Unit 1 - Ch. 12, 14

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Who was Hernan Cortes?

- conqueror of Mexico - believed that Spanish rulers should instruct native Mexicans on Catholicism

What were the similarities b/w the Aztecs and the Inca?

built waterways, elaborate stone structures, Aztecs had lords over territories + Inca had realm and provinces, conquered by Spaniards, smallpox

What was the impact of the Hundred Years' War on France?

- depopulation, desolate farmlands, ruined commerce - independent and unruly nobility-> hard for kings to assert power, degree of French national feeling

At what age did women marry, and why were husbands generally older?

- 16-18 years old - factors of environment, wealth, and demographic trends

Where were the Inca located as compared to the Aztecs? Who was their ruler and what was their population?

- Aztecs located in modern Mexico vs. Inca loacted in w. South America - ruler was Pachakuti - 12 million

B/w Protestants and Catholics, who had the higher missionary drive? Why did natives choose to convert to Christianity? What effects did this have on them?

- Catholics had a higher drive - natives had incentives: missions, education, hospitals - natives were seen as objects

What group opposed the mistreatment of the Natives? Who ended the encomienda system?

- Dominican friars - Bartolome de Las Casas (Dominican friar) championed the Indians in his publications - gov. abolished the system

What were some of the early types of books printed on the Gutenberg press?

- Gutenberg's Bible (1455/1456) - half were religious and the other half were Latin and Greek classics

What led Europe to voyage into the Atlantic? When did they begin doing this?

- Middle Ages' literature described lands outside of Europe with precious goods - overland routes closed-> govs. and merchants interested in traveling to Asia by sea for econ. gain - begun in the late 15th cen.

START OF CH. 14 Who was Ferdinand Magellan? Who funded his voyage? What happened to him? Why was he such a sig. historical figure?

- Portuguese explorer that was on a mission to find a sea passage to Asia through America - King of Spain funded his voyage - found the strait in 1520, then traveled through the Pacific Sea to the Spice Islands and the Philippines - natives killed him - 1st person to circumnavigate the world

What kingdom was an early leader in navigation and expansion? Where did they set up their trading posts? What kinds of items were they primarily interested in bringing back to Europe?

- Portuguese led by Prince Henry the Navigator - posts set up along the African coast - ivory, gold, and slaves

Who were the conquistadors and what allowed them to excel in taking over new lands?

- Spanish conquerers motivated by 3-G's - great weapons, organization, and determination

Where were the Spain and Portugal settlements located? What did the Treaty of Tordesillas do?

- Spanish had most of s. America and the route across the Atlantic, Portugal had e. around the Cape of Good Hope - divided the Americas into separate Portuguese and Spanish influences

Where did the Spanish set up their overseas colonies and why? Who funded Columbus' voyage and why?

- Spanish: Mesoamerica, wanted to access the spice trade - Columbus: Queen Isabella of Spain to gain 3-G's

Where were the Aztecs located? Describe them.

- Valley of Mexico - highly advanced civilization that benefitted from trade routes, conquered modern Mexico, and were warriors

What replaced the encomienda system? How did it operate?

- administrative system based on viceroys - 2 major admin. units: Peru and Spain - units govnd. by viceroys and were aided by advisory audiences who were judicial bodies

Who was Ptolemy? Why was the use of his invention by navigators ironic for the 15th cen.?

- astronomer of the 2nd cen. - created a map called "Ptolemy" - ironic because he was an astronomer

Describe some of the improvements to shipbuilding that allowed Europeans to venture across the seas?

- axial rudder - lateen sails-> helped ships embark in naval warfare and long distances - compass and astrolabe

What are the portolani or portolan charts? What qualities did they have?

- charts made by medieval navigators and mathematicians in the 13-14th cen. - specialized in coastal contours, distances b/w ports, and compass readings - drawn flat and only good for Euro. voyages

What is the encomienda system? How was running it in the New World different than if it were in Spain?

- economic and social system that permitted the conquering Spaniards to collect tribute from the Indians and use them as laborers, in return the Spaniards pay, protect, and help the Indians' spirital needs - settlers ignored Spanish gov. and pursued their own interests

Why was the Peace of Lodi (1454) significant?

- ended half a cen. of war - system of a balance of powers: preventing the aggrandizement of any one state

Explain the role of smallpox in conquering the New World.

- greater weapon that technological advances - 30-40% of local population died-> conquering through lowering pop. - weak after they recovered and easily conquerable

Describe the problem Louis XI faced in trying to suppress the power of the nobility? Who was the problem? What brought an end to the problem?

- his vassal Charles the Bold tried to create a middle kingdom b/w France and Germany - Charles was killed fighting the Swiss in 1477

Explain the concept of humanism and what did it characterize?

- intellectual movement based off of classical antiquity - studied the 7 humanities: grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy, ethics, history

What allowed the Portuguese to be so successful on the high seas?

- intimidate enemies w/ use of weaponry and firearms - superior naval technology

Who were the condottiere and why were they able to play a major role throughout the Italian peninsula?

