the resurrection

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The New Testament is not embellished because...

It shows accuracy by having over 140 historically confirmed details.

defense of the empty tomb

JET- It would have been impossible for Christianity to get off the ground if the body had been in the tomb. There is total silence for Christianity's critics regarding this. Not one of the unbelieving writers ever mention the body of Jesus. It was never produced, and only recently have any attempts been made to explain why. Jesus' enemies attested to the empty tomb rather indirectly, but admit it nonetheless. Remember that in both ancient Jewish and Roman cultures , women were lowly esteemed and their testimony would have been questionable at best.

The author, Craig, was surprised to hear that Jewish scholar Professor Pinchas Lapide announced at the end of his lecture that he concluded that the best explanation of the evidence was...

The God of Israel raised Jesus from the dead.

Which of the following is not a reason the empty tomb must have been empty when the disciples began to preach that Jesus was risen?

The empty tomb was predicted in Galatians 5:13, so it was real.

Evidence must be interpreted in light of ...


Which scholar had a theological (i.e. philosophical) presupposition that God does not operate using miracles in a debate presented in the book?


The expression "on the third day" implies myth.


The appearance to Saul of Tarsus (Paul) ____________.

is established beyond doubt by Paul's references to it in his own letters.

The best-attested resurrection appearance is ...

the appearance to the 12.

Every resurrection appearance related in the gospels is a physical, bodily appearance.


If anyone doubts the historicity of Christ, they should also doubt the historicity of ...

-Alexander the Great - all of ancient history

Which of the following is not one of the historical facts that vrtually all scholars agree upon?

-Jesus was seen by the Roman officials after his death. -. The disciples' faith led to their belief in the resurrection.

The New Testament is not a lie because..

-The writers reference facts and eyewitnesses that their readers already knew or could verify. -It included divergent details. -It included embarrassing testimony.

The author, W. L. Craig, states "In I Corinthians 15:3-8... We have here an indispustably ..."

-authentic letter of a man personally acquainted with the first disciples -Paul reports that they (the first disciples) report they actually saw Jesus alive after His death -Paul says he, himself, also saw an appearance of Jesus

What are the 3 indepedently established facts of the resurrection summed up by Dr. Craig?

-the origin of the disciples belief in His resurrection -Jesus' appearances alive after His death -Jesus' empty tomb.

The appearance to "all the apostles" was like the group mentioned in Acts 1:21-22, and the fact of Jesus' appearances to this group is guaranteed by ________.

Paul's personal contact with the apostles themselves.

What are the 2 steps involved in the historical case for Jesus' resurrection?

determining what is the evidence to be explained, and inferring which explanation of the evidence is the best explanation.

A fascinating archaeological discovery in 1878 of a marble slab measuring 15x24 inches corroborates the Bible's claim that Jesus rose from the dead.


Apparently, neither James nor any of Jesus' younger brothers were ever skeptical of Jesus being the Messiah.


Craig states the purpose of Jesus eating with the disciples was to show that food is important in the kingdom.


David Hume argued that miracles affirm all religions because miracles are in all religions.


Groups hallucinate while individuals dream.


In Jesus' day resurrection could mean reincarnation.


It is clear that the various Greek, Aramaic, etc. words for resurrection in Jesus' day that resurrection could mean life after death in some disembodied form.


Modern medical doctors also believe that Jesus merely swooned on the cross, as reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.


Paul implies that the resurrection appearances were spiritual, non physical appearances.


Paul made the ultimate scarifice and was martyred for his faith in Jerusalem.


Paul refers to James as the Lord's cousin.


Philosophical bias against the supernatural is not a reason people do not accept the resurrection as fact.


The Jewish enemies of Christianity deny the evidence and do not offer naturalistic explanations for the resurrection.


The Jews in Jesus' time were expecting a Messiah who would be shamefully executed as a criminal, who failed to deliver and reign, who was defeated, humiliated, and slain by his enemies.


The appearance to five hundred brethern is mentioned 4 times in the New Testament.


The explanation offered by Jewish scholars today is that a substitute took Jesus' place on the cross.


The fact the Jewish leaders deny the empty tomb is a hard problem for Christians to reconcile.


Women were considered credible witnesses in Jesus' day.


You need extraordinary evidence to believe something.


Atheists believe the Big Bang theory because they have ...

good evidence that the universe exploded into being out of nothing

Craig, the author, states, "Paul's list of eyewitnesses to Jesus' resurrection..."

guarantees that such an appearance occurred.

Virtually all New Testament critics agree that Peter...

saw an appearance of Jesus alive from the dead.

In I Corinthians 15, Paul quotes from an old Christian tradition that originated in ....

the Jerusalem church

Critics who deny the empty tomb feel compelled to argue against __________.

the burial of Jesus

Which of the following is not part of the context in considering the case for the resurrection?

the possibility of miracles given an anti-supernatural understanding of the universe

The reason that some scholars do not believe in the resurrection is because...

they have a philosophical bias against miracles

A problem with the Islamic view of the crucifixion of Jesus is that it comes over 600 years after the lifetime of Jesus.


Before Jesus appeared to Paul, Paul hated the Christian heresy and did everything in his power to stamp it out.


