Texas History Practice Questions

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After being blown off course and separated from the rest of his expedition, he survived enslavement by the Karankawa before escaping and trekking overland across Mexico to a Spanish outpost in the Pacific Ocean. Which of the following was he? A. Francisco Hidalgo B. lvar Nuez de Cabeza de Vaca C. Alonso lvarez de Pieda D. Francisco Coronado


As U.S. citizens began to immigrate to Texas, the tensions between native Mexicans and Anglos increased. Which of the following is LEAST likely to have contributed to the tensions between the two groups? A an imbalance in the number Anglos as compared to the number of native Mexicans B a trade imbalance resulting from the different currencies between Anglos and native Mexicans C the language differences between Anglos and native Mexicans D the religious differences between Anglos and native Mexicans


Lulu Belle Madison White was a Progressive-Era activist who sought civil rights for which of the following groups? A Asian Americans B African Americans C Native Americans D Hispanic Americans


Resettlement refers to which of the following processes? A moving families away from flood-prone regions to higher ground B the process of requiring Native Americans to leave their homelands and move further west to areas designated by the U.S. C the provision of land to pioneers as a means to settle the Western United States D the immigration of families from Europe to the United States


Which battle took place in Texas and was the last battle of the Civil War? A Battle of Galveston B Battle of Palmito Ranch C Battle of Fort Sumter D Battle of Gettysburg


Which of the following did the Columbian Exchange bring from Europe to the Native Americans in Texas? A tomatoes B horses C turkeys D potatoes


Which of the following terms did NOT originate in the cattle culture of the vaqueros of Mexico and Texas? A. Lariat B. Cowboy C. Bandanna D. Chaps


During the War of Texas Independence, which of the following men led the victorious Texas troops in the Battle of San Jacinto and later became the first President of the Republic of Texas? A Sam Houston B Joshua Houston C Stephen F. Austin D Mirabeau Lamar


The Texas economy before 1900 depended primarily on which of the following commodities? A. Cattle and cotton B. Sugar and rice C. Wheat and oil D. Hides and fisheries


The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo accomplished which of the following? A ended the Mexican-American War B granted Texas independence from Mexico C established the first settlement of Americans in Texas D divided Texas between four major Europeans powers


What name was given to the collection of states in the Southwest that experienced a late 20th Century population boom due to migration from the former industrial powerhouse states of the Northeast and Midwest? A Sun Belt B Dixie C Bible Belt D Desert Belt


Which of the following 20th Century wars, conducted by Lyndon B. Johnson, best exemplifies the Cold War notion of war-by-proxy? A Vietnam B Russo-Japanese War C World War II D World War I


Which of the following Confederate officers led their forces to victory in the Battle of Galveston? A John Magruder B Stonewall Jackson C Ambrose Burnside D John Bell Hood


Which of the following established a French land claim of Texas? A the founding of Fort St. Louis B the exploration of Alonso Alvarez de Pineda C the exploration of Sieur de La Salle D the founding of New Orleans at the mouth of the Mississippi


Which of the following flags never flew over Texas? A Great Britain B The United States of America C France D Spain


Which of the following industries helped Texas recover from the economic impact of the Great Depression? A petroleum B agriculture C tourism D higher education


Which of the following tribes were the first to come into contact with Europeans? A Karankawa B Coahuiltecan C Comanche D Tonkawas


Which of the following was NOT a success of Lyndon B. Johnson's administration? A. Reducing international tensions by normalizing relations with Communist China and the Soviet Union B. Passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Acts of 1965 C. Establishing Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for welfare recipients D. Improving educational opportunity for underprivileged children through Head Start and Upward Bound programs


Which of the following was a responsibility of the Freedmen's Bureau in Texas during Reconstruction? A. the establishment of schools for African Americans B. the preparation of a new state constitution C. the punishment of former Confederate soldiers D. the redistribution of land to formerly enslaved African Americans


Which of the following was the first African American woman elected to Congress from a Southern state? A. Barbara Jordan B. Lulu Belle Madison White C. Ovetta Culp Hobby D. Jane McCallum


