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What is Capability in TOGAF?

Ability that an organization, person, or system possess.


An ability that an organization, person, or system possesses.

reference Model

An abstract framework for understanding significant relationships among the entities of [an] environment, and for the development of consistent standards or specifications supporting that environment.

(III-RM) Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model

An application focused FOUNDATION ARCHITECTURE, based on the TRM (technical reference model) subset.

Artifact in TOGAF

An architectural work product that describes an aspect of the architecture.


An architectural work product that is contractually specified and in turn formally reviewed, agreed, and signed off by the stakeholders.

logical architecture

An implementation-independent definition of the architecture, often grouping related physical entities according to their purpose and structure.


An interest in a system relevant to one or more of its stakeholders.


Any communication or representation of facts, data, or opinions, in any medium or form, including textual, numerical, graphic, cartographic, narrative, or audio-visual forms.


A technique through construction of models which enables a subject to be represented in a form that enables reasoning, insight, and clarity concerning the essence of the subject matter.


A time-bounded milestone for an organization used to demonstrate progress towards a goal.

What is an Architectural artifacts in TOGAF?

Architectural artifacts are created in order to describe a system, solution, or state of the enterprise. Catalogs, Matrices, Diagrams.

What is ADM?

Architecture Development Method

Phase A of ADM

Architecture Vision

OUTPUTS of Opportunities and Solutions

Architecture roadmap, including - Identification of transitions architectures, if any - Implementation recommendations: -- Criteria measures of effectiveness -- Risk and Issues -- Solution Building Blocks - Implementation and migration plan version 0.1, including

Name all phases of ADM

As depicted

what are OUTPUTS of the Architecture Vision phase

- APPROVED statement of work - refined statements of business principles, goals, drivers - arch principles - Capability assessment - Tailored arch framework - arch. vision including -- problem desribtion -- objective of statement of arch work -- summary views -- business scenario -- refined key high-lvl stakeholder requirements - draft arch. definition document incl - baseline business, data, application and tech. architecture 0.1 - target business, data, application and technology arch 0.1 - communication plan - additional content populating the arch repository

Architecture Repository - what are the building blocks within?

- Architecture Metamodel - - Architecture Methiods-ADM adopted for Enterprise - - Content Metamodel - classification, aka. technical, business - Reference Library - - organization reference materials - Architecture Landscape, structured accord. to requirements - - strategic architectures - - segment architectures - - capability architectures - Standard Information Base - - Business Standards - - Data Standards - - Application Standards - - Technology Standards - Governance Log (controlled by Architecture Board) - - Decision Log - - Compliance Assesments - - Capability Assessments - - Project Portfolio - - Performance Measurement - - Calender? - Architecture capability - - Skills repository - - Organization structure - - Architecture charter


- Architecture ROADMAP - Implementation and migraiton plan version 0.1 Also Architecture reference materials Request for architecture work Capability assessment Communications plan Organizational model for Enterprise Architecture Governance models and frameworks Tailored architecture framework Statement of architecture work Architecture vision Architecture repository Draft architecture definition document Draft architecture requirements specification Change requests for existing programs and projects Business and IT capability assessment

Enterprise-Repository - what are the blocks in there?

- Architecture-Repository -BLOCKS IN DIFFERENT QUESTION, CAUSE TOO MANY Supporting blocks, supporting architecture repository: - Solution Repository - Only one "Solution building blocks" - (Business) Requirements Repository - Strategic requirements IMHO strategic goals. - Segment requirements IMHO goals arised from segments - Capability requirements IMHO capability requests. Like Features, mayby arised from tactical goals. Wander, whether those requirements do overlap?

OUTPUTS of the Migration Planning Phase

- Detailed implementation and migration plan v 1.0 - implementation governance model Also Finalized architecture definition document. Finalized architecture requirements specification. Finalized architecture roadmap. Reusable architecture building blocks. Requests for architecture work for a new iteration of the ADM cycle, if any.

The OBJECTIVES of the Business Architectures Phase

- Develop TARGET BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE describing how the enterprise needs to operate to achieve the business goal and respond to strategic drivers set out in the ARCHITECTURE VISION, in a way that addresses the request for Architecture Work and stakeholder concerns - identify candidates Arch. Roadmap components based upon gaps between the Baseline and Target Business Architecture

Objectives of Information Architecture Systems Architecture

- Develop the target information systems (Data and Application) - Identify architecture roadmap components

Objectives of Technology Architecture

- Develop the target technology architecture - Identify the roadmap components for candidate architecture

OBJECTIVES of implementation governance

- Ensure conformance with the TARGET ARCHITECTURE by implementation projects - Perform appropriate architecture governance functions for the solution and any implementation-driven architecture change requests.

