Test: How to share Christ with your friends.

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Romans to Jude


confessed Jesus and was baptized by Philip

Ethiopian eunuch

Working at a foreign mission station requires little preparation. True False

False. A lot of preparation.

A group Bible study does not provide a setting in which to personally minister to others. True False

False. It does provide.

It wasn't important for Philip to know the scriptures in order to witness to the Ethiopian. True False

False. It was important.

Missionaries only work in foreign countries. True False

False. They work everywhere.

Young people cannot work on a mission field. True False

False. Yes they can.

Who do the Scriptures state that we are to love first, before anything or anyone else?


Joshua to Esther


Whose job is it to convict people's hearts?

Holy Spirit

convicts the world of sin

Holy Spirit

convicts us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment

Holy Spirit

The ____________________ led _______________ to the Ethiopian eunuch, who had asked someone to instruct him in his reading of the book of Isaiah so that he could understand it.

Holy Spirit, Philip

The most important focus in Bible study should be:

Jesus Christ

should be presented as the Way, Truth, and Life

Jesus Christ

Because of its style and vocabulary, a new Christian should begin his Bible study by reading the book of _______________.


Because of its style and vocabulary, an excellent place for a new convert to begin reading the Bible would be the Gospel of:


ministered to the Samaritans with Peter


Genesis to Deuteronomy


first Christian convert in Philippi


first convert in Philippi


Paul saw a vision of a man who was from this place


Jesus told the woman of Samaria that He was the:


What kind of ministry is discipleship?


Discipleship is a(n):

Multiplying mimistry

Matthew to Acts

New Testament History

supported himself by tentmaking to preach the Gospel


was told not to call Gentiles common or unclean


The angel of the Lord directed _______________ to leave the Samaritan revival and go the road leading from Jerusalem to Gaza.


deacon-evangelist who ministered in Samaria


deacon-evangelist who ministered to Samaritans


Job to Song of Solomon


2 Timothy 4:2: "________________ the _____________; be instant in season, out of season; ________________, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."

Preach, Word, reprove

Isaiah to Malachi


Jesus revealed to her, "I am the Messiah."

Samaritan woman

Your behavior affects your witness. True False

True. Behaviors do effect.

We should ask God for guidance to know whom we should witness to. True False

True. He knows who needs Him.

Jesus used a simple illustration of water satisfying a thirst to reach the Samaritan woman. True False

True. He reached her because of thirst.

Paul set an excellent example by spending his time wisely. True False

True. He spent his time wisely.

Music can be an effective tool for outreach. True False

True. Music can reach people's hearts.

Most young people respond to music in an outreach program. True False

True. Music reaches people's hearts.

A campground offers many possibilities for witnessing. True False

True. Their are a lot of people.

People in North America have much leisure time. True False

True. They have much leisure time.

A great asset for working abroad is the ability to speak:

a foreign language

In Scripture the Word of God is compared to:

a hammer

Hebrews 10:25 tells us to:

assemble together

The primary channel for evangelism is the:


designed as the primary channel for world evangelism


A listing of Bible words and the verses containing them is called a:


Romans 10:17 says that ______________ comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.


one thing necessary in a person's salvation


a tactic of Satan to prevent witnessing


Hebrews states we should go on to perfection and not lay again the:


Proverbs 18:24: "A man that hath friends must show himself ____________________ and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."


The Ethiopian eunuch desired that some man should:

guide him to an understanding of the scriptures

something to which the Word of God is likened


first place to show Christian hospitality


1 Peter 4:9 declares that we are to show ____________________ to one another without grudging.


First Peter 4:9 declares that in our relationships we are to use:


Which of the following is not typical of an outreach activity to teens?

intense Bible study

the Holy Spirit convinces people of this


The root of the great commandments is:


The root or basis of the first and second great commandments is ____________.


the basis of the first and second commandments


You should continue to disciple and teach a new Christian until he reaches spiritual:


an important faculty of the mind to be used in Bible study


The Scriptures declare that we are first to love God and then to love our:


Jesus and Paul demonstrated what it means to disciple others by: preaching the gospel leaving new believers to grow on their own avoiding prejudice in ministry spending time with new believers, teaching and encouraging them

preaching the gospel avoiding prejudice in ministry spending time with new believers, teaching and encouraging them

Satan tries to use which of the following to prevent us from witnessing?

prejudice, fear, self consciousness

description of Jesus by Samaritan woman


Psalm 126:6: "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious _____________, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing ______________ with him."

seed, sheaves

Psalm 126:6: "He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious ________________, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his ____________________ with him."

seed, sheaves

In Bible study or research, your most important focus should be on:

the Lord Jesus Christ

To be effective in outreach, young people must be well taught in:

the Word of God

what Christ desires for His church


Jesus referred to the salvation He offered the Samaritan woman as being living ________________.


2 Timothy 2:2: "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many ____________________, the same commit thou to ____________________ men, who shall be able to ______________________ others also."

witnesses, faithful, teach

first found his own brother and brought him to Jesus


found his brother and brought him to Jesus




Paul was forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the Word in the continent of _______________.


Whose job is it to tell people about Jesus?


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