Which of the following was the immediate cause of increased Spanish settlement interest in Texas in the 1690s? A. The establishment of Sieur de la Salle's short-lived French colony on Matagorda Bay and growing French presence along the Mississippi B. Requests from the Caddo Indians for religious teaching from missionary priests C. The legend of El Dorado, which led to expeditions into Texas in search of a city of gold D. The need to pacify the Comanche who had begun to raid across the Texas frontier


What impact did the two world wars of the 20th century have on race relations in Texas? Select all that apply. A. Racial tensions were heightened by the stationing of African American soldiers in what was then a segregated state. B. Texas was one of the few states to refuse to permit the integration of military units. C. African American and Hispanic Texans returned from the wars with greater conviction that segregation and racial discrimination had to end. D. Japanese prisoners-of-war in Texas contributed to a re-evaluation of Texan attitudes towards Asian immigration after the war.

A and C

Which TWO of the following were results of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed between Mexico and the United States in 1848? Select all answers that apply. A The Mexican-American War was ended. B California became a US state. C The border of Texas was drawn at the Rio Grande. D The United States gained the Hawaiian Islands.

A and C

James S. Hogg, Texas governor from 1891 to 1895, supported all of the following progressive reforms EXCEPT A. establishing a progressive income tax in Texas. B. regulating the monopolistic practices of the state's railway industry. C. promoting integrated accommodations for Texas' African American citizens. D. strengthening the finances of Texas A&M and the University of Texas.


Mexico had initially encouraged anglo settlement in Texas with land grants. Which of the following was an unintended outcome of the increased anglo population in the area? A decreased trade with America B the spread of Catholicism to new settlers C a drastic shift in the culture represented in the area D increased conflict with Native Americans


Texas independence was gained through victory at which of the following battles? A Battle of the Alamo B Battle of Gonzales C Battle of San Jacinto. D Fredonian Rebellion


The primary invasive species threatening Texas's cotton farms in the early 20th century was the A. Asian Gypsy Moth B. Fire Ant C. Boll Weevil D. Asian Longhorn Beetle


Which of the following resolved the disagreement between Mexico and the United States regarding the location of the southern border of Texas? A The Texas Revolution B The Missouri Compromise C The Mexican-American War D The U.S annexation of Texas


Which THREE of the following died at the Alamo? A. Moses Austin B. Stephen F. Austin C. James Bowie D. Davy Crockett E. William B. Travis F. Sam Houston G. Mirabeau Lamar

C, D, E

Empresario contracts specified which of the following? A. Requirement that the empresario recruit a specified number of settlers in exchange for a land grant B. A grant of land to the empresario in exchange for bringing in enough enslaved laborers to work the plantation C. Guarantees of the rights to religious freedom and self-governance D. Allowances of seed, livestock, farm implements, and housing for each settler agreeing to settle


The discovery of petroleum in Texas led to all of the following EXCEPT: A annexation by the United States. B a rise in American influence abroad. C a rapid increase in the state's population. D economic growth.


The spread of the Comanche into the Great Plains area was made possible by which of the following European introductions? A. Horses B. Cattle C. Guns D. Bison


Which of the following best explains how federal government programs during the New Deal and afterward contributed to ending the sharecropping and tenant farming systems that had characterized Texas agriculture before 1930? A. Landowners used farm subsidies to fund capital improvements and to expel tenant farmers. B. Sharecropping was made illegal by the Fair Labor Standards Act in Agriculture. C. Welfare programs encouraged tenant farmers to abandon agriculture. D. Programs designed to attract migrant labor allowed landowners to substitute low-wage immigrant labor for American tenant farmers.


In addition to cotton, the Texas Panhandle region depended upon which of the following cash crops? A. Corn B. Wheat C. Rice D. Alfalfa


In response to the devastating hurricane of 1900, what political change did city leaders in Galveston implement that eventually became a model for many cities across the nation? A. providing public campaign financing for municipal elections B. replacing the mayor and city council with a city commission C. limiting population growth in recognition of a site's physical vulnerability D. requiring all candidates for city offices to declare an affiliation with a political party


Spain's desire to cultivate a thriving colony in the land of Texas resulted in which of the following? A Establishment of an immigration policy where only Mexican or Spanish citizens could migrate to Texas B Establishment of an immigration policy where "empresarios" would be given land in exchange for recruiting settlers to immigrate to Texas C The structuring of laws and government to encourage immigrants from all religions, languages, and heritage D Denial of any non-Hispanic the right to hold office or vote in elections


