Theology - Social Justice

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List a couple of examples of how nonviolent actions brought about change

-Mohandas Ghandi's nonviolent protests that helped lead to India's gaining independence from Britain in 1947 -Solidarity Movement in Poland in the 1980's let to the toppling of a communist regime -The Filipino people and their 1986 People Power Movement that brought down the dictatorship in the Philipines

What is society? The Common good?

A group of persons bound together organically by a principle of unity that goes beyond each one of them.

What violations are there of the right to life in the world today?

Abortion, euthanasia, and death penalty

What does the term neighbor mean in Jesus' teaching? In what way was Jesus inclusive?

Accepting everyone as a brother/sister. Jesus was inclusive because he included everyone, he appreciated and loved everyone.

What was the Tuskegee Experiment?

African Americans were given syphilis when they thought they were being given free healthcare.

Cultural Racism

Against certain groups

Define prejudice. From what word does it originate?

An unsubstantiated or performed judgement about an individual or group. Comes from latin - praejudicium

Stages of prejudice (in order)

Antilocation - negative speech/jokes Avoidance - aAvoiding members of disliked group Discrimination - Harmful actions against group (spray paint a building or something) Physical attack - Sexual assault, violence, gay bashing Extermination - Killing, anti-semitism (prejudice against jews)

Define Racism. What is it based upon?

Awareness of the biologically determines superiority of one's own race or ethnic group with respect to others.

State with highest number of people on death row?


Commutative justice

Calls for fairness in exchanges between individuals and private groups

What does "The Good Samaritan" teach us about Christian justice?

Cannot hold grudges, and loving your neighbor

What did the American Bishops support in regard to capital punishment?

Capital punishment can only be implemented if its the only way to effectively defend human lives against the unjust aggressor. The bishops support this fact.

How do poverty, race, and location impact capital punishment?

Capital punishment is higher when the victim is white. There are more executions in the southern region and in Virginia. The most common trait of all the prisoners on death row is that they are afflicted by poverty

What is a right?

Claims we make on each other and on society to guarantee attaining certain basic minimum conditions to live a truly human life

how can the Church help?

Condemns the use of the Bible to support abusive behavior. Church can provide counseling and help for abused women and men

What were some of the effects of the reservation system on Native Americans?

Confined the people Housing needs - unemployment Homelessness - death rose among south Poverty rate - Education

What did Jane Elliot's blue eye/brown eye activity accomplish for its participants?

Demonstrated that racism is a learned behavior and that we are taught to hate other, we are naturally made to love and accept everyone.

What is institutional violence?

Denies basic human rights. The denial of rights result in unemployment, poverty, hunger, the loss of participation and early death

What does the Innocence Project say is the least reliable type of evidence?

Eyewitness reports

What are the corporal works of mercy?

Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Visit the imprisoned Bury the dead

The consistent ethic of life is a "womb to tomb" approach in protecting life.

From conception to death, life is considered in progress and therefore is sacred and treasured.

Nine Basic principles of Catholic Social Teaching?

Human Dignity Respect For Life Family Community Participation Rights & Duties Common Good Option for the Poor Work & Workers Solidarity Stewardship

Institutional racism

Infects every aspect of society

Why is rest and vacation important?

It bolsters the dignity of workers

Why does JP2 consider capitalism the only system that has the potential to uphold human dignity?

It ensures the participation of citizens in making political choices.

What does good work do, according to Catholic teaching?

It helps to build a life; a way of supporting our families, realizing our dignity, promoting the common good and participating in God's creation.

Why is full employment important?

It is the foundation of a just economy. Everyone need to express their god given talents and take part in the growth of the world.

What is meant by the statement, "making neighbors out of strangers"?

It means embracing every one equally and their diversity

What does JP2 say about profit?

It means that productivity factors have been properly employed and corresponding human needs have been duly satisfied

What is the purpose of prisons?

Keeping people that have committed crime from doing it again for certain periods of time. It also serves as a form of detention, so that the prisoners know the consequences of doing bad.

Which has priority, labor or capital?


Is prejudice a learned behavior or given to us at birth?


root cause of domestic violence?

Learned from past experiences.

Can minors receive the death penalty in the U.S? Mentally retarded? Mentally ill?

