Ultimate guide

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(especially of material or a garment) able to stretch or be stretched easily get over I love this red color and let's just say it is flattering on the booty. It's so s_______ and so comfortable


(of a part of one's body) painful or aching Get back into the gym, do a crazy workout and then you can't work out for two weeks because you're hella s____

tons of

a lot of something; a large amount of something I t____ __ playlists on my free time just for my own enjoymen


enjoy, dance to, or feel inspired by popular music You know we're, v_____ we're v______


exuding, soaked in, or inducing sweat And yeah after 15 minutes you should be a good amount of s______ but also warmed up

teared muscles

A muscle tear refers to soft tissue damage that has been done to a muscle or its tendons That's why you need rest days because if you're working out every single day your body doesn't have time to repair those t_______ ________

shout out

a mention, credit, or greeting, typically one made over the radio or during a live performance Also s___ ____ to gymshark for sponsoring today's video

lose the spark

Lose the enthusiasm You're out of the honeymoon phase, it's starting to l____ ___ _______


exactly If you think that you're gonna see results in l________ a week you should just stop now, okay, because that's just never gonna happen

big girl pants

The ability to behave as a mature adult woman should I need to set alarms like an hour or 30 minutes before I have to work out because when I hear that blaring sound I'm like okay it's go time i g____ go, get ready, i g_____ take my pre-workout, i g____ go work out

jump roping

The activity, game or exercise in which a person must jump, bounce or skip repeatedly while a length of rope is swung over and under So i started j___ ________, sprinting, which is a big deal because you all know anything about me i hate running like, and even boxing.


The core muscles align the spine, ribs, and pelvis of a person to resist a specific force, whether static or dynamic So first is knee to elbow make sure that you're really twisting and really squeezing your c___, make sure that your elbow is touching your knee


To hurry; to move quickly, especially to leave I have so many days where I wake up and the last thing i want to do is get out of my bed, let alone, h___ my ass to the gym, to put my body in pain for like an hour, you know.

find yourself

To learn, or attempt to learn, what kind of person one is and what one wants in life A few days goes by, a few weeks goes by, a few months goes by. Maybe even a year goes by and you f___ ________ feeling super unmotivated and an in fitness sslump.


a device moved by persons treading on steps set around the rim of a wide wheel or by animals walking on an endless belt So before we lift some weights we're going to start off on the t________


a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome It saves a lot of stress and a______


a large muscle of the buttocks doing squats make sure that you're squeezing the g________


a long metal bar to which discs of varying weights are attached at each end, used for weightlifting The sight of a dumbbell or a b______ like i just wanted to fling that out the window.


a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offence That is my e_____ as to why i spend so much on workout clothes i should probably stop.


a routine task, especially a household one And so it's important to make working out not something like a c_____ or something like annoying that you have to do.

vicious cycle

a sequence of reciprocal cause and effect in which two or more elements intensify and aggravate each other, leading inexorably to a worsening of the situation I've been through that slump so many times working out like crazy and then stopping, and then getting back into it and then stopping. It's just a v_________ ______


a short bar with a weight at each end, used typically in pairs for exercise or muscle-building The sight of a d________ or a barbell like i just wanted to fling that out the window.

bulgarian split squats

a single-leg squat variation that uses your bodyweight to activate muscle groups throughout your entire body Next we're doing b________ ____ s______ three sets of ten

ups and downs

a succession of both good and bad experiences There's gonna be u___, there's gonna be d____ but if you look at your overall journey from point a to point z you see how far you've come, and that's what's important.


a useful piece of information, especially about how to do something or about the likely winner of a race or competition And my last t__ is that when you look cute you feel cute and sometimes that's enough to make you want to work out.


a visit to a particular website on the internet And if you're looking for cute workout clothes h__ gymshark. Their matching sets are everything.

