testout final linux test 5.0

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In this simulation, you use the Linux commands touch, vi, cp, mv, cd, ls, and rm to manage files from the command line. You are currently in the wadams home directory. In this lab, your task is to complete the following:

1. Delete a file as follows: a. At the prompt, type ls -l and press Enter to see a listing of the files in the directory. b. Type rm old_myfile.txt and press Enter. c. Type Y and press Enter to remove the file old_myfile.txt. d. Type ls -l and press Enter to see that old_myfile.txt is removed from the directory. 2. Add a file as follows: a. Type touch new_myfile.txt and press Enter to create a new file in the wadams home directory. b. Type ls -l and press Enter to see that the file new_myfile.txt is created. 3. Add a line to a file as follows: a. Type vi new_myfile.txt and press Enter to use the vi editor to open the file new_myfile.txt for editing. b. Press the i key to enter insert mode in vi. c. Type: "Some text for new_myfile.txt" d. Press the ESC key. e. Type :wq and press Enter to save and exit the file. 4. Copy a file to a different directory and rename it as follows: a. Type cp new_myfile.txt /home/wadams/practice and press Enter to copy the file new_myfile.txt to the practice directory. b. Type cd /home/wadams/practice and press Enter to move to the practice directory c. Type ls -l and press Enter to see that new_myfile.txt is in the /home/wadams/practice directory. d. Type mv new_myfile.txt final_myfile.txt and press Enter to rename the file new_myfile.txt. e. Type ls -l and press Enter to see that the file name has changed to final_myfile.txt.

Type ps aux | less at the prompt to answer the following questions:

1194, running, 2.3, python

The IT manager in your organization has asked you to change the GRUB_TIMEOUT parameter from 5 seconds to 10 seconds to give users more time to make a menu selection from the GRUB menu before the default operating system is booted. In this lab, your task is to:

Change the GRUB_TIMEOUT parameter from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. Reboot the operating system to verify the changes made to the wait time from the GRUB menu. Log in with the username root and the password 1worm4b8.

Salman Chawla (schawla) forgot his password and needs access to the resources on his computer. You are logged on as wadams. The password for the root account is 1worm4b8. In this lab, your task is to:

Change the password for the schawla user account to G20oly04 (0 is a zero). Make sure the password is encrypted in the shadow file. Do not use the usermod -p command to change the password, as this stores the unencrypted version of the password in the /etc/shadow file

You are the IT administrator for a small corporate network. You need to configure the workstation in the Support Office so it can connect to the local network and the internet. The workstation has two network interface cards. This allows the workstation to connect to the local network (as shown in Exhibits) and another small network, which is not yet built. In this lab, your task is to:

Configure the IP version 4 TCP/IP settings for the enp2s0 network connections as follows: IP address: Subnet mask: Broadcast: Default gateway: Configure the IP version 4 TCP/IP settings for the enp2s1 network connections as follows: IP address: Subnet mask: Broadcast: Default gateway: Configure DNS using the following addresses: Ping the gateway to confirm that the workstation is properly connected to the small network and the internet.

During a random security audit, you found that ownership and group ownership for the /hr directory is set to Will Adams (wadams). For security reasons, you need to change the ownership. You want to give ownership to Brenda Cassini (bcassini), the office manager, and you want to give group ownership to the hr group for all the files in the directory. After you do this, you need to reset group ownership on the /hr/personnel file to mgmt1. In this lab, your task is to:

Give bcassini ownership of the /hr directory and all of its contents. Give hr group ownership of the /hr directory and all of its contents. Return group ownership of the /hr/personnel file to mgmt1.

The VP of sales promoted Salman Chawla (schawla) to regional sales director. Now Salman needs the rights and permissions assigned to the mgmt2 and hr groups. You are logged on as root. When assigning group membership, remember that: When you use the usermod -G command to assign group membership, the user account is removed from all existing secondary groups before being added to the groups specified with the usermod command. When you use the usermod -aG command to assign group membership, the new group is appended to the list of existing secondary groups the user belongs to. In this lab, your task is to:

Identify all the groups that the schawla user belongs. Add mgmt2 and hr as secondary groups to the schawla user, but make sure the user is still a member of all current groups. When you're finished, view the /etc/group file to verify the changes.

Sam Chan (schan) has reached his user quota limit. He wants more space. Your manager has approved an increase in his quota limit. In this lab, your task is to:

Increase the hard and soft block limits on the schan user account to 1048576 Kb (1 Gb). After you've finished, generate a quota report to confirm the changes.

As the IT administrator for a small corporate network, you periodically check the firewall configuration on the CorpData Linux server to make sure everything is secure. In this lab, select View Lab and type iptables -L at the prompt to answer the following question: Which two TCP services have been allowed through the firewall?


You need to view detailed information for the hr directory in the root (/) directory. Type ls -l / at the prompt to answer the following questions

The /hr directory size is 12586, and the modified date is Mar 15 2009. Use the ls -l / command to get a long listing of the files in the / directory.

What is your current working directory?

Type pwd at the prompt to answer

There is a C debugger package installed on the server that your organization is no longer using. The IT manager in your organization has asked you to uninstall the ddd-C-Debug-2.8.15-3.cd15 package. In this lab, your task is to:

Uninstall the ddd-C-Debug-2.8.15-3.cd15 package. Verify that the ddd-C-Debug-2.8.15-3.cd15 package is uninstalled.

You have informed your users that you need to bring the machine down at the end of the day to perform routine maintenance. However, prior to shutting the system down, you want to give users fifteen minutes to save data and exit the system. In this lab, your task is to shut the machine down and warn your users as follows:

Use a 15-minute delay before shutting down. Use It is time for a shutdown! as a message to all logged-in users.

You've installed a second hard drive and created one partition on the drive. You have also installed a third hard drive and created two partitions on the drive. In this lab, your task is to create a logical volume using the first partition on each new drive as follows:

Use pvcreate to initialize the partitions for use with LVM. Use vgcreate to create a volume group call data using these two partitions. Use lvcreate to create a 1 Terabyte logical volume called art from the data volume group. Create a directory called product where you can mount the new logical volume. Format the new logical volume with ext4. Mount the logical volume to the product directory. Change to the product directory and create a file call newproduct. Verify the creation of the file and amount of disk space available on this new volume.

You are a network technician for a small corporate network. The network is connected to the internet. The employee in Office 2 reports that his workstation can communicate with some computers on the network, but not on the internet. The employee in the Support Office reports that her workstation can only communicate with the Exec computer on the network. In addition, you just set up your workstation in the IT Administration office, and it does not connect to any computers on the network. You need to diagnose and fix these problems. In this lab, your task is to complete the following:

Use troubleshooting tools such as ping, ip addr show, or traceroute to diagnose the problems in the network. Fix the problem at each workstation. Use the troubleshooting tools to confirm the problem's resolution. Location Name IP Address Networking Closet CorpServer 9/11/2020 TestOut LabSim 7/15 Office 1 Office1 Office 2 Office2 Support Office Support IT Administration ITAdmin Executive Office Exec Lobby Gst-Lap ISP External DNS Server Router Internal Router To see the network diagram and the wiring schematics of the network, use Exhibits.

You are logged in as root, and the working directory is root's home directory. Type ls -l /folder_name/file_name at the prompt to answer the following questions: Who owns the /sales/orders file?

bcassini, proj, bcassini, wadams

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