Toddler/ Preschooler Development

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When should children receive the Hep B vaccine?

Birth, and 1-2 months

How is enterovirus spread?

By fecal or oral route

What are late signs of lyme disease?

Chronic arthritis, profound fatigue

What type of development is Piaget?


What are the clinical manifestations of diphteria?

Common cold, low grade fever, thin grey membrane on the tonsils and pharynx, neck edema, respiratory compromise

How is diphteria transmitted?

Contact with carrier, disease droplets

How is varicella transmitted?

Contact with infected person, droplet, airborne,

What are the clinical manifestations of epstein barr?

Fever, exudative pharyngitis, lymphodenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly

What are the clinical manifestations of poliomyelitis?

Fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, headache, sore throat, and generalized abdominal pain

What are the clinical manifestations of mumps?

Fever, myalgia, headache, malaise, parotid glandular swelling

How is tapeworm transmitted?

Ingestion of beef, and pork

How is pinworm transmitted?

Ingestion of eggs

How is roundworm transmitted?

Ingestion of eggs, contaminated soil or food

Development Description of Erickson's preschooler

Initiative vs. guilt

What are CMV's clinical manisfestations?

Jaundice, lethargy, seizure, large spleen, large liver, hearing loss

How is lyme disease transmitted?

Lice, tic bites

What is another name for rubeola?


Occur during sleep, and the child remains asleep even though the eyes may be open. The child does not awaken, but moans, screams or cries, and does not recognize parents. Efforts to comfort the child may lead to agitation. The child does not remember the episode, do not wake up child.

Night Terror

Frightening dreams that awaken a child from sleep.


What is the treatment for poliomyelitis?

No specific treatment

What are the clinical manifestations of pinworm?

Nocturnal anal itching, sleeplessness

Which of the following nursing interventions might help the hospitalized toddler feel a sense of security and control? a. Follow the child's usual bedtime routine b. Place the child in a crib with a cover over it. c. Tell the child what needs to be done and do not offer choices d. Suggest to the parents that they bring new toys to the child.


What is the average head circumference growth for toddlers per year

1 1/2 inches

How much sleep is required for a preschooler

10-12 hours

When should children receive the Hep A vaccine?

12 months

When should children receive the MMR vaccine?

12 months

When should children receive the varicella vaccine?

12 months

The age range for toddlers

12 months- 3 years

How much sleep is required for a 2 year old?

12-14 hours

When should children receive the Dtap vaccine?

2 months

What is the average growth in height for preschooler's per year?

2-3 inches

Normal respiration's for a preschooler


By what age are all 20 teeth present?


What is the average growth in height for toddlers per year?

3 inches

What is the age range for preschoolers?


Normal respiratory rates for a toddler


What is the average weight gain for preschooler's per year?

5 pounds

What is the average weight gain for toddlers per year?

5 pounds

When should children receive the Hib vaccine?

6 weeks, and 2 months

When should children receive the IPV vaccine?

6 weeks, and 2 months

When should children receive the PCV vaccine?

6 weeks, and 2 months

Normal pulse for a toddler


Normal blood pressure for a toddler girl


Normal blood pressure for a toddler boy


Normal axillary temperature for a toddler


How is pinworm treated?


How is roundworm treated?


How is tapeworm treated?


What is the treatment for hookworm?


How is scarlet fever treated?


What is the treatment for CMV?

Antiviral meds, and immunoglobulins for pregnant women

What are the clinical manifestations of tapeworm?

Asymptomatic, dermatitis, anemia, pneumonitis, blood loss, malnutrition

Development Description of Erickson's toddler

Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt

When do children reach half of their adult height?

Between 2 and 3

What are the clinical manifestations of roundworm?

Abdominal pain or distension, obstruction, vomiting with bile staining, pneumonitis

What are the clinical manifestations of scarlet fever?

Abrupt fever, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, pharyngitis, chills, rash

How is mumps transmitted?