money off

an agreement between a business and customer in which the customer can buy something for less than the usual price Also don't forget to use my code lena 10 for m_____ ___


an inclined surface or plane; a slope, especially on a road or railway I put three for speed, 12 for the i_______ for 15 minutes

however long

an unspecified period of time, as much time as is needed So listen, i don't care if your break was a few days or maybe even a year, h______ _____ it was, it was a necessary break for you.


anywhere a person feels especially safe and serene When I'm at the gym it's like my space, it's like my s________.


before an action or event; in advance There are a lot of ways to create your discipline in your fitness journey. First is to write out your workouts b_________


cause (someone) to feel very enthusiastic and eager When you're in it for so long the same things don't e______ you as much anymore.

start off

cause someone or something to begin to operate or do something I know that I have at first you s_____ ___, you're in the groove, you're working out all the time you're eating healthy, you're feeling super motivated and then, one day, you decide to take a break.


come or bring to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration So we've all been there you know. I know that I have at first you start off, you're in the groove, you're working out all the time you're eating healthy, you're feeling super motivated and then, one day, you d______ to take a break.

stick to

continue or confine oneself to doing or using a particular thing This is going to be your guide on how to get out of your fitness slump, get motivated and actually s_____ __ your workout goals

keep on

continue to do something It's going to take hard work it's going to take discipline, you're gonna have to k___ __ going even when you don't see results right away.


crouch or sit with one's knees bent and one's heels close to or touching one's buttocks or the back of one's thighs I remember when I used to do like two s_____ and then I would check in the mirror right after and be like oh my god did my booty get bigger


described as or proclaimed to be such by oneself, without endorsement by others I am a s___-___________ master spotify playlist maker. I make tons of playlists on my free time just for my own enjoymen


enhancing someone's appearance I love this red color and let's just say it is f________ on the booty. It's so stretchy and so comfortable


feel or declare that (someone or something) is responsible for a fault or wrong You need to get out of that b_______ mindset and you need to forgive yourself. Ease into it


form into a bent, curling, or distorted shape So first is knee to elbow make sure that you're really t______ and really squeezing your core, make sure that your elbow is touching your knee


have got a So sometimes you just g_____ pop some pre-workout in and get your butt into the gym

goblet squats

hold the weight in front of your chest with both hands So next we're going to be doing g______ _______. Here i'm using just a 30 pound weight i usually do 50 pounds


in every part of (a place or object) So the first one i feel this so hard and i felt this so many times t_________ my fitness journey like i don't even know how to count.

get out

leave, escape This is going to be your guide on how to g__ ___ of your fitness slump, get motivated and actually stick to your workout goals

hip thrust

lower body exercise that specifically activates your gluteal muscles, including the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus We're gonna go straight into the workout so we're gonna do one and one fourth h__ _______

spice it up

make more interesting So like a long-term relationship you gotta s____ __ __, you gotta make it fun.


make or cause to make a loud, harsh sound I need to set alarms like an hour or 30 minutes before I have to work out because when I hear that b______ sound I'm like okay it's go time i gotta go, get ready, i gotta take my pre-workout, i gotta go work out


not involving anyone or anything else; only And second you cannot s______ rely on motivation to keep you going in your fitness journey.


not rated or valued highly enough And another tip is to make workout playlists. This is so u__________


now So I'm guessing you clicked on this video because you're c_________ in a fitness slump right now

to be in the groove

performing very well, excellent; also, in fashion, up-to-date So we've all been there you know. I know that I have at first you start off, you ___ __ _ g________, you're working out all the time you're eating healthy, you're feeling super motivated and then, one day, you decide to take a break.

put on

place a garment, piece of jewellery, etc. on part of one's body I love p____ __ new workout gear, it just makes me more excited and when I feel like a baddie I'm like ready to crush my workout.

work out

practice or exercise, or improve one's fitness for athletic competition, ability, or performance Maybe you're taking a break from w_______ ___, feeling super unmotivated and don't know how to get back in it?


