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Charles Babbage

- is renowned as a mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, - is best remembered for originating the concept of a programmable computer. -He is remembered as the "father of computers" -he is renowned for creating the first mechanical computer -His invention provided a huge leap forward in technology and removed the possibility of human error.

Claude Shannon

- known as "the father of information theory" -is noted for having founded information theory with a landmark paper, A Mathematical Theory of Communication - equally well known for founding digital circuit design theory in 1937

Norman Abramson

-"founder and CEO of Aloha Networks and Skyware" -------Designed and developed at the University of Hawii, ALOHAnet was the first network to transmit data successfully using radio signals - ALOHAnet used high-speed data packet, known as ALOHA channels, to transmit data over radio frequencies --Until his retirement, Abramson continued to work on the ALOHA protocols and packet broadcasting technologies in a commercial capacity as founder and CEO of Aloha Networks and Skyware -Now living in San Francisco, Abramson continues his research in ALOHA applications and communication theory, and spends his time writing and speaking about the history of ALOHAnet.

John Bardeen

-1956 won the Nobel Prize in Physics for for their joint invention of the transistorwith with William B. Shockley and Walter H. Brattain -1972 won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the first successful explanation of superconductivity with Leon N. Cooper and John R. Schrieffer -He enrolled at the University of Wisconsin when he was 15 and majored in engineering -He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1954 and was awarded the Buckley Prize of the American Physical Society in 1955 and the Fritz London Award for work in low-temperature physics in 1962. -From 1930 to 1933, John Bardeen worked under Professor Leo J. Peters at the Gulf Research Laboratories in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on the development of methods for the interpretation of magnetic and gravitation surveys

Jean Bartik

-American computer software pioneer who played an instrumental role in programming ENIAC - she was recruited by the U.S. Army to calculate (by hand) artillery firing trajectories. -Later that year she was one of the six women chosen by the University of Pennsylvania to program and debug ENIAC. -She later went on to program BINAC (Binary Automatic Computer) and UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer), one of the earliest commercial computers

Ursula Burns

-CEO of Xerox, an American global corporation that sells business services and document technology products First black-American woman CEO to head a Fortune 500 company -Her salary is $18.7 million -she is among the founding Board Directors of Change the Equation, which is an organization that focuses on improving STEM-based education in the United States. --U.S. President Barack Obama appointed Burns to help lead the White House National program on STEM

Susan Wojcicki

-CEO of YouTube -She is resosnible for about 96% perfect of google's revenues -She rented out her garage to the men who started google so she was with them since the beginning -She is the mother of 5 children and the CEO of YouTube --She was the 16th employee for google and is still with the company

Reid Hoffman

-Co founder of LinkedIn which he recently announced in June 2016 that he was selling to Microsoft for 26.2 billion --created the (failed) dating site SocialNet, which some regard as the first online social network. -graduated from stanford and wrote about his success in the buisnessworld called "The Alliance: Managing Talent in the Networked Age" which was a 2014 best seller -Sits on the boards of many nonprofits including Kiva, which seeks to combat poverty through micro-finance -was part of "Paypal Mafia" and helped start up the company and was an early investor in Facebook and now a partner at the venture capital firm Greylock

Marcela Sapone

-Co-Founder of Hello Alfread -Named one of Forbes 30 under 30 -Hello Alfred is a bulter service for $32 dollars a week --In 2014 Sapone and Beck were the first women to win the coveted TechCrunch Disrupt SF startup competition. -said, "Women start businesses that seem cute on the surface, but that's when you should be really afraid. What we're doing is really meaningful and is going to change how people live."

Bill Gates

-Co-Founder of Microsoft -One of the best know entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution -Microsofts Altair BASIC was popular with computer hobbyist -net worth is $81.7 Billion , according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Bill and MElinda GAte have a foundation that supports the use of genetically modified organisms -"First the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super inteligent. That should be positive if we manage it we;. A few decades after that thought the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern. I agree with Elon Musk and some others on this and don't understand why some people are not concerned."

