The Kite Runner

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Who says, "I opened my mouth and almost said something...The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had." Why are those words important?

-Amir -Amir and Hassan's ending would have gone way differently if Amir said something

In Chapter 22, we encounter many "full-circle" endings as we reach the climax, or turning point, of the plot. List three.

-Amir goes back home to see his home is not like before -he encounters his enemy assef -he finally meets sohrab

What does Amir say about clichés? Why does Amir use the cliché about "an elephant in the room" to describe his meeting with Rahim Khan?

-Amir says that clichés exist because they are usually true. Both men procrastinate about talking about Hassan and Afghanistan -the elephant is the truth about Rahim Khan, about him dying and he doesn't have a lot of time left

How does Amir feel about his father in these chapters?

-Amir thinks his dad is always busy and he doesn't feel accepted by him -Amir refers to him as a force of nature and describes his glare as something that would "drop the devil to his knees begging for mercy." Amir respects Baba's ability to build and open an orphanage on his own. Amir loves Baba but also fears him.

How is Sanaubar contrasted to Amir's mother?

-Amir's mother died giving birth to him and Sanaubar ran away -both not in the boys' lives

In Chapter 21, Amir finally sees Sohrab and realizes something about the Taliban official. What is it? How does he justify his transformation? Is it a transformation?

-Assef is the Talib -he wears John Lennon sunglasses and has long blonde hair -he tells the story about how he was thrown in prison and the guard kicked him so hard the kidney stone he had got knocked out and he felt bad relief -it's not a transformation because Assef has always been in want of power and control

What does Baba give Amir as a graduation present? What is Amir feeling at this moment? What is Baba feeling?

-Baba gives Amir a navy blue Ford Grand Torino -Amir is surprised and feels loved by his father -Baba says he wishes Hassan could see him

Describe Hassan physically

-Chinese doll chiseled from hardwood -round face -broad nice -green eyes -cleft lip

Who is Sanaubar?

-Hassan's mother -ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers after his birth -nineteen years younger than Hassan's dad. -beautiful yet scandalous.

Who is Sohrab?

-Hassan's son, Amir's nephew -When the Taliban murders Hassan and Farzana, Sohrab is sent to an orphanage in Kabul. -taken by Assef to be his dancing boy (bacha bazi)

. What disappointment do Soraya and Amir face?

-Soraya is unable to have children even after going to the doctor and both of them being checked

In Chapter 20, Amir sees Kabul for the first time since leaving. Describe what he sees.

-There was rubble everywhere and beggars, mainly young children- many fathers has been killed in war -The Taliban patrol the streets looking for people to punish. Amir is advised to avoid even looking at them. Amir feels pain and sadness at what he sees. He sees burned villages, beggers, every street corner was covered in rags, dry rivers, no trees.

What happens to Hassan and Ali?

-They decide to leave Baba's house. Baba begs them to stay, but Ali knows the truth behind Amir's lies and cannot stay any longer -Hassan and Ali leave because they say that it isnt good for them to work for Baba anymore

What "weakness" of Amir's does Baba have to apologize for in Chapter 10?

-car sickness

What then does Sohrab do? Why is this significant?

-he tries to commit suicide by killing himself with Amir's razor in the bathtub - he didn't like the orphanage or being sexually abused so much that he would rather die than go through that torture again.

Consider your parents and how your opinions about them have changed as you have gotten older. Are there any parallels between your concept of your parents and Amir's concept of Baba?

-loving other siblings more?

What does Amir tell his father he wants to study in college? What is Baba's reaction?

-major and creative writing -Baba still believes that his son's love of writing is a hobby and not fit for a career.

What does it mean to be Hazara, Shi'a Muslim, Afghanistan's minority group? Who, in the story thus far, is Hazara?

-servant class mogul descendants -Hassan, Sanubar, and Ali are Hazaras

Hassan has plastic surgery to be able to smile "normally" by the following winter. Why does Amir think that is ironic?

-that's the last time Hassan smiles

What does it mean to be Pashtun, Sunni Muslim, Afghanistan's majority group? Who, in the story thus far, is Pashtun?

-true, pure Afgans -group who persecutes and oppresses the Hazaras. They also drove them from their lands, burned their homes, and sold their women. -Baba and Amir are Pashtun

In Chapters 21-22, the cruelty of the Taliban is clearly in evidence. Give two or three examples.

