Theatre Doubt Quiz

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Where does play take place?


What does Sister Aloysius compare Donald Muller and Father Flynn to during scene 4

A sheep and wolf

In his homily in scene 6, what sin did Father Flynn say that Father O' Rourke say the gossipy woman had committed?

Borne false witness

Where does the play take place?

Bronx, New York

What does Sister Aloysius confess to Sister James that she did not do?

Call Father Flynn's prior parish

Sister Aloysius and Sister James arrange a first meeeting with Father Flynn to make their accusations and see what he has to say. He's unaware of their agenda; however, they asked for a meeting about something entirely different. What is the pretext for this showdown in the principal's office?

Changes to the school's Christmas pageant

Doubt opens with Father Flynn's homily at morning mass. What is the subject of his homily?


How does Sister Aloysius plan to get Father Flynn molested children in his former parishes?

Find a parent of a molested child

What Christmas song does Sister Aloysius say is heretical

Frosty the snowman

In scene 8. what does Sister Aloysius say will hapeen to Father Flynn after she exposes him

He may get attacked, metaphorically or otherwise

Father Flynn has a perfectly innocent explanation for everything. How does he answer Sister James's most damning charge?

He met with Donald because the caretaker had caught the boy stealing and drinking Communion wine.

Why does Sister Aloysius say they cannot go to the Mosignor with their suspicions about Father Flynn

He would believe anything Father Flynn said

In scene 9, what does Sister Aloysius say woldn't have worked if Father Flynn was innocent?

Her lie

What idea does Father Flynn have a homily while meeting with Sister Aloysius in Scene 5


What did the gossipy women ask Father O' Rourke in Father Flynn's homily in Scene 6

Is gossiping a sin

Which position is Father Flynn assigned after leaving St. Nicholas?


In Father Flynn's sermon in Scene 6, what does he say that Father O' Rourke told the woman to do when she returned home after the second time he spoke with her?

Pick up the feathers

In scene 4, why does Sister Aloysius belive Donald Muller would lie about what happened with Father Flynn?


What reason did Father Flynn, in his homily in scene 6, say the women gave in response to Father O' Rourke's second request?

She didn't know where all the feathers had gone

Sister Aloysius is still bothered by Father Flynn closeness to Donald Muller. She attempts to enlist an ally: Donald's mother--but is surprised by her reaction to these concerns. Which of these is NOT an argument Mrs. Muller makes to convice Sister Aloysius to leave thins alone?

She just can't believe that a man of God, like Father Flynn would do such a thing

Although she doesn't have the allies she'd hoped for, Sister Aloysius is determined to get Father Flynn removed from her parish and from her school. Calling Father Flynn to her office, she tells him that she will not stop until he resigns. She addss that she's already taken action; what does she say that makes the priest lose his temper?

She says that she called his previous parish and spoke with a nun there

Who tripped over the broken branch?

Sister Veronica

In Scene 9, what does Sister Aloysius tell Sister James maybe they are not supposed to do

Sleep well

What does Sister Aloysius say you're doing when you confront wrong doing?

Taking a step away from God

According to Father Flynn in Scene 7, to what do the most innocent actions seem sinister

a poisoned mind

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