The Middle Ages in Western Europe

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Self Sufficent

-able to supply your own needs -there was no trade so people had to make things on their own *manoralism was self sufficient because there was no trade*

banking/finance changes

-money supply reappears -credit lend to traders -Jews were often bankers due to usury laws

High Middle Ages


lay investiture

A ceremony in which kings and nobles appointed church officials


A peasant who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord

How was this similar and different to Bushido in Japan?

Both focus on honor of warrior class and loyalty to whoever gave you land.


Controlled local monasteries and lands. Were often advisors to kings and noblemen. Sometimes formed their own armies that could be loaned to nobles warfare.

Changes in:

Economic- manorialism(self sufficient) Agriculture, rural based→ Trade increased, towns and cities grew Social- Rigid social class, isolated→new social class(middle) contact with advanced cities outside of Europe Religious-Catholic church is powerful→ church losses power and prestige because of the loss of the crusades Educational- only clergy was literate, learning was limited, achievements were forgotten→ literacy increases, people need record keeping, knowledge and technology are regained due to contact with Muslims, Byzantines and China(all in golden ages)

Result of Second Crusade

Jerusalem was once again a Muslim city


Lived in monasteries and spent time studying, praying, and copying valuable books as illuminated manuscripts. Also helped the poor.


Preachers who traveled from village to village, often preaching outdoors.

how did the black death spread?

Rats, fleas, trade

How did the crusades impact relations between Christians, Muslims and Jews?

created tension between them

why did the conditions of the towns increase the spread of the black death?

extremely bad hygiene- no toilets or showers

3-field system

farmers grew crops on 2/3 of their land each year, leaving 1/3 inactive

why did the middle class reappear (burghers)?

forms due to trade

What role did the Church play in maintaining the social structure?

people accepted their position because they believed it was God's will

what were the causes of the black death?

rats had the disease, fleas bite the rats and then bite people


sacred rituals that brought God's blessings (baptism, Eucharist, confirmation, reconciliation, marriage)


the exchange or buying and selling commodities on a large scale involving transportation from place to place

what tribe did Charlemagne (Charles) lead

the franks


the practice of lending money with interest

Papal States

the territory in Italy that the Pope rules

Who were the invaders after Charlemagne's rule?

vikings, magyars, and muslims


the crime of holding a belief that goes against the church

how did the disease contribute to the breakdown of feudalism?

there was a shortage of peasants working, and those who survived demanded higher pay

How did one receive their position in life in social hierarchy

they were born into it

Why did Pope Urban II call for a crusade in 1095?

to conquer the holy land from the Muslims

What were the Pope's non religious motives for encouraging the crusades?

to gain personal power

Knights' motives to crusade (younger sons)

to get a place in society, land, power, adventure

Why did kings go on a crusade?

to keep knights from fighting each other and unify land

Serfs' motives to crusade

want to leave the manor, maybe move up in social class

Holy Roman Empire

was named because Charlemagne was crowned by the pope and he focused on spreading Christianity


Religious tax (10%)


Ruled over all clergy from Rome. Held power over all medieval kings, and considered to be Christ's representative on earth.

What were the serf's obligations, restrictions, and responsibilities?

Serfs had to: - do 2 or 3 days of labor a week(plowing, planting) -As a gift on Christmas and Easter give lord many eggs and chickens - A tax on all grain grown in lords mill(leave portion of grain) - A tax on all bread baked in lord oven( leave bread) - A tax when getting married, lords had to approve marraige -owed village tithe(church tax)10% of income


Often decided when and where a church would be built, and similar to nobles who held churches and lands like fiefs.

What were the lords obligations on the manor?

Take care of manor, make decisions and often fight.

Result of Fourth Crusade

Western Christians looted Constantinople

Charles Martel

*Martel means hammer* Grandfather of Charlemagne. Beat the Muslims at Battle of Tours, he kept the Muslims out of Europe

Truce of God

A rule enacted by the medieval Church forbidding warfare during certain holy days of the year and Thursday- Monday


Banishment from the church

where did the disease begin and end?

Began in East Asia Ended in ????

Pepin the Short

Charlemagne's father. when he died Charlemagne and his older brother Carloman split the empire.

Result of First Crusade

Christians won back Holy Land

Holy Inquisition

Church court that tries heretics


Church officials

Canon Law

Church teachings and rules


People who ruled the church as a group and would choose the future pope amongst themselves

Why did the church become a powerful force in the dark ages?

-The church provided rules, hope and order when there was no central government. -Since church officials were the only literate people they controlled information

Dark Ages (years, cause, )

476-1000 Caused by the fall of the roman empire and invasions from Germanic tribes (Franks, Angles, Saxons, Goths, Visigoths, Lombards, Avars and Vandals.)

what were the religious, social, and economic impacts of the disease?

>religious- believed that God abandoned them and the pope couldn't help >social- surviving serfs demanded higher pay or would leave the manor >economic-serfs left the manor and this grew towns

possible bonus

>secular- worldly (less interested in religion) >Charlemagne's son-Louis the Pious (religious) >Charlemagne's grandsons- Charles the Bald, Luis the German, and Lothair >Vikings are also called northmen or norsem

What was a knight obligated to do under code of Chivalry?

