THE 191

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True or False, Only costume designers ever make choices about defining character through clothes.


True or False, in Trifles Mrs. Hale is the murderer.


True or False: Actors performing their parts in a play without an audience is still a full theatrical performance.


True or False: Hamlet 360 - Thy Father's Spirit is a faithful adaptation that included every word of the original script.


True or False: In Fences, Rose divorces Troy after finding out about his infidelity.


True or False: In Melodrama the characters are complex and well-developed.


True or False; Cincinnati does not have a Fringe Festival.


True or False; Proper attire for going to see a live performance is always formal wear. Jeans are not allowed.


What are Lady Bracknell's objections to Jack as a Fiancée for her daughter?

He does not know who his parents are

What is the Walnut Street Theatre Known for? (choose all that apply)

-The most subscribers in the worlds -Oldest continually operated theatre in the United States

Which of the following aspects creates a character in theatre?

-What a Character says (their dialogue) -What a Character Does (their actions) -What other Characters say about them

Which of the following items might an actor need to prepare in order to audition? (select all that apply)

-monologue -resume -headshot -video reel

Beyond purchasing a full-price single ticket, what is another way you might see a theatrical production? (Select all that apply)

-season subscription -rush ticket -volunteer ushering

How many people does it take to manipulate the King Kong Puppet?


In what period of time were Golden Age Musicals written?


Approximately how many actors will a Broadway casting director BEGIN to choose from to narrow down the pool of actors for the producers?


What food does Cecily serve to Gwendolyn?


Which Character says the following line? "Worn out by your entire ignorance of my existence, I determined to end the matter one way or the other, and after a long struggle with myself I accepted you under this dear old tree here. The next day I bought this little ring in your name, and this is the little bangle with the true lover's knot I promised you always to wear."


Who was in the audience in Ancient Greece?


What does a practical sound effect mean?

The sound is created live on-stage- like a telephone ringing through the phone onstage.

What can design define? (select all that apply)

Theme, Character, Mood/Envir, Given Circumstances

What is Troy and Bono's profession, and what kind of advancement does Troy achieve?

They are Sanitation workers, Troy gets to drive the truck

What is one way the opening scene of Indecent is NOT theatrical?

They are playing in a realistic scene

What change is made to the English translation of Sholem Asch's play for the Broadway production?

They cut the Rain Scene

According to the textbook what was the most common genre in Ancient Greece?


Theatre today is for everyone


True of False, Every production of Newsies will need to go through their own design process and not copy the work of the Broadway production?


True or False, According to David Ball's Chapter on Theatricality a good joke is theatrical


True or False, Character is defined by Action


True or False, Every production is in some way an adaptation of the text.


True or False, Production teams use script analysis to make choices.


True or False, The reason that Egeon is doomed to die is that he came from Syracuse and doesn't have the money to pay the fine.


True or False: Sensory-Friendly performances are designed to accommodate audience members who might not be able to stay still, or handle loud sounds or lights. The actors and staff are trained to accommodate the needs of this type of audience.


True or False: The protagonist carries the main theme of the play and usually goes through the greatest change. They do not necessarily have the most lines.


True or False: Wigs and makeup are part of costume design.


True or False; A Theatre requires an entire support staff to run a full season and attract an audience.


True or False; A director's concept guides all choices for the production.


True or False; Design begins with Abstract Ideas


What is the first function of lighting design?


True or False, Musicals are always sung through with no dialogue


Which Act contains the climax of the Comedy of Errors?

Act 5

How many plays did Shakespeare write (according to the bio video)?


Why is it important for a playwright to get their play on Broadway?

A Broadway production means that a play will be published and have a wider audience.

What item has Antipholus of Ephesus ordered but not paid for until the end of the play?

A Chain

What is the play Trifles about?

A murder

From this weeks videos: What is a subscription?

A subscription is a package of tickets for the entire season sold at a slight discount.

What type of theatre can be seen at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival?

A wide range of works, new and old. The quality will range.

