The Unfinished Nation, Chapter 14, Review

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As General Sherman's Union forces bore down on Atlanta, General Johnston sought to delay him. There was only one real battle fought in this delay: the battle at _____ Mountain.


Had the Union not taken Atlanta in September 1864, Lincoln might have lost the presidency to McClellan.


Lee surrendered what was left of his forces in the small town of Appomattox Court House on April 9th.


Many Southerners believed that dependence of the English and French textile industries on American cotton would force them to intervene on the side of the Confederacy.


The Crittenden Compromise failed because Republicans refused to give in on the question of slavery.


Union forces gained full control of the Mississippi River in 1863, following the surrender of Port Hudson, Louisiana, and General Ulysses St. Grant's successful siege of __________, Mississippi.


In what way was the Civil War different from "traditional" war?

Victory was ultimately measured in the destruction of enemy resources.

The Confederacy's use of paper money to finance its war operations could best be characterized as

a disappointing and problematic failure.

The North's superiority in ships and naval weaponry was used primarily to

blockade Southern ports and assist Northern armies.

Sherman's March to the Sea was designed to

break the will of the Southern people

The Emancipation Proclamation _____ African American enlistment in the armed forces of the Union.

dramatically increased

Over the course of the war, agricultural and industrial production in the South

dropped by more than a third.

During the Civil War, Northern women

entered nursing, a field previously dominated by men.

What argument did the Sanitary Commission use to counteract opposition to female nurses?

female domesticity

The Union Army

had a higher mortality rate for black soldiers than for white soldiers.

Which of the following was NOT enacted by the Republican Party during the Civil War?

hard money policies requiring all payments in gold or silver

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves

in areas of the Confederacy except those already under Union control.

The New York City draft riots

included the lynching of a number of African Americans.

Which of the following was a significant advantage that the North held over the South in waging war?

industrial capacity

In general, Southern troops used the terrain of the battlefield _____ Northern forces.

more effectively than

Which of the following professions, formerly populated by men, was transformed into a largely feminine occupation during the war?


In general, the English working classes _____ the Confederacy.


Which of the following was a significant problem faced by the Confederate government during the war?

opposition to federal power

The Confederacy ultimately financed its war effort through

paper money

What was the unknown outcome of the war that was being "tested," according to Lincoln?

the long-term possibility of national unity

What circumstance enabled Congress to pass a nationalistic economic program during the Civil War?

the removal of southern states from the political process

Which of the following factors most limited the telegraph's impact on the course of the war?

the scarcity of qualified operators and the difficulty of bringing telegraph wires to the battlefield.

What event does Lincoln refer to as "four score and seven years ago"?

the signing of the Declaration of Independence

What was the primary purpose of the Confiscation Act of 1861?

to declare that all slaves used for the purposes of insurrection would be considered freed

Railroads enabled military commanders to

transport vast numbers of men and the supplies they required.

Which of the following groups constituted the majority of the federal government's armed forces?

volunteers in state militias

Despite many shortages, the South was at least able to grow enough food to meet its needs.


In both the North and the South, the military draft was accepted with little protest.


True or False: In late 1860, President James Buchanan proclaimed that no state had the right to secede and any that tried would be forcibly stopped.


True or False: Lincoln's primary purpose in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation was to free the slaves of the border states.


The first battle of the Civil War was

First Bull Run.

Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard bombarded __________ __________ for two days, ultimately defeating Union forces and starting the American Civil War.

Fort Sumter

Which Union General led the expedition to western Virginia in 1861?

George B. McClellan

Who was President Lincoln's opponent in the election of 1864?

George B. McClellan

Which of the following statements about Lincoln's practices as a wartime president is true?

He boldly expanded the powers of the executive branch.

Which of the following best describes President Lincoln's military experience at the outbreak of war?

He had served briefly in his state militia during the Black Hawk War.

In which of the following ways did Jefferson Davis's executive performance differ from Abraham Lincoln's?

He strictly observed constitutional restrictions on executive power.

What became of Confederate President Jefferson Davis after the surrender of Confederate forces to the Union army?

He was finally captured in Georgia.

Which of the following statements about the Emancipation Proclamation is true?