Airborne droplets, salivary secretions, urine

How is scarlet fever transmitted?

Airborne, direct contact

How is rubella transmitted?

Airborne, direct contact, transplacental transmission

Development description of Freud's toddler

Anal stage

What is the treatment of pertussis?


What is the treatment for lyme disease?

Anticipatory guidance about prevention, antibiotics

The results of this test are used to identify a child's developmental age and how a child compares with others of the same chronological age. It's a screening test only, not an IQ test

Denver Developmental Screening Test

What are the clinical manifestations of hookworm?

Dermatitis, pneumonia, blood loss, anemia

How is pertussis transmitted?

Direct contact or respiratory droplets

How is hookworm transmitted?

Direct contact with contaminated soil, and fruit

How is rubeola transmitted?

Direct contact with infectious droplets or less frequently by airborne spread

What is the treatment of rubella?

Exclusion of affected children from school

How is poliomyelitis transmitted?

Fecal, oral, respiratory

Development description of Freud's preschooler

Phallic stage

Development description of Piaget's preschool

Preoperational thought

Development description of Piaget's toddler

Preoperational thought

What type of development is Freud?


What type of development is Erickson?


What are the clinical manifestations of rubeola?

Respiratory infections appear after about 10 days. Koplick spots appear 2 days before rash

How is CMV transmitted?

Saliva, blood, urine, semen, cervical secretions, breast milk, organ transplant

How is epstein barr transmitted?

Saliva, intimate contact, blood

What is the earliest clinical manifestations of lyme disease?

Skin lesions

What are the clinical manifestations of varicella?

Slight fever for 24-48 hours, rash on trunk and scalp, turns into lesions

What is the treatment for epstein barr?

Strenuous activity and contact sports should be avoided

What is the treatment of mumps?

Symptomatic care

What is the treatment for varicella?

Tylenol, oatmeal bath

How long should a child be in an approved forward facing carseat?

Until age 4

What are the clinical manifestations of pertussis?

Upper respiratory infection, severe cough, vomiting

What are the clinical manifestations of rubella?

Usually asymptomatic until the appearance of a rash

When developing a teaching plan for parents of toddlers about poisonous substances, the nurse should emphasize which of the following safety points? Select all that apply a. Toddlers should be adequately supervised at all times. b. All poisonous substances should be kept out of the reach of children and stored in a locked cabinet if necessary. c. The difference between pediatric and adult dosages of medicines is significant and adult dosages given to children can have serious, harmful effects d. Syrup of ipecac should be administered following all ingestion of poisonous substances e. Following any poisoning, the parents should call the poison control center for instructions for appropriate treatment

a, b, c, e

A child is admitted after having developing a rash after being exposed to varicella. Which of the following should the nurse institute for infection control? (Select all that apply) a. Airborne precautions b. Droplet precautions c. Contact precautions d. Indirect contact precautions

a, c

What is the treatment for diphteria?


The mother of a toddler asks the nurse what she should do with her toddler when he has a temper tantrum. Which of the following suggestions would be most appropriate? a. Move the toddler to a time out chair. b. Try to talk the toddler of the tantrum c. Leave the toddler alone during the tantrum as long as he is safe. d. Punish the toddler for having a temper tantrum


The nurse caring for a 5- year old in the ER is about to start an IV. The nurse's best method for explaining the procedure to the child is to? a. Show the child a pamphlet with pictures showing the IV placement procedure. b. Have another child explain to her about her experience with an IV c. Show the child the IV placement equipment and demonstrate the procedure on her doll. d. Tell the child if she remains quiet the procedure will be over quickly.


Which of the following vital signs would indicate that a five year old child requires immediate attention? a. Systolic blood pressure of 80 mm HG b. Diastolic blood pressure of 60 mm Hg c. Heart rate 94 beats per minute d. Respiratory rate 42 breaths per minute


What is another name for epstien barr?


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