- leaders of mercenary soldiers - created centralized state in Venice by taxation

Describe and explain the new artistic standards that arose during the Renaissance.

- naturalism: the imitation of nature - human beings became the center - monumental figures - relationship b/w figures and landscape - perspective, movement, realistic

Did the Aztecs and the multiple dozens of other tribes in the New World get along with one another? How did the affect European settlement?

- no, they had a loose political organization and many city-states were tired of the oppressive Aztec rule - not united-> made it easier for the Spanish to conquer

START OF CH. 12 What does the word Renaissance mean and why was the term used?

- rebirth - rebirth of antiquity of a Greco-Roman civilization, individuality, and secularism

What was the Hanseatic League? How many members by 1500? Over what goods did it have a monopoly? What led to its decline?

- the Hansa were a number of n. German costal towns forming a commercial and military association - over 80 cities - monopoly on trade in timber, fish, grain, metals, honey, and wines - 15th cen silting of the port caused a slow decline + unable to compete with developing larger territorial states

What is religious zeal? Why were Spanish and Portuguese so interested in the business of crusades?

- the pursuit of converting heathens to christianity, save their souls, increase faith, and spread light - had a crusading mentality as the Muslims had been driven out in the Middle Ages

How were the great artists such as Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo viewed by the public? Explain the financial gains of artists.

- viewed as divine and highly respected - profited and rose to the upper-class where they became more aware of new intellectual theories-> embodied in their art - gained political power

What was the relationship b/w Montezuma and Cortes? How did it end?

- when Cortes arrived at Tenochitlan (Aztec capital), Montezuma believed he was a god from the past-> given gold and a place to stay - Spanish took Montezuma hostage and pillaged the city, in 1520 (one year later) Spanish were driven out

How did Henry VII strengthen monarchical power?

1. Abolished livery and maintenance: wealthy aristocrats maintained private armies of followers dedicated to the service of their lord 2. Relied on special commissions to trusted nobles to raise troops 3. Est. court of Star Chamber where he controlled the nobles with torture

What did the Sejm do after 1511?

1. Magnates reduced the peasantry to serfdom 2. est. the right to elect kings

What were the 5 major Italian states and what regions did they occupy?

1. Milan - northern 2. Venice - northern 3. Florence - Tuscany 4. Papal States - central 5. Naples - southern, island of Sicily

By the end of Henry VII's reign, the royal treasury had a surplus. How did he accomplish this?

1. Used diplomacy to avoid expensive wars, avoided asking Parliament for funds 2. Didn't overburden citizens with taxes 3. Extracted income from the traditional resources of an English monarch: crown lands, judicial feeds/fines, customs duties

What were the 4 results of printing?

1. encouraged the development of scholarly research and the desire to attain knowledge 2. produced standardized texts 3. developed an ever-expanding lay-reading public 4. spread the new religious ideas of the Reformation in the 16th cen.

What were the 3 characteristics of a Renaissance Man according to "The Book of the Courtier?"

1. endowments(qualities): impeccable character, grace, talents, and noble birth 2. achievements: military/bodily exercises, classical education, arts 3. follow standard of conduct: make good impressions while remaining modest

What actions did King Charles VII of France take to strengthen his power? What impact did this have on the Estates-General?

1. established a royal army 2. levy taille (annual tax on land or property) w/o any need for approval from Estates-General Impact: E-G had no control over French money and taxation

Why was it difficult for e. European rulers to centralize control over their territories?

1. pop. was mostly Slavic, but islands of other ethic groups caused difficulties 2. religious differences troubled the area: Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Christian, Pagan

Why did the New World come to be named America?

Amerigo Vespucci (Florence) wrote literature describing the geography of the New World - America after Amerigo

List and explain the 5 characteristics of the Renaissance.

1. secularism: drift away from God-centered thinking 2. Italian city-states: had a political evolution where they became the centers of political, econ., social, and cultural life 3. individuality: human dignity, potential, well-rounded 4. revival of Greek + Roman culture from the ancient Med. world 5. reconcile pagan philosophy of the antiquity with Christian thought and new views of humanity

END OF CH. 12 When were the Mongols thrown out of the principality of Moscow?


When were the Jews expelled from Spain?


Who were the Medicis?

15th cen. House of Medici was the greatest bank in Europe, controlled industrial enterprises, influenced papal court

Why is Petrarch referred to as the father of Italian Renaissance humanism?

1st to characterize the Middle Ages as a period of darkness, deemed pure classical Latin as a model for humanism

What territories came under Louis XI's royal control during his reign?

Anjou, Maine, Bar, Provence

What were the strongest kingdoms to emerge from the Middle Ages in the Iberian Peninsula (reconquest of Peninsula from Muslims)?

Aragon, Castile, Portugal, Navarre, Granada

What were the accomplishments of Bartholomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama?

Dias: Portuguese sea captain wanted to travel to India around the s. tip of Africa, 1488 rounded the Cape of Good Hope but returned before moving onwards Da Gama: rounded the Cape of Good Hope and stopped along ports and India to find Christians and spices-> no Christians, but returned w/ ginger and cinnamon

What was the significance of Goa and Malacca to the Portuguese?