OBJECTIVES of the Architecture Change Management (Permanent) Phase

- Ensure that the architecture LIFECYCLE is MAINTAINED - Ensure that the architecture GOVERNANCE framework is executed

The OUTPUT of the Info System Architecture

- INFORMATION System COMPONENTS of an architecture MAP - validated statement of Arch Work - validated (or new) data and application principles - draft architecture definition document, containing content updates -- baseline data and app architecture -- target data and app architecture - Draft architecture requirements specification, including content updates in -- GAP ANALYSIS results -- relevant technical requirements -- constrains of the technology architecture -- updated business requirements -- updated data and application requirements

OUTPUTS of Technology Architecture

- TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE COMPONENTS (of an architecture roadmap) - Draft architecture REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION specification, including content updates (The Architecture Requirements Specification provides a quantitative view of the solution, stating MEASURABLE CRITERIA, KPIs that must be met during the implementation of the architecture.) - GAP ANALYSIS results - requirements output from Phases B and C - Updated technology requirements - Draft architecture DEFINITION specification, including content updates - BASELINE TECHNOLOGY architecture, version 1 - TARGET TECHNOLOGY architecture, version 1 - technology architecture views - Statement of Architecture work - validated technology principles or new technology principles ( if generated)

STEPS of migration planing phase

- assign a BUSINESS VALUE to each work package - estimate resource requirements, project TIMING, availability or delivery vehicle. - prioritize the migration projects through the conduct of a COST or BENEFIT assessment and RISK validation

OBJECTIVES of migration planing

- finalize the architecture ROADMAP and supporting implementation and migration plan - ensure that the implementation and migration plan is COORDINATED WITH ENTERPRISE APPROACH of MANAGING and implementing CHANGE in the Enterprise overall change portfolio - ensure that the business value and cost of work packages and transitions architectures is UNDERSTOOD by key STACKEHOLDERS


- refined statements of business principles, goals, drivers - statement of architecture work - validated business principles, business goals, business drivers - arch. principles - draft ARCHITECTURE DEFINITION document containing content updates - DETAILED BASELINE business architecture version 1.0 - DETAILED TARGET BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE, version 1.0 - Views corresponding to selected viewpoints addressing key stackeholder CONCERNS Draft architecture requirements specification, including - gap analysis - technical requirements - updated business requirements Business architecture components of an architecture roadmap


1. A repeatable activity; a discrete behavior that a building block may be requested or otherwise triggered to perform. 2. An element of behavior that provides specific functionality in response to requests from actors or other services.

Information Technology

1. The lifecycle management of information and related technology used by an organization. 2. An umbrella term that includes all or some of the subject areas relating to the computer industry. 34 │ Copyright © 2018 Course Book | TOGAF® 9 Training Course: Level 1 and 2 Combined Training content licensed to [email protected], issued on 29-01-2021, edition 2021 by Digicomp Academy AG 3. A term commonly assigned to a department within an organization tasked with provisioning some or all of the domains described in (2) above. 4. Alternate names commonly adopted include Information Services, Information Management, et al.

How many main iterations exist in TOGAF, which can be sub-devided

4: Preliminary - ArchVision: Name "Arch Capability Iteration" Business Arch - Migration planing Name "Arch Development Iteration" Oportunities and Solution - Migration Planing Name "Transition Plan Iteration" Name "Arch Governance" Arch Governance - Change Management

Building Block

A (potentially re-usable) component of enterprise capability that can be combined with other building blocks to deliver architectures and solutions.

solution Building Block

A candidate solution which conforms to the specification of an Architecture Building Block.

Viewpoint library

A collection of the specifications of architecture viewpoints contained in the Reference Library portion of the Architecture Repository.

Architecture Framework

A conceptual structure used to plan, develop, implement, govern, and sustain an architecture.

Architecture Building Block

A constituent of the architecture model that describes a single aspect of the overall model.


A defined, repeatable approach to address a particular type of problem.

solution Architecture

A description of a discrete and focused business operation or activity and how IS/IT supports that operation.

