The Crucible Acts 1 and 2

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Mrs Putnam: "There are wheels within wheels in this village and fires within fires"

-relationships are complex - there are mysterious forces operating in Salem - theme of play

Description of Abigail

Abigail is a self independent character. she will do anything to hurt someone who has effected her life. Abigail makes Elizabeth become a suspect after Elizabeth not allowing her to see John. A lot of characters are afraid of Abby because she might be able to accuse them of witchcraft. when someone disagrees with Abigail she feels the need to threaten them. Abby's threats are also very violent. I think Abby sees herself as an all knowing person. She see herself as a powerful person that others should fear to cross with.

according to Elizabeth, what is Abigail's true objective in court?

Abigail's true objective is to split up Elizabeth and John. For Elizabeth to be punished. she wants Elizabeth to be punished for kicking John out of her life.

describe the relationship between John and Elizabeth proctor. Explain the metaphor of the "everlasting funeral" that John sees in Elizabeths heart?

Elizabeth and Johns relationship is very awkward, they are at a very uncomfortable time. I think the "everlasting funeral" relates to how John feels like they have grown apart and their relationship will never be the same. Elizabeth is also constantly grieving the relationship.

Do you agree with Elizabeth's assessment? what is holding John back?

Elizabeth is hurt so she is going to have her own suspicions about what happened. she hasn't fully gained trust in John and there relationship is very awkward. John is afraid that Abigail could reveal the affair, which would cause the people to have no respect for him.

Why does Elizabeth want John to go to Salem?

Elizabeth wants John to go to Salem to tell the people that it is fraud. that Abigail amitted to John that there is no witchcraft.

Why does everyone follow Abigail as if she is a saint?

Everyone does that because they know that Abby is capable of accusing them of witchcraft. In act 1 she accused so many people.

why does tituba suddenly change her story? what does the suggest will happen later in the play?

Hale says he is going to kill her. so she confesses to witchcraft, so she won't be executed. She does, however, say that other witches doing his biding with the children. This tells us that they will execute people in Salem who deny witchcraft but to save their won lives people will confess witchcraft even is they have not committed it.

How would you interpret Abigail's relationship with the other girls and her relationship with Proctor?

I think that Abby's relationship with others is toxic. I think that Abby uses people to her advantage. she becomes close with you and once you are not needed anymore she would turn on you. I think that she also used the other girls as her scapegoat when it gets tough. Her relationship with proctor is also very toxic. she has a motive to always get what she wants. She became obsessed with John after the affair. she seeks revenge on Elizabeth (Johns wife) for splitting them up.

At the end of the act, what do you think is Abigail motivation to "open" herself and begin naming names?

I think that Abigail found the perfect timing. They were already getting excited that they had "leads" so of course they were going to listen to them. Also the fact that Betty awoke and to them " opened herself up to the lord" could have also impacted their opinion

How would you explain the "illness" of Betty and Ruth?

I think that Betty and Ruth made themselves look ill so people would think that they are being messed with. I think that the "illness" is a way for Betty and Ruth to stay innocent at that moment. Rebecca Nurse thinks that the girls are going through a phase.

Summarize Hale's view of his mission in Salem. What does he mean when he says the Devil is "precise"?

I think that Hale seems himself as a hero. when he says the devil is "precise". I think he means that the devil finds the perfect time to act in his wicked ways. also that the devil waits for his worthy competitor.

based on Mary's statements, what do you infer is the real reason Mary gives Elizabeth the gift?

I think that Mary Warren may be working with Abigail. I think she may be working with Abigail so no one can accuse her of witchcraft (especially Abigail). Abigail also threatened her life if she would tell on her.

Which character has potential to change?

I think that Proctor has potential to change and he will try to fight against what Abigail is doing. I think what is holding him back right now is that his reputation might be ruined if Abigail revealed the affair.

what does John proctor want Mary to testify?

John wanted Mary to tell the court that Abigail had everything planned out. John wants her to tell the court about how Abigail saw Mary making the doll, and saw where Mary left the needle. Also how Elizabeth got the Poppet.

What gift does Mary Warren give Elizabeth?

Mary Warren gives Elizabeth a poppet (doll). Mary warren makes this doll for Elizabeth while she is in court.

Why are both Mrs. Putnam and Abigail interested in Tituba's conjuring?

Mrs. Putnam and Abigail are intrested in Titubas "conjuring" because they both were apart of it. Abigail wants Mrs. Proctor dead and Mrs. Putnam wants to see her dead baby infants.

Whom has Parris invited to Salem?

Parris invites Rev. John Hale to Salem. he claims that he encountered a witch in his parish. he also claimed that he cured the child the witch was inflicting, and also that he cured the witch.

describe Proctor's internal conflict. how could it relate to a broader conflict in the play- between public and private selves?

Proctor is afraid of what people might think of him. so him not telling the court about what Abigail said is allowing more people and heir families to be hurt by the accusations against them.

why is Rebecca nurse in jail?

Rebecca Nurse is in jail because she is charged for murder. she is charged for the murder of Mrs. Putnams unborn babies. (though witchcraft) *KEEP IN MIND THAT THE PUTNAMS AND THE NURSES HAD A FEUD OVER LAND( PUTNAMS WANT REVENGE)*

Why is Reverend Parris so terrified by the events in Salem? What possible result does he fear?

Revernend Parris is terrified because a lot of the witchcraft that has happened includes his niece and daughter. He is worried about his reputation more than anything else. Parris is also afraid that if his family does get in trouble he could suffer punishment.

how do you interpret Mary's visions and accusations? what clues does miller give for her motivation?

The real interpretation is because she was all caught up in the drama. she is a very weak and shy character.

Do you think Elizabeths suspicions pain are warranted? Why or why not?

Yes, because Elizabeths husband did something that was completely wrong. What he did was something that personally effects her.

why does hale, parris, Putnam + other adults believe the girls without proof?

because the girls say they want to open themselves up to the light of God and tell the truth, plus Betty mysteriously awakens from her sickness to tell who she saw with the devil. Parris wants to believe them because he is their family, plus it is hard to prove and the timing is perfect. women accuse are not highly reputable.

why do you think Abigail places the blame on Tituba?

she places the blame on titiuba because she does not want to get in trouble or be accused of witchcraft. tituba is an easy target b/c she is a slave and people won't believe her.

Who is the protagonist and the antagonist at this point of the play?

the antagonist is Abigail because she is out to hurt everyone, and the protagonist is John Proctor because he wants to fix everything.

why does Hale become suspicious of the proctors? what is the irony in Hale's urging Proctor to show charity

the proctors last son was never baptized. he may have though that they lost their faith. the "irony" is that Hale is not showing any charity to the Proctors.

When Abigail is alone with Proctor, what claim does she make?

when Abigail is alone with Proctor she claims that he is still in love with her. It is shown to us that Abigail and Proctor had an affair. Abigail talks about how she has feelings for him still, and how she knows that the feelings that he had for her are still there. She also tells John that there was NO WITCHCRAFT

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