1. Stoning a man and woman in front of a crowd at a soccer game 2. Sexually abusing boys and girls 3. Killing Hassan and his wife outside their own home

In Chapter 10, several things happen that are ironic or foreshadowing. Label each one of these and explain:

1. The only way Amir can survive the long ride in the fume-filled tank is by remembering flying kites with Hassan. Ironic because he doesn't want to remember Hassan especially with the flying kites. 2. Baba gathers up the dirt of his homeland and places it next to his heart. Foreshadowing because he is leaving Afghanistan. 3. Kamal's father commits suicide after Kamal dies from breathing the fumes of the tank. Ironic because Kamal could've died in the fumes but he lived however his father still took his own life. 4. Kamal, one of Hassan's rapists, has been raped himself and hasn't spoken since. Ironic because Hassan got raped and he didn't speak

Who is Ali? What do the neighborhood children call him? What does it mean?

Ali is Hassan's father, who is also very close to Baba and Amir. Children call him babalu, meaning Boogeyman. Ali has a congenital paralysis of lower face muscle, making it hard to have any facial expressions like smiling or frowning.

"America was different. America was a river roaring along, unmindful of the past. I could wade into this river, let my sins drown to the bottom, let the waters carry me someplace far." This quote from Chapter 11 is said by whom? What does it reveal? What does this metaphor mean?

Amir -It reveals that Amir can start a new life in America where he is able to be free and do or become whatever he wants to be and lose his guilt

Hassan's first word and why it is important

Amir -they grew up together and it shows how close Amir and Hassan really are

What happens as Amir runs the kite for Sohrab? How is this another full circle?

Amir and Hassan used to do kite flying together and now that he is doing it with Hassan's son. Also Sohrab smiled when they were flying kites together. Which is significant because Hassan didn't smile at all since he got raped by Assef. Furthermore the full circle is ending Hassan ran kites for Amir and now to repay the favor Amir ran kites for Hassan's son.

What is inscribed on the pomegranate tree in the back yard? So, why then is it significant that Amir tries to pick a fight with Hassan in front of that tree? (Think symbolism.) What ends up happening? Why is that symbolic?

Amir and Hassan: The Sultans of Kabul" is inscribed on the tree. Amir starts throwing pomegranates at Hassan and he's then covered in pomegranate juice. It's symbolic because the juice represents blood which is also foreshadowing

What does Amir ask of Baba that makes Baba angry? What does Baba say in response?

Amir asks if he ever thought about getting new servants. as a result Baba gets very mad because he says Ali is like a brother to him and he would never trade him

What does Amir put under Hassan's mattress? Why does he do it? What is your reaction to Amir's betrayal?

Amir has a strange way of coping with his guilt. He hides his birthday money and new watch under Hassan's mattress to frame him for stealing it, foolishly hoping that Hassan will be sent away. Amir has difficulty facing Hassan and coping with his betrayal.

In chapter 6, how does Amir feel about Hassan? (Think about his conflicted feelings.) Why does he mean "my life as a ghost"? p. 56

Amir is jealous of Hassan because he feels that Baba prefers him. he says his life as a ghost because he feels that he is just ignored. -He is invisible because he doesn't feel good enough and he feels guilty that his mom died giving birth to him

Why does Amir asks Baba to meet with General Taheri?

Amir wants to ask Soraya's hand in marriage.

Who is Baba? Describe him. What are his values? How does he relate to extremely religious leaders?

Amir's father -says the only sin is stealing -Baba is Amir's father. He built the most beautiful house in Kabul, and also built and owns an orphanage. He is wealthy, adventurous, and trustworthy.

How does Amir describe his home? Why do you think he elaborates this description so much? What do the details of the family pictures in Amir's house reveal?

Amir's house has a broad entryway that is flanked by rose bushes that is led to marble floors and wide windows The living room has curved walls with custom-built cabins. Because Baba had built this house so that everyone in his family could live there. An old photo of Amir's grandfather and king Nadir shows them standing over a dead deer, a picture of Amir's parents wedding day, and a picture of Baba and Rahim Khan holding Amir as a baby and are standing over their house. -the picture with Amir lacks smiles and filled with seriousness

In Chapter 18, Amir finds out that both Hassan and his wife were shot by the Taliban trying to protect Baba's house, orphaning their son. Rahim tells Amir it is his job to find Sohrab in Karteh-Seh, Afghanistan, and take him to an orphanage in Peshawar, Pakistan. What is Amir's reaction?