Minors can receive death penalty. Mentally ill and retarded are exempt from the death penalty because it is unconstitutional.

What is meant by the global option for the poor?

Nations promote peace when they work for the common good of all people. They promote peace when they work to solve economic and social inequalities through distributive justice.

Can human dignity be destroyed?

No because it comes from being God's special creation, and it is invaluable and worthy of respect.

unaware racism

Not trying to be racist but it coming off that way by accident

What is a "family wage"?

One that permits only one spouse to work; should be high enough that women with children are not forced to work

What is the Church's teaching on homosexuality? Does it justify prejudice against homos?

Orientation is not sinful but homosexuality is. It does not justify prejudice against homos because every human being deserves respect

What is peace? Is it just the absence of war?

Peace is not only the absence of war; its also individual sense of security, cessation of armed hostility among the nations, a right relationship with God

What are the three types of poverty?

Poverty of the soul Poverty of the spirit Material Poverty

Poverty of the soul

Present the most in people with a lack of purpose in life, a sense of hopelessness about any lasting meaning. These people are often material well-off and instead of searching for love, forgiveness and redemption, they make gods out of created goods like possessions, power, sex, and beauty

Why do women stay with abusive husbands?

Primarily out of fear. They cannot support themselves or children without the husband.

Legal Justice

Regulates citizens' obligations to the larger society and government

What are the rights and responsibilities of workers?

Right to productive work To decent and fair wages To organize and join unions To private property To economic initiatives Right to employment Rest Safe work Health care and social security

what are the rights and responsibilities of employers?

Rights to make profits; the responsibility to society for the economic and ecological effect of their operations. responsibilities coincide the good of the person and not only the increase of profits

Why do people hold on to their prejudices?

Scapegoats Superiority It pays (psychologically and financially)

Distributive justice

Sees to the just distribution of the goods of creation that God intends for all to use and share

What is the supreme example of our human dignity?

Sending Jesus into the world

What is Pacifist?

Someone who opposes all war as a means of settling disputes

Who articulated the just war theory?

St. Augustine of Hippo

What are the main points of U.S. Bishops in the document, "Brothers & Sister"?

Strive for authentic full employment, recognize the special need for employment Racial differences should not interfere Nations must share wealth Private sector should be aware of its responsibilities

State with the highest number of executions?


The Church's position on the death penalty?

The Church believes that the death penalty should not be an option for a prisoner b/c it goes against the teaching of Jesus, and the bishops simply do not believe that killing another person is justifiable punishment.

What is the Christian obligation towards those that live in poverty?

The Church displays a preferential option for the poor. We do this by acting out the corporal works of mercy and by speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves. We have to look at everything from the side of the poor and powerless We must evaluate lifestyle, policies, and social institutions on how they affect the poor We must help experience God's saving love and power We must empty ourselves so God's power can touch us as well

What is the role of the Church in political life?

The Church seeks to inform Catholic voters on the political issues that they will be voting on. The Church has no real "political pull" so they try their best to provide information on the various issues to shed more light to the voters so they can vote smartly and spiritually.

The biblical understanding of justice is best expressed as?

The biblical idea of justice involves fidelity to what relationships require. God is always faithful. God revealed his justice by being faithful to them.

What is the Church's stance on nuclear weapons? Deterrence?

The bishops cannot perceive any situation in which the first use on nuclear weapons can be justified. There cannot be a limited nuclear war. Also the good ends(defensive, protecting freedom) does not justify the immoral means of killing innocent people and masses without them being able to defend themselves.

What is the Catholic Church's presumption regarding the use of force?

The church always begins with a presumption against war, advocating instead the peaceful settlement of disputes. Conflicts should be resolved justly through nonviolent means.

What human rights are protected under the principle of rights and responsibilities?

The fundamental right to life, faith and family life, food and shelter, education and a job, and healthcare

Define poverty

The lack of means to provide for material needs or comforts. From the latin "paupentas"

What is the fundamental human right?

The right to life

What is the seamless garment?

The seamless garment philosophy holds that issues such as abortion, capital punishment, militarism, euthanasia, social injustice, and economic injustice all demand a consistent application of moral principles that value the sacredness of human life.