Roberta Williams

-Co-founded Sierra Online (now known as Sierra Entertainment) with Ken -worked with her husband Ken on making several adventure games, the first being Mystery House, made in 1980, which became the first graphic adventure game. -The couple's best known work is the King's Quest series, a collection of games known for their huge, extensive worlds. These worlds included a variety of characters, places, and objects that could be explored and interacted with by solving puzzles and riddles. -The King's Quest series is known for being a pioneer in creating realistic simulations of 3D environments, even though the entire environment is mostly comprised of sprite characters on an apparent 2D plane. The player controlled character can, for example, fall into a river on another plane or walk into the distance. These aspects were revolutionary during the "Golden Era of Adventure Games." -drew inspiration from fairy tales while making games for the series. Each game draws inspiration from Medeival folklore, Greek mythology, and classic literature as sources for the trials each hero faces while encountering beasts, witches, and wizards.

Larry Page

-Co-founder and was CEO of Google -is the CEO of Google's parent company, Alphabet Inc. --Additionally, he is the inventor of PageRank, Google's best-known search ranking algorithm. -received the Marconi Prize in 2004. -At the age of six he started to show his love for science and computers. He became the first child in his elementary school to submit an assignment in a word-processed form. --While studying at the University of Michigan, Larry Page made an inkjet printer using LEGO Bricks.

Ginni Rometty

-Current Chairman, President, and CEO of IBM -She has a a Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering -She is the first woman to head IBM -She became senior Vice President and group executive for sales, marketing, and strategies in 2009 -she is credited with spearheading IBM's growth strategy by getting th company into the cloud computing and analytics business

Jeff Bezos

-Founder and CEO of Amazon -graduated from Princeton with degrees in Computer Science and electrical engineering -He also has an interest in aerospace engineering and owns a company, Blue Origin, that has test flights to space -He is an e commerce pioneer and revolutionized the consumer's view on buying goods. -More recently he has begun making his own products to compete in the tech industry by producing tablets and e-readers.

Jack Dorsey

-Founder and CEO of Twitter -He became interested in computers and communications at an early age and began programming while he was a high school student -He dropped out from New York University ------------------He programmed a website where users could instantly post messages of 140 characters or less (Twitter) He - became an investor in the social networking company, Foursquare, and launched a new investment, Square (2010)

Mary Lou Jepsen

-Founder of OpenWater (replacing the use of MRI's with wearble technology) -featured in Time Magazine's "Top 100" which features the top 100 most influential in the world -was a Professor at MIT from 2005-2007 -Has a PhD in Optical Physics from Brown University -co-founder of One Laptop per Child and was the lead inventor and architect of the $100 laptop

John von Neumann

-He was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics, in the development of functional analysis, and a key figure in the development of game theory and the concepts of cellular automata, the universal constructor and the digital computer. -He published over 150 papers in his life: about 60 in pure mathematics, 20 in physics, and 60 in applied mathematics, the remainder being on special mathematical subjects or non-mathematical ones. -His last work, an unfinished manuscript written while in the hospital, was later published in book form as The Computer and the Brain.

Thomas Watson

-He was the second president of IBM. -He served as a pilot in WW2 in the Air Force. Before this experience, he had little interest in his father's company, but being a pilot was a turning point in his career. -He is responsible for IBM's entering the computer field, and many of his colleagues thought it was a bad choice. Initially it didn't produce a large profit, but they were selling many computerized systems to the Air Force.

Douglas Engelbart

-Inventor of the computer mouse and the development of hypertext -On-Line System (1968)- presented at the "mother of all desmos"- packed video conferencing, networked collaboration, the mouse, hyperlinks and text editing into one presentation -Started a nonprofit Bootstrap Institute, now known as the Douglas Engelbart Institute, an organization dedicated to promoting a collective approach to problem-solving -Best known for his work on founding the field of human-computer interaction, particularly while at his Augmentation Research Lab in SRI International -Engelbart's Law, the observation that the intrinsic rate of human performance is exponential, is named after him

Grace Hopper

-One of the first programmers on the Harvard Mark 1 computer in 1944 -She invented the first complier for a computer programing language. -She was a United States Navy Rear Admiral -retired from the Naval Reserve at age 60 with the rank of Commander -Nick-named "Amazing Grace" due to her many accomplishments in technology and outstanding Naval rank.