Amir's reaction is of shock and anger. He doesn't understand why no one told him this before. Rahim's wish is not unfair this is how Amir will remove theguilt and pay back Hassan for what Amir never did in the alleyway years ago

What does Assef give Amir for his birthday? Why is this significant?

Assef give Amir the book Hitler wrote. It's significant because it foreshadows what happens with Assef later on in the book.

Who is Assef? What is his ancestry? What is he famous for? What is his political vision

Assef is the son of baba's friend Mahmood. Assef was born by a German mother and an afghan father. He is famous for his stainless steel knuckles. He thinks all Pashtuns are the real Afghans and wants to get rid of all of the hazaras.

What happens to Hassan when he runs the blue kite for Amir? (Assef foreshadowed this earlier in Chapter 5.)

Assef raped Hassan while his two friends hold him down.

What happens between Assef/Wali/Kamal and Amir/Hassan?

Assef starts picking on Hassan and calling him names, Amir stands up for Hassan, then Assef begins picking on him. Hassan takes a rock against Assef's slingshot, and stands up for himself. Assef says that he's a very patient person, that this isn't the end, and that Hassan made a big mistake. He'll be back.

What are Baba and Amir doing in San Jose on the weekends?

At a flea market selling old junk to people.

What clues hint at the secret that is revealed in Chapters 17-18?

Baba has always been so close to Hassan. He never missed his birthday, they have the same cleft lip, yelled at Amir that he would never hire new servants, and even wished that Hassan was with them in America.

In Chapter 13, Amir thinks about the "bears" his father has wrestled during his lifetime. What "bears" has Baba wrestled?

Baba has wrestled bears in business, building his orphanage, losing his wife, raising a son with no mother figure, and cancer.

What is Baba diagnosed with? How does he decide to treat it?

Baba learns he has cancer, but he refuses to undergo chemotherapy and smokes more

How is the end of chapter 9 a turning point in the novel?

Baba left to take Amir and Hassan to the bus station. Amir did not react. He did not let Hassan know how he really felt; he just stood there and watched them leave. In this moment, Amir curses himself with carrying his burden of guilt forever. Baba and Amir's loyal servants are gone, taking two lifetimes' worth of friendship with them.

Why does Baba challenge the Russian officer who is obviously high on drugs?

Because in order to get through checkpoint the Russian soldiers have to rape women and Baba would not allow that to happen

Who is the king's cousin? What did he do and why?

Daoud Khan -Ended king's forty year reign with a blooders coup. The kings cousin did this to replace the constitutional monarchy with a republic.

What does Amir observe about a double standard in Chapter 12?

Double Standard favored in his gender. A man who goes up to a woman and starts a conversation and is left alone. The woman who responds to the man will be gossiped about and called names. -Not Did you see him chatting to her? but Did you see how she wouldn't let him go. By Afghan standards his question is bold, because it shows his interest in her, but the woman is the one who should show interest.

Who is the first and last person to say "For you, a thousand times over"?

First-Hassan Last-Amir

Chapter 11 has a new setting. What is it?

Fremont, California 1980s

Who are Wali and Kamal?

Friends of Assef, also referred to as disciples, hold down Hassan

In Chapter 11, who is Soraya?

General Taheri's Daughter, meets at the flea market

In Chapter 17, Rahim gives Amir a letter from Hassan, who wrote it six months before. What is the tone of this letter? How does Amir react?

Hassan is the same old Hassan; a loyal friend who is concerned about Amir. Hassan wrote the letter with excitement and pride. Hassan says he would like to see Amir again. Rahim Khan reveals, however, that Hassan and his wife were murdered by the Taliban a month after the letter was written. Their son, Sohrab, is now living in an orphanage in Kabul

. In Chapter 16, Rahim tells us what happened to Hassan. What has happened? Where is he living?

Hassan moved to a village outside of Bamiyan where Rahim found him. Hassan told Rahim that Ali was killed by a landmine. Hassan has a wife named Farzana. Rahim suggests that they should live with him. They then had a stillborn little girl. Hassan's mother came back very ill and they nursed her back to health. Hassan's mother then delivers their second baby, Sohrab. Hassan's mother died when Sohrab was 4.

Who is Farzana?