Application Architecture

A description of the structure and interaction of the applications as groups of capabilities that provide key business functions and manage the data assets.

Data Architecture

A description of the structure and interaction of the enterprise's major types and sources of data, logical data assets, physical data assets, and data management resources.

Technology Architecture

A description of the structure and interaction of the technology services, and technology components.

Transition Architecture

A formal description of one state of the architecture at an architecturally significant point in time.


A model that describes how and with what the architecture will be described in a structured way.

Architecture Continuum

A part of the Enterprise Continuum. A repository of architectural elements with increasing detail and specialization

Business Capability

A particular ability that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose.

Business Capability

A particular ability, that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose.

Architecture Principle

A qualitative statement of intent that should be met by the architecture.

Architecture View

A representation of a system from the perspective of a related set of concerns.

Value stream

A representation of an end-to-end collection of value-adding activities that create an overall result for a customer, stakeholder, or end user.

Business Architecture

A representation of holistic, multi-dimensional business views of: capabilities, end-to-end value delivery, information, and organizational structure; and the relationships among these business views and strategies, products, policies, initiatives, and stakeholders.

Architecture Viewpoint

A specification of the conventions for a particular kind of architecture view.


A specification that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter serves as the basis for further development or change and that can be changed only through formal change control procedures or a type of procedure such as configuration management.


A statement of difference between two states.


A statement of need that must be met by a particular architecture or work package.

Architecture Vision

A succinct description of the Target Architecture that describes its business value and the changes to the enterprise that will result from its successful deployment. It serves as an aspirational vision and a boundary for detailed architecture development. Artifact: An architectural work product that describes an aspect of the architecture.

strategic Architecture

A summary formal description of the enterprise, providing an organizing framework for operational and change activity, and an executive-level, long-term view for direction setting.


A system that manages all of the data of an enterprise, including data and process models and other enterprise information.

Examples of Requirements:

Business requirements represent the high-level objectives of the organization or the customer who requests the system User requirements describe user goals or tasks that the users must be able to perform with the product .. Example: "The system should be able to encrypt communication"

What is BDAT

BDAT - Business architecture, Data&Application architecture, Technology architecture

Requirements Management steps

Baseline Requirements Monitor requirements Identify changed requirements Record prios

Business governance

Concerned with ensuring that the business processes and policies (and their operation) deliver the business outcomes and adhere to relevant business regulation.

What are Objective of the Architecture Vision phase

Create an aspirational vision of architecture. Get an approval of architecture work.


Data about data, of any sort in any media, that describes the characteristics of an entity.

Examples of Architecture-Principles

Data is an Asset: Data is an asset that has value to the enterprise and is managed accordingly. Data is Shared: Users have access to the data necessary to perform their duties; therefore, data is shared across enterprise functions and organizations. Data is Accessible: Data is accessible for users to perform their functions. Data Trustee: Each data element has a trustee accountable for data quality. Data Security: Data is protected from unauthorized use and disclosure. Technology Independence: Applications are independent of specific technology choices and therefore can operate on a variety of technology platforms. Ease-of-Use: Applications are easy to use. The underlying technology is transparent to users, so they can concentrate on tasks at hand.

ADM Preliminary objectives

Determine the architecture capability desired by the organization Establish the architecture capability

Course of Action

Direction and focus provided by strategic goals and objectives, often to deliver the value proposition characterized in the business model.

What is a deliverable in TOGAF?

Documentation of the Architecture. It is discussed with customer and validated. A powerpoint - is not a deliverable.

ADM Preliminary Inputs

EXTERNAL INPUTS: TOGAF framework Other major relevant frameworks NON ARCH INPUTS: Board Strategies Board business plans Business strategies Business principles Business goals Business drivers IT strategy

The INPUT of the Info System Architecture

EXTERNAL reference materials - Architecture reference materials Non Architecture input: - Request for architecture work - capability assessment - communication plan Architecture inputs: - Architecture VISION - BUSINESS architecture COMPONENTS of an architecture roadmap - Organization model for enterprise architecture - tailored architecture framework - Data and Architecture principles - statement of architecture work - Architecture repository - draft architecture definition - draft architecture requirement spec

INPUTS Opportunities and Solutions

EXTERNAL reference materials - Architecture reference materials - Product information on candidate products NON Architectural inputs - PLANING METHODOLOGIES - Request for architecture work - capability assessment - communication plan Architectural inputs - CANDIDATE architecture ROADMAP components from Phases B,C and D - Organizational model for Enterprise Architecture. - Governance models and frameworks. - Tailored architecture framework. - Statement of architecture work. - Architecture vision. - Architecture repository. - Draft architecture definition document. - Draft architecture requirements specification. - Change requests for existing programs and projects.

