Tidwell Chapter 14 Sections 3 & 5 Test

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How many Japanese troops were lost in the Battle of Okinawa?


What was island hopping?

A strategy used by the Allies that focused on capturing Japanese weak spots an simply skipped over strongholds.

Allied troops invaded Okinawa on _________ __, _____.

April 1, 1945

The _______ were the first to discover the true strength of Japan's military in Hing Kong, Singapore, and Burma.


How did the Japanese gain control of rich oil reserves & establish strategic bases for future operations?

By conquering British-controlled Burma as well as a number of key positions in the South Pacific

Native Americans of the Navajo nation who served in the Marines. Their main job was translating messages into a coded version of the Navajo language:

Code Talkers

In order to prevent any future attacks on the Japanese mainland, Japan's leader believed that they had to do what?

Destroy what remained of the United States naval power.

While Japanese forces captured the British stronghold at Hong Kong, other Japanese forces were easily taking control of the ___________________ & _____________.

Dutch East Indies & British Borneo

American fighters in the Pacific also benefited from Allied gains in ___________.


Japanese ___________ were as good, or even better, than anything the Allies could produce.

Fighter Aircrafts

What general commanded a small force of Americans plus a number of poorly trained & equipped Filipino soldiers in the American-controlled islands of the Philippines?

General Douglas MacArthur

Later in the war, James Doolittle commanded bombing raids on __________, which helped lead to the end of the in Europe.


What military strategy did the Allies use to make steady progress in the Southwest Pacific in 1943?

Island Hopping

A tiny volcanic island that is about 750 miles south of Tokyo, the capital of Japan. This island's rugged terrain was heavily guarded by Japanese soldiers:

Iwo Jima

In the Battle of ____________, Japanese forces caused much damage to the Allied Navies.

Java Sea

In spite of the terrible losses, the Americans finally gained control of Okinawa in _____ ______.

June 1945

What date did the Japanese plan the attack on Midway?

June 3rd, 1942.

The Battle of Leyte Gulf also saw the first major use of a new Japanese weapon- the __________ attack.


The first major action MacArthur took to attack the Philippines & return to his troops was the Battle of _______ ______.

Leyte Gulf

Once illness & hunger began to take their tole, when was MacArthur ordered to leave all his men?

March 1942

Japanese military planners decided to try to lure the Americans into a large sea battle by attacking which American held island?

Midway Island

Early in the Battle of Iwo Jima, marines managed to capture the island's tallest point:

Mount Suribachi

Some Americans thought that the capture of _______ _______, meant that the Battle of Iwo Jima was over, but the Japanese troops refused to surrender

Mount Suribachi

In late _________ ______, MacArthur waded ashore to fulfill his promise to return t the Philippines.

October 1944

Although ____________ delivered a severe blow to the U.S. Pacific Fleet that would take months to overcome, this event inspired Americans to remain firm in their resolve to fight.

Pearl Harbor

Immediately following ________________, Japanese forces won a quick string of impressive victories.

Pearl Harbor

This event gave the Japanese people a major boost to national pride & encouraged them to continue their assault:

Pearl Harbor

The loss of the _____________ was a low point for the United States in the pacific war.


Japan's attacks on Hong Kong, Singapore, the Dutch East Indies, and Burma were part of a large offensive that had one other major target:

The American-controlled islands of the Philippines

This battle featured one part of the Pacific Fleet that had not been badly damaged in the Pearl Harbor bombings- the aircraft carriers:

The Battle of Coral Sea

What was the first battle in which the U.S. successfully halted a Japanese advance?

The Battle of Coral Sea

During this battle, 11,000 defenders of Corregidor held out against intense Japanese bombardment until 6 May 1942.

The Battle of Corregidor

What Battle was a key moment in the war that initiated the Allie's offense?

The Battle of Guadalcanal

What was the largest naval battle ever fought by the United States (nearly 300 ships)?

The Battle of Leyte Gulf

When this battle was over, the Japanese had lost 4 carriers, three battleships, and a number of other vessels. What little was left of their fleet would play no major role in the rest of the war:

The Battle of Leyte Gulf

Japan's once great advantage on the seas no longer existed after this battle. This battle also severely damaged the Japanese navy.

The Battle of Midway

While providing a base for further efforts to push back the Japanese, an Allied presence in ________ would also help protect Australia.

The Solomon Islands

When did the Japanese move into the islands of Solomon?

The Spring of 1942

The surviving Japanese planes that escaped the Battle of Midway and raced back to their carriers to refuel and rearm were followed by American aircrafts. The Japanese fought off dozens of American bombers. Finally, several planes from the ________________ broke through the Japanese defenses.

USS Enterprise

The first stage of the Battle of Midway was an ________________, meant to prepare Midway Island for a future landing by Japanese forces.

air attack

James Doolittle led many air operations throughout the war, including a courageous bombing attack in Japan in 1942. The raid was the first attack on the Japanese ___________ during the war.


