There are only 2 genders

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Fact Card #1

intersex- XXY or XYY

Fact Card #1


Fact Card #1

single sex -X or Y

Fact Card #1

Bill Nye in the nineties where he talked about how gender was determined by your chromosomes but due to societal pressure Bill Nye later made an episode talking about how gender is on a spectrum and there can be as many genders and you want

Fact Card #10

In Canada accidentally or purposely misgendering someone is considered a hate crime as long as you work for the federal government/federal job

Fact Card #11

Back in nineteen eighty when people believed they were a different gender then what they were born as were considered mentally ill. This mental illness was called gender dysphoria, Which means "the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex.". Then on December third twenty thirteen gender dysphoria was removed from the list of mental illnesse

Fact Card #12

people who have gender dysphoria do indeed have greater mental health issues which is generally similar to that of a person who has a mental illnesses

Fact Card #13

hermaphrodites- individuals with both pairs of sex organs. While in very rare cases some human beings have both pairs of genitalia in no case whatsoever has it ever been observed that both pairs are fully functioning

Fact Card #2

how to determine genders -How we fundamentally distinguish male and female then is based upon the two biological roles in reproduction. A human individual that has the basic capacity to reproduce with the female is biologically and truly a male. A human individual that has the basic capacity to reproduce with a male is biologically and truly a female. Male and female are defined in reference to each other, which is why they are correlative terms

Fact Card #2

mutations - Defects occur in nature, but defects imply a norm from which they deflect

Fact Card #2

mutations -True human hermaphrodites with both male and female sexual organs that fully function don't exist. Such is why no cases of self-fertilization have ever been recorded in human beings.

Fact Card #2

sex change - let us grant that it might be physically possible for a female to have a complete sex change operation that she had a fully functioning male genitalia, male hormones, and male chromosomes that were fully integrated into her body. In this case she would cease to be female, but become a male. Even if complete sex change operations were possible (which they will most likely never be), such operations would be no argument against the traditional binary distinction. In such a case, the woman would not become a third sex; she would cease to be female and become a male

Fact Card #2

(SRS)-Sex Reassignment Surgery

Fact Card #3

list of all genders

Fact card #4

A new law was added called "C-16" which puts gender identity and gender expression into the country's human right codes and into the hate crime category of criminal offense

Fact card #5

a distressed state arising from conflict between a person's gender identity and the sex the person has or was identified as having at birth

Fact card #6

any of various crimes (such as assault or defacement of property) when motivated by hostility to the victim as a member of a group (such as one based on color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation

Fact card #7

In California they passed a law to teach "k-twelve" about "LGBT...

Fact card #8

religious studies major student was kicked out of that class for saying that there were only two genders after watching a fifteen minute TED-Talk that was about the "reality" of "mansplaining","sexism from men", and "male privilege". After the video the teacher asked anyone to share their thoughts about the video. Ingle (the student who was kicked out) challenged the professor on there being more than two genders and about the wage gap. He was banned from the class because "he was a classroom disruption". Even though he did what the teacher asked, but his opinion was not the same as the teacher so she punished him. Ingle even said that what the teacher had done was unconstitutional and said that she violated his first amendment right to free speech

Fact card #9

Skalko, John. "Why There Are Only Two Sexes." Public Discourse, 29 Sept. 2018,

Source Card # 2

Szalay, Jessie."Chromosomes: Definition & Structure." Live Science, Live Science, 8 December 2017,

Source Card #1

Rogers, Kaleigh. "Bill Nye Didn't 'Censor' Gender Science, He Updated It Because That's How Science Works." Motherboard, VICE, 5 May 2017,

Source Card #10

Shimshock, Rob. "Canadians Could Face Hate Crimes Over Using The Wrong Gender Pronouns." The Daily Caller, The Daily Caller, 16 June 2017,

Source Card #11

"The APA Removes 'Gender Identity Disorder' From Updated Mental Health Guide." GLAAD, 6 Dec. 2012,

Source Card #12

"Why Transgender People Experience More Mental Health Issues." Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers,

Source Card #13

Ashford, Bruce. "The Ugly Truth About Sex Reassignment the Transgender Lobby Doesn't Want You to Know." The Daily Signal, The Daily Signal, 30 Oct. 2017,

Source Card #3

"Complete List of Genders." Everything Anime - Character Analysis of.......... Koro-Sensei! (Assassination Classroom) - Wattpad,

Source Card #4

Cossman, Brenda. "Bill C-16 - No, Its Not about Criminalizing Pronoun Misuse - Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies." Mark S Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies Bill C16 No Its Not about Criminalizing Pronoun Misuse Comments,

Source Card #5

"Gender Dysphoria." Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,

Source Card #6

"Hate Crime." Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,

Source Card #7

"New Law Being Used to Spread LGBT Gender Identity Ideology into CA Public Schools." California Family Council,

Source Card #8

Parke, Caleb. "College Student Kicked out of Class for Telling Professor There Are Only Two Genders." Fox News, FOX News Network,

Source Card #9

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