The Crusades

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How did Muslims view the Crusaders?

Barbarians in their land.

Holy Land - importance for Jews

site of First Great (Solomon's) Temple

Holy Land - importance for Muslims

site of the Dome of the Rock where Muhammad was carried to heaven

red cross

symbol of Crusaders


wealthy landowners


Crusaders discovered new foods, spices, and fabrics. They ate melons, apricots, sesame seeds and carob beans. This led to increased __________________ between Europe and the Middle East.

Muslim ideas brought to Europe

Crusaders learn Arabic numerals and new medical practices

What were the Muslims' side in the Crusades?

Saladin speaks to a group of Muslims soldiers about taking back Jerusalem from the Christians in about 1189.

3rd Crusade

Salah al-Din formed a large Muslim army. Saladin defeated King Richard and took back most of the Holy Land and captured Jerusalem


Head general of the Muslims who successfully held Jerusalem against King Richard in the Third Crusade.

Who was King Richard I and what was his contribution to the Crusades? Highlight? Low light? Major achievement during the Crusades?

(see notebook)

How did the Crusades affect Muslims and Jews?

(off of memory)

Major events that lead up to the Crusades

1. Jerusalem is a sacred city for Christians, Jews, and Muslims 2. The Seljuk Turks threaten the Byzantine Empire. 3. Pope Urban calls on nobles from Europe to go on a Crusade to re-take the Holy Land from the Turks

Reasons people joined the Crusades

1. Promise of heaven if die 2. Christ commands it 3. Help Christian brethren in the Byzantine Empire defeat the Muslim Turks

4th Crusade

A Crusader force sacked and looted other Christians in Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire.

The Crusades

A long series of wars between Christians and Muslims in Southwest Asia.

King Richard

Called "The Lionhearted" for his courage, the skilled general from England who led the Third Crusade.

Pope Urban II

Called on Christians from all over Europe to retake the Holy Land from Muslim Turks.

What were the causes and effects of the Crusades?

Causes: Turks take control of the Holy Land in 1071. Turks threaten Constantinople in the 1090s. Byzantine emperor asks the pope for help. Effects: Trade between Europe and Asia increases. Kings become more powerful. Tension between Christians, Jews, and Muslims grows.

Why would Christians personally go on the Crusades?

Christ commands it All who die by the way, wether by land or by sea, or in battle by the Muslims, should had immediate remission of sins. To destroy that race from the lands of our friends.

2nd Crusade

Christians were badly defeated in this Crusade by Muslim forces

Where did the Crusaders originate? Name two countries where they came from.

Europe. France & England.

What was some good that came out of the Crusades for the Europeans?

Europeans brought spices, like pepper, back from the Middle East. Trade grew, and the Europeans learned about products such as apricots, rice, and cloth clothing. The Crusades also brought Muslim thinkers back to Europe.

How did trade between Europe and Asia grow?

Europeans went to the Holy Land learned about products such as apricots, rice, and cotton cloth. (Crusaders also brought Muslim thinkers to Europe).

Why is Jerusalem so important to Christians?

For Christians, because it was the city where Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead.

Why is Jerusalem so important to Jews?

For Jews because it is the location of where their great temple once stood.

Why is Jerusalem so important to Muslims?

For Muslims, it was the place where Muhammad rose to heaven during his night journey.

Why would Muslims go on the Crusades? (Personally as well)

God will bless us to drive our enemies out of Jerusalem. You will be fortunate and happy to drive enemies out of Jerusalem. God will receive love from us if we drive our enemies away. God has reserved the reward of the recovery of Saladin's family, plus his army. It upsets God that the land has been controlled by the enemy for 91 years.

What do the Christians and the Muslims both use as reasons to fight in the Crusades?

God wills it. The other side is the enemy. God will be pleased and will bless you if you go. Happiness /fortune/ remission of sins.

Where were the Crusades going to and where did they come from?

Going to the Islamic world from the west.

The religion the Holy Land is at the END of all of the Crusades.


Richard I

King of England who led Christian soldiers in the Third Crusade; he earned the respect of his enemies as well as Christian soldiers for his bravery and his fairness.

Why were the Crusades mainly a mad/tragic historical event?

Lots of death. The Crusades lost control of the Holy Land to the Muslims in the end. Tension between Christians, Muslims, and Jews due to attacks and distrust. When King Richard was captured, the English has to pay lots of taxes to set him free. (lots of money was spent).

Urban II

Medieval pope who called on Christians to launch the First Crusade

What happened after Jerusalem was in Muslim control?

More western Crusaders followed, but failed. Europeans brought back spices like pepper from the Middle East.

Seljuk Turks

Muslim Turkish tribe


Muslim general who led the Muslim forces during the Third Crusades

What were the Christians' side in the Crusades?

Pope Urban's speech was recorded by one of the Christian European noblemen he was speaking to in 1095. (Fulcher of Chartes). Pope Urban II expressed to the nobles to retake control of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

What are the similarities and differences of King Richard I and Saladin?

Similarities: Both the led the Crusades, Richard and Saladin both led the Third Crusade. Wanted Control of the Holy Land. Differences: Saladin was Muslim. Richard was a Christian Crusader. They were each other's rivals.

What happened to the Crusaders that the Muslims did to them?

The Crusaders lost and were cornered by flames, and Saladin and the Muslims were able to retake Jerusalem from the Crusaders.

Why did Crusaders change relationships between Christians and other groups?

The Crusades changed relationships because now Jews and Muslims "distrusted" Christians and raised "tension" between them all.

What happened during the First Crusade?

The First Crusades in 1096 were peasants rather than soldiers, and went to the Holy Land. After months of battle, Crusaders took Jerusalem, as a result the Crusaders set up four small kingdoms in the Holy Land. They also attacked Jews as well. (Nobles that went later were more successful).

What happened during the Second Crusade?

The Second Crusade started in 1147. The crusade was a total failure and the Crusaders returned to Europe in less than a month. French and German kings set off to take Holy Land back from the Muslims.

What happened during the Third Crusade?

The Third Crusade started in 1189. The German king died, French king left, and Richard I was left empty-handed as a result. King Richard's main opponent was Saladin. In the end, he returned home with Jerusalem still in Muslims hands.

Byzantine Empire

The old "eastern half of the Roman Empire."

1st Crusade

The only time Christians took control of the city of Jerusalem

The Holy Land

The region on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea where Jesus lived, preached, and died


The religion that had enormous influence in medieval Europe.

What happened when the Crusaders entered Jerusalem?

They massacred the local population of Muslims and Jews. Mocked the Muslim world when they came.

What happened after Al-Hakim ordered the holiest Christian church in Jerusalem to be destroyed?

Things were thought not to be going well in the Holy Land. Pope Urban II wanted European knights to "rescue" Jerusalem from the Muslims.

Major purpose of the Crusades

To gain control of the Holy Land and Jerusalem.

Why would Christians go on the Crusades? (not personally)

To help their people of the Byzantine Empire. To defeat the Turks and Arabs. To take away all of the Christian land that the Turks and Arabs had conquered. If we don't attack, then the Turks and Arabs might reach (YOU and ME!!!)

Where did the Crusaders travel to reach the Holy Land? Was it a long journey?

Traveled south-east. Long trip that took King Richard I 2,800 miles!

What was the long term affect of the Crusades?

distrust and resentment between Christians, Jews, and Muslims



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