The American bombs in the battle of Midway severely damaged ______ of the four carriers.


Over _____________ Americans died in the Battle of Okinawa, and thousands more were injured.


During the Battle of Bismarck Sea, a U.S. bombing campaign began March 2 and lasted until March 4, consisting of _____ American bombers supported by U.S. and Australian fighters, destroyed eight Japanese troop transports and four Japanese destroyers. More than 3,000 Japanese troops and sailors drowned as a consequence, and the supplies sunk with their ships.


In _______, the Allies captured locations in the Gilbert, Marshall, Caroline, and Mariana islands.


Using his advance knowledge of Japanese plans, Admiral Nimitz placed his ____ available aircraft carriers to stop a Japanese landing at Midway and avoid contact with the larger Japanese fleet.


British Prime Minister Winston Churchill chose March __, the official end of the battle, to congratulate President Franklin D. Roosevelt, since that day was also the 10th anniversary of the president's first inauguration. "Accept my warmest congratulations on your brilliant victory in the Pacific, which fitly salutes the end of your first 10 years."


Once the fighting was over, the suffering of the soldiers was just beginning. For ____ days and nights the Japanese forced the already sick & starving soldiers to march through the steaming forests of Bataan.


How long did the bloody fighting of Guadalcanal last?

6 months

How many people died in the Bataan Death March?

7,000 to 10,000

What 3 main factors gave the Japanese an important advantage in the early war?

Advanced fighter aircrafts, ships, and torpedoes.

Despite the Japanese's advantage in the number of ships & carriers they brought into the battle of Midway, American had this one, great advantage:

American Naval Intelligence Officers had broken a Japanese code and learned about the plans for attacking Midway. Americans knew the date for the planned attack. They also knew the direction from which the Japanese ships would approach.

As the Battle of Midway ended, it was clear that the __________________ had won a tremendous victory.


In the Battle of _____, the main conflict of the Aleutian Islands Campaign during World War II (1939-45), American and Japanese armies fought from May 11 to May 30, 1943, for control of Attu, a small, sparsely inhabited island at the far western end of Alaska's Aleutian chain in the North Pacific.


In May 1943, U.S. troops finally retook _____ and in August they reclaimed ______.

Attu & Kiska

The Japanese occupation of ______ & _______ was a blow to American morale.

Attu & Kiska

American forces came ashore on Guadalcanal in _______ _____.

August 1942

During the Battle of Bismarck Sea, Allies sink the entire convoy (they lose 3-4,000 troops and all supplies) it denies the Japanese the ability to defend the islands in that chain and will further stop them to plan an invasion of __________.


The Japanese invasion of the Islands of Solomon greatly threatened nearby __________, which was fighting alongside the Allies in the Pacific.


Beginning in late 1944, the massive new American _____________ began making regular raids on Japanese cities.

B-29 Bomber

The surrender at the _________ was the largest in U.S. history.


When 70,000 American & Filipino prisoners were force-marched 63 miles in tropical heat with little food or water:

Bataan Death March

As the Japanese gained ground on the American-controlled islands of the Philippines, General MacArthur planned a retreat to the ___________ _________.

Bataan Peninsula

When the Japanese renewed their offensive on April 3, 1942 with fresh troops supported by heavy artillery, tanks, and air attacks. The American survivors on the Bataan Peninsula were so weakened by disease and starvation that they were unable to offer any effective resistance. From the comfort and safety of his new headquarters in Australia, and with no concern for the severely weakened physical condition of his abandoned troops and their critical shortage of military supplies, MacArthur ordered a general counterattack against the Japanese.

Battle of Bataan

What was the first Battle in the war that the Japanese troops were fighting for land that was actually part of Japan?

Battle of Iwo Jima

This battle was the first island offensive in the central pacific under the command of Nimitz (island hopping):

Battle of Tarawa

To prevent the Japanese attack on the British controlled Port Moresby on the island of New Guinea, U.S. Admiral _______ ________ sent two aircraft carriers to attack them.

Chester Nimitz

What does the Japanese word "Kamikaze" mean?

Divine wind

After ____________'s raid, Japanese leader were troubled & deeply determined to prevent any future attacks on the Japanese mainland.


On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 named the _________ ______ flew over the city of Hiroshima and dropped its atomic bomb. Seconds later, the bomb exploded. Most of Hiroshima was reduced to rubble.

Enola Gay

The Battle of Guadalcanal took place on land, sea, and in the air. Each side won small victories until finally, in __________ _____, Japanese forces fled the island.

February 1943

A key goal in the Solomons was the capture of an island called __________________. The Japanese had nearly completed an airfield here, making it a tempting target.


_______________was a miserable place to fight. This island was covered by swamps and dense jungles. Daytime temperatures regularly reached into the 90s. Millions of disease-carrying insects filled the air.


