The mound builders

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What was the occupation of the mound builders


The Anasazi used what for the first time in the United States


Who were the only type of people allowed in kivas


Where were artifacts found

parks and states

Where did Mound Builders live

settled communities

The Anasazi community was located in what area

the four corners

Where did the anasazi live

the southwest region of the US

What are the four present day states that make up the four corners

Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado

Why did they live East of the Mississippi

Because the land was rich in forests, fertile soil, lakes and rivers

Why were the Anasazi called cliff dwellers

Because they carved houses out of cliffs

Where did the Inuit people live


What crop did the Anasazi grow

Corn, squash, pumpkins and beans

Where did most of the Mound Builders live

East of the Mississippi

Why were some mounds built

For burial places, to honor animal spirits

What were the traditional houses built by the Inuit called

Igloos which are built with blocks of packed snow

How did the Mound Builders build thousands of mounds

In many different shapes

Anasazi cliff dwellings are protected as part of what in present day Colorado

Mesa Verda

The Anasazi build apartment style houses on top of what?


What artifacts were used by the mound builders

Mica, Copper, Seashells and Knives

What were the three main groups of mound builders

Mississippians, Hopewell, Adena

Where do the Inuit make their homes today

Near the Artic Ocean from Alaska through Canada and on to Greenland

Why did many of the mounds have platforms

So they could hold religious ceremonies on the mounds

What does the word Mesa mean in Spanish


What cliff dwelling has 150 rooms and 23 kivas

The Cliff Palace

What happened to the Anasazi culture around the 1100s

The cultured reached its height and something mysterious happened and they abandoned their villages

What does the word Anasazi mean

The old ones

What is the meaning of the word Inuit

The people

What present day peoples of the southwest are believed to be descendents of the Anasazi

The pueblo people including the Hopi

Archaelologists tell us what about the Mound Builders

The were organized

How did the Anasazi bring water to their crops

They dug ditches

How did the Inuit adapt to life in the cold

They hunted whales, walruses and seals and developed the Kayak

Why do you see large overhanging rocks within cliff dwellings

They protect cliff dwellers from bad weather

The Anasazi had what type of occupation

They were farmers

Artifacts tell us what was important to the mound builderw


What is a kiva

a large underground room where religious ceremonies are held

What is a ceremony

an activity done for a special purpose or event

What are the Inuit known for creating

beautiful sculptures

What was the mound builders main crop


How high does the mound at Cahokia in Illinois rise

100 feet as tall as a ten story building

Who long did the Mound builders culture last

2, 500 years

When did the Mound Builders culture begin

3000 years ago

What is one theory about why the Anasazi abandoned their villages

A drought and streams dried up

How did the Inuit travel from Asia to North America

Across the Bering Strait

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