Lucy Peng

-One of the founders of Alibaba -listed as one of the most powerful women in the world by Forbes magazine -Has a net worth of $930 million -Earned a degree in business administration in China -Was the CEO of Alipay, the most successful way of payment in China

Lisa Su

-President and CEO of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) --MIT Technology Review named her a "Top Innovator Under 35" -was named "2014 Executive of the Year" at the EE Times and EDN 2014 ACE Awards -She was born in Tainan, Taiwan and at the age of 3 moved to the United States with her parents. -recieved a bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees in electrical engineering when she graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tim Cook

-Previous COO and current CEO of Apple -advocate for the political reformation of international and domestic surveillance, cybersecurity, corporate taxation, and environmental protection -After the San Berdino attack, Cook refused to give the FBI a firmware to get into the shooter's phones, as he saw it as a breach of privacy -first Chief Executive (Apple) of a Fortune 500 company to publicly identify as gay -he plans to donate his entire stock fortune to charity (announced March 2015)

Alan Turing

-Responsible for the development of the Turing Machine, which helped crack German codes and was a major contribution to the eventual Allied powers victory in World War II. -Apart from working heavily in computer science, also worked in the areas of biology. -he is responsible for the development of morphognesis. Morphogenesis essentially provides a mathematical explanation to how organisms grow and develop on Earth. -work on the subject has been cited a record number of 8,000 times. -is mostly known for his efforts in cracking the Enigma code. -The enigma was a machine used by the Germans to send messages swiftly and privately without the allied forces discovering what the content of the messages contained. ---The code was changed daily, making it difficult to decipher the messages with ample time to deliver it to military officials so they could plan a course of attack. -To decipher the Engima code, the Bombe would start with an appropriate excerpt of what the text of the code could contain. -This text is referred to as the crib. The computer would then go through the millions of settings on the rotors designed by mathematical statistics. For each contradiction or illogical deduction made on what the code means, the computer would discard it and eventually be left only a few possible solutions for the deciphering of the code. - creation of the bombe was significant to the victory of the allied powers in World War II and the growth of computer science as a whole. By the conclusion of World War II, more than two hundred bombers were being used to decipher code. -One of his colleagues would go on to develop the Colossus computer, which is known to be the first programmable and digital computer invented. - also contributed to the invention of the CAPTCHA test, which is a reverse of one of the tests he developed where a person visiting a website is tested on whether or not they could be a computer.

Sheryl Sandberg

-She is the chief operating officer of Facebook. -She is the best-selling author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. -She worked for the U.S. Department of the Treasury during the Clinton Adminstration. -In 2000, she moved to Silicon Valley and worked for Google for seven years. -Sandberg's job oversees Facebook's business operations, specifically helping Facebook scale its operations and expand its global footprint. -She also oversees sales management, business development, human resources, marketing, public policy, privacy and communications.

Meg Whitman

-She is the president and CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Chairwoman of HP Inc. -In the 80s she served as an executive to The Walt Disney Comany and in th e90s she served as an executive for DreamWorks, Procter & Gamble, and Hasboro. -Served as President and CEO of eBay for 98-08. She was there to see its expanssion from 30 employees and $4 million annual revenue to 15,000 employees and $8 billion in annual revenue. -In 2014 she was listed on Forbes List as the 20th most Powerful Woman in the world -Is a known conservative Republican and has run for California govenor, but lost due to inexperience. She has spent her recent political endeavors on the campaign trail with Clinton.

Sarah Friar

-Vice President of Marketing for Jawbonw -Her first internship was mining for gold in Ghana -she created code camps for college and high school students in San Fransisco -She has a Masters of Engineering from Oxford University --She has a nonprofit focused on changing the lives of at-risk middle schoolers through mentorship.

Ada Lovelace

-Was considered to have writen instructions for the first computer program in the mid-1800s -Was the daughter of the poet Lord Byron. Her mother allowed tudors to teach her math and science, which were not common subjects to be taught to women at the time. ----She showed a talent for numbrs and language early on. --She theorized a method for the analytical engine device, which could handle complex calculations, that involved repeating a series of instructions, or looping as we call it today. -Her notes also contributed to the development of computer generated music -She was a visionary who predicted that computer could do more then compute numbers. She believed that any piece of content - not just numbers - like music, pictures and text, could be translated to digtal form.

