The Outsiders Vocabulary Chapter 3-4

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Definition- a strong feeling that something is about to happen, esp. something unpleasant Synonym- apprehension Antonym- Kind of Word- noun Sentence- He had a premonition of imminent disaster


Definition- open resistance; bold disobedience Synonym- insurgence Antonym- regard Kid of word- noun Sentence- He act of total defiance was totally unacceptable


Definition- without thinking or caring about the consequences of an Synonym- brash Antonym- cautious Kind of word- adjective Sentence- His driving was so reckless that he was stripped of his license to prevent accidents


Definition-Strong Dislike Synonym- audacity, decision Antonym- admiration, sanction Kind of word- noun Sentence- He showed his contempt for his job by doing it very badly


Definition-a group of people considered being the best in a particular society or category, esp. because of their power, talent, or wealth Synonym- aristocratic Antonym- common, low-class Kind of word- noun


Definition-a person with much worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture Synonym- cultured, schooled Antonyms- uncultured, unsophisticated Kind of word- noun Sentence- She was a sophisticated socialite.


Definition-a slight grimace or shrinking movement caused by pain or distress. Synonym- shrink, cringe Antonym- Kind of word- noun Sentence-He winced after he was kicked in the ribs


Definition-anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen Synonym- afraid, alarmed Antonym- calm, quiet Kind of word- adjective Sentence- He was apprehensive about the endeavor ever since talks of it had started


Definition-brave; heroic Synonym- bold, daring Antonym- cowardly Kind of word- adjective Sentence- He was a gallant person as he had the guts to stand up to the principal


Definition-expressing sorrow or regret, esp. when in a slightly humorous way Synonym- Apologetic, sad, sorry Antonym- callous Kind of word- adjective Sentence- He expressed his sorrow for their loss in a rueful way.

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