The Psy of Relationships Mid-term

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Approximately what percentage of children in the United States will experience the divorce of their parents?

40 percent

What was Lewis Terman's view on personality and marital success?

A person who is unsuccessful in one relationship is likely to be unsuccessful in any relationship because of a fundamental lack of qualities that lead to compatibility with others.

Devon, a self-identified man, is most likely to post about what topic on social media?


Dr. Allison examines whether generosity and empathy are related to marital satisfaction in a study of newlyweds. What approach to relationships is Dr. Allison using?

Big Five approach

When people look at pictures of their relationship partner, MRI scans reveal what?

Brain areas related to receiving rewards are activated.

What is the main premise of the dependence regulation model?

Enduring personality characteristics can affect how partners perceive and communicate with one another.

________ refers to whether a person has attitudes, traits, and/or behaviors that are masculine or feminine; ________ refers to the biological features that characterize a person as male or female

Gender; sex

People who have a close relationship:

Have interdependence that extends across a long period of time and multiple situations

Which of the following is FALSE regarding research methods used to understand relationships?

Ideally, any method of data collection leads to the same results.

According to the chapter on research methods, which of the following is FALSE?

If a specific measure represents an abstract concept well, it has high construct validity.

Which of the following statements about how personality traits affect intimate relationships is accurate?

People with similar personality traits generally do not pair up in intimate relationships, yet partners with similar personalities tend to have happier relationships

Which of the following statements about how personality traits affect intimate relationships is NOT accurate?

People with similar personality traits generally pair up in intimate relationships.

According to Sandra Bem's typology of sex role identity, which group of individuals tends to be the most adaptable, attractive, and secure in relationships?


Tabitha describes herself as competitive, independent, self-reliant, willing to take risks, and analytical. Based on this description, Tabitha identifies with desirable traits associated with:

androgynous individuals.

Jamil describes himself as analytical, affectionate, unpredictable, moody, independent, and gentle. Based on this description, Jamil identifies with desirable traits associated with:

both men and women.

Chantey is low in agreeableness. Her husband is likely to report that she:

can be argumentative but is considerate of his needs.

Gil was born with biological male sex characteristics. As an adult, Gil identifies as masculine. Gil's gender identity is most likely:


Jacobson and Moore (1987) found that a spouse's rating of a partner's behavior on the Spouse Observation Checklist often did not match the partner's own rating of his or her behaviors. This study suggested that the Spouse Observation Checklist may have a problem with ________________.

construct validity

Dr. Andrews examines whether shyness and assertiveness are related to partner preferences in a study of dating couples. What approach to relationships is Dr. Andrews using?

dependence regulation model

"Do couples who cohabit before marriage have less conflict as newlyweds than couples who do not cohabit before marriage?" This is an example of a(n) ________ research question.


What words posted on social media are most likely expressed by self-identified women?

excited, tomorrow, tonight, super, yay

The evolutionary perspectives on intimate relationships and attachment theory are similar in that they both:

focus on how childhood experiences affect adult intimate relationships.

The way people's behaviors fulfill gender expectations is referred to as their:

gender expression.

Melanie's parents frequently argued when she was young and divorced when she was 12 years old. Now that Melanie is in her early 20s, she finds that her romantic relationships are often tense and conflict-ridden. What phenomenon does this reflect?

intergenerational transmission effects

The effects that the family of origin have on who people are as individuals are referred to as:

intergenerational transmission effects

Carly and Joan are very happy in their relationship and have been together for a long time. When you ask Carly how often Joan says "I love you," Carly responds that Joan says it almost every day. This is surprising: Joan tells you that she rarely says "I love you" because she reserves those words for special occasions. Why might Carly's report be so different from Joan's?

sentiment override

A researcher is surveying men about partner behaviors that are potentially annoying. When presented with a list of possibly annoying behaviors and asked to rate their tolerance of these behaviors that have occurred in the current relationship, respondents indicate a high level of tolerance for all behaviors, even the most annoying ones. What phenomenon might these responses illustrate?

social desirability effect

Juan thinks that, because he is a man, it is his "role" to ask a woman out on a date and to pay when they go out. These beliefs are examples of what type of sex characteristics?


Which of the following is a limitation of self-report data in the study of couples?

Self-report questionnaires cannot capture interactions between partners.

Andy decides to use the number of times per week research participants talk to their partners as a measure of relationship closeness. According to the chapter on research methods, "how many times per week research participants talk to their partners" is ________.

the operationalization of a psychological construct

The percentage of children who have an adverse outcome following parental divorce is ________.

20 to 30 percent

Norah Vincent dressed and lived as a man (Ned) for 18 months. During her time as a man, what did Norah observe about men's emotional experiences?

Men and women adopt different approaches to expressing emotion.

Leda recently gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Without revealing the sex of her babies, she has invited guests over and dressed her daughter in blue and her son in pink. Which of the following is an unlikely response from her guests?

