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Based on a prior knowledge of literature, the reader can infer that this passage was taken from which of the following?

A) a limerick B) a folk tale C) a persuasive essay D) a historical document

the reader can infer that this passage was taken from which of the following?

A) a political treatise B) a history book C) a tourist guidebook D) a historic novel


A) ask them for advice about her problem

The vain queen worried that her magical mirror was lying to her when it told her she was "the fairest in the land." She wanted to ensure her beauty never faded. She called several of her wisest advisors to her council chamber. Based on this passage which of the following is a logical prediction of what the queen will do?

A) ask them for advice about her problem B) command her advisors to go to beauty school C) discuss the issue patiently with her wisest advisor D) scheme against the lying mirror

which of the following describes the word miraculous as it is used in the third paragraph of the passage?

A) astonishing B) paralyzing C) unconscionable D) preternatural

the description of the drafting of the declaration of independence in the third paragraph has what type of relationship to thomas paines writing?

A) cause and effect B) compare and contrast C) problem and solution D) sequence


A) exceptional


A) finnish


A) paine was one of the founding fathers

the passage is reflective of which of the following types of writing?

A) technical B) narrative C) expository D) persuasive

An individual reading a book about the first emperor of China wants to find the first reference in the book to the Terracotta Army. Where should he or she look?

A) the glossary B) the table of contents C) the afterword D) the index

Read and follow the directions below. 1. Walk one block west. 2. Walk three blocks north. 3. Walk two blocks east. Where is your destination compared to your original location?

A) two blocks north, two blocks west B) two blocks south, two blocks east C) one block west, two blocks south D) one block east, three blocks north


B) a folk tale


B) a history textbook


B) an automated clothing machine that fits in the back of a truck and can produce complete outfits in minutes from designs created on its computer, greatly reducing the time needed to create custom tailored outfits for consumers


B) given paines contributions to america, he deserves recognition as one of our most important founding fathers


C) expository expository meaning the intent to explain or describe something


C) formal education is better than informal education


C) paragraph 3


D) a playwright is inspired to write beautiful plays about the destitution and difficulties of his childhood, and becomes widely acclaimed as the greatest writer of his genereation


D) one block east, three blocks north

which part of the astronauts suit helps astronauts breathe properly?

D) primary Life support subsystem

Chapter 8: European Politics 1. Scandinavian Government A. danish B. swedish C. norwegian D. _________

Examine the headings above. which of the following is a reasonable heading to insert in the blank spot? A) Finnish B) Germanic C) Celtic D) Croatian

Since rejoining UNESCO, one of our top priorities has been promoting literacy, with a particular focus on girls and women. To that end, quality providers of informal education have played and will continue to play a key role in decreasing the global adult illiteracy rate. We know that informal education can be more flexible and help reach adults who have long ago dropped out of the formal school system or who were systematically denied access to school. As the largest government donor to UNICEF, the United States is supporting efforts to support safe schools, and quality education for each and every girl and boy.

Which of the following is not something with which the author of the above statements would likely agree? A) it makes sense to educate women and girls B) women become empowered through education C) formal education is better than informal education D) women and girls should be educated

which of these sentences represents a summary sentence for the passage? A) a spacesuit is much more than a set of clothes astronauts wear on spacewalks B) NASAs first spacewalks took place during the Gemini program C) the advanced crew escape suit is the orange suit that astronauts wear during launch and landing of the space D) NASA is also looking at what will be needed on spacesuits for trips to mars

answer: A) a spacesuit is much more than a set of clothes astronauts wear on spacewalks



The student couldn't help but smile when the teacher singled out her newspaper article as a __signal__ accomplishment among the class's final issue of the school newspaper.