Texas Law-- Title 17. U.S.C. Section 107 Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That all persons heretofore known as slaves, and free persons of color, shall have the right to make and enforce contracts, to sue and be sued, to inherit, purchase, lease, hold, sell, and convey real, personal and mixed estate; to make wills and testaments, and to have and enjoy the rights of personal security, liberty, and private property... and, there shall be no discrimination against such persons in the administration of criminal laws of this State. Section 2. That all laws and parts of laws relating to persons lately held as slaves, or free persons of color, ...are hereby repealed; Provided, nevertheless, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to repeal any law prohibiting the intermarriage of the white and black races, nor to permit any other than white men to serve on juries, hold office, or vote at any election, State, county, or municipal: Provided, further, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to allow them to testify, except in such cases and manner as is prescribed in the Constitution of the State. - Approved, November 19, 1866. Which of the following best explains the objective of the Texas legal code above? A. To enforce the doctrine of "separate but equal" B. To guarantee white supremacy after the Civil War C. To end the practice of interracial sexual relations that were common under slavery D. To guarantee African American rights to equality before the law


Texas suffragettes, like Jane McCallum, believed that women voters would A. fundamentally challenge the Democratic Party's stranglehold on political power in Texas. B. support other reforms like prohibition, an end to child labor laws, and educational improvements. C. back political candidates that favored racial equality and integration. D. not have much interest in issues outside of their traditional domestic and marital concerns.


The major issue for the Mexican-American War was: A Mexican officials requiring all Texans to swear loyalty to the Catholic Church. B the disputes over the location of the border between the U.S. and Mexico. C the worries that Mexico had that its citizens would enter Texas permanently. D the disputes between Mexico and the cattle barons crossing the Rio Grande.


The term 'Buffalo Soldier' refers to which of the following? A Native Americans who agreed to resettlement B African-American troops serving in the United States Army C frontier soldiers who settled Texas with Stephen F. Austin D Anglo-American soldiers who deserted the Army and made a home with Native Americans


Unlike much of Texas, the Texas Panhandle was settled largely by which of the following? A. Scots-Irish and Irish settlers recruited from northeastern cities. B. Midwesterners, who were often transplanted Germans, Norwegians, and Russians. C. Immigrants from Mexico. D. Southerners from Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi.


Which aspect of the Cold War relationship between the United States and Russia resulted in the greatest economic benefit for Texas? A international sports boycotts B The Space Race C development of weaponized missile technologies D an arms embargo to Cuba


Which of the following Spanish explorers became the first to map the shoreline of Texas in 1519? A Fray Damián Massanet B Alonso Álvarez de Pineda C Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca D Moses Austin


Which of the following Texas women rose to prominence during World War II? A Sandra Day O'Connor B Ovetta Culp Hobby C Barbara Jordan D Kay Bailey Hutchinson


Based on their geographic location, which Texas Native American tribe would most likely have had contact with large Central American civilizations, such as the Aztecs? A Caddo B Comanche C Coahuiltecan D Tonkawa


Which of the following best describes the importance of the Battle of the Alamo? A Following their defeat at the Alamo, Texas agreed to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. B The Texas army was reinvigorated and inspired by the bravery of the men who fell at the Battle of the Alamo. C The Texas army was overwhelmed by the loss and retreated for a period of time. D Both sides suffered a similarly devastating number of losses.


Which of the following best describes the long term impact of prohibition on Texas? A Texas never officially ratified the federal amendment to end prohibition. B Local statutes vary and temperance is still a conflict in local governments across the state. C The laws restricting alcohol sales returned to what they were before Prohibition. D State law regarding alcohol is less strict than most states in the U.S.


Which of the following best describes why Spain did not begin to colonize Texas until the late 17th century? A Texas was occupied by French forces who kept the Spanish out. B Spanish troops were previously occupied settling Florida. C Native American tribes restricted the advance of Spanish forces. D Spanish troops had not yet acclimated to the climate in Texas.


Which of the following is true regarding Texas's historical political alignment? A The Republican Party has maintained primary control of the state since the Reconstruction. B The Democratic Party dominated Texas politics until the 1990s when it shifted into a primarily Republican controlled state. C The Democratic Party has never had significant representation in Texas. D The Democratic Party dominated Texas politics until a shift towards conservative politics following WWII.