They will encourage her daughter to be friendlier than her son.

What is true about behaviors and expectations associated with gender?

What it means to be a man or a woman depends on context, including time and culture.

Why should people continue to study "masculinity" and "femininity" if there is a wider range of gender identities?

While understanding of gender has evolved, these categorizations continue to affect people's thoughts about, and behaviors within, intimate relationships

Sex is to ________ as gender is to ________.

male or female; masculine or feminine

You are designing an exploratory study on couples who have polyamorous relationships (i.e., they have multiple committed relationships at one time). There is very little research in this area, and not much is known about how these couples manage their relationships. Which research approach would be the most appropriate for this new research area?

observational research

Self-report measures that ask about a wide range of emotions or behaviors associated with a specific topic are considered _____ measures.


You are designing an exploratory study on couples who have polyamorous relationships (i.e., they have multiple committed relationships at one time). There is very little research in this area, and not much is known about how these couples manage their relationships. What kind of measurement strategy would be the most appropriate for this new research area?

open-ended questionnaires

Andrea is studying the conditions under which people become attracted to each other. She invites male research participants to visit the lab and interact briefly with an attractive person (a paid research assistant). By flipping a coin, Andrea places participants in one of two conditions: (1) The conversation occurs without incident, or (2) There is a brief blackout in the research lab during the conversation. At the end of each session, the attractive research assistant gives the research participant her home phone number and invites him to call her later. In this study, whether the research participant calls the number is the:

operationalization of the dependent variable.

Women and men possess different chromosomes, sex hormones, and genitalia. These are considered:

primary sex characteristics.

Which of the following is NOT a component of the way psychologists define personality?

qualities that have some internal organization

Kahni has developed a measure of conflict, and she is using participants' frequency of conflict to predict their relationship satisfaction. She is assessing relationship satisfaction with the Marital Adjustment Test, which is a self-report measure of satisfaction that taps into how spouses resolve disagreements, how much spouses confide in each other, and how much spouses agree about various topics. Which of the following is NOT a potential problem with using the Marital Adjustment Test in Kahni's study?


Jacobson and Moore (1981) found that a spouse's rating of a partner's behavior on the Spouse Observation Checklist often did not match the partner's own rating of his or her behaviors. This study suggested that the Spouse Observation Checklist may have a problem with ________.


The measurement of agreement between independent observers, who are studying behaviors that require some interpretation on the part of the observer, is called ________.


Cognitive representations that keep ideas about certain concepts mentally organized are:


Facial hair, soft skin, and deep voices are all examples of:

secondary sex characteristics

Ava, an 11-year-old girl, has recently become a little chubby and has started developing breasts. These body changes are examples of:

secondary sex characteristics.

Your professor is interested in doing a quick study on understanding how watching Netflix with or without one's partner may be associated with relationship satisfaction. The grant your professor received was for $200, and she needs to have the results within 3 months. What type of measurement strategy would you suggest she use?

self-report measures

What is a characteristic of an influential theory?

tends to be described formally; articulates a set of explicit premises; makes predictions that withstand multiple tests

According to _____________, men were capable of forming relationships whereas women were too emotional for true relationships.

the ancient Greeks

Which of the following terms refers to the long-standing belief that "male" and "female" are the only two human sexes?

the binary assumption

Specific predictions suggested by___________ are called _______________.

theories; hypothesis

Curtis was born with biological female sex characteristics. However, when Curtis reached adolescence, he strongly identified as masculine and underwent sex reassignment surgery. Curtis' gender identity is most likely:


Hamad describes himself as sympathetic, affectionate, cheerful, childlike, and gentle. Based on this description, Hamad identifies with desirable traits associated with:


________ refers to whether a person has attitudes, traits, and/or behaviors that are masculine or feminine; ________ refers to the biological features that characterize a person as male or female.

Gender; sex

What prediction would follow from Sandra Murray and her colleagues' dependence regulation model?

Individuals low in self-esteem are biased toward looking for evidence that their partners care for them.

Katrina and Maria are each married. Each also has just accidentally hit herself on the thumb with a hammer while hanging a picture. Katrina is happily married, while Maria is fighting with her husband and contemplating divorce. Research suggests:

Katrina's wound will heal more quickly, because she has a calmer home life than Maria.

Which of the following us NOT an example of cross-cultural research?

Latino men care more about their partners' virginity than do Latina women.

According to Social Control Theory:

People who are in committed relationships are less likely to engage in behaviors that are seen as socially deviant, such as criminal activity.

How can we summarize the research on personality and relationships?

Personality affects relationships to the same degree that relationships affect personality.

Why would you choose to design a longitudinal study rather than to conduct an experiment?

Some relationship factors cannot be manipulated in experiments.

A child's attachment figure is best defines as:

a person who provides care and comfort to the child.