based on the context of the sentence above, which of the following is the definition of the underlined word? A) exceptional B) vague C) tocsin D) admonition


not until a person has mastered the requisite skills should he or she attempt to lie in a serious manner




the index

Friends and Fellow Citizens: Called upon to undertake the duties of the first executive office of our country, I avail myself of the presence of that portion of my fellow-citizens which is here assembled to express my grateful thanks for the favor with which they have been pleased to look toward me, to declare a sincere consciousness that the task is above my talents, and that I approach it with those anxious and awful presentiments which the greatness of the charge and the weakness of my powers so justly inspire." - Thomas Jefferson

what is jeffersons point in this excerpt? A) jefferson is envious of George Washingtons popularity B) Jefferson has no concern for public opinion. he wants only to do what is best for the nation C) jefferson wants to retire with a good reputation D) without the support of the governed, a leader cannot lead

"You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. Once caught, you can never again be in the eyes to the good and the pure, what you were before. Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and ill finished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training. Some authorities hold that the young ought not to lie at all. I do maintain, and I believe I am right, that the young ought to be temperate in the use of this great art until practice and experience shall give them that confidence, elegance, and precision which alone can make the accomplishment graceful and profitable. Patience, diligence, painstaking attention to detail—these are requirements; these in time, will make the student perfect; upon these only, may he rely as the sure foundation for future eminence." - Mark Twain

what is mark twains main point about lying in this passage? A) truth is mighty and will always prevail B)Not until a person has mastered the requisite skills should he or she attempt to lie in a serious manner C) its important to learn to lie in a convincing manner D) it takes a lot of practice to become a good liar

Compared to most of our country's other Founding Fathers, Thomas Paine is essentially unknown. In fact, there are many Americans who have never even heard of him. Paine was born in 1737, the son of a corseter - a tailor specializing in corsets and other undergarments - and grew up in rural Thetford, England. As a young man, Paine worked as a corseter, sailor, and minister, but found his true calling when he moved to the British colonies in America. Paine first gained notoriety as the editor of Pennsylvania Magazine and, as political turmoil engulfed the colonies, he became more prominent. In 1776, Paine anonymously published a book called Common Sense that argued forcefully for American independence from Britain. The book's popularity spread like wildfire; soon there were 200,000 copies in circulation. Once the war began, Paine published a series of pamphlets called The Crisis. These, in the midst of a bloody war, helped keep up the morale of the troops. Thomas Paine is also credited with conceiving the name "The United States of America." Thomas Paine was an extremely talented writer; Thomas Jefferson and John Adams drew heavily on his work when drafting the Declaration of Independence. Later in life, Paine wrote other, highly controversial works. He was even exiled from England and imprisoned in France for his writings. In 1796, Paine did his part to inspire what would become Social Security. He suggested a system of social insurance for the young and the elderly in his last great work, Agrarian Justice.

what sentence, if added to the end of the passage, would provide the best conclusion to both the paragraph and the passage? A) Unfortunately, not enough is known about thomas paine to call him a founding father B) Given paines contributions to america, he deserves recognition as one of our most importsnt founding fathers C) paines was also an inventor, patenting his design for a cantilever bridge D) if paine had recieved the recognition he deserved, he would have been seen as a much more controversial figure

Compared to most of our country's other Founding Fathers, Thomas Paine is essentially unknown. In fact, there are many Americans who have never even heard of him. Paine was born in 1737, the son of a corseter - a tailor specializing in corsets and other undergarments - and grew up in rural Thetford, England. As a young man, Paine worked as a corseter, sailor, and minister, but found his true calling when he moved to the British colonies in America

which of the following conclusions may logically be drawn from the first paragraph of the passage? A) paine was one of the founding fathers B) paine was forgotten after his lifetime C) The declaration of independence could not have been written without paines contribution D) paines wide range of job experiences likely helped him develop his political opinions

