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how do emotions affect your memory?

memories with strong emotional attachments are easier to recall than other memories

what does classical conditioning require?

the pairing of two stimuli

motivation to do behavior

requirement for observational learning

learning is most often considered a change of behavior that results from experience


what is a practical use of classical conditioning?

-dieters can learn their hunger cues and associations with eating -people can train their dogs with good behavior -people can housetrain an animal

compare and find a similarity between the core-optional and adaptive sleep theories

both believe that a person sleeps for survival.

what is a similarity between sleep apnea and narcolepsy?

both conditions can result in a person feeling tired during the day

how do bees communicate with each other?

by dancing

Terell lives in Washington, D.C., where he can see the Potomac River from his bedroom window. When he sees this river, Terell thinks of swimming, boating, fun, and friends. What type of mental image is this?


_______ involves the likelihood of increasing behavior

positive reinforcement


learning through the experience of others without actually doing the action

what did the first portion of sperling's test show?

sensory memory is very sensitive and is quick to forget

what is a benefit of observational learning?

watching others can motivate you to try the same actions

the purpose of bandura's bobo doll experiment is to demonstrate that children ________.

will most likely model an adult's aggressive actions

why is sleep deprivation bad for your health?

you can end up with headaches, dizziness, or depression

what is the benefit of deep processing over surface processing?

you'll have a better ability to remember information in the future

according to freud, what do dreams do?

-reveal urges and desires -mask the unconscious mind

long-term memory has a ________ capacity to hold information


what does the story of H.M. demonstrate?

-damage to the hippocampus results in amnesia -long-term memory is severely affected, and short-term memory doesn't work well either

what makes the restorative theories different?

-restorative theories believe that wounds will heal better while you rest

which statement best describes learning?

-you must first learn before you can act -the simplest of actions require learning before they can be carried out -learning is powerful and can chnage your life

a ballet student who learns with help of his instructor is demonstrating _______ learning.


how do informal and formal learning differ?

one is more structured than the other

what do the experiences of genie and victor demonstrate about language acquisition?

people have a critical period of time when they best learn language

how can you prevent insomnia?

don't drink energy drinks or drinks with caffeine before bed

what happens during a free association?

a person talks about a dream, making connections by openly talking

what is true about the sleep cycle?

-a person can go through the sleep cycle multiple times in one night -dreams occur during the rem stage -acting out dreams is always a potential danger of rem sleep

what are the similarities between symbolic and analogical representations? select all that apply

-both are mental images -both require thinking -both are a basic element of thought

bobo doll experiment

an example of modeling aggression

what results when you combine several phonemes together?

a morpheme

how does the view of twentieth-century scientists differ from ancient cultures when it comes to the meaning of dreams?

ancient cultures believed that dreams had spiritual meaning

how are morphemes and sentences similar?

both are created by more basic parts of language in a hierarchy

Carley loves to swim because she feels so fantastic afterward. In fact, she has learned that whenever she wants a rush of natural adrenaline, she needs to swim forty laps in the pool. Carley keeps this habit up for years because she likes the outcome she gets each time. What does this demonstrate?

carley has become operantly conditioned

what is common in all cultures about children learning to speak?

children's first sounds are similar in all cultures

Catherine visits Long Beach, California, one weekend. As she sits on the sand, she feels the sun's heat. Then she stands up to enjoy the feeling of the sun's summer rays on her skin. Catherine doesn't mind the heat. She welcomes it! According to Hall's cognitive dream theory, Catherine's positive view of the bright sun represents her _____ of the sun.


how can concepts and categories help you write an essay?

concepts and categories help you organize your ideas into paragraphs and sentences

how are concepts and categories alike?

concepts and categories involve thoughts

during REM sleep, our muscles are paralyzed. the activation synthesis theory of dream says that this temporary paralysis ________ the brain


what does it mean to say that memories are "context-dependent"?

context helps people to remember the details of prior events

Raina is running for student body president and doesn't want to forget her campaign speech. She practices her speech over and over so she can deliver it flawlessly. What type of learning is taking place?


what is the importance of the prefrontal cortex?

it helps with executive functions, such as behaving in socially appropriate ways

observational learning

learning by watching other people

why are nightmares so memorable?

nightmares have a more intense emotional impact

rachel wants to dance professionally and become good at the samba. she watches her dance instructor and tries to repeat his leg movements. no matter how hard she tries, rachel moves her legs but they are not the movements the dance instructor demonstrated. did rachel successfully model the dance instructor?

no, because she was not able to repeat the leg movements exactly

Lori started cello lessons a month ago but has trouble remembering the names of the notes on her sheet music. What can Lori do to learn the note names?

she can create an acronym to remember the lines of the bass clef

which is an example of observational learning?

tamra decides she won't repeat the mistakes she watched her older sister make

knowing too much information can cause you to forget what you want to remember


what is not a requirement of learning?

using neurons and axons

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