Hassan's wife, loving mother of Sohrab

What does Soraya agree to do?

Have her brother talk to people in the government to see how to get Sohrab into the US

When Baba confronts Hassan about this, what does Hassan say?

He admits that he stole Amir's wristwatch and money

What does Baba give Hassan for his birthday? What does his present suggest about his character? How does Amir react to this present? Why did the present turn out to be ironic?

He gets a plastic surgeon to fix Hassan's cleft lip, this suggests Amir is jealous because Baba has never done anything this special for him and now he is doing something for Hassan. This was ironic because that was the winter that Hassan sopped smiling

Who is Raymond Andrews and how does he function in the novel?

He is the lawyer who says that Amir might not be able to get Sohrab into the united states -daughter has committed suicide

General Taheri is worried about something when he comes to visit. What is it? What is Amir's reaction to this?

He is worried about Sohrab because he is a Hazara He calls him a "little Hazara boy" and The general is worried about what people would think about his daughter and son-in-law's Hazara boy since all of the family was Pashat and their higher class while hazaras are lower house. He understands his worries so he tells General Sahib that he should tell people that Baba slept with his servant's wife and bore her a child. Which was Hassan, and Hassan's son is now an orphan so Amir will raise him as his own son Amir tells him "You will never again refer to him as 'Hazara boy' in my presence. He has a name and it's Sohrab."

Chapter 14 brings us back to the opening of the book: the telephone call from Rahim Khan. What is Rahim asking Amir to do?

He wants Amir to come to Pakistan and visit him because he is ill. He knows the truth about Amir's past and says there is a way to be good again.

What does Amir want to tell Assef about Hassan when Assef bullies them about being friends?

He wants to tell Assef that Hassan is just his servant not his friend.

What does Assef threaten (foreshadow)

He will be patient, he will see Amir again, and Amir will be sorry. This threat foreshadows Assef's plans to rape him Also Hassan had threatened to shoot Assef's eye out. In response, Assef said he would get his revenge on Hassan and Amir both. ... But Hassan's threat is also carried out vicariously through Sohrab, who shoots out Assef's eye as he saves Amir with his slingshot.

What is the proudest moment of twelve-year-old Amir's life as described in Chapter 7?

His proudest moment was seeing his father on the roof cheering for him.

What happened in 1996 by the Taliban in Mazar-i-Sharif?

In 1996, the Taliban massacred the Hazaras in Mazar-I-Sharif.

Why do Afghans gather at Lake Elizabeth Park?

It was the first day of spring on New Year's Day for Afghanistan and there were celebrations in East Bay and the Peninsula made by Afghans in the Bay Area.

Why are Amir and his father fleeing Afghanistan?

Once the Russians invaded, no one was safe in Afghanistan. There were spies everywhere, and no one could be trusted.

In Chapter 15, Amir meets with the dying Rahim Khan. Where are they?


In 1989, what is going on in Afghanistan? Who are the Mujahedin? Who is in charge?

Shorawi completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan Mujahedin=Afghans The Soviet government of Najibullah.

In Chapter 19, Farid is engaged to drive Amir from Peshawar to Afghanistan. Describe his first impression of Amir. When Farid said, "You've always been a tourist here, you just didn't know it," (p. 232), what did he mean? What is Farid's impression of emigrant Afghans who return to visit Afghanistan?

Since Afghan is now more dangerous than ever before Amir moved to America he hadn't have to deal with the hardships in Afghan. Farid first impression was not impressed but full of pity for Amir because he is enjoying the life that poor Afghans ever dreamed of but comes back to Afghan thinking he is going to have the same type of treatment like in America.

Why did the visit with the pulmonologist become unsuccessful when Baba asked where he was from?

Since Dr. Schneider, pulmonologist, from Russia Baba lost it. Amir tries to tell him that his parents are the ones from Russia and he is from Michigan, but Baba says he will attack Dr. Schneider.

Baba observes that "It may be unfair, but what happens in a single day can change the course of a whole lifetime." Whom is he speaking about? Why? What else might be significant about that quote?

Soraya Taheri, the general's daughter, had a man once; things did not go well. No one has knocked on the general's door for his daughter since. Many things have already happened (in one day) that changed the course of their lives. Many more instances will happen.

What does Soraya's Uncle Sharif do to help Sohrab?