put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect So it's important to try new things and i________ new things into your workout routine.


put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position Also s__ alarms so if you guys want to see what my alarm looks, like it just keeps going, wait this is not even all of it

get back

return, revert Maybe you're taking a break from working out, feeling super unmotivated and don't know how to g__ ______in it?

figure out

solve a problem or discover the answer to a question I probably have like a hundred different workouts written out in my phone and that way before you go to the gym you already know what workout you're doing and so you don't have to like be in the gym trying to f_____ __ ___


something stylish; clothes I love putting on new workout g___, it just makes me more excited and when I feel like a baddie I'm like ready to crush my workout.


take into account; include Every workout counts, every win c_______ in your fitness journey


taking everything into account There's gonna be ups, there's gonna be downs but if you look at your o_______ journey from point a to point z you see how far you've come, and that's what's important.


the competitive athletic sport of running distances of 400 metres or less So i started jump roping, s________, which is a big deal because you all know anything about me i hate running like, and even boxing.


the distinctive taste of a food or drink My favorite is oxyshred and it's in the f________ lychee daiquiri.


the established set of attitudes held by someone And when you get into that m______ it just continues and then you continue to give yourself a break until you just fully feel so unmotivated that you don't even want to get back into it anymore


the sport or activity of lifting barbells or other heavy weights. There are two standard lifts in modern weightlifting: the single-movement lift from floor to extended position (the snatch ), and the two-movement lift from floor to shoulder position, and from shoulders to extended position (the clean and jerk ) Like just a few months back i became so sick of w______________ like you guys don't understand, okay?

lack of

the state of being without or not having enough of something The last reason is l___ __ discipline and not seeing results

ease into something

to become or help someone to become familiar with something new You need to get out of that blaming mindset and you need to forgive yourself. E_____ __ ___________

hypes someone up

to deliberately make them very excited about something So before you go work out you know curate your own playlist, make it cute, put a cute cover on it, put your favorite music like the music that h____ _____ __, put that in the playlist and blast it in your headphones.

rely on

to depend on or trust someone or something And second you cannot solely r______ ___ motivation to keep you going in your fitness journey.

pop something in

to do something or to come or go somewhere for a brief visit or purpose So sometimes you just gotta p___ s_______ pre-workout __ and get your butt into the gym

finish off

to do the last part of something; to make something end by doing one last thing And then we're going to f_____ ___ with some abs

drill into

to force (something) to be learned very well by (someone) by repeating it again and again And that's something you need to d______ ______ your head.

fling something out

to get rid of something you do not want, or to make someone leave a place when they do not want to The sight of a dumbbell or a barbell like i just wanted to f_____ _______ ___ the window.

fitness slump

to loose motivation or dedication for a short period of time So I'm guessing you clicked on this video because you're currently in a f________ ________ right now

bob the head

to move your head down and then back up again in a short quick movement as a way of greeting someone or showing agreement or respect I'm there to work out and have a good time so sometimes I like dance to my music, I like b__ _____ _____ to the music in between my sets.

get back on track

to return to the right path, or the right direction ultimate guide to g__ ____ __ ____


to start I love putting on new workout gear, it just makes me more excited and when I feel like a baddie I'm like ready to c____ my workout.

take a break

to stop doing something for a short period of time The first is that you t_____ _ _____ from working out and can't find motivation to get back in it.

jump straight into

to suddenly decide to do something, especially without thinking about it carefully I usually do like two three plates but this time i did a plate and a 25 because you don't want to j___ s______ ____ the heavy weight you were doing before

blast in headphones

to turn on loud music; listening to music really loud through your earbuds or headphones Like b_____ it __ h___________ your way to the gym in the car get, yourself hyped up, get yourself excited


unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses This last tip I'm gonna be a little h_____, okay?


used to emphasize or express anger or frustration with someone or something You're probably growing bored of your routine and this is because you're probably getting tired of doing the same d___ thing every single time you're working out.

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