The verb to say in Past Tense in Arabic الفعل قال في الماضي مَعَ ضمائر المُفرد والمُثنى و الجمع
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You said (3 male)
أنتم قلتُم
You said (3 female)
أنتن قلتُنَ
I said
أَنا قلتُ
You said (male)
أَنْتَ قُلْتَ
You said (dual female)
أَنْتُما قلتُما
You said (dual male)
أَنْتُما قلتُما
You said (female)
أَنْتِ قُلْتِ
We said (3 people)
نحن قُلْنا
We said
نَحْنُ قُلْنا
They said (3 absent male)
هم قالوا
They said (dual absent male)
هُما قالا
They said (dual absent female)
هُما قالتا
They said (3 absent female)
هُنَّ قُلْنَ
He said
هُوَ قال
She said
هِيَ قالت