C.H. Dodd of Cambridge University says, "There can hardly be any purpose in mentioning the fact that most of the 500 (witnesses) are still alive, unless Paul is saying in effect, ' The witnesses are there to be questioned.'"


David Hume makes a "hasty generalization" by saying that alleged miracles from all religions are alike.


Dr. Craig believes the best explanation of the facts is " God raised Jesus from the dead."


Dr. Craig concludes that the 5 lines of evidence for the Empty Tomb that he's presented constitute a powerful case that Jesus' tomb was, indeed, found empty on the first day of the week by a group of His women followers.


Even skeptical New Testament scholars recognize that the Christian faith owes its origin to the belief of the earliest disciples that God had raised Jesus of Nazareth from the dead, and they pinned nearly everything on this belief.


Even the skeptical New Testament critic Hans Grass admits that the conversion of James is one of the surest proofs of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Flavius Josephus (author of the Antiquities of the Jews) mentions Jesus of Nazareth twice, as well as James the brother of Jesus, John the Baptist, Pilate and Caiaphas, all who are mentioned in the gospels.


Having the proper context gives credibility to the resurrection.


If no plausible natural explanation can account for the established facts, then we are justified in inferring Jesus' resurrection as the best explanation of the facts.


If the disciples had gone to the wrong tomb, the Jewish or Roman authorities would have gone to the correct one and paraded Jesus' body around the city.


In Jesus' day resurrection did not mean the immortality of the soul in either torment or paradise.


In Jesus' day resurrection meant reversal of death, the restoration of some kind of bodily immortality.


In Jesus' day, many pagans believed in disembodied life after death, but they considered resurrection impossible.


In the case of the empty tomb we have no less than 6 independent sources, and some of these are among the earliest materials found in the New Testament.


Jesus' burial is reported in extremely early, indepedent sources.


Joseph of Arimathea is unlikely to be a Christian invention.


Josephus, the Jewish historian, reports that James was stoned to death illegally by the Sanhedrin after AD 60.


On the basis of these 3 lines of evidence (presented in the reading), we can conclude that the fact of Jesus' postmortem appearances to various individuals and groups under a variety of circumstances is firmly established historically, and moreover, that these appearances were bodily and physical..


Paul had personal contact with members of the Twelve.


Paul was blinded for 3 days and experienced a 180 degree attitude change, and he went from Christianity's most eager enemy to its most ardent advocate.


Paul's testimony makes it historically certain that various individuals and groups of people experienced appearances of Jesus after His death and burial.


Since the New Testament is not a legend, a lie, or an embellishment, the last possible out for the skeptic is that the New Testament writers were decieved.


The New Testament records 12 appearances of the risen Christ.


The Qur'an, the Islamic sacred book, claims that Jesus only appeared to be crucified. Selected:


The ancient Roman writer Phlegon (born circa AD 80) testified that Jesus rose from the dead and exhibited how his hands had been pierced by nails.


The belief in the resurrection of Jesus reversed the catastrophe of the crucifixion.


The brutal Roman crucifixion techniques have been verified through archaeology and non-Christian written sources.


The crucifixion of Jesus spelled the humiliating end for any hopes the disciples had entertained that Jesus was the Messiah.


The disciples were not of the mind to invent a resurrection story and then go out and die for it.


The early tradition that Paul quotes from in I Corinthians 15:3-5 refers to Jesus' burial and resurrection.


The evidence is so compelling that even a number of Jewish scholars, such as Pinchas Lapide and Geza Vermes, have declared themselves convinced on the basis of evidence that Jesus' tomb was found empty.


The evidence makes it certain that on separate occasions different individuals and groups had experiences of seeing Jesus alive from the dead, and this conclusion is virtually indisputable.


The faith of the disciples did not lead to the resurrection appearances, rather it was the appearances that led to their faith.


The gospel accounts provide multiple, indepedent reports of postmortem appearances of Jesus.


The historical reliability of the story of Jesus' burial supports the empty tomb.


The minimal consensus of nearly all scholars is that the disciples believed that Jesus rose from the dead.


The only grounds for denying the physical, bodily nature of the postmortem appearances of Jesus is philosophical, not historical.


The resurrection appearances were physical, bodily appearances.


The theory that the disciples stole the body of Jesus makes the New Testament writers all liars.


The traditional formula quoted in I Corinthians 15:3-7, in which the gospel is defined as the death, burial, resurrection, and appearances of Christ, shows that this understanding of the gospel goes right back to the very beginning of the church in Jerusalem.


While skeptics have formulated numerous alternative theories to explain away the resurrection, there is no evidence from any first century source supporting any of them.


Craig, the author, states, "Nothing so illustrates the historical credibility of Jesus' resurrection as the fact this Jewish scholar ..."

was convinced on the basis of the evidence that his God, the God of Israel, whom he worshipped, had raised Jesus from the dead.

Dr. Craig states that his purpose is to summarize for us the crucial elements in the historical case for Jesus' resurrection, so that ...

we can share it with anyone who asks us why we believe in the biblical God.

The New Testament story is not a legend because...

written well within two generations of the events, corroborated by non-Christian writers, mentions at least 30 historical figures

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