Which theatrical style was a rejection of Realism in the 20th century? (Choose the one best answer)


What setting and given circumstances information does the reader know from the text? (Choose the one best answer)

Agent X is a spy of some sort, the scene happens in a dark room, there is a giant slug invasion occuring

Which character invents "Bunburying" and what does it mean to bunbury?

Algernon, and it means to have an imaginary friend or sibling who frequently falls ill or gets into trouble that allows you to cancel your appointments.

How does "EF's Journey to a Small Planet" describe the World of the Play?

All of the information included in the text including setting, relationships, mood, and character.

Who is revealed to have become a nun in the final scene of the play?

Antipholuses's Mother

How does David Cotes see the process of reviewing theatre?

As a conversation with the potential audience

What kind of research does a designer do during the production process?

Background and Conceptual Research

Why does a playwright need a workshop production?

Because plays are meant to be performed, and it is difficult to only read a play

How long did Rebecca Traichman and Paula Vogel work together to develop Indecent?

Between 7 and 8 years

What type of theatre is Studio 88 at Miami University of Ohio?

Black Box

What kind of verse does Shakespeare use?

Blank Verse

For the Miami University Theatre production of Comedy of Errors, what aspect of the show did the director ask the dramaturgs to focus on?

Different Styles of Comedy

What was Joe Mantello's role with Wicked?


Which service do you use to watch The Comedy of Errors?

Drama Online through the Library

"A dramaturg is to a play, as a <PICK THE RIGHT CHOICE> is to a novel."


Where was Fences first produced?

Eugene O'Neil Theatre Center

What term best describes the information in the following dialogue from Fences: "ROSE Your daddy like to had a fit with you running out of here this morning without doing your chores. CORY I told you I had to go to practice. ROSE He say you were supposed to help him with this fence. CORY He been saying that the last four or five Saturdays, and then he don't never do nothing, but go down to Taylors'. Did you tell him about the recruiter? ROSE Yeah, I told him. CORY What he say? ROSE He ain't said nothing too much. You get in there and get started on your chores before he gets back. Go on and scrub down them steps before he gets back here hollering and carrying on.


Choose the best answer, In the Importance of Being Earnest Miss Prism is Jack's Mother.


Indecent is a Musical because music plays during the show.


Playwriting is a solitary task that does not need collaboration with other artists.


True or False, A costume designer is able to work entirely on their own without consulting the director or other designers to create their work.


True or False, A theatre critic's job is to be critical of a production and point out all of its flaws.


True or False, Every actor plays only one character in Indecent?


True or False, Indecent is a Realistic Drama


True or False, It is good theatre etiquette to record a live performance on my phone.


What is the difference between Genre and Style? (Choose the one best answer)

Genre is about what happens in a play (i.e. plot requirements) while Style is how those plot points happen.

Who wrote "I dream things that never were and say, Why Not?"?

George Bernard Shaw

What play, written by Sholem Asch, is Indecent about?

God of Vegence

What happened to Gabe that caused him to need to be hospitalized?

He received a wound to the head during WWII

What is the difference between High-Comedy and Low-Comedy?

High Comedy deals with manners, language errors, and comedic situations, Low-comedy focuses on gross-out/bodily humor.

Which country's film industry has created eight adaptations of The Comedy of Errors?


When creating a character what is an actor primarily responsible for?

Interpreting the script

What is the Musical Wicked about?

It is a retelling of the backstory of the Wizard of Oz from the point of view of the Wicked Witch of the West and her friendship to Glinda.

What are the given circumstances at the beginning of the playscript of Fences:

It is set in the 1950s in a working-class African-American community on a Friday evening after payday. The play takes place in the front yard of Troy's house.

Which character's name was really Earnest all along?


Which characters are paired together at the end of the play?

Jack and Gwendolyn, Algernon and Cecily, and Miss Prisim and Rev. Chasuble

What does Cory do after he graduates from High School?

Joins the Marines

Who stars and directs the 1996 Hamlet?

Kenneth Brannagh

Angle, Intensity, and Color are important to which aspect of design?