Andy decides to use the number of times per week research participants talk to their partners as a measure of relationship closeness. According to the chapter on research methods, "closeness" is

a psychological construct

Nicole's coworkers often describe her as being very organized and acting according to policy; however, she is very friendly and willing to engage with her staff. According to her coworkers, how would you define Nicole's personality?


Which of the following traits is NOT part of the Big Five model of personality?


Wei-Chin designed a self-report inventory to measure how intimate partners express affection and hostility toward each other. The inventory is a list of positive behaviors (e.g., back rubs, holding hands) and negative behaviors (e.g., slamming doors, raising voices). After a wide range of couples completed the inventory, Wei-Chin found that happy couples endorsed all the affection items and unhappy couples endorsed all the hostile items. Which of the following problems prevents Wei-Chin from concluding that happy couples exchange more affectionate behaviors than unhappy couples?

correlation does not imply causation

Kadija has never thought much of herself, and she does not think that her partner, Mac, does either. Mac has been preoccupied at work lately, and Kadija thinks that he is drifting away from her. Because of her dissatisfaction, Kadija has been quick to anger, and she and Mac have been arguing a lot. What best describes the cycle that Kadija is experiencing?

dependence regulation model

People with similar personality traits generally ________ in intimate relationships, yet partners who have ________ personalities tend to have happier relationships.

do not pair up; similar

The term "tertiary sex characteristics" refers to the:

expectations and beliefs about the acceptable and appropriate social roles for men and women.

U.S. divorce rates are nearly twice as high in low-income neighborhoods as in high-income neighborhoods. To learn why this association exists, we must ask ________ research questions.


Derek tends to be somewhat critical of his wife, Jane. He worries a lot about his lack of success at work and lately has been very pessimistic. According to the text, these facts indicate that Derek and Jane are likely to:

have an unhappy marriage.

Despite being a single parent, Nancy enjoys spending time with her friends and attends parties whenever she can. She also runs her own business, making children's toys, which she sells through a website she maintains herself. To get her work done while her children are in school, Nancy must be very organized and must schedule her time carefully. These behaviors reflect which personality traits?

high extraversion and high conscientiousness

According to the text, people who are ________ appear to be particularly vulnerable to poor relationships.

high in negative affectivity

Chantey tends to be somewhat critical of her husband, John. She worries a lot about her inability to market herself as a successful painter and lately has been very pessimistic about how media advertising is affecting her daughter's body image. These behaviors reflect which personality trait?

high negative affectivity

For Sally's study, one member of a set of married couples carried voice-activated digital recorders for 2 weeks and both spouses made relationship satisfaction ratings at the end of each day. The recordings contained a lot of meaningless information, but they also contained daily conversations that the spouses had with each other. Sally analyzed the conversations and examined whether the positive and negative behaviors on each day predicted the relationship satisfaction ratings on subsequent days. What kind of research is this?

home-based observational and cross-sectional

A cashier and a customer is an example of a ___________ relationship, while a brother and sister is an example of a _____________ relationship.

impersonal , personal

A type of adaption called "sexual selection" occurs when a characteristic has evolved because it:

increases an organism's chances of successfully reproducing

Self-report measures that ask about a wide range of emotions or behaviors associated with a specific topic are considered _____ measures


The disadvantage to _____ measures is that responses may be weakly correlated with the specific construct of interest.


Xie's parents have been married 27 years. Growing up, Xie and his parents played board games every Friday night and made each other laugh by making up jokes. Xie, now 23 years old, is in his first serious romantic relationship: he has finally found a woman who shares his quirky sense of humor and love of board games. What phenomenon does Xie's behavior reflect?

intergenerational transmission effects

You design a questionnaire where you first ask participants to briefly describe how they met their current romantic partners, and then you ask them to rate, on a scale of 1 to 7, how satisfied they are in their relationships. The first part of the questionnaire is an example of ___________ and the second part is an example of _____________.

open-ended questions; a fixed-response scale

You and your friend are discussing what it means to be in love. You think that being in love means that you put your partner's needs above your own, whereas your friend thinks that it means that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person. Given this, you and your friend obviously differ in your:


You and your friend are disgusting what it means to be in love. You think that being in love means that you put your partner's needs above your own, whereas your friend think s that it means that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person. Given this, you and your friend obviously differ in your __________________.


According to the text, ________ refer(s) to "those distinctive qualities that characterize an individual, that are relatively stable over time and across situations, that have some internal organization to them, and that influence how the individual behaves in and adapts to the world around them."


Jane is looking at black and white photographs of babies born during World War I as inspiration for her next painting. To be consistent with the historical context, what color should Jane use while painting to identify a baby as a boy?


The term "intersex" refers to the:

possession of genitalia or chromosomes that are not clearly identifiable as male or female.

Atiyeh is studying whether violations of expectations about the division of household chores lead to a decline in relationship satisfaction. This is an example of a(n) ________ research question.


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