The Louis Lumière camera launched in Paris on December 28th, 1895. It was called the Cinématographe and it was the first camera manageable enough to bring out of the studio and into the world. Its competitor, at the time, was still confined to a studio in New Jersey and required several men to move. The Lumière camera weighed only 5 kilograms and could be carried in a small suitcase. An audience of journalists, theatre directors, and friends viewed the first show. After that, the public shows commenced. Louis Lumière, often considered the founder of documentary film, was the son of Antoine Lumière, a painter who had turned to portrait photography, photographing well-to-do clients against backdrops he painted. Louis and his brother Auguste received a technical education, but Louis left school at an early age because of severe headaches, and took up laboratory work for his father. While still a teenager, he invented a new procedure for preparing photographic plates, which gave such fine results that the Lumières began to manufacture plates for others. Soon the family sold the photo studio and on the outskirts of Lyon organized a factory of plates. Louis designed and oversaw everything. By 1895, the factory employed more than 300 workers, produced fifteen million dry plates annually, and was a leader in photographic equipment. During this time, his father was semi-retired, spending his days painting, and the two brothers were consistently working on new inventions. Although they worked as a team on nearly everything, Louis was considered the sole inventor of the Cinématographe, having solved its problems during a night of insomnia in 1894. The Cinématographe was not only small and light; it also had the miraculous capability of filming, projecting, and printing. This meant that an operator could serve as a complete production crew: he or she could be sent anywhere in the world to give showings, shoot new films by day, develop films in his or her hotel room, and show them to the public that very night. Because of this, the Lumière's sent dozens of operators to film and present shows across Europe, Russia, and Great Britain. Cinématographe's debuts in London and New York were similar to that of Paris—slow at first, but eventually a shocking success. Cinema quickly became part of music hall programs and Cinématographe shows gained permanent residence.

which of the following technological developments would most closely resemble the innovation of the cinematographe? A) a fishing boat that travels faster and on less fuel per trip, greatly enhancing the cost-effectiveness of fishing companies and the availability of fish in inland markets B) an automated clothing machine that fits in the back of a truck and can produce complete outfits in minutes from designs created on its computer, greatly reducing the time needed to create custom- tailored outfits for consumers C) a camera that can survive atmosperis re-entry, greatly increasing the number of pictures of outer space possible per taxpayer dollar spent D) a factory assembly line requiring only two operators that can produce luxury vehicles inexpensively, greatly increasing the market penetration of luxury vehicles

For some, the poverty and deprivations of youth must be credited with the grandest achievements of adulthood. The poet Robert Burns and his brother were expected to do the work of men at the age of thirteen. He had some schooling before then, and must have improved during this time, for he could read and spell well, and had some knowledge of English grammar.

which of the following would provide the best support for the claim made in the first line of the passsage? A) a young artist from a wealthy family recieves the best education that money can buy, but still does not succeed as a painter B) a young writer comes from an impoverished, rural background, and receives a scholarship to university, but fails to make something of herself C) a child prodigy becomes a world-famous violinist before reaching puberty, despite growing up in a woring-class household D) A playwright is inspired to write beautiful plays about the destitution and difficulties of his childhood, and becomes widely acclaimed as the greatest writer of his generation

A spacesuit consists of several pieces. The Hard Upper Torso covers the astronaut's chest. The arm assembly covers the arms and connects to the gloves. The helmet and Extravehicular Visor Assembly are designed to protect the astronaut's head while still allowing him or her to see as much as possible. The Lower Torso Assembly covers the astronaut's legs and feet. The flexible parts of the suit are made from several layers of material. The layers perform different functions, from keeping oxygen within the spacesuit to protecting from space dust. Underneath the spacesuit, astronauts wear a Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment. Tubes are woven into this tight-fitting piece of clothing that covers the entire body except for the head, hands and feet. Water flows through these tubes to keep the astronaut cool during spacewalks. On the back of the spacesuit is a backpack called the Primary Life Support Subsystem. This backpack contains the oxygen that astronauts breathe during spacewalks. It also removes carbon dioxide that astronauts exhale. The backpack also provides electricity for the suit. A fan moves the oxygen through the spacesuit and life support systems, and a water tank holds the cooling water that flows through the Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment.

which paragraph explains how spacesuits prevent overheating during a spacewalk? A) paragraph 1 B) paragraph 2 C) paragraph 3 D) paragraph 4


without the support of the governed, a leader cannot lead

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