Theology Chapter 1

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What does it mean to say that "the world was created for the sake of the Church?"

From the creation of the world, God has intended human beings to share in divine life. In the Church, this sharing is made a reality.

How does the Church transcend history?

It both takes part in human history and surpasses human comprehension. (The Church is the place where Jesus Christ, the Son of God, remains present, and where God continues to share his Revelation to the world.)

Why did Paul have the right to a trial in Rome?

Paul was a Roman citizen.

What two factors made Paul an ideal candidate to evangelize the Gentiles?

Paul/ Saul was a Pharisee before his conversion, which made him knowledgeable about Hebrew Scriptures and references to the Messiah. He had grown up in Tarsus, so he was a Roman citizen and familiar with the Gentile world. This knowledge of Mosaic Law and Gentile practices made him the ideal candidate to evangelize the Gentiles.

How is personal faith fortified by the church's faith?

Personal faith is fortified by the church's faith, which makes it possible to know and love God more fully you living as a member of the Body of Christ, rather than in isolation. This faith community exists wherever 2 or more believers gather to share their faith, pray and support and encourage each other out of love rooted in their love for God.

What is the risk of not committing yourself to the formal structures of faith found in the Church?

Unless you commit yourself to the formal structures of the faith of the Church, you risk developing an individual, narcissistic type of faith that selects parts of the faith that demand least of you and allow you to keep with the sellar culture you live in, which is not in your best interest for now or eternity.

How did Christ inaugurate the Church?

"The Lord Jesus inaugurated his Church by preaching the Good News, that is, the coming of the Reign of God, promised over the ages in the scriptures."

What is the difference between studying Church history and studying the history of any other human institution?

(While the Church is a human institution, God had the Church in mind when He created the whole universe. ) Though the Church is historical in time, it transcends history.

List 5 facts about Saint Paul.

-Saint Paul was a Pharisee named Saul before his conversion. -He consented to the death of Saint Stephen, the first martyr. -Paul had been a tentmaker who traveled all over the Roman Empire. After his conversion, he undertook missionary journeys, or travels. -Saint Paul was impresiones several times during his travels. -(Often while in prison), Paul wrote many letters to Early Christian towns and societies. -Saint Paul was martyred around 5e year AD 65 during Emperor Nero's persecution of the Christians.

List and explain in your own words Paul's theological themes.

-There is only one God. -salvation takes place through Jesus. -Christ's death and Resurrection are the heart of the Gospel. -Christ's Resurrection is for all. -Salvation is a gift that requires faith and cannot be earned. -Christ is the head of His Body, the Church. Disciples are God's children in Union with Christ through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit allows us to call God Father. Everyone as dignity. We must be willing to suffer for Jesus to be a disciple.

Explain the importance of apostolic succession in the Church.

Apostolic succession maintains the office, teaching and mission of the Apostles that was entrusted to them by Christ. It requires that no bishop teaches anything contrary to what has been handed down to them and protects the Church against the influx of ideas antithetical to Christianity.

Explain the role of the Israelites in the Church's History.

As part of His preparation for founding the Church, God called the Israelites to enter into a covenant with Him. Through this, he bound himself to this group of people and never abandoned them even when they abandoned Him. He trusted them as a people of faith from which His own Son was born, becoming a member of the Chosen People.

How did the events of Pentecost transform the Church?

At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit gave the Apostles the courage and resourcefulness to evangelize without fear. They baptized around 3,000 new Christianson Pentecost, or the Birthday of the Church. Before this point, only Jesus had been preaching and spreading the Gospel, but after Pentecost, evangelization was a collective effort undertaken by the Apostles.

What caused Jesus' disciples to be more bold and unafraid to share the Good News after Pentecost?

At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit gave them the courage and resourcefulness to be able to evangelize without fear or reservation.

What does it mean to say that without God's help, you could not believe/ have faith?

Faith is a free gift from God, and without God's help, you cannot believe. Before you can act as a member of the Church, God must touch you with the gift of faith, and you must respond. To believe in Christ means to abandon yourself to be shaped by Him and fully connected to Christ.

How is the Deposit of Faith transmitted?

It is transmitted through Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture.

What is the meaning of the Greek word Pentecost?

It means "fiftieth day" (and marks a Jewish harvest day that occurs 50 days after Passover)

When will the Kingdom of God be fully experienced by people on earth?

No one on earth will fully experience the Kingdom of God until Jesus' second coming.

Explain the duration of salvation history.

Salvation History began with the Creation of the world and will end with the second coming of Christ.

How did Saint Joan of Arc define the Church?

She said, "About Jesus Christ and the Church, I simply know they are just one thing, and we shouldn't complicate the matter."

"From the creation of the world, God has intended for human beings to share in the divine life." How does this statement point to the beginning of the Church?

Since the creation of human beings, God has invited them to be cocreators with Him, and help complete the work of creation. He trusted them so much so that he brought his own Son into the world as a human through the Incarnation to institute the Church, bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth and work for the salvation of all.

Describe some early events related to the Church's eventual evangelization to Gentiles.

Some early Christian events which led to the evangelization of Gentiles include the Council of Jerusalem, which allowed Gentiles to convert to Christianity. Saint Paul's missionary journeys and works of evangelization were also targeted toward many Gentile groups in an attempt to convert them to Christianity.

Define Apostles.

The Apostles are Jesus' 12 specially chosen and commissioned disciples who were sent forth to evangelize.

What does it mean to say that "Christ instituted the Church?"

The Church is the focal point of the Kingdom of God on earth. Through the Incarnation of Jesus, the Kingdom of God broke into human history., thereby instituting the Church.

How does the meaning of the Greek term for Church- ekklesia- relate to the dual nature of the Church as a human and divine institution?

The Greek word for Church, or "ekklesia" means "those called out of." This meaning reveals the connection between answering God's call and being part of a community. In Scripture, it refers to the community called out of the world by God to live an act in a way that was different from others. But God does not call you to be an isolated individual, but to be united with Christ and be part of his body, the Church.

Define Magisterium.

The Magisterium is the official living and teaching office of the Church, made up of bishops and the pope. They define and interpret the formal structures of the Church.

What does the Paschal Mystery refer to?

The Paschal Mystery refers to the redemptive Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ, through which we are given new life.

What are some of the things the Apostles did when they realized that Jesus might not return in their lifetimes?

They began to make various practical solutions regarding matters like roles within the Church and ways to resolve conflict and determine authenticity of teachings. They did this through beginning to develop a canon, or list of approved scriptures. They also passed on authority to bishops through the laying on of hands (now known as apostolic succession.)

What was the significant distinction between the religious practice for the early Jewish Christians and traditional Jewish practice?

Though many early Christian practices were very similar to Jewish practices, the significant distinction was that they celebrated the Eucharist, or broke bread at meals in memory of Jesus at the Last Supper.

How does Saint Paul fit the definition of an Apostle?

Though not one of Jesus' chosen 12, Saint Paul was sent forth by God through a vision to Evangelize, thus he is designated as an apostle.

What was the objective of the Council of Jerusalem?

To make the decision about whether or not to admit Gentiles to the Jewish- rooted faith that was Christianity.

What are the formal structures of the Church?

creeds, doctrines, rituals

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