Thomas Hobbes

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identify a quote that best represents his individual views?

"Without governments to keep order there would be war ... of every man against every man, and life would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."

According to Thomas Hobbes, why do men become enemies

1. To show they are better 2. because they didn't argue with there decisions 3. bad history

When was he born?

April 5, 1588


Consant of the people

When did he die?

December 4, 1679


Divine Right To Rule

What logical examples does Hobbes use to try and prove his theory on men's natural state

He uses his theory on how people can not be trusted because there is humans that make mistakes and can't be trusted so we lock our doors because we don't trust other people.

Why is Thomas Hobbes important

Hobbes felt that a monarchy provided the best authority. He also argued that as sovereign power was absolute, the sovereign must also be head of the national religion. He was, as a result, hostile to the Roman Catholic Church. This made him unpopular with the French authorities and in 1651 he returned to England.

According to Thomas Hobbes, what do men have to do in order to avoid war?

In order for men to avoid war they have to have someone that will tell them what to do so there won't be conflict and people would need to follow the person that is in top of the rest so he can put the rest in order and stop wars between each other. Also people would be punished for not following the rules/laws.


Someone that doesn't believe in gob or region

What type of government did the philosopher believe was best for society?

Thomas Hobbes believed that a government who had a power of a leviathan (sea monster) and a absolute monarchy, which could impose order and demand obedience. He believed in this type of government because the ruler needed total power to keep citizens under control.

What was Thomas Hobbes view of people by human nature

Thomas Hobbes believed that people acted in their own self-interest.

who is Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes was born in London in 1588. He received his College education at Oxford University in England, where he studied classics.After witnessing the beheading of Charles I, Hobbes traveled to other European countries to study different forms of government. During his time outside of England, Hobbes became interested in why people allow themselves to be ruled and what would be the best form of government for England. IN 1651, Hobbes wrote his most famous work, entitled Leviathan. In it, he argued that in a state of nature (without government and with total freedom ), people were naturally wicked and could not be trusted to form their own government. Therefore, Hobbes believed that an absolute monarchy-a government that gave all power to a king or queen- was best.

Where was he born?

Westport, England

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