In the bombing of __________, some 80,000 residents died immediately, and 35,000 were injured. Two-thirds of the city's 90,000 buildings were destroyed and fires raged everywhere.


Early in the war, the Japanese captured the British stronghold at _________.

Hong Kong

In order to provide a better base to launch B-29 bomber raids from, American forces set out in February 1945 to capture _______________.

Iwo Jima

On April 18, 1942, Army Lieutenant Colonel _______ ________ led a group of 16 American bombers on a daring air raid of Tokyo and several other Japanese cities.

James Doolittle

Despite the British's belief that this mighty fortress would never fall to invaders, how long did it take the Japanese to capture the British stronghold at Singapore?

Just 2 weeks

In WWII, a _____________ was a pilot who loaded his aircraft with bombs & deliberately crashed it into an empty ship.


In June 1942, Japan had seized Attu and its neighbor ______, then established garrisons on the remote, U.S.-owned islands. The reason for taking these islands was for their barren, mountainous terrain and harsh weather that would help divert U.S. forces during Japan's attack on Midway Island (June 4-7, 1942) in the central Pacific. It's also possible the Japanese believed holding the two islands would prevent the U.S. from invading Japan via the Aleutians.


On August 9, 1945, three days after the bombing of Hiroshima, the United States dropped a second atomic bomb on the city of ______________.


Did General MacArthur convince the Allied officials to send relief to his starving troops?

No. The Allied officials decided that such a move was too risky.

After the Battle of Iwo Jima, the next American target was ___________.


The battle of _________ would be the bloodiest task the Americans would have to face in the Pacific.


___________ was only 350 miles from Japan and would be used as the launching pad for the final invasion of Japan itself.


The Battle of Midway had changed the entire balance of power in the ____________.


When the Soviets began to push back German advances & the Allies made gains in North Africa, Italy, and France, it allowed Allied war planners to send more resources to the ________.


The Battle of Coral Sea took place in May 1942 as Japanese forces were preparing to invade the British controlled _______ _______ on the island of New Guinea.

Port Moresby

The Japanese launched a campaign against the British at _____________.


When the Allied forces defeated the Japanese in Burma

The Burma campaign

What was the first step in the battle of Guadalcanal?

To win control of territory in the Solomon Islands.

During the Battle of Midway, Japanese planes did manage to destroy this American carrier:

USS Yorktown

When Hirohito announced the end of the war in a radio broadcast. It was the first time the Japanese people had ever heard the emperor's voice.

V-J Day

The day after the Japanese finally secured a beachhead during the battle of Corregidor, General ___________ ordered the American flag lowered on Corregidor in the hope of avoiding a massacre. General Homma warned Wainwright during surrender negotiations that he would execute all prisoners of war unless the surrender applied not only to Corregidor but to all American and Philippine troops still resisting the Japanese on other islands of the Philippine archipelago. In the hope of avoiding reprisals against his troops, and the women and children under his care, he agreed.


In late 1941, Japanese forces drive American forces out of _____________ and __________.

Wake Island & Guam

During the Battle of Corregidor, some 12,000 shells crashed onto the island every 24 hours, sleep for the exhausted defenders was virtually impossible. Even huddled deep underground in the Malinta Tunnel, women and children bled from the ears from the concussive effect produced by the earth-shaking explosions overhead. Food, water and ammunition had dropped to critical levels when the Japanese finally secured a ___________ on the island on 5 May, and landed tanks.


Soldiers who dropped out of line during the Bataan march were ______ or _____.

beaten or shot

Though Doolittle's daring air raid of Tokyo and several other Japanese cities did not do any major damage to the targets, It did, however, give the American people a desperately needed ___________ _______ ________ and filled Japanese leaders with rage for the Americans' actions (clouding their judgement & leading to great military mistakes).

boost in morale

As MacArthur's troops retreated to the Bataan Peninsula, the soldiers found that ________, ________ and many other materials were dangerously scarce.

food & medicine

Even those soldiers who survived the Bataan Death March did not fare much better. Once they completed the march & reached Japanese prison camp, lack of ______ and ______ claimed hundreds more American & Filipino lives.

food & medicine

The Allies also began to take advantage of America's tremendous _____________ power. the fighting in the pacific was extremely costly, and both sides lost dozens of ships and thousands of aircraft. These were losses the Japanese were unable to replace. Meanwhile, busy American factories produced planes and ships at an amazing rate.


The Japanese invaded the Island of Midway in hopes of luring the American Fleet into the _______ of the Pacific Ocean so it could be destroyed.


What was unique about the Burma campaign?

neither side particularly wished to wage war there

General MacArthur urged Allied officials to send _____ to help relieve his starving troops.


During the Battle of Iwo Jima, nearly 7,000 Americans were dead and many more were wounded. More than 20,000 Japanese defenders had been on Iwo Jima when the Americans landed. All but a _________ of them fought to death.


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