Theology Final

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The only way to Salvation is through

Jospeh of Aramea's tomb

Where Jesus was buried

Wadi Qumran near the Dead Sea

Where the Essenes lived


Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews

Crown of Thorns

Put on Jesus head to mock him as the king

Six of Jesus's Seven Last Words (Sentences)

"It is finished." - Last line in John's Gospel

Two of Jesus's Seven Last Words (Sentences)

"My God, My God, why have you foresaken me?" (Psalm 22)

Three of Jesus's Seven Last Words (Sentences)

"Woman, here is your son...Here is your mother." (Mary and John the Apostle)

Physical Healings

Jesus physically healing those who are blind, leapers, lame, deaf, etc,

love and justice

Jesus ushered God's definitive Salvation on the world because of His

Ascension on Ascension Thursday (40 days after Easter Sunday)

Jesus will return to the right hand of God the Father and bring the human nature with Him as well as marks the difference between the experiencing of Jesus as a human and the experiencing of Jesus glorified

Resurrection (Miracle)

Jesus' greatest miracle

Sacrifice (Body = unleavened bread and blood = Passover win)

Jesus's Passover meal at the Last Supper is His own...


Jewish converts and feared Gods


John is her new son which now makes her the mother of the Church

Pontius Pilate

Killed a bunch of Jews because of an uprising which the Roman Government did not care for and would kill him if it happened again

1st idea Jesus miracle teaches us

Kingdom of God is present in Him which makes us think in Heaven everyone is healed

Five of Jesus's Seven Last Words (Sentences)

"Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." - To the Good Thief

One of Jesus's Seven Last Words (Sentences)

"Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing."

Seven of Jesus's Seven Last Words (Sentences)

"Father, into your hands I commend My spirit." - Last line in Luke's Gospel

Four of Jesus's Seven Last Words (Sentences)

"I thirst" - For Salvation of Souls not water

Why God redeemed mankind and Salvation (Fulfillment of Natures)

- Fulfillment of our natures = resurrection - Work of art that was not yet finished because of sin, but was finished in the Resurrection - Christ would have come even if there was no sin he just would not have had to die - God became man so man could become God

How Jesus contemporaries understood His miracles

- Many refused to believe that He could perform miracles - Others attributed it to Satan - Skeptical of supernatural - Jesus is only God so He can do anything - Engage in bizarre rituals to bring about the cures - Jesus was performing miracles for money - Healed on His own authority, stressing the importance of the afflicted to have Faith

New Testament Understandings of Miracles

- Miracles point to God's continued involvement in the world - Powerful sign of God's love for His creation - Synoptics use the word dynamis for miracles - John's Gospel used the word ergon and semeion

Qualities of a resurrected body

- walked through a solid walls - talking with them and other disciples at the same time - Body became infinite (Glorified)

Women in Jesus's life

1) Disciples 2) Mary and Martha 3) Mary Magdelone 4) Virgin Mary is perfect model of discipleship

Threefold Blasphemy

1) Forgiveness of sins through miraculous healings (only God can forgive and heal and belief that ailments were punishments from God for sins 2) Curing on the Sabbath 3) Son of Man will come in Glory on the clouds

Nature Miracles

Jesus calmed a storm, walked on water, cursed a fig tree to wither, changed water to wine, multiplied 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed 5000 men

Examples of Raising from the Dead Miracles

1. Lazarus 2. Widow's Son at Nain (Power of His Word and He was not even with the widow's son) 3. Daughter of Jairus (Witnessed by Peter, James, and John)

4 categories of Jesus's miracles

1. Physical Healings 2. Nature Miracles 3. Exorcism 4. Raising from the dead

5 loaves and 2 fish (Found in Matthew and Luke's Gospels)

12 baskets left over representing both the 12 tribes of Israel and 12 Apostles and was preformed when Jesus blessed the bread and breaks it similar to Eucharist at Last Supper


4 letter plaque that states the person who is crucified's name and reason for death


Beat with a stick till skin opens

Sadduces belief towards Jesus

Accused Jesus of grave disrespect towards God and was a false prophet and accused Him of a threefold blasphemy


Acts of power


Branching herb used for sprinkling the blood of the Passover Lamb and for giving Jesus water on the cross

Jesus's Resurrection on Easter Sunday

Jesus did not resuscitation, was not a metaphor, no longer finite, not a ghost, not the reincarnation, and was not a psychological explanation in saying that Jesus's cause will go on

They had to have truly experienced something

Apostles experiencing the resurrection and dying for it means

Anatomy of Crucifixion

Arms are pulled out of socket in order to be nailed to cross, and your own weight pulls you down to the ground which pressures your lungs eventually making them fill with water


Bar = son, abba = God which is ironic

Way of the Cross (Via Dolorosa)

Carries the Cross a mile out of Jerusalem up a hill


Complete Transformation of body


Converted after the Apostles first went to the Jews

Luke 4: 31-37

Demons recognize who Jesus is and because of this he thinks he has power over Him, but is casted out

Pharisees (Separated Ones)