What play did audiences riot over in the Astor Place Riot?


What time period is As You Like It set in according to the RSC director?

No specific time or place

The following is a definition of what type of casting: "is defined as the casting of ethnic minority actors in roles where race or ethnicity is not germane".


Who first coined the term Choreopoem?

Ntozake Shange

Where is Pittsburgh Public Theatre showing their staged readings?

On Social Media- like facebook

Which Broadway actress is known for taking people's phones when she sees them during a performance?

Patti Lupone

Which playwright did Shakespeare steal the plot of Comedy of Errors from?


What are the three possible origins of theatre? (Select all that are correct)

Religious Ritual, Storytelling, The Ancient Greeks

What step comes after finishing a draft of a play for a playwright?


Which Character in Fences decides that the house needs a Fence? (pick the best answer)


In Gastropedia, what happens to Agent X at the end of the play?

She is turning into a Giant Slug

What is Miss Prism's relationship to Jack?

She was his nursemaid, and is now his ward's governess.

Who can become a theatre critic?

Someone with a good background in theatre and a fair understanding of what the show is trying to do.

What is the difference between An I Want song and THE I want song?

THE I want song is sung by the protagonist, An I want song is sung by any character

What is the relationship between Protagonist and Antagonist in a play?

The Antagonist hinders the Protagonists journey of change

What is the name of the musical adaptation of The Comedy of Errors by Rodgers and Hart?

The Boys From Syracuse

Which characters are slaves in Comedy of Errors?

The Dromios

What world event ends the play? (choose the best answer)

The Holocaust

Whose point of view should the scenery be created from in a production of Newsies?

The Newsboys

In Gastropedia, who is the antagonist?

The Slugs

Which play are they rehearsing in Shakespeare Behind Bars documentary?

The Tempest

What is Suspension of Disbelief?

The ability of an audience to put away illogical things in order to believe the story on stage.

Why is it useful for the scenic designer to create a scale model for the director?

The director can get a scale sense of the stage and begin to think through blocking choices.

In the setting, what changes between Act 1, Act 2, and Act 3 in The Importance of Being Earnest?

The first act is in Algernon's Apartment in London, The second act is outside of the Manor house, and the Third act is inside the Manor house

According to Theatrical Worlds what is the Climax in a play?

The highest emotional moment in the play

At the beginning of the performance of Indecent, what happens when the acting troupe dances? (choose the best answer)

They drop sawdust from their pockets

What type of theatre was Shakespeare's Globe Theatre?


According to the video on Wicked's sound design, what is the first job of the sound designer?

To Tell The Story- he does it by making sure the most important parts of the story can be heard.

Which of the following statements is not true about a play-script's purpose?

To accurately allow you to understand precisely how a play happened in the past

What is the audience's job?

To be attentive, respectful, and adhere to the type of behavior appropriate for the performance they are seeing.

What is one reason to bring Theatre into Prisons?

To help prisoners heal and gain empathy

Given the following line of dialogue identify what is exposition: "Rose: Times have changed since you was playing baseball, Troy. That was before the war. Times have changed a lot since then" (Act 1, Scene 1)

Troy played baseball before the war

Which character says the following quote, to whom are they speaking, and why? "When you ready for me... when the top of your list say _XXX_ _XXX_.... that's when you come around here. You come up and knock on the front door. Ain't nobody else got nothing to do with this. This is between you and me. Man to man. You stay on the other side of that fence until you ready for me."

Troy says this to Death because the woman he was having an affair with died in child birth.

When did Lin-Manuel Miranda write his first draft of In The Heights?

When he was a Sophomore in college.

What question is the basis for the dramaturg's work?

Why this play now?

Can you use large scenic elements, like a backdrop in an arena stage?

You can use scenic elements only if it doesn't ruin sight lines

How many times does a designer read a script in the design process?

at least three times

Which of the following is NOT an example of heightened language

everyday speech

Only Men were allowed to act on both the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman stage.


What is an example of conceptual research for Newsies?

the idea of a jungle gym

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