INPUTS of Technology Architecture

EXTERNAL reference materials - Architecture reference materials - Product information on candidate products NON Architectural inputs - Request for architecture work - capability assessment - communication plan Architecture inputs: - Architecture VISION - BUSINESS, DATA and APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE COMPONENTS (of an architecture roadmap) - Organizational model - tailored architecture framework - technlogy principles - statement of architecture work - architecture repository - draft architecture definition document - draft architecture REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION

The INPUTS of business Architecture Phase

External - arch reference materials Non-arch inputs: - REQUEST FOR architecture WORK - business principles business goals, business drivers - capability asessment - communications plan Arch-inputs: - org. model - tailored arch. framework - arch. principles - enterprise continuum - arch. repository - arh VISION - draft arch. definition document

What are inputs of the Architecture Vision phase?

External to enterprise: - architecture reference materials Non-arch inputs: - REQUEST FOR architecture WORK - business principles business goals, business drivers Arch inputs: - org. model - arch. framework incl. principles - architecture documentation

Foundation Architecture

Generic building blocks, their inter-relationships with other building blocks, combined with the principles and guidelines that provide a foundation on which more specific architectures can be built.

TOGAF Guidelines what are they for?

Guidelines include adapting the ADM to deal with a number of usage scenarios and applying the ADM across the Architecture Landscape Guidelines for the ADM The guidelines for adapting the ADM are as follows: - Applying ITERATIONS to the ADM: This guideline describes the concept of iteration and lists the potential strategies that can be used for applying iterations to the ADM. The iterations help to manage the complexity of implementing the ADM. - Applying the ADM Across the Architecture Landscape: This guideline describes various types of architecture engagements that occur at different levels of the enterprise. Further, this guideline recommends how to implement these architecture engagement types.

"environment" of a system

Is the context determining the setting and circumstances of all influences upon a system. The environment of a system includes developmental, technological, business, operational, organizational, political, economic, legal, regulatory, ecological, and social influences.

ADM Preliminary Outputs

REQUEST FOR architecture WORK Organizational Model of Enterprise architecture Tailored architecture framework Architecture governance framework Architecture principles Reference to Inputs.

"Architecture work" documents

REQUEST of architecture work (from Preliminary) Project Background: Description of requests made by the sponsoring organization underlying the need for architecture work. Summary of Request: A brief description of the changes required to achieve. Think about the problems to be solved by developing an architecture. You may also include the rationale and the objectives of changes. Organization Sponsors: Sponsors are identified and appointed to ensure that the rest of the architecture development activities have resources to proceed and to clear support of the business management. Business Imperative - Business Mission Statements - Business Goals - Strategic Plans of the Business - Changes in the Business Environment - Purpose of Architecture Work Success Criteria Project Timeframe Constraints ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- STATEMENT of Architecture work (from all other phases) Architecture Objectives List and describe the objectives that need to be fulfilled by the target architecture. Stakeholders Risks and Assumptions Architecture Project Plan and Schedule Review and confirm the architecture project plan and schedule. ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Architecture DEFINITION document (from technology architecture phase) This document describes the baseline and target technology architecture, and gap analysis for your project. It contains the core architectural artifacts created during a project.


ROADMAP - Generate the initial complete version of the architecture ROADMAP Determine whether an incremental approach is required and if so identify TRANSITION ARCHITECTURES that will deliver continuous business value. Define the overall Solution Building Blocks to finalize the Target Architecture based on the Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs).

Outputs of Requirement Management step

Requirement Spec Revised Assumptions Guidelines Success Measures Constraints App Service contracts Requirement Impact assessment What is the impact of changed requirements?

Last ongoing phase?

Requirements management. Phase ongoing

STEPS for Opportunities and Solutions

Review and consolidate gap analysis results from Phases B to D. Identify transition architectures Identify and group major work packages. Formulate implementation and migration strategy Confirm readiness and risk for business transformation

Architecture Capability Framework?