It freed very few slaves immediately.

What entity does Lincoln declare should "not perish from this earth"?

democratic government

Which of the following Union military instations did the southern states initially not have sufficient military power to take?

-Fort Pickens, in Pensacola, Florida. -Fort Sumter, at Charleston, South Carolina.

Which of the following are true of the failed Crittenden Compromise?

-It guaranteed the permanent existence of slavery in the slave states. -It reestablished the Missouri Compromise's boundary line between slave territory and free territory. -The remaining Southerners in the Senate seemed willing to accept it.

Which of the following statements are true with regard to the First Battle of Bull Run in 1861?

-It is also known as the First Battle of Manassas. -It ended in a Confederate victory. -It damaged President Lincoln's confidence in his officers.

Which of the following problems most seriously affected the Confederate government's ability to finance the war effort?

-a lack of public faith in government bonds. -European nations' unwillingness to loan them funds. -popular resistance to taxation.

Which of the following general advantages did the North possess over the South?

-a larger and more advanced rail network. -a larger population. -a larger industrial base.

Which of the following accurately describe Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy?

-a reasonably able administrator. -a moderate secessionist.

Which of the following were among the primary goals of Sherman's devastating "March to the Sea"?

-deprive the Confederate army of war materials. -break the will of the Southern people.

Which of the following changes in women's lives were brought about by the Civil War?

-entrance into traditionally male vocations. -overcoming social opposition to women working as nurses. -leadership of a major civilian aid organization.

Which of these were among the South's advantages at the beginning of the Civil War?

-fighting mostly a defensive war. -a population clearly committed to the war. -a belief that European nations would intervene on their behalf.

Which of the following were among President Lincoln's greatest strengths as a military commander?

-his grasp of strategy. -his skillful use of the North's material advantages. -the clarity with which he understood his armies' proper objective.

The U.S. government raised money for the war by

-levying taxes. -issuing paper money. -borrowing.

Which of the following were used by Lincoln and his administration to dampen Northerners' opposition to the war?

-suspension of habeas corpus. -propaganda in the form of pamphlets, posters, and songs.

Which of the following were the most important factors in the support initially shown the Confederacy by the ruling classes of England and France?

-the English and French textile industries' reliance on southern cotton. -a desire to weaken the Union, an important commercial rival.

Which of the following contributed to President Lincoln's victory in 1864?

-the capture of Atlanta by Union forces. -the support of Union troops. -a new alliance of War Democrats and Republicans.

Which of the following factors contributed to the goods shortages that developed throughout the South in the last years of the war?

-the fighting itself. -the Union's naval strategy. -a longstanding reliance on cotton and other export crops.

With which military victories did General U.S. Grant gain control of river communications and force Confederate troops out of Kentucky and half of Tennessee?

-the surrender of Fort Donelson. -the surrender of Fort Henry.

The Confederate Conscription Act of 1862 subjected all white males between __________ and __________ to military service for three years.

18, 35

When did President Lincoln sign the Emancipation Proclamation?


Slavery was formally abolished in the United States in the year __________.


How many Confiscation Arts did Congress pass during the war?


How wide was the path of destruction left by Sherman's devastating 270-mile "March to the Sea" from Atlanta to Savannah?

60 miles

In the North, prices rose 80 percent during the war. By what percentage did they rise in the South?

9000 percent

In what ways did Lincoln make bold use of Presidential powers? -unilaterally proclaiming a naval blockade of the South. -increasing the size of the regular army. -sending troops into battle without asking for a declaration of war. -suspending the writ of habeas corpus. -All the answers are correct.

All the answers are correct.

Which of the following was an advantage enjoyed by the South at the outset of the war? -All the answers are correct. -Northern opinion on the war was divided. -The South believed it would have the support of some European nations who relied on its cotton. -It would be fighting, for the most part, a defensive war. -Most of the white population of the South supported the war.

All the answers are correct.

Whom does Lincoln wish to call to action in his speech?

Americans devoted to preserving the Union

Which of the following statements about the 1864 presidential election is true?

At times, Lincoln's prospects for reelection seemed doubtful.

The following accurately describe an aspect of the Confederate government, the U.S. government, or both.

