Test 01

Réussis tes devoirs et examens dès maintenant avec Quizwiz!

# Truths

- Ideas: - Creating software for IT 1. one perspective: find nit picky issues in IT that arise but nothing is done about: - e.g: software leftovers after uninstalling. - features: 1. Automated backup (in case something breaks) 2. Monitoring if something break (prob in SCCM already) - Skills - TDD, - Selenium - Selenium or QTP. - MySQL and NoSQL - javascript and jQuery, - SOAP and REST - XML - Ajax - Engineering: - SDLC, Agile, Service oriented architecture - OOP & SOA principles, design patterns, industry best practices - Stack, Queue, LinkedList, Tree DS and their important questions like traversals for tree , reversals, stack using queue etc. , this too can be prepared from geeksforgeeks. - Sorting, backtracking, Greedy algo questions from geeksforgeeks. - Jenkins - Pos Stack - Linux (CentOS, Ubuntu), Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Flask - PostgreSQL, Redis, nginx - Pos Data - Crystal Reports - D3 - SSRS, Tableau - Desktop - Configuration Manager, Service-Now, ITIL foundations, and basic principles of Asset Management. - Sources - Intro to Sec Systems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqmQg-cszw4&list=PLUl4u3cNGP62K2DjQLRxDNRi0z2IRWnNh - Ebooks: - Soft Eng - Computational thinking - Design patterns - Princeton Algorithms I and II - Nanodegrees - Bus, Data analyst - Android Developer - Full Stack (decent) - Moocs - Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (Both Parts) by Tim Roughgarden - Algorithms (Both parts) by Sedgewick - Compilers by Alex Aiken - Introduction to Databases by Jennifer Widom (in Archive Mode) - Automata by Jeffrey Ullman Recommendor Systems by Konstan Making Sense of Data by Gibb, Rosenthal NLP - By Jurafsky and Manning, By Michael Collins Intro to Data Sciences by Bill Howe Calculus Series by Jim Fowler and Bart Snapp Image and Video Processing by Sapiro Coding the Matrix by Phillip Klien Calculus in One Variable by Robert Ghrist - An Introduction to interactive programming in Python (Rice University) Part-1 &2 - Algorithm Design and Analysis Stanford University (Part 1 &2) - Algorithm (Part 1 &2) Princeton - **Algorithms, Design and Analysis**, Part 1 & 2 - **Python Specialization** coursera - Getting Started with Python - Python Data Structures - Using Python To Access Web Data - Python For Databases - Capstone - Data structures and algorithms - Algorithmic Toolbox - Data Structures - Algorithms For Graphs - Algorithms On Strings - Advanced Algorithms and Complexity - Capstone : Assembling Genome and Finding Disease Causing Mutations. - Future - Moocs - (hard) Introduction to Spreadsheets and Models - (hard)Mining Massive Datasets (Stanford) - (hard) probabilistic graphing models - Finances and econg (hard) suite of moocs http://www.academictrader.org/

