

Spinal Immobilization

Motor Vehicle Crashes, Falls >15 ft, IED blast with MRAP-V (are indications for what?)

Tactical Indications for C-Spine immobilization

Motor vehicle crashes, Falls greater than 15 feet, IED blast involving a MRAP vehicle


No more than __________ml of Hextend should be given to any single casualty pre-hospital

Bruising, coughing up blood, rectal bleeding, bloody vomiting

Signs and symptoms of non-compressible bleeding


True or False: Statistically, the majority of combat fatalities are non-survivable.


True or False: The most seriously injured are located last so that they will be the first to be off-loaded

Number and type of wound, injury or illness

What does line 6 during peacetime?

Security of pickup site

What does line 6 during wartime?


What does line 9 during peacetime?

NBC contamination

What does line 9 during wartime?

I have a MEDEVAC request

What initiates a MEDEVAC request

Tylenol, Mobic, MoxiFloxi

What is found in the combat pill pack?

Four major aspects of MEDEVAC

collecting the wounded, triage for evacuation, transportation, emergency medical interventions and care en route

Combat Gauze

comes as a roll of gauze impregnated with kaolin

Goals of TC3

complete the mission, prevent additional casualties, treat the casualty


contains high molecular weight molecules such as protein or starches

Care Level 4

definitive care outside of combat zone? Germany

Lack of documentation and resources

disrupts ability to thoroughly document medical care provided


do not have the ability to carry oxygen, not the fluid of choice for combat trauma casualties that require intravascular volume expansion due to hemorrhage



Factors influencing care on battlefield

enemy fire, medical equipment limitations, tactical considerations, casualty transportation, wide variable evacuation times

Cardiac tamponade, Tension pneumothorax

extrinsic causes of cardiogenic shock

Size and location

in the prehospital setting the _______ and ______ of the IV catheter should be noted within the casualty documentation


inflammation of the wall of the vein (S/S swelling, pain, tenderness, redness and warmth at the site)

Extremity hemorrhage

leading cause of preventable death on the battlefield


medical vehicle used to transport combat casualties


tendency to classify a wound as more sever than it really is


the clotting proteins, platelets and RBC have been "washed out"

Air Embolism

the obstruction of a blood vessel by air carried via the bloodstream

Care Level 3

theater hospitalization capability? Combat support hospital

WALK litter

this litter is located in the ground vehicle and has an array of medical supplies

Control life threats

treatment goal during care under fire

Intercostal vessels

up to 100ml per minute each


used as the primary dedicated air ambulance

Complex Rescue

vertical casualty movement, doors, hatchets, window, hasty stabilization, collapsed buildings

Point of wounding (X)

where and when the medical evacuation procces starts


where the majority of combat wounds are suffered

Tactical leader

who decides whether there will be an evacuation?

very few penetrating head/neck injuries require immobilization

why c-spine immobilization has limited application in combat

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