test #3 answer key

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The Civil Rights leader whose work led to the desegregation of the armed forces was ___

A. Philip Randolph

During the Spanish Civil War, about 3000 American citizens joined the _____Brigade

Abraham Lincoln

Which statement regarding the Allied development of an atomic bomb during World War II is NOT true?

Albert Einstein was the director of the program at Los Alamos, New Mexico.

Which of the following was a fortunate break for the Americans at Pearl Harbor?

American aircraft carriers were at sea during the attack, escaping destruction.

After surrendering to the Japanese, many American and Filipino soldiers died on the 65-mile _____ Death March.


In 1944 Eisenhower overruled Gen. Patton and British Gen. Montgomery, who argued that they should rush to reach _____ before the Russians.


In the Korean War, the U.N./American forces were surprised when ____ troops crossed the Yalu River and attacked.


At the Munich Conference, Britain and France agreed to let Hitler take the Sudetenland from _____


Walter Duranty, an reporter for the New York Times, won a Pulitzer in the 1930s for articles that

Denied the extent of mass starvation in the Ukraine

In response to pressure from A. Philip Randolph, Roosevelt banned

Discrimination in war-related industries

During World War II the NAACP urged black Americans to

Fight for victory over fascism abroad and racism at home

What did FDR do in his 1937 "Quarantine" speech?

He denounced the Japanese invasion of China.

In 1948, left wing Democrats opposed to Truman's Cold War policies nominated ____ on a Progressive Party ticket.

Henry Wallace

The Japanese were forced to surrender after Americans dropped atomic bombs on

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Which statement regarding the HUAC investigation of Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers is NOT true?

Hiss admitted to Congress that he had been a Communist and a spy.

After being pushed back at the beginning of the Korean War, Americans counterattacked with an amphibious assault at


"Rosie the Riveter" symbolized the importance of female _____ during World War II.

Industrial workers

Against the advice of his State Department, in 1948 Truman recognized the state of ____


How did the Hoover administration's "Stimson Doctrine" respond to the Japanese conquest of Manchuria?

It refused to grant diplomatic recognition to the new Japanese territories.

Which of the following is a true statement about Korematsu v. United States?

It upheld the government's policy of placing Japanese people in internment camps.

Which of these is NOT a true statement about the Battle of Midway (1942)?

It was the last major victory in the Pacific for Japan.

When announcing the Truman Doctrine, President Truman stated that

It was the policy of the United States to support free peoples around the world.

In 1943, after driving the Germans out of North Africa, the Allies launched an invasion of _____


Between 1943 and 1945 the U.S. invaded and conquered all of these islands except


Which of the following statements regarding the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor is FALSE?

No American aircraft carriers escaped the attack.

Some of the deadliest fighting in the D-Day invasion took place on _____ Beach.


President Harry Truman's Fair Deal called for all of the following except

Passage of the Taft-Hartley Act

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 did all of the following except:

Permitted strikes by federal employees

Joseph McCarthy rose to prominence by charging that there were known communists in the

State Department.

In Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, the Supreme Court struck down Truman's attempt to take over _______

Steel mills

How did the U.S. respond to the Japanese invasion of China?

The U.S. allowed volunteer pilots, the Flying Tigers, to fight for China

Which of the following statements regarding the Allied invasion of France in June 1944 is NOT true?

The landing was made on the beaches of Calais, across the narrowest part of the English Channel.

The Nye Committee

Tried to blame bankers and the arms industry for American involvement in World War I

The Japanese surrendered to the United States

a few days after a second atomic bomb had been dropped.

Germany began World War II in Europe days after

a nonaggression pact was signed between Germany and Russia.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were

accused of spying for the Soviet Union.

Truman's response to the Berlin blockade was to:

airlift all necessary supplies into Berlin for almost a year.

Government efforts to raise revenue and control inflation during World War II included three of the following. Which is the exception?

balancing the federal budget

The Neutrality Acts of the 1930s were based on the assumption that the United States could stay out of war by:

banning arms sales to countries at war.

In 1948, Strom Thurmond and the "Dixiecrats" opposed Truman's policy on _________.

civil rights

In 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

declared that an attack on one member nation was an attack on all.

In 1950, the immediate cause of the Korean War was the

invasion of South Korea by North Korea.

In 1951, President Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur of command because MacArthur

publicly criticized President Truman's policy in Korea.

In 1940, the "lend-lease" plan allowed

the U.S. to loan weapons to any country deemed vital to the defense of the United States.

The America First Committee

was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in World War II.

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