Steve Wozniak

-co-founder of Apple -known as a pioneer of the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s -single-handedly developed the 1976 Apple I, which was the computer that launched Apple - expelled from University of Colorado Boulder in his first year for hacking into the institution's computer system --primarily designed the 1977 Apple II

Steve Jobs

-co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc -He created Macintosh computers, an incredible breakthrough at the time compared to Mircosoft computers. -He created the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. -He created Retina display, a brand name used by Apple for screens that have a higher pixel density than their previous models. -He was a primary investor and CEO of Pixar and was a board member of the Walt Disney Company.

Prespert Eckert

-co-inventor of the first general purpose electronic computer. -He and his college professor received a government contract to build a digital computer. This was used in the U.S Army for military calculations -He and a partner established a computer-manufacturing firm. -They released a Binary Automatic Computer which stored information on magnetic tape rather than punched cards. -Researched to develop the hardware for UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) -He received 87 patents for his innovations and was elected into the National Academy of Engineering

Margaret Hamilton

-director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumental Lab -Her lab developed on-board flight software for the Apollo space program -Founder and CEO of Hamilton Technologies, Inc. which was developed around the Universal Systems Language based on her paradigm of Development Before the Fact for systems and software design -Her efforts on the SAGE project, started by MIT to create a computer system that could predict weather systems and track their movements through stimulators, that made her a candidate for the position at NASA as the lead developer for Apollo flight software. -When she starting using the term "software engineering", software engineering was not taken seriously compared to other engineering nor was it regarded as a science

Safra Katz

-executive at Oracle Corporation

Gordon Moore

-founded of Intel Corp with Bob Noyce in 1968 -Moore's law: number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. -Predicted this growth in the technology field. -smaller and faster computing created new economic opportunities received many awards for his work in computers and technology -Today's Moore's law is being challenged and re-directed into different forms of energy.

Herman Hollerith

-invented electromechanical punched card tabulator Founder of Tabulating Machine Company which is now called IBM -His invention laregly helped with censuses for many different countries included England, Germany, and Canada -He was a professor at MIT for mechanical engineering but utlimately quit and moved to work at the U.S. Patent Office --By using electricity, this design was a sort of precursor to the computer

Marissa Mayer

-is a business leader, engineer, and computer programmer.-- started her career working for Google, where she led the development to some of the company's most successful products. -In 2012, was offered the CEO position at Yahoo. -when she was appointed CEO of Yahoo, she was one of only twenty female CEOs running a Fortune 500 Company. -attended Stanford University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in symbolic systems and a Master of Science in computer science, with a specialization in artificial intelligence.

Tim Armstrong

-is the CEO of AOL -Before working with AOL, Amstrong served as President of Google's Americas Operations and Senior Vice President of Google Inc. -More than 500 million wolrd wide consumers use AOL every month.AOL also holds partnerships with thousands of the world's leading companie such as;Verizon. -graduated from Connecticut College and is also the chairman of the IAB Education Foundation. -In 2013, the Ad Council presented Tim with the 60th Annual Public Service Award.

Angela Ahrendts

-started her career in the fashion industry and by 1998 was Vice President of Corporate Merchandising and Design --joined Burberry and became CEO within 6 months, slowing the decline of the company which was falling due to counterfeits -currently Senior Vice President of Retail for Apple; she is in charge of strategy, real estate & development, and operations of Apple's physical stores, Apple's online store and contact centers. -Received a Marketing and Merchandising Degree from Ball State University -highest earning executive at Apple, even over CEO Tim Cook

William Shockley

-was an American physicist and inventor. -was also an engineer and he was the co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for Physics. -He worked with John Bardeen and Walter H. Brattain. -was born in London but went to college at California Institute of Technology and studied physics Shockley belived that African Americans were inferior to caucasians and his theory was called "dysgenic" -created smaller tubes for vacuums and radios.

John Mauchly

-was an American physicist who, along with J. Presper Eckert, designed ENIAC, the first general purpose electronic digital computer - started the first computer company, the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation (EMCC), and pioneered fundamental computer concepts including the stored program, subroutines, and programming languages.

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