solitary choroidal hemangioma
402/502 unilateral blur VF defect discrete, smooht, oval mass
Von-Hipple Lindau (VHL)
mutatuion on chromosome 3 AD phakomatoses "strawberry birthmark" CNS hemangioma involving cerebellum, spine, medulla, pons assoc c renal cell carcinoma, pancreatic islet carcinoma
cavernous hemangioma may be symptomatic if
how to diff choroidal hemangioma va melanotic choroidla melanoma
a-scan low reflectivity compared in melanoma
Idiopathic Juxtafoveolar Retinal Telangiectasia
abnormal perifoveal capillaries *they are present w/in the Juxtafoveal region (1-199 um from the center of fovea) is divided into 3 categories: Unilateral congenital Unilateral idiopathic Bilateral acquired
Racemose hemangioma
assoc c wyburn mason essels exit and return to ONH very dilated bloodflow slow may become occluded ischemis d/t steal
cavernous hemangioma looks like
bunch of grapes
cherry hemangioma on back of neck is assoc c
cavernous hemangioma
cavernous hemangioma
congenital, unilateral, vascular hamartoma AD phacomatoses benign tumors of inner retina and ONH usually on vein
IJFT grp 1 tx
laser photocoag
IJFT group II
moct common bilateral middle aged va loss d/t retinal atrophy CNVM common
capillary hemangioma
nodule c dilated vessel steals blood supply rare vasc tumor of retina or ONH sometimes bilateral, sometimes mult are sight threatning assoc c VHL
TJIF type II is separated into
non proliferative (Gass stage 1-4) proliferative (Gass sateg 5)
Coats dz
rare, idiopathic, unilateal non heridatary retinal telangiectasia 75% males intraret/subret exudates kids and teens leukocoria
Coat's dz tx
refer to retina
choroidal hemangioma types
solitary diffuse (SWS)
IJFT grp 2a stage 1
temp juxtafoveal area sight loss hre mild late staining on fa
IKFT grp 1
unilateral amles mid 30s VA loss d/t ME
Laber's miliary aneurysms
unilateral localized cluster of dilated capillaries, aneurysms, telangiectasia usually temp mid-far periphery young males (18 mo to 18 yr)
IJFT group III
very rare va loss d/t cyctemic or familial cerebral dz
very rare char by progressive obliteration of perifoveal capillaries assoc c med/nuero dz
widening of venules