the cardiovascular system (part 2 of 3)

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degree of valve damage

seriousness of a heart murmur depends on what?

1. atria contracts, blood pushed from A-V valve to ventricles 2. A-V valve closes 3. chordae tendinae prevents A-V valve from opening back into atria 4. pulmonary and aortic valves open, blood flows out, ventricles begin to relax 5. A-V valves open, ventricles begin to fill again

cardiac cycle


function of diastole


function of systole

the closing of the valves

heart sounds are due to the vibrations in the heart tissues associated with what?


high pressure corresponds to contraction or relaxation?


how many beats per minute in the A-V node?


how many beats per minute in the S-A node?


sound that occurs during ventricular contraction, when A-V valves are closing


sound that occurs during ventricular relaxation, when the pulmonary and aortic valves are closing


specialized cardiac fibers in the CCS distribute impulses through which heart layer?

atrial syncytium

impulses pass along fibers of the conduction system from the S-A node into the ____ ____


low pressure corresponds to contraction or relaxation?

the A-V valve closes

what happens when ventricular pressure exceeds atria pressure?


what is the sound of the heart?

rhythmic, one impulse after the other

S-A node activity

S-A node

pacemaker of the heart

S-A node

a mass of specialized cardiac tissue that sits beneath the epicardium

Purkinje fibers

the bundle branches give rise to the _____ _____ about halfway down the septum

valves going from atrium to ventricle (atrioventricular)

what are A-V valves?

pressure rising and falling within the heart chamber

what causes valves to open and close during a cardiac cycle?

eroded edges of the valve cusps

what does inflammation of the endocardium cause?

the left and right bundle branches

what does the A-V bundle divide into?

the events of the cardiac cycle

what does the cardiac conduction system coordinate?

cusps may not close completely, allowing some blood to leak back into atria

what happens if valve cusps erode?

they pass through a large group of fibers that make up the A-V bundle

what happens once cardiac impulses reach the distal side of the A-V node?

it's pushed through the A-V valve into the ventricles

what happens to blood when atria contracts?

appropriate valves open, blood flows out, ventricles begin to relax

what happens when ventricular pressure exceeds pressure in pulmonary trunk and aorta?

A-V valves open, ventricles begin to fill again

what happens when ventricular pressure is less than the atrial pressure?

papillary muscle

what muscle pulls on the chordae tendinae to prevent the A-V valve from opening back into the atria?


when the atria contracts, the ventricle _____

ventricles, stimulate contraction

where do the Purkinje fibers lead into and what do they do?

in the septum

where do the bundle branches lie?

A-V node

where does the atrial syncytium lead?

septum below atria

where is the A-V node located?

right atrium, below superior vena cava

where is the S-A node located?

tricuspid, mitral

which valves are A-V valves?

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