A knight was required to fight bravely in defense of 3 masters (God, lord, and wife), protect weak and poor, royal, brave and courteous

What was a knights life like?

A knights life was filled with fighting on horseback to defend their lord. they were allowed to have a lady


A large estate, often including farms and a village, ruled by a lord. (part of a fief)


A secluded community where monks live

Why are the crusades seen as a "successful failure"?

Although the Christians never achieved their goal, because of the crusades they flourished economically and socially.

How did one become a knight?

At age 7 you would be sent off to the castle of another lord to practice fighting skills. At 14 became squire and acted as a servant to a knight. At 21 squire became knight.

Why are the crusades a turning point in the history of Europe?

Before the crusades western Europe was in the Dark Ages. Contact with the East took them out of the Dark ages and on the path towards the Renaissance.

How did chivalry impact the status of women?

It showed women as damsels in distress

How was the Dark Ages the opposite of a Golden Age

No peace- People were loyal to local Germanic Kings, and the kings were fighting over land No prosperity- no trade because travel was unsafe due to bandits and the roads were in poor condition. No cities- there was no trade and people moved to rural ares for food. No achievements- learning declined because tribes were illiterate, no schools, people were focusing on surviving not advancing. *LONG STORY SHORT NO GOVERNMENT TO UNITE OR TAKE CARE OF THE EMPIRE/ SET STANDARDS*


Performed religious services for villagers and peasants on manors. Also responsible for collecting taxes for archbishops in local areas.

Describe various roles the church played in the Medieval period?

Political-violence not allowed on thurs- mon Advisers to nobles because they were illiterate(hired clergies). Pope ruled Papal States. Excommunicated people who go against the teachings of the church(heretics). Educational- Ran schools for nobles, for kids becoming a clergy, nobles were not educated Economic- controlled business and prices, rich was seen as wrong, Usury was illegal, church was largest landowner, Monks improved agricultural techniques, church collected tithe. Social/Religious- Ran hospitals, heretics were unable to take part in sacraments

Result of Third Crusade

The Muslims retained control over Jerusalem but allows Christians to visit

Who benefited from manorialism?

The lords benefited- they got food and clothes, money and power without having to work. the serfs could also benefit because they had a place to live, some food, and protection from viking invasions

Why did the manor need to be self-sufficient? Why was there no trade?

They had to be self-sufficient because there was no trade. There was no trade because there was no central government to regulate the money, scarce resources(no surpluses), conditions were unsafe(invasions, bandits) and there was no roads or bridges.


a "day worker" who works for a master in return for a daily wage


a bench where the moneylenders sat and changed currencies for traders

Feudalism (feud means land)

a decentralized political system based on how much land you own controlling land was power and wealth


a document in which a lord gave the people of a town the right to set up their own laws and their own system of taxes

Illuminated Manuscripts

a handwritten book in which the monks who copied it painted pictures in the letters.


a member of a guild


a person who learns a trade and receives room and board in return for their work


a person who lives in a town

Trial by Ordeal

a primitive method of determining a person's guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under divine control


a seal of approval from masters that says a journeyman's work is of master quality (masterpiece)


a warrior in medieval Europe who fought on horseback. they fought for the lord who gave them land

Purpose of guilds and their advantages and disadvantages

advantages- Guilds provided a insurance for its members, lowered competition, insured quality goods.

Treaty of Verdun

after Charlemagne's son Louis the Pious (religious) died Charlemagne's grandsons Charles the Bald, Luis the German, and Lothair signed the treaty to split the empire into 3 kingdoms.


an association of people who worked together in the same occupation

Charlemange (Charles the Great)

became king of the Franks after his brother died. Ruled for 46 years and was emperor for 14 years.

Lords' motives to crusade

can get more land, therefore more power


code of conduct for knights during the Middle Ages -people valued loyalty, bravery Christianity, and church

Crusades: how did this cause/increase the revival of trade and the growth of towns?

contact with advanced society caused the demand for luxury items, spices, and silk--> more trade --> growth of towns

Charlemagne as a spark in the dark

he was a good leader during the dark ages because brought back education and stability. however, this was only TEMPORARY because his grandsons messed it up (treaty of verdun)

Changes in agriculture: how did this cause/increase the revival of trade and the growth of towns?

increase in food supply --> higher population --> higher demand --> more trade --> growth of towns

Why did Merchants like crusades?

it helped to develop trade. Merchants loaned ships and controlled trade routes

what were the social classes during feudalism? what kind of social system was this? why?

king church officials, lords lesser lords knights peasants/serfs *No middle class* this was a rigid social system because people accepted their position (they believed it was God's will)


land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service


landowners who grant fiefs to the vassals

Describe a feudal contract

lords got their land from the king in exchange for military protection, and the lords granted fiefs to vassals. In return, they got loyalty and service

What type of economic system is Feudalism?


Middle Ages

period in western Europe between ancient Rome and the renaissance (500-1500)

serfs' decisions/new opportunities: how did this cause/increase the revival of trade and the growth of towns?

serfs run away or earn money to leave manors

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