The Exploration and Settlement of Colonial America

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Which explorer is credited with discovering America in 1492?

Christopher Colombus


Colony settled by the Pilgrims. It eventually merged with Massachusetts Bay colony.

Peter Minuit

Dutch colonist who bought Manhattan from the Native Americans for the equivalent of $24 (1580-1638)

Which European power set-up the 13 colonies



First permanent English settlement in North America

Thomas Hooker

Founder of Connecticut. Clergyman, one of the founders of Hartford. Called "the father of American democracy" because he said that people have a right to choose their magistrates.

founded cities of Quebec and Montreal


reached a population of15,000 in 1700

French colonies

Roger Williams

He founded Rhode Island for separation of Church and State. He believed that the Puritans were too powerful and was ordered to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony for his religious beliefs.

In which region of the New World did the Catholics of England and Ireland settle?


Which parts of the present-day United States were included in New Netherland?

New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut

Which three nations first colonized North America?

Spain, France, and England

The Starving Times

period of forced starvation at Jamestown initiated by Powhatan Confederacy in an attempt to removed English. This ultimately forced the English to find another economic outlet than the Indians, and the outlet they settled on was tobacco, which made them extremely wealthy.

Catholics settled in Maryland seeking

religious freedom

George Calvert

title was Lord Baltimore; founded Maryland as a haven for Catholics

Why did Roger Williams establish a colony in Rhode Island?

He was banished from Massachusetts

Where was the first meeting of House of Burgesses?



What was the name of the Puritan group that wanted to separate from the Church of England

The Dutch settled in New Netherland mainly to profit from

animal furs

New Netherlands

the dutch called this land claimed by Henry Hudson in New York this name

Mayflower Compact

1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony in Massachusetts. IT HELPED ESTABLISH SELF-GOVERNMENT.

Treaty of Westminster

1674: Signed by King Charles II of England and the Netherlands. A peace treaty that ended the Third Anglo-Dutch War. This gave New Netherland (New York) colony to England and renewed the Treaty of Breda of 1667

St. Augustine

1st colony in Florida set up by Spain

William Penn

A Quaker that founded Pennsylvania to establish a place where his people and others could live in peace and be free from persecution.


Early-sixteenth-century Spanish adventurers who conquered Mexico, Central America, and Peru. (Examples Cortez, Pizarro, Francisco.)

House of Burgesses

Elected assembly in colonial Virginia, created in 1618, it elected by settlers that were 17 years old or over and male. IT HELPED ESTABLISH SELF-GOVERNMENT.

House of Burgesses

Elected assembly in colonial Virginia, created in 1618.

Came seeking religious freedom


Which European group brought the most families


reached a population of250,000 in 1700

English colonies


Established in 1587. Called the Lost Colony. It was financed by Sir Walter Raleigh, and its leader in the New World was John White. All the settlers disappeared, and historians still don't know what became of them.

What was the first European city founded in North America?

St. Augustine

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