Goa: Admiral Afonso de Albuquerque set up port facilities at Goa (w. coast of India)-> headquarters for Portuguese ops. throughout the region Malacca: 1511 Albuquerque voyaged to this port on the Malay peninsula (under control by Muslim rule and a spice trading port)-> killed off the Arabs and weakened Arabian control over the spice trade

Primary motives for European expansion - 3 G's?

God, Glory, Gold

Why did Isabella and Ferdinand want to control the Catholic Church in Spain?

church had vast power and wealth

Beginning in 1438, which dynasty controlled the HRE?

Habsburg dynasty

Explain the relevance of the quote "leave the waging of wars to others! but you, happy Austria marry..."

Habsburg's gained success not by military but by dynastic marriages

Who won the War of the Roses? From which family was the new king and what was the dynasty he established called?

Henry Tudor defeated the last York king Richard III, est. the new Tudor dynasty-> King Henry VII

King Matthias Corvinus in the 15th cen. centralized his power over what country?


What is the HRE Reichstag?

Imperial diet or Parliament

The princes of where, rose to power by allying with the Mongol Khans?


In what ways was northern art different than Italian art?

Northern: emotional intensity, religious feeling, piety figures, no values or power, landscapes Italian: realistic, idolization of human form, Greek and Roman figures, humanism, secularism

END OF CH. 14 Columbian Exchange

Old->New: technological advancement, livestock, wheat, disease New->Old: precious metals/stone, new crops, chocolate, tobacco, potatoes, cochineal (red dye), coffee/tea, customs

What was kept separate by each kingdom?

Parliaments, courts, laws, coinage, speech, customs, political organs

Who created Russian principality?

Prince Ivan III

Who controlled the Sejm?


Concern over the authenticity of Jewish conversion to Christianity led to what in 1478 in Spain?

Spanish Inquisition-> guarantee orthodoxy of converts, no authority over practicing Jews

Following the Hundred Years' War what event caused major domestic problems for England? Which royal families were fighting one another?

War of the Roses: series of English Civil Wars pitted the House of Lancaster against the House of York

When were the Muslims expelled from Spain?

attacked last Muslim kingdom of Granada (11 years) until it fell in 1492, 1502 they were expelled

In 1271, Marco Polo ventured to visit the Mongols in e. Asis. What happened in the 14th cen. that stifled overland travels to the e. from Europe?

conquests of Ottoman Turks and the breakup of the Mongol Empire in the 14th cen-> w. traffic to the e. slowed

What kind of union was created by the marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon?

dynastic union

What kinds of items did Europeans have a high demand for that were supplied by the East?

e. precious metals, spices, and elaborate material goods

How did children become adults?

father would go before a judge and emancipate them, early teens to late 20s

Why was king Louis XI known as the spider king?

he had wily and devious ways

Of what subjects did the liberal arts curriculum consist?

history, moral philosophy, eloquence (rhetoric), letters (grammar and logic), poetry, math, astronomy, and music

Defne civic humanism.

humanists should be involved in government and use their rhetorical training in the service of the state

Whose support did Henry VII have by the end of his reign enabling him to leave England stable and prosperous?

landed gentry and middle classes

Who went to school?

males geared for the education of an elite-> ruling classes

What was the Polish Sejm?

national diet of Poland

What is meant by l'uomo universale?

one who had a high regard for human dignity, worth, and potential; capable of achievements in many areas of life

Why did women fear childbirth?

painful and deadly, 10% of women died in childbirth

Henry the Navigator?

prince from Portugal who explored the coast of Africa to look for a Christian kingdom as an ally against the Muslims, gaining opp. for trade, and spreading Christianity

How were Isabella and Ferdinand able to make the strongest army in the 16th cen.?

replaced undisciplined feudal levies with a professional royal army


revival of Plationic philosophy, associated with Ficino who attempted to synthesize Christianity and Platonism, humans reflecting the divine


sciences mixed with theological and philosophical beliefs

How did Spanish monarchs make the clergy instruments of their power?

secured from the pope the right to select the most important church officials in Spain-> guaranteeing creation of Spanish Catholic Church


seeing divinity embodied in all aspects of nature, heavenly bodies, and earthly objects

Why did Isabella and Ferdinand expel jews and Muslims in Spain?

strict religious uniformity-> create unity, bolster royal power

How did Isabella and Ferdinand try to strengthen their royal power?

stripped the royal council of aristocrats and filled with middle-class lawyers-> operated on belief that monarchy embodied state power

How did Louis XI maintain a constant income?

taille became a permanent tax imposed by royal authority

Why did the Bohemians ally themselves with the Poles and Slovaks?

they were a part of the HRE but distrusted the Germans, close ethnic ties

What kind of problem did HRE Maximilian I face when trying to centralize or increase his power?

tried to create institutions that were common to the entire empire, opposition from the German princes

What were some important Italian goods and industries?

wollen industry; developed and expanded luxury industries like silk, glassware, handworked metals/stones; mining, printing, metallurgy

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