The Voyage of Magellan

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It took _ days cross the _ _. Only _ deserted islands were sighted along the way. Fortunately, no storms threatened the hapless fleet. One crewman predicted nobody would ever again attempt to sail the Pacific.

98, Pacific, Ocean, two

The first winter was spent along the coast of present-day _. Here the Spaniards saw Indians called "_". Because the Indians were tall and had rather large feet, the crew named the area "_", meaning "land of the _ _". When _ arrived the voyage continued farther _. _ hundred miles farther down the coast, the sought after passage came into view. Celebrations broke out on deck. Magellan declared a day of _ and told his men that this discovery would lead to fame and fortune. He hoped to excite the crew and encourage them to continue on to the _.

Argentina, Amerinds, Patagonia, big, feet, spring, south, two, feasting, Indies

The expedition sailed southwest across the _ Ocean in the direction of _ _. Two months later, the fleet reached the coast of what is today _. Magellan now had to find a passage through or around South America. He knew the Pacific Ocean was on the other side of the continent and that the Indies lay across the Pacific. The small ships drifted southward along the coast looking for a _ passage. Winter was drawing near and the days grew shorter and colder. _ breezes chilled the sailors and discouraged those who were already tired from the _ crossing. These conditions, plus _ of Magellan by certain crewmen, led to a _. Magellan forcefully ended the _ and put to death those who had dared oppose his leadership.

Atlantic, South, America, Brazil, westward, Ocean, Atlantic, jealousy, mutiny, rebellion

Magellan approached King _ _ of Spain with an exciting plan. He told the king that he would sail to the Indies by rounding the southern end of _ _ and crossing the _ Ocean, something no one had done before. Portugal already controlled the route to the Indies around Africa and through the Indian Ocean. Magellan told King Charles that he would prove that some of the _ _ lay on the Spanish side of the _ _ _ and therefore belonged to Spain. The Line of Demarcation divided new territories around the world between _ and _. The line had been drawn on a map by the _ in order to prevent Spain and Portugal from arguing over who owned what lands outside of _. Magellan claimed the Portuguese were using fake _ to show the Spice Islands were on their side of the Demarcation Line.

Charles, V, South, America, Pacific, Spice, Islands, Line, of, Demarcation, Spain, Portugal, pope, Europe, maps

While in the Philippines, Magellan converted a native chief to _. The chief then persuaded Magellan to help him capture a nearby island inhabited by a _ tribe. When Spanish soldiers went to the island and set _ to a village, angry tribesmen swept down upon Magellan's band. Most Spaniards fled in small _ while some, including the captain, fought for their lives in knee-deep _. The screaming savages were armed with spears, bows and arrows, clubs, and rocks. Just after sinking his lance into a native, and while reaching for his sword, Magellan was _ in the leg and knocked down. A swarm of warriors quickly surrounded and _ him.

Christianity, rival, fire, boats, water, clubbed, killed

_ _ was the greatest _ of the Age of Exploration. His skill and accomplishments as a seaman are unmatched even by _. Magellan became the first person to _ the earth. But unlike most heroes, he never _ to enjoy the fame of doing what no man had ever done before.

Ferdinand, Magellan, navigator, Columbus, circumnavigate, lived

_ _ _ _ took command following Magellan's death. He and his men gathered up a load of valuable _ and set sail for home across the _ _, waters belonging to the hated Portuguese. After successfully evading enemy ships, the "_" rounded the _ of _ _ at the southern end of _ and limped back to Spain. Of the more than two hundred sailors who left Seville three years earlier, only _ suffering crewmen made it home alive. They had circumnavigated the globe and proved beyond a doubt that the world was _. Furthermore, their cargo of _ easily paid the expense of the expedition. But although the Spanish had succeeded in finding a _ passage to the Indies, the distance was too great to make it a useful _ route.

Juan, Sebastian, del, Cano, cloves, Indian, Ocean, Victoria, Cape, Good, Hope, Africa, 18, round, cloves, westward, trade

The first month of the _ crossing went well. The weather was ideal for sailing. In the second and third months, however, conditions went from good to bad to awful. It was beginning to seem like the _ would never be reached, that the Pacific was an _ sea. Supplies of _ food ran out. The men were forced to eat rotting _ filled with _ and smelling of _. _ hides that were used as part of the ships' rigging were eaten. So was _. A few sailors were lucky enough to buy from their shipmates _ which they eagerly devoured. _ was drank that was so unclean it had turned thick and yellow, but worst of all some sailors suffered from a _ which caused the gums to swell up so much that eating was impossible. These men starved to death.

Pacific, Indies, endless, fresh, biscuits, worms, rats, Ox, sawdust, rats, water, disease

When Magellan reached the _ _, he was in a familiar part of the world. He had been to the Far East while serving the Portuguese _ several years earlier. He knew he could now return to Spain by sailing through the _ Ocean and around _.

Philippine, Islands, king, Indian, Africa

Magellan was born and raised in _, the son of a well-to-do _. While a young man he served his country as a _ in North _ and _. But, eventually he had differences with the Portuguese _. Magellan felt the king did not fairly reward him for his loyal _. And so he went to _, Portugal's rival in the early _'s, and offered to help the Spanish grow rich from trade with the _. The "_" included India, China, Japan, and the Spice Islands.

Portugal, nobleman, soldier, Africa, India, king, service, Spain, 1500, Indies, Indies

The westward passage which was discovered is today known as the _ _ _. It is a _-mile long channel between mainland South _ and an island the Spaniards named _ _ _. The island was given this name, which means "land of _", because crewmen saw Indian _ along the coast at night. The Strait of Magellan is a winding passageway noted for fog and stormy weather. Rough, choppy waters tossed the tiny ships about forced Magellan to use all his experience and skill as a navigator to guide his _ safely through the strait. At the western end of the channel, a great ocean came into view. This was the "_ _", named earlier by _ when he discovered it after crossing the Isthmus of Panama. Magellan was impressed by its calm waters and decided to call the sea the Pacific Ocean,"_" meaning "_".

Strait, of, Magellan, 360, America, Tierra, del, Fuego, fire, campfires, South, Sea, Balboa, Pacific, peaceful

Those Spaniards who escaped returned to the island of the friendly Christian _. Shortly afterwards, however, the chief _ on the Spaniards and killed _ of them. The remaining crewmen burned an unneeded ship and sailed off in their other two. On the way to the Spice Islands, one ship began to leak and had to be abandoned. Only the "_" remained.

chief, turned, seven, Victoria

King Charles enthusiastically approved Magellan's plan. He provided him with _ ships and about _ men. He told Magellan he could keep _% of any profits from the voyage. The ships named "Trinidad", "San Antonio", "Santiago", "Concepcion", and "Victoria"-- set sail from _ in _. The crewmen had no idea of the hardships and horrors that lay ahead.

five, 240, 5, Seville, 1519

Only _ of the original five ships were now left. The "Santiago" wrecked on a _ mission and the "San Antonio" returned to _. The remaining fleet of three ships steered _ along the west coast of South America to a latitude Magellan judged to be that of the Indies. The captain calculated that a course due west would lead them to the _ _. He guessed that the islands were only _ to _ miles away. But, in the months ahead, he discovered that he had greatly underestimated the size of the Pacific. The Indies were actually _ miles away. The extra distance would take a heavy toll of human life.

three, scouting, Europe, north, Spice, Islands, 2,000, 3,000, 10,000

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