Confederate Government -no formal political parties. -specifically sanctioned slavery. U.S. Government -four-year terms for the president and vice-president. -established a uniform currency system. Both -constitution did not acknowledge the right to secede from the government. -dominated throughout the war by moderate leaders. -dominated by the newer aristocracy of the West more than the old aristocracy of the East. -first raised a military by calling for volunteers. -instituted the draft during the war.

The unsuccessful attempt to defuse tensions between the North and the South by reestablishing the Missouri Compromise line and extending it westward to the Pacific was known as the

Crittenden Compromise.

Which of the following best describe Abraham Lincoln and which best describe Jefferson Davis?

Lincoln -considered a minor politician with no real experience. -moved boldly to use the war powers of the president. -ignored parts of the Constitution when necessary. -suspended the right of habeas corpus. -proclaimed that people who discouraged enlistments or engaged in disloyal practices were subject to martial law. Davis -served as his own secretary of state. -encountered little interference from his tame and unstable cabinet. -rarely provided genuinely national leadership.

Aside from the purpose of dedicating the battlefield, why was this speech being given?

Lincoln wanted to put a patriotic perspective onto the battle to preserve the union.

The __________ Act transferred substantial public acreage to the state governments, which could now sell the land and use the proceeds to finance public education.


Braxton Bragg's Confederate forces were defeated in the Battle of _____, also known as Stone's River, and forced to withdraw to the South.


The Confederates' erroneous expectation that the Union would attack from the north resulted in the surrender of __________ __________ on April 25, 1862.

New Orleans

What stand did President Buchanan take after the first state seceded?

No state had the right to secede from the Union; however, the federal government does not have the authority to stop a state from seceding.

Who is created with the invention of the repeating rifle in 1860?

Oliver Winchester

The Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads met at __________ Point in Utah.


Which political faction favored the immediate abolition of slavery?

Radical Republicans

The Emancipation Proclamation, signed by Lincoln on January 1, 1863, did not free every slave.

Remained Enslaved -slaves in Tennessee -slaves in Maryland -slaves in Kentucky -slaves in Indiana territory Technically freed by the Emancipation Proclamation -slaves in Georgia -slaves in Texas -slaves in Florida

Long the hotbed of Southern separatism, _____ was the first state to withdraw from the Union.

South Carolina

In an attempt to draw General Sherman's Union forces out of Atlanta, Confederate General Hood moved back up through _____, threatening an invasion of the North.


Why did many doctors oppose having female nurses?

They thought it was inappropriate for women to care for male strangers.

Which of the following best describes the involvement of women in the U.S. Sanitary Commission, the government-sponsored nursing corps that rendered important aid to wounded soldiers?

They were deeply involved at all levels.

What did the Union military installations that the southern states were unable to immediately seize have in common?

They were offshore installations.

In 1861, the British government demanded the release of two Confederate diplomats arrested while on the __________, an English steamer.


The Union's retreat to Washington at the end of the battle was hampered by

civilian observers.

Which of the following was the primary cause of the New York City draft riots in 1863?


The most concrete legacy of the Civil War for Southern white women was the

decimation of the male population that created a major sexual imbalance in the region.

More than the actual nation, what ideology or set of principles was at stake for Lincoln, as seen in the famous last lines of the speech?


To whom did the Emancipation Proclamation apply?

slaves in all areas of the Confederacy except those already under Union control

Following the Emancipation Proclamation, the Union military began actively to recruit African Americans as

soldiers, sailors, and laborers.

White civilians in most battle areas

supported the Confederacy.

What was the first step the U.S. government took toward emancipation during the war?

the Confiscation Act of 1861

In the spring of 1862, Congress abolished slavery in

the District of Columbia and the western territories.

Which of the following potential southern advantages proved most important during the war?

the South was fighting a defensive war on familiar land

Historians have debated all of the following about the Civil War EXCEPT -if it was an irrepressible conflict. -whether slaves contributed to the Northern victory. -whether the failure of the party system caused the war. -whether a divergent culture and commercial interests caused the war. -whether it was really fought over the issue of slavery.

whether slaves contributed to the Northern victory.

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