Sets KPIs, plans, budgets

What is a transition architecture?

Shows the formal description of one state of the architecture at a particular point of time. Reflects the progress towards target architecture from the baseline architecture. Can be developed more than once during the architecture development cycle. Describes the specifics of the increments implemented to reach the target architecture state

Business Scenarios

TECHNIQUE, used to capture the business needs at the beginning of ADM, mostly during the Architecture Vision phase.

TRM(Technical Reference Model)

TRM together with SIB (Standards Information Base) is part of the FOUNDATION architecture. Based on which a more specific solution can be developed. High level its made of 3 levels - Application - Application Platform - Application Platform in the TOGAF TRM is a single, generic, conceptual entity. From the viewpoint of the TOGAF TRM, the Application Platform contains all possible services. The Application Platform for a specific Target Architecture will typically NOT be a SINGLE entity, but rather a combination of different entities for different, commonly required functions, such as desktop client, file server, print server, application server - Communication Infrastructure - provides the basic services to interconnect systems. Internet.

How many parts of TOGAF do exist? Name them

six parts: 1 introduction 2 Arch Development Method ADM 3 ADM Guidelines and Techniques - GUIDELINES gives you iterations in ADM, - TECHNIQUES give you help for particular tasks: stakeholder management, arch patterns, gap analysis, migration planing, risk management 4 Arch Content Framework- Describes arch-work products: Deliverables, made of artefacts (tables, matrices) describing building blocks 5 Arch Continuum and Tools - discusses appropriate taxonomies and tools to categorize and store the outputs of architecture activity 6 Arch Capability Framework - This part discusses the organization, processes, skills, roles, and responsibilities required to establish and operate an architecture function

TOGAF techniques - what are they for?

Techniques assist in the implementation of particular tasks in the ADM. Techniques of the ADM The techniques for applying the ADM are as follows: - Architecture Principles — Architecture principles are general rules and guidelines for the enterprise. These are used for deploying IT resources across the enterprise. - Stakeholder Management — This technique describes the routine for managing various stakeholders so as to gather their support for the architecture projects. - Architecture Patterns — This technique describes various activities involved in using architecture patterns. - Gap Analysis — This technique is used for identifying the differences between the baseline and target architecture. - Migration Planning Techniques — This set of techniques help in migration planning in Phases E and F.28 - Interoperability Requirements — This technique describes a procedure for determining interoperability requirements. - Business Transformation Readiness Assessment — This technique describes the procedure for identifying business transformation issues. - Risk Management — This technique provides the routine for managing risk during an architecture or business transformation project. - Capability-based Planning — This technique describes the routine of capability-based planning. Additional guidelines and techniques are available in the TOGAF Library (for example, guidelines and techniques for Business Scenarios) The TOGAF Library ( includes an evolving list of documents providing suggestion and guidance for the application of the TOGAF framework within specific context

What is Architecture according TOGAF

The STRUCTURE of components, their inter-RELATIONSHIPS, and the PRINCIPLES and GUIDELINES governing their DESIGN and EVOLUTION over time.

Architecture Domain

The architectural area being considered. The TOGAF framework has four primary architecture domains: business, data, application, and technology.

Architectural style

The combination of distinctive features related to the specific context within which architecture is performed or expressed; a collection of principles and characteristics that steer or constrain how an architecture is formed.

Architecture Development Method

The core of the TOGAF framework. A multi-phase, iterative approach to develop and use an Enterprise Architecture to shape and govern business transformation and implementation projects.

Target Architecture

The description of a future state of the architecture being developed for an organization.


The discipline of monitoring, managing, and steering a business (or IS/IT landscape) to deliver the business outcome required.


The highest level (typically) of description of an organization and typically covers all missions and functions. An enterprise will often span multiple organizations.

Architecture governance

The practice of monitoring and directing architecture-related work.

enterprise continuum (architecture continuum, solutions continuum) ARCHITECTURE CONTINUUM classification of architectures of different levels 1. foundation architectures 2. common system architectures - industry Architectures 3. industry architecture 3. organizations architecture SOLUTION CONTINUUM represents the IMPLEMENTATION of architecture from architecture continuum at the right level. 1. products and services 2. system solutions 3. industry solutions 4. organization solutions Architecture continuum guides Solution continuum

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