# So far

- Learn: - Fixing ppl's code - Fundamentals: 1. Soft Eng - Network network! - To lookup: 1. What "type" of work? - e.g: 1. IT: make all your services (IFTTT, etc) sync 2. Web? Data cleaning? 2. How do certs hold up? 3. Chicago Stories 4. Reddit stories 5. book stories - Plan: 1. Look up other ppls Open Source code 2. Earn a certificate 3. Do my own project' - QA: - Jenkins, Seleium, Robot Framework and SOAP, Watir Web Driver - Talk Python to Me podcast to help stay on top of the latest trends. - Bare min - HTML, CSS, javascript & JQuery - I got my job first doing data entry. Having completed that ahead of schedule **I was asked to investigate the feasibility of using flash interfaces** for some in house eLearning modules we were making. I took the initiative and **just build them myself using some XML to add or remove modules to the flash interface**. After that I was assigned the task of maintaining some web properties on a full time contract. They were coded abhorrently so I took it upon myself to redo them with the best HTML/JS I could find. I learned a lot in that summer. - Git Pro the book - IDE, the languages, the frameworks, writing tickets, the APIs, - making things appear on a tableview and getting data back from a server - Codecademy, ray wenderlich, hackathons, applications, 1 year. - What I did/have was: 1. A personal site 2. Github with lots of small projects (commandline games and really basic Rails apps) 3. LinkedIn Account 4. Went to Meetups 5. Lurked the Google Group for the local Ruby community - SKills - development or test automation tools/frameworks (e.g. Cucumber/Gherkin, Selenium Grid, Junit, SOAP-UI, Eclipse, Jenkins, CA-Lisa, Ant, Maven, Visual Studio, HP ALM/QTP, JIRA, etc) - Exposure to platforms/OS/Servers (e.g. Windows Server, Linux/Unix, J2EE, IIS, Apache, Tomcat, etc) - Java/JQuery, Javascript, Python/Jython - knowledge of HTML5, CSS, JavaScript (Vanilla), JSON, JQuery, and AJAX - MySQL - automated test frameworks (preferably using Selenium Webdriver and Page Object Model) - Application Development - Java - Core Java - JavaScript - Server-Side - Ajax - Unix - Client/Server - Scripting - Servlets - J2EE server side technologies: XML, JMS, JAX-WS, CXF - Spring Framework - OOP & SOA principles, design patterns, industry best practices - TDD, BDD, JUnit/PowerMockito (or other mocking framework), Cucumber - IDEs such as RAD/Eclipse - REST and SOAP web services using Java - Experience with MQ - **Basic**: Thorough knowledge of SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle) - QA - Follow testing responsibilities as per the project needs and the test plan - Creation of test cases (Positive and Negative) - Ability to breakdown requirements - Help maintain traceability as per the leads directions - Develop Automated tests - Execute tests (Manual and Automated) - Daily reports to the test lead - Log defects as per company Standards - Ability to Code and have Entry level database concepts - Knowledge of C# or Java - Experience with Testing and/or Automation tools a plus (**Selenium** preferred) - Experience developing schemas (e.g., XSD, JSON, AVRO, etc.) and related data structures. - Experience with source control (e.g., **GIT, MAVEN, VSS, Team Foundation).** - Experience with **Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment.** - Android: development patterns and technologies such as mvp, dependency injection with Dagger2, JobScheduler, animations, and Firebase, all while learning Kotlin as a new language. - https://www.udacity.com/google-certifications - https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-tricks-to-learn-Java-quickly - Java path: - https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-way-to-learn-Java-from-scratch-and-how-many-hours-do-I-need-to-put-in - Start Ups want the shiny. Whatever the shiny is: RoR, Groovy, Grails, OOP w/ PHP, Foobar, Wibble, Narf, etc. Enterprise wants stable, reliable and scalable: Java and .NET fit that bill (when done correctly). Current gig: Financial Services. Platform: ColdFusion (essentially a Java Tag Library) and Java. - Stack: Hibernate and Scala - e.g 2 - data storage engines including MySQL, NoSQL, Elastic, Redis and the contexts in which they are appropriate - Django and Bottle. - Interest in TDD - E.G 3 - testing (lingo) - Maintain staging environment, create test bed of data used to support test execution. - Execute quality assurance test scenarios. Ensure that developed functionality satisfies requirements and aligns with specifications. - Track and record results of test execution. Interpret results and identify trends. Publish results and communicate test execution status. - Create and maintain automated regression and performance test scripts. - Identify challenges encountered during development and test process. - Work closely with development team to research and mitigate issues found in testing. - salesforce.com experience - D3 - NoSQL - Jenkins, Team City - CollectD, ELK Stack, Splunk, DataDog - Linux (CentOS, Ubuntu), Apache HTTPD, Tomcat, Flask - REST, JSON, XML, XQuery - system monitoring tools like Nagios, Icinga, Splunk, etc. - PostgreSQL, Redis, nginx - JS Framework (Angular, React, etc.) - Asynchronous Python - Multithreaded Python - GIS, SQL, Tableau, Microsoft Excel, R, Matlab and other analytic toolsets. - AJAX - Testing tools: - working on X-unit family of frameworks such as JUnit, DbUnit, TestNG, et al - Java, Maven, TestNG, Selenium and other tool - Automation - Robot Framework - **TRADING TECH PROGRAMMER** - Big milestone in plan - Milestones to take - Entry level programming jobs - Systems programming - career: Trading Tech Programmer - SAS Certified programmer - Report creation using Crystal Reports - google - Chicago jobs reports

I'll boil down a lot of the advice in here and throw in a bit of my own experience.

I got a job, at a major mining company, with no qualifications and very little experience because I was able to walk into an interview, slap down a thick listing and say *I can debug and fix code like this*. The listing was some horrible BASIC code from an accounting system I'd been working on part-time after learning a bit of how to program at the University Computer Club (it was in the early 80's). Fixing other people's problems is a great way to learn and to get credibility. I think someone working hard, with reasonable intelligence and a good eye for detail, can learn to do this in a couple of weeks. You need to do enough to build up credibility and to be sure you're coping with a range of things. Some of the research below alone will also take you a couple of weeks. ------ If your aim is to get a job , then 2 weeks is enough (if you have a good memory). Just read some basic JAVA, serialization and multi-threading and collections framework for JAVA. Spring framework (mainly spring security and spring MVC), HIbernate ORM , mysql DB (joins, find duplicates, delete duplicates etc.) Sorting, backtracking, Greedy algo questions from geeksforgeeks. Stack, Queue, LinkedList, Tree DS and their important questions like traversals for tree , reversals, stack using queue etc. , this too can be prepared from geeksforgeeks. My suggestion is: 1. Pick your field (probably web development) 2. Find programmers in your field either nearby or associated with companies of the kind you want to work for. 3. Find out what open source code they use. 4. Review the bug lists and languages for that source. This alone will start giving you things to study, as you try to understand the bugs and you may find you quickly learn which language feels more natural to you. 5. Pick something to work on based on it having a lot of bugs for you to fix, so you can be of value to that community, which are of varying size. You should plan to be a member of this programming community **for years** - it's an important part of your career credibility. So, pay a bit of attention to the tone of the email conversations. 6. Fix a bug, submit it, repeat, build up reputation. You can find people and what they use by starting with searches for company names, look on Linked-in to identify individuals and then search for their postings on programming forums. Use [Find your people - Meetup](http://meetup.com/) to find discusssion groups that meet in person in relevant technologies and go to a few meetings across different related tech, both to listen and to meet people. Tell people what you are trying to do and also ask if you can get contact details and you get back to them with progress - most people are interested in seeing how people get on and this is a way to build a reputation as someone who delivers. Small soft dev "**gigs**" **Proper Soft Eng Words**: - continuous integration - Geeksforgeeks - Sorting, backtracking, Greedy - JAVA, serialization and multi-threading and collections framework for JAVA. - Spring framework (mainly spring security and spring MVC), HIbernate ORM , mysql DB (joins, find duplicates, delete duplicates etc.) - Stack, Queue, LinkedList, Tree DS and their important questions like traversals for tree , reversals, stack using queue etc. , this too can be prepared from geeksforgeeks.

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