The catholic Church's tradition regarding respect for prisoners

The tradition of the Catholic Church's respect for prisoners is that the state should use the minimum force necessary in regards to dealing with unjust aggressors. HOWEVER, the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the ONLY POSSIBLE WAY of effectively defending human lives against the unjust aggressor.

What is meant by global solidarity?

The virtue of solidarity requires us to commit ourselves to the common good of all people. This means that the world's rich nations especially will make a conscientious effort to promote development of the poorer nations. This requires sacrifice of income and power to help develop all nations to be united as one.

What role does a strong international system of justice have to play in world peacemaking?

The way to a peaceful world is to exercise the option for the poor and to promote the global common good. This requires an international system that will ensure HUMAN RIGHTS, work for peace within and among nations, and help develop political and economic interdependence that WORKS FOR THE COMMON GOOD.

How has the Church been guilty of racism in the past?

Their attempts to Christianize were prejudicial

why do men batter?

They are extremely jealous, possessive, and easily angered. They view women as inferior. Alcohol and drugs are often associated.

What did Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa have in common?

They were all successful in using nonviolent actions.

Poverty of the spirit

This is a type of positive poverty. It recognizes that we totally depend on God. It affirms that God alone is our savior, sole source of all goods Out of love, this poverty of spirit moves us to share our blessings with the truly poor.

Material poverty

This type of poverty manifests itself in the lack of the necessary means of survival, like nutritious food and safe drinking water and healthcare such as immunizations against preventable diseases. The lack of a home or woefully inadequate unsafe, unhealthy, crowded living spaces. Having no help Living in fear

Active nonviolence

Those participating in nonviolent efforst are not just "sitting back" and doing nothing. Participating in protests and other activities without use of violence are forms of active nonviolence. Its just fighting back without using violence.

How is Jesus the model for doing justice and charity?

Through Jesus' words and actions, we know that the kingdom of God is marked by love. He revealed that we need to love our neighbors, the Beatitude, responding to the least ones, to embrace everyone, and to be compassionate.

What does Rerum Novarum say?

To address economic and other injustices plaguing the late 19th century world Condemns the abuses both Marxist socialism and unbridled capitalism

What is the purpose of a union? Does the Church support unions?

To defend and secure the rights due to them - fair wages, decent working condition, etc. The church fully supports.

What is the first and foremost reason that human beings engage in work?

To fulfill our own humanity and to benefit from the humanity of those that our work services.

What is the responsibility of employers where work is hazardous?

To provide a safe work environment

What role does government play in the balance between human dignity and profit according to JP2?

To provide for the defense and persecution of common goods. Such as the natural and human environments.

According to the Church, what is the purpose of a prison system?

To provide safety to the public from unjust aggressors.

What are JP2's criticisms on socialism?

Violates freedom by forbidding individual moral choices and reducing person to "molecules" in a social perspective

What are several ways in which the option for the poor can be achieved in the world?

WE can pray for them. We can support international relief agencies. We can cultivate a lively interest in world news. We can support political candidates who have a global vision that reaches out to other nations to help them develop

What does "The Rich Man and Lazarus" teach us about Christian justice?

We must share our wealth; take care of the poor, equality

Why does work have dignity?

We share in God's own activity when we work

What should we focus on when we vote?

We should focus on our own political views when we vote, but always keep in mind if the candidate that we are leaning towards supports intristically evil acts then we should not support that candidate with our votes

What is the real test for every economic institution and political policy?

What it does to help the poor.

What is the preferential option for the poor?

What we do for the poor is a great measure of our response to Jesus and a test of our love for him. We cannot love immoderately, or selfishly use riches and wealth. We must put into practice the spiritual and corporal works of mercy "by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in his spiritual and bodily necessities"

in which type of families does domestic violence occur?

all types

define domestic violence

any kind of behavior used to control an intimate partner through fear and intimidation.

What is a just wage?

at minimum, a wage high enough to meet food, clothing, and shelter needs, and to provide for transportation, education, and some form of recreation

how do consumer societies measure success?

consumerism is the practice of buying consistantly. these societies measure success through profit and sales; luring customers

Revelation of God's justice is clearest in______

his staying faithful to the covenant, and with his son, Jesus Christ

what drives refugees from their homes?

oppression, better financial and economic opportunity and wanting to take care of their families.

How does society punish motherhood?

they are made to feel that they are less valuable as persons b/c they are not in the work force.

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