The Renaissance: Introduction

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__________ and __________ were notable rulers and patrons of the arts in Florence; the family also provided four popes, including Leo X, and two queens of France.

Cosimo; Lorenzo de' Medici

When you see the word Renaissance spelled with a capital R, you can be sure it's referring to the __________ __________ ___________, or the art, literature, and architecture it inspired.

European cultural movement

The Renaissance is the period of __________ history at the close of the __________ ___________ and the __________ of the modern world.

European; Middle Ages; rise

One of the most creative periods in history occurred in Europe around 1350 -1550. This cultural revival is known as __________, meaning "__________."

the Renaissance; rebirth

A private organization that promotes the __________________ can also be called a philanthropy.

welfare of people

The Renaissance was inspired by the civilizations of __________ __________ and __________.

Ancient Greece; Rome

Who was Leonardo da Vinci?

He was a genius, a writer, a painter, a sculptor, a mathematician, an architect, an engineer. He was a scientist and a brilliant inventor.

Where did the renaissance take place?

Italy was the powerhouse of the Renaissance. At that time it was divided into independent states, where wealthy rulers offered PATRONAGE to great artists. The Renaissance also spread through southern France and Spain, and influenced northern Europe.

The Renaissance began in __________, largely as a growth of interest in __________ __________ and __________.

Italy; classical art; ideas

_________ was the powerhouse of the Renaissance. At that time it was divided into __________ __________, where wealthy rulers offered __________ to great artists.

Italy; independent states; PATRONAGE

The word renaissance itself comes from the French phrase "renaissance des lettres", used by the 19th century historian __________. In Old French renaissance means "__________."

Jules Michelet; rebirth

What can we see of the Renaissance today?

Many Italian cities still have splendid palaces, churches, libraries, and public squares built during the Renaissance. Visitors to Rome can wonder at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, created by Michelangelo, or the masterpieces painted by Raphael.

During the Renaissance period, The Italian city of Florence was a European center of banking. Its leading family, the ___________, ___________ ___________ to popes and kings. It was the __________ __________ that paid the wages of artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

Medici; loaned money; Medici fortune

What is the Renaissance?

One of the most creative periods in history occurred in Europe around 1350-1550. This cultural revival is known as the Renaissance, meaning "rebirth". It was inspired by the civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome.

Many Italian cities still have splendid palaces, churches, libraries, and public squares built during the __________.


The __________ was the period in __________ between the 14th and 17th centuries when there was a surge of interest in and production of art and literature. "__________ __________" describes the style of art that came out of this period.

Renaissance; Europe; Renaissance art

The Renaissance also spread through __________ ___________ and ___________, and influenced __________ __________.

southern France; Spain; northern Europe

__________ was a ruling family of Renaissance Italy, based in Milan. They acquired the dukedom and Duchy of Milan from the previously ruling Visconti family in the mid-15th century, and lost it to the Spanish Habsburgs about a century later.


Visitors to Rome can wonder at the ceiling of the __________ __________, created by __________, or the masterpieces painted by ___________.

Sistine Chapel; Michelangelo; Raphael

Why did Florence flourish?

The Renaissance was a period of great social change, when more and more political power came from money and trade. The Italian city of Florence was a European center of banking. Its leading family, the Medici, loaned money to popes and kings. It was the Medici fortune that paid the wages of artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci.

What was the renaissance view of the world?

There was a passion for knowledge. Scholars rediscovered ancient philosophers. Artists became fascinated by the human body and celebrate its beauty, by turning away from the formal drawing style of the Middle Ages to adopt a more realistic, natural style.

The renaissance is the ___________ of learning and culture.


The renaissance is the __________ __________ from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries

cultural rebirth

Philanthropists are wealthy people with a __________ ___________ and a ___________ for ___________ ___________.

generous nature; concern; human welfare

The Renaissance was a period of __________ __________ ___________, when more and more political power came from __________ and trade. The Italian city of Florence was a European center of ___________.

great social change; money; banking

In the Renaissance, artists became fascinated by the __________ __________. To celebrate its beauty, they turned away from the __________ __________ __________ of the Middle Ages and adopted a more realistic, __________ style.

human body; formal drawing style; natural

In the Renaissance period, there was a passion for __________. Scholars had mostly studied the ______________________, but they now rediscovered __________ __________.

knowledge; teachings of the Church; ancient philosophers

Philanthropy most often refers to the ________________________ the wealthy donate to a cause such as world hunger or an organization such as a ___________.

large amounts of money; museum

Philanthropy is made up of two parts — Greek phil "__________" and anthrop "___________." It refers to the desire to help people or the __________ ___________ a person does to benefit ___________.

loving; mankind; actual deeds; mankind

If you give a store or business your support, financial or otherwise, as a customer or client, you are giving them your __________.


In the days of classical art, composers like Bach or painters like Michelangelo were supported by __________, whose __________, or financial support paid the artists' ways.

patrons; patronage

A ___________ is a person who gives money or gifts to charities, or helps needy people in other ways. Famous examples include Andrew Carnegie and Bill & Melinda Gates.


In English, the -ist suffix describes a person who does a particular action. A ___________ practices philanthropy.


Great ___________ are often known for their patronage, or __________ __________, of the arts.

philanthropists; financial support

If you donate money to a charity or volunteer to help people in need, you can call your good deeds ____________.


Patronage is still an important part of our world, but you have to be careful: If your senator is accused of political patronage, people are accusing that senator of exchanging jobs or other favors in return for __________ ___________. This is not a good thing.

political support

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