Did not cooperate with the Romans

Baptism by fire, desire (would have), and blood (martyr), No knowledge of Christ, No knowledge of Church

Exceptions to Nullus Salus Extra Ecclesiam (Latin for Jesus is the only savior)


Extend man would go to deny God


Garden where Jesus sweats blood from praying and accepting His father's will or where he was arrested

2nd idea Jesus miracle teaches us

God sent Jesus His son to bring people to His Kingdom

Jesus Christ (Healer)

Greatest healer known to man

Trial of Jesus

Guilty, for insurrection


Hebrew for the Passover Lamb

Jesus's Death

Heresies denied this which shows Man's refusal of God, even to the point of crucifying Him

Christ decent into Sheol

Holy Saturday is when it happens and Jesus preached to the souls in captivity and emptied Sheol

Stations of the Cross (Via Crucis)

Jesus falls 3 times, sees his mother where he says, "Behold I make all things new." (New Covenant/Salvation), St.Veronica whips Jesus's face with a veil but His face remains on the veil, St.Simon of Cyrene who the Romans make carry the cross with Jesus and converts during the journey


Jesus fulfilled and help completed

Release of Barabbas

Instead of picking Jesus to be released the Jews selected a murder (Barabbas)

3rd idea Jesus miracle teaches us

Invites us to believe in Him (Not make, invites)


Jesus always had the same


Means man and God are no longer seperated

Raising from the Dead

Not resurrection but is resuscitation

John the Apostle

Minor so he was present at the Crucifixion because he would not be killed and became Mary's new son and is the Son of Zebelee and brother to James the Greater

Jesus and Mary

New Adam and New Eve

Fullness of Life

What did Jesus bring to the people he spoke to, it with, prayed with, forgave, and healed?

Paschal Mystery

Passover Mystery is the same as...

Resurrection, Divine Judgement, and Value of Spiritual Practices like prayer, almsgiving, and fasting

Pharisees beliefs

Washing of the Hands

Pilate saying he is no longer responsible for the murder of Jesus


Pillar, cat of nine tails, crown of thorns, release of barabbas, washing of hands

Golgotha (Greek for Calvary)

Place of the skull, criminals were executed, mountain itself looked like a skull, and where Adam and Eve are believed to be buried


Powerful sign of God's Kingdom worked by Jesus


Repents and is the first welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven

Glorified Body

Resurrected Jesus


Resurrected Jesus living within us

Union with God the Father

Resurrection is

Jesus's treatment of women

Revolutionary because you were not allowed to talk to unrelated women in public


Same body no difference



Good News (Gospel)

Speaks to our deep desire for happiness and wholeness (unity)

two theives

St.Dismus (Good) and Gestas (bad)

Creation/Sin/Re-creation cycle

Starts with creation, followed by sin, followed by decreation, lead to recreation, followed by sin again, to decreation again, completed with recreation cycle repeats

4th idea Jesus miracle teaches us

Strengthens our faith in Jesus as the Son of God

1. Introduction 2. Display of Faith 3. Cure 4. Result 5. Reactions

Structure to the literary form of the miracles healings in the Gospel

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea

Supporters of Jesus on the Sanhedrin

Legion's Exorcism (Mark 5)

The power of Jesus's word casted the evil spirit out through swines (unclean) into the sea


The public and authoritative act of the Church to protect or liberate a person, place, or object from the power of the devil (demonic possession) in the name of Christ.


The supreme council of the Jews

Sadduces (Priest of Ancient Judaism)

They claimed that the Temple would one day be destroyed, that God was infinite merciful, His association with sinners and tax collectors, disregard for the cleanliness laws, and His unique interpretation of the Law

Pharisees were angered with Jesus's teachings and His authority

Thought that they could earn Heaven with their observance of the Law whereas Jesus taught that Heaven can not be earned but is a gift, also taught salvation was only for them whereas Jesus taught that God's Kingdom was for all, all because their interpretation of the Law missed the spirit

Mertons definition of Faith

To accept the Lord for who he is, and he comes to you and instills his light and truth

Silence on Good Friday

Tradition to be silent on this day from 12-3pm because it is when Jesus was hanging on the cross

Jesus (Creation)

Ultimate recreation


Violent rebellious against the Romans which lead to the destruction of Jerusalem (70 AD), and some even held out till 73 AD at a desert fortress at Masada

Messiah/Davidic King

Was the true Jewish king, the messiah, would threaten Caesar's control and Pilate saw nothing wrong with Jesus but was scared of another uprising so he found him guilty

People of the Land (Rednecks)

Were the common people of Galilee that the Pharisees thought were too uneducated to be holy and practice the oral interpretations of the Law




bad thief who ridiculed Jesus

Essenes (Dead Sea Scrolls)

lived like monks in a community unmarried and were not mentioned in the New Testament but scholars believe John the Baptist may have been one


study of salvation

tax collector

were hated by the Jewish people, were converted and preached to by Christ

Cat of Nine Tails

whip that has nine lashes, with knots/embedded metal into lashes that opens up back and rips flesh

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