The Internet of Things (IoT)

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How does cloud computing supports and enables IoT?

........from IoT platforms running entirely in the cloud, to the interfaces used by customers to interact with these devices, to the backend analytics platforms

The Features are........................?

1. Register and Connect: Register and connect devices and gateways quickly and securely. 2. Manage Information: Control what happens to data from connected devices. Manage data storage, configure data transformation, and integrate with other data services. 3. Analyze: Monitor real time device data through rules, analytics, and dashboards. 4. Manage & Security: Protect IoT integrity through secure connectivity and access control for users and applications. 5. View Dashboard: View connected devices by device type. View how much data has been transferred. Monitor real time sensor data and geo-location data.

Advantages of IoT are?

Access information Controls a device miles away in real time. Device communication is transparent. Data packet transfer -reduces time/cost. Reduces human intervention. Increases efficiency of services

Asset Tracking Use Case is?

Allows an enterprise to locate and monitor key assets along the supply chain to optimize logistics, maintain inventory levels, prevent quality issues, and detect theft.

Step 5 of the IoT process is .........................?

Analytics services connect to the device & external data sources to enable custom dashboards for business users

Connected Vehicles Use Case is?

Automate normal driving tasks using computer enhanced vehicles.

Where IoT cloud computing comes in.....................?

Data collected through IoT devices is stored and processed on the cloud, and since IoT devices can be in a state of motion, the cloud serves as a collection point in closest proximity, minimizing the latency in reporting up the data points and providing a response back to the IoT application.

Step 4 of the IoT process is .........................?

Data is written to cloud object storage (long term storage).

How does IoT interfacing work?

Devices and objects with built-in sensors are connected to an IoT platform, which integrates data from the different devices and applies analytics to share the most valuable information with applications built to address specific needs.

Step 2 of the IoT process is .........................?

IoT Devices send data to the IoT Platform using Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)

Step 3 of the IoT process is .........................?

IoT Platform acts as a messenger broker and writes data to Cloudant IBM event streams and DB2 warehouse.

Predictive Maintenance Use Case is ?

Keep assets up and running to significantly decrease operational expenditures, which saves companies millions of dollars.

Step 1 of the IoT process is .........................?

Register IoT Device in the IoT Platform

Disadvantages of IOT are?

Security Privacy Complex network -cloud attacks -failures. Use of outdated software and firmware. Automation - reduction in jobs. Internet walls -created for protection

Definition of IoT is?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is best described as a system of interrelated computing devices that transfer data over a network without requiring human interaction Products that support receiving and transferring data over wireless networks without human intervention

The IBM Cloud IoT platform allows communication with and consumption of data from............................?

connected devices and gateways using a built-in web console to monitor IoT data and analyze it in real time.

Smart devices such as smart or virtual assistants and sensors are continuously doing what?

tracking and collecting data from all these sources.

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