Total Parenteral Nutrition

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The volume of total parental nutrition falls within which of the following ranges?

1,000 to 3,000 mL

Which of the following is the maximum final concentration of carbohydrates infused in a peripheral line?


When compounding a total parenteral nutrition solution, a pharmacy technician adds both calcium and phosphate at the same time, causing cloudiness. Which of the following actions should the technician take to avoid this incompatibility?

Add calcium at one end of the preparation and phosphate at the other end

A pharmacy technician is explaining why early gravity fill methods of total parenteral nutrition compounding had high risk for error and contamination. Which of the following information should the technician include?

All additives were added to the bag by hand

A nurse is administering a total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solution via a central line. For which of the following reasons is a central line used instead of a peripheral line?

Blood flow is much higher in a central line than in a peripheral line

Which of the following is an electrolyte commonly found in total parenteral nutrition?


The following is an example of a chemical in compatibility?

Medication degradation

Which of the following determines whether a total parenteral nutrition solution can be administered peripherally?


A pharmacy technician is explaining how automated total parenteral nutrition (TPN) compounders measure the amount of fluid used to prepare a compound. Which of the following information should the technician include?

The machines use specific gravity and weights to fill TPN orders, resulting in fewer manipulations and fewer errors

Antagonist effects occurring in a total parenteral nutrition solution are due to which of the following conditions?

Therapeutic incompatibility

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