Which of the following is usually considered the most recognized of Texas military commanders during the Civil War? A. John "RIP" Ford B. John Bell Hood C. Robert E. Lee D. Nathan Bedford Forrest


Which of the following was the first Anglo-American to be granted a contract to settle 300 families in the Mexican state of Texas, though he never lived to see his contract fulfilled? A. Sam Houston B. Moses Austin C. Quanah Parker D. William Barret Travis


Why did the major Texas cattle trails lead to towns in Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri? A. The grasslands in these states served as summer grazing lands. B. The towns were railheads connecting Texas ranchers to East Coast markets. C. These states had large immigrant populations employed in slaughterhouses. D. Ranchers needed to water their Longhorn cattle on the Missouri and Mississippi rivers.


Which of the following increased tensions between American immigrants to Texas and Mexican officials in the late 1820s and early 1830s? Select all answers that apply. A the Mexican government's eviction of many established American settlers from Texas B increased trade between settlers and the United States C custom collections by the Mexican government D the Mexican government's ban on slavery

B, C, and D

As a Cold War measure to improve America's defense infrastructure, President Eisenhower and Congress in 1956 authorized A. the building of the Johnson Space Center in Houston. B. the building of a pipeline that extended from Baytown, Texas, to Pennsylvania. C. the construction of over 3,200 miles of four-lane highways in Texas. D. Texas Instruments to build the first national defense computer, nicknamed ENIAC.


Consider these cases originating in Texas: Del Rio v. Salvatierra (1930), Mendez v. Westminister (1945) and Minerva Delgado v. Bastrop ISD (1948). Which of the following best illustrates what ties all three together? A. They overturned the system of "separate but equal" established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). B. They resulted in widespread desegregation of Texas public schools before the 1960s. C. They challenged the segregation of Mexican-American school children well before Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954). D. They guaranteed the right of migrant workers' children to expect education in local school districts.


Early settlers to Texas often located their dwellings near which of the following geographical features? A forests B mountain ranges C rivers D swamps


In which natural region does the Rio Grande terminate? A Central Plains B Mountains and Basins C Gulf Coastal Plain D High Plains


Juneteenth is a celebration of what major event? A End of the Civil War B Repeal of Jim Crow laws in Texas C Abolition of slavery throughout the state of Texas D Ratification of the 13th Amendment


Spindletop was A. a hill on which five Texas Rangers were killed in a Comanche raid in 1867. B. a fort in West Texas from which U.S. cavalry forces could oversee Indian reservations. C. a wildcatter oil well near Beaumont that in 1901 triggered one of the largest oil booms in Texas history. D. the first oil well in Texas drilled near Corsicana in 1894.


Texas Constitution of 1836 SEC. 9. All persons of color who were slaves for life previous to their emigration to Texas, and who are now held in bondage, shall remain in the like state of servitude, provide the said slave shall be the bona fide property of the person so holding said slave as aforesaid. Congress shall pass no laws to prohibit emigrants from the United States of America from bringing their slaves into the Republic with them, and holding them by the same tenure by which such slaves were held in the United States; nor shall Congress have power to emancipate slaves; nor shall any slave-holder be allowed to emancipate his or her slave or slaves, without the consent of Congress, unless he or she shall send his or her slave or slaves without the limits of the Republic. No free person of African descent, either in whole or in part, shall be permitted to reside permanently in the Republic, without the consent of Congress, and the importation or admission of Africans or negroes into this Republic, excepting from the United States of America, is forever prohibited, and declared to be piracy. Which of the following best describes the context of Section 9 of the Texas Constitution of 1836? A. Texans' desire to improve on the United States Constitution's failure to abolish slavery B. Texans' desire to end the domestic and international slave trade C. The Mexican government's efforts before 1835 to abolish slavery D. The Mexican government's efforts to confiscate property of Anglo-Americans in Texas


The Mexican-American War (1846-1848) was in part triggered by territorial disputes over which of the following? A. The Big Bend region and its mineral resources B. The Llano Estecado region on the border with Nuevo México C. The Nueces Strip between the Nueces and the Rio Grande rivers D. The Red River and Sabine River watersheds