Soraya's uncle works for the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and is therefore able to facilitate the transfer of Sohrab from the Middle East to San Francisco. His efforts serve as the final recourse for Amir since adoption is not feasible because he cannot prove that the child's parents' have died.

what is tar?

String on the kite

Afghanistan has been seized by what political group in Chapter 15?


What realizations does Amir come to in Chapter 19?

That Afghanistan is his true home. He thought he forgot and was forgotten but he had not.

Chapter 24 continues the falling action of the plot. Why do Sohrab and Amir travel to Islamabad? Amir says "There are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood." What does he mean? How can you relate this to Hassan and Sohrab?

The Taliban would be looking for Amir for what he and Sohrab has done to Assef. So Amir and Sohrab go to Islamabad for cover, to be safe from the Taliban for a while. -that there are a lot of children in afghanistan but they are so poor and tortured that they can't have a peaceful normal childhood. Also this relates to Hassan and Sohrab because they both harazas who lost of a lot of their childhood because they were sexually abused and had to work

Chapter 25 resolves the action with Sohrab and Amir returning to San Francisco. Describe Sohrab for the first seven months he is in San Francisco.

The first seven months he is in San Francisco Sohrab was silent and kept to himself when Soraya wants to interact with him. So Amir and Soraya try everything they can to interact with him a little.

The novel begins with a flashback.What do you think is its purpose? What do you learn about the narrator?

The purpose is to build suspense, it also shows some of the themes in the book such as price of theft, the love of child, brothers, the past affecting the present, and the atonement for sins. We do not learn anything about the narrator which adds to the suspense of the first chapter only that his father is popular in town and does not have a mother.

Where does the family take a trip to in Chapter 8?

They take a trip to Jalalabad

What good news does Amir learn in Chapter 13?

Written his first novel on the typewriter the general gave him. A father son story set in Kabul. He sent letters to a dozen agencies and one August day he opened the mailbox and found a request from New York agency for the complete manuscript. A guy named Martin from a New York Agency calls and he wants to be Amir's agent. Amir gets a call a month later saying he is a published novelist

In Chapter 20, the director of the orphanage, Zaman, tells Amir that Sohrab was taken by a Taliban official, who takes children, usually girls, about once a month, for his "sexual pleasure." The official gives Zaman a great deal of cash. How does Zaman defend his actions?

Zaman says that he has to save the other children. With the money he gets from the people taking children, he can provide food and clothes for the kids.

What is a mullah?

a Muslim scholar learned in Islamic theology and sacred law.

Who is Karim?

a people smuggler who is taking Baba and Amir to Jalalabad and later to Peshawar

Who is General Taheri?

a well-decorated general in Kabul, worked for the ministry of defense, thinks Baba is a great man -Soraya's mom

What is a cleft lip?

big split in the center of the upper lip

What promise does Amir break to Sohrab?

he says that he will have to go to an orphanage

Rahim Kahn's letter to Amir

it shows all the harsh feelings that Amir got from his father was a big misunderstanding saying he didn't really hate him he just hated himself and seeing Amir reminded him of himself so that is why he was so hard on Amir. Also Baba took out his anger on Amir because he couldn't spend lovely openly time with Hassan. Furthermore since he married Sanaubar who was Ali's wife and lied about Amir and Hassan about it he felt guilty. Also the letter should have been presented to him early so he wouldn't pushed himself to get Baba's affection and feel jealous of Hassan enough to treat him so poorly. Not really by the way he lied to Amir and Hassan and how he was married with Ali's wife but he tried to redeem himself by building the orphanage, giving money to friends in need, and feeding the poor on the streets.

How are Hazaras described

mice-eating, flat-nosed, load-carrying donkeys.

How are Amir and Hassan similar?

nursed by the same woman, and people who were fed from the same breasts have a kinship and share a brotherhood

Why do boys in Afghanistan during the winter of 1975 have gashes on their fingers?

the boys have gashes on their fingers because of the kites some of them have glass around it and they get cut when it breaks

What is the significance of the two memories and dream presented on pages 73-74?

those dreams meant not to be afraid of winning the contest and that Amir was the monster in the lake dragging Hassan down from getting raped

How does the cliché, "like father, like son" mentioned on page 226, relate to Baba and Amir?

​Baba lied and led a deceitful life keeping his secret from Amir, Hassan, and Ali. ​Amir lied and led a deceitful life never standing up for Hassan

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