The interception of the Zimmerman Telegram had which of the following effects? A Loss of moral among German troops B Imposed United Nations sanctions against Germany C increased American support for joining the war against Germany D Initiated German U-Boat activity in the Atlantic


What Comanche warrior led the most significant post-Civil War resistance against white encroachment on Comanche lands? A. Sitting Bull B. Geronimo C. Quanah Parker D. Blue Duck


What was Texas' main role during the Civil War? A Texas acted as a safe place for slaves to escape from slave states. B Texas did not join a side in the Civil War and remained neutral. C Texas provided many Confederate states with supplies including weapons, food, and horses. D Texas held the majority of the battles and suffered the most casualties on its soil.


Which of the following battles marked the beginning of the Texas Revolution? A The Battle of Palo Alto in 1846 B The Battle of the Alamo in 1836 C The Battle of Gonzales in 1835 D The Battle of San Jacinto in 1836


Which of the following describes a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo? A The U.S. Congress declared war on Mexico. B There was an increase in the number of Native Americans dying from European diseases. C Most of the Mexico's northern lands became part of the United States. D The rancho system was created.


Which of the following figures served as the President of Mexico and led Mexican troops against Texan forces during the Texas Revolution? A Jack Coffee Hays B William B. Travis C Antonio López de Santa Anna D Juan Seguín


Which of the following statements are true regarding Texas' passing of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote? A Texas never formally ratified the 19th Amendment. B Texas was the last state in the Union to ratify the 19th Amendment in 1920. C Texas was the first of the former Confederate states to ratify the 19th Amendment. D Texas was the first state in the Union to ratify the 19th Amendment in 1919.


Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the petrochemical industry and the Texas economy in the 20th Century? A As the military and transportation demands for petrochemicals increased during and after World War II, the success of these industries, based outside of Texas, resulted in a steady decline to much of the Texas economy. B As the demand for petrochemicals declined during WWII, the Texas economy shifted to agriculture and manufacturing. C As the military and transportation demands for petrochemicals increased during and after World War II, the success of these industries brought rapid economic development to Texas. D As the demand for petrochemicals declined during WWII, the Texas economy shifted to information technology and healthcare.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the European settlement of Texas? A Native American tribes in Texas were met by Europeans with cooperation and mutual aid. B Britain and France controlled the majority of land in Texas before 1848. C Moses Austin received a land grant from the Spanish crown in 1820. D The first Europeans to settle Texas in 1516 came overland from the West.


Which of the following statements most clearly challenges the view that Native Americans were "ecosystem people" who lived in harmony with nature, rarely disturbing the natural balance. A. The Caddo tradition of mound building depended upon large numbers of coerced laborers acquired in slave raids throughout what is now the southeastern United States. B. Karankawa Indians often depleted shellfish and fisheries along the Gulf Coast as they traded dried and salted seafood to Indians in the interior in exchange for luxury items. C. The Comanche and other plains Indians shifted from hunting and gathering and began to amass large herds of horses and hunted bison to sell meat, hides and other products. D. The Coahuiltecans overgrazed South Texas rangeland with their sheep and goats long before the arrival of European settlers.


Which of the following was NOT a significant factor contributing to the Spanish settlement of Texas? A. A desire to ensure that Spanish claims in the Americas were not encroached upon by European rivals B. Interest in converting Native American populations to Roman Catholic Christianity C. Iberian Marranos (forcibly converted Jews) and Moriscos (forcibly converted Muslims) fleeing persecution by the Spanish Inquisition D. The desire for riches, whether land for ranching and farming, trading opportunities with the Indians, or plundered gold and silver


Why were Texans particularly enraged by the publication of the Zimmermann Telegram in the middle of World War I? A. It threatened U-boat attacks in the Gulf of Mexico and on Gulf Coast seaports. B. It encouraged German citizens in Texas to support Germany in its war effort. C. It promised Mexico the return of its lost territories if it joined the war on the German side. D. It threatened an embargo of cotton and oil by the Axis powers.


In which of the following ways did the federal government help reduce economic hardship in Texas during the Great Depression? A. by restricting the formation of labor unions, thereby lowering the cost of labor B. by subsidizing wildcatters to find and drill for more oil, thereby making fuel cheaper C. by paying farmers to produce less, thereby supporting prices for agricultural products D. by breaking up rural cooperatives, thereby increasing competition and business formation

C (Agricultural Adjustment Act)

African Americans in Texas celebrate "Juneteenth," commemorating which of the following events? A. The passage of the 13th Amendment formally putting an end to slavery in the United States B. Abraham Lincoln's signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 C. The birthday of Joshua Houston, Sam Houston's slave, who became a prominent African American politician during Reconstruction D. The day that enslaved persons in Texas were informed that they were no longer legally the property of their owners


After Texas became independent of Mexico, there was significant political resistance in the US to the annexation of Texas because A. the federal government's reluctance to inherit large debts incurred by Texas during Texas revolution B. British threats of an economic embargo against the United States if the US annexed Texas C. concerns about the United States becoming involved in conflicts with American Indians on the Texas border D. Northern opposition to the increased representation slave states would have in congress if Texas became a state


How did the U.S. annexation of Texas lead to the Mexican-American War? A Texas invaded Mexico and asked for U.S. assistance. B The U.S. used Texas as a launching pad for an invasion of Mexico. C Santa Anna invaded Texas in hopes of taking land from the U.S. D Mexico did not recognize Texas as an independent state.


Mexico's General Colonization Law had what lasting impact on Texas? A The law allowed ranching in Texas for the first time. B The law increased the number of Mexicans living in Texas. C It ceded Texas to the United States. D It allowed foreigners to migrate to Texas and increase the population.


The Republic of Texas faced all of the following challenges EXCEPT: A. Indian resistance and raids on frontier settlements B. Mexican refusal to accept Texan independence C. High rates of indebtedness and difficulty raising revenues D. Federalist resistance to centralizing interests of the government in Austin


The occurrence of severe drought, dust storms, and land erosion that affected part of Texas in the 1930's is known as the: A Sunbelt. B Great Migration. C Great Depression. D Dust Bowl.


Which of the following Native American tribes only migrated into Texas in the late 17th and early 18th centuries? A. The Karankawa B. The Caddo C. The Jumanos D. The Comanche


Which of the following allowed the West Texas region to begin to develop at a more rapid pace at the beginning of the 20th century? A the relaxation of immigration quotas B the construction of a national highway system C the introduction of a national adult literacy program D the discovery of oil


Which of the following figures was NOT a prominent Texas political figure of the 1960s? A. Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the United States B. James Farmer, founder of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) C. Henry B. Gonzalez, member U.S. House of Representatives D. Kay Bailey Hutchison, U.S. Senator


Which of the following is NOT an example of the impact of the Columbian Exchange on the Texas environment? A. Honeybees B. Longhorn cattle C. Sugarcane D. Chili peppers


Which of the following led to an increase in the number of Americans settling in Texas? A Ma Ferguson's election as the first female governor of Texas B Spain began explorations of what is now Texas C Mexico banning new immigration into Texas by settlers from the United States D Moses Austin secured a empresarial grant


Which of the following regions of Texas is the most ethnically and culturally diverse? A Central Plains B Mountains and Basins C High Plains D Gulf Coastal Plains


Which of the following was NOT a feature of Spanish settlement of Texas in the late 17th and early 18th centuries? A. The establishment of Catholic mission stations B. The chartering of villas or settled towns C. Building a fortress or presidio D. The establishment of a Cortes generales or representative assembly


Which of the following was a strong incentive for the United States to annex the Republic of Texas? A The U.S. was able to add another non-slave state to the Union to even out the number of slave and non-slave states. B The U.S. received bonds from Texas in exchange for accepting Texas into the Union. C The U.S. was able to alleviate tensions with Mexico. D The United States was able to make significant progress towards fulfilling the idea of Manifest Destiny.


Which of the following was an unintended effect of the Crown requiring alcaldes to seek permission before making changes in their towns? A decreased interest in encomiendas B few acequias were built C solidification of the Crown's control over the colonies D slow development


Who was the first European to explore the land of Texas and establish a relationship with Native American tribes in Texas? A Alonso Alvarez de Pineda B Francisco Vasquez de Coronado C Marcos de Niza D Cabeza de Vaca


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