Unit 1

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Why is it important to build rest into an exercise program?

- Allows your muscles to recuperate (lactic acid). - Prevents injuries/ DOMS. - Allows you to have a good workout after resting - Resting allows you to build strength

How do you do when it comes to evaluating health information? Do you ever look up health information on the Internet? If so, do you follow the strategies suggested in the box? Were there any ideas about evaluating health information that you had not previously considered?

- Can be skeptical and research website and educate yourself by seeing if it's trust worthy. - Check to see who runs website gov, education, medical association? - How often is it updated? Info accurate? Good quality? - What are other sources opinion about the topic?

What are three steps you can take to overcome a lapse or a relapse in your behavior-change program?

- Having a plan - Staying motivated - Give yourself credit

Which of the following statements about tobacco use is most accurate?

It is associated with 9 of the top 10 causes of death in the United States.

Which one of the following statements about cooling down is true?

It restores circulation to that of the normal resting condition.

The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) is designed to..

determine whether exercise is safe for you.

benefits of physical fitness

- Overall health and physical fitness - Reduces risk of chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes - Improves body composition, bone health and immune system - Improves sleep and reduces stress

Demensions of wellness

- Physical - Emotional - Intellectual - Interpersonal - Cultural - Spiritual - Environment - Financial - Occupational

Health Appraisal purpose

- Safety - Risk factor identification (hyperlipidemia, hypertension) - Exercise Prescription and programming

Positive risk factor

- age: men > 45 yrs, women >55 - family hx of MI, sudden death < 55 for men <65 for female in first degree level - cigarette smoking - physical inactivity doing less than 30 min x 3 days a week - obesity: BMI > 30 or waist girth > 102 cm - hypertension: SBP > 140 DBP > 90 - dyslipidemia: LDL > 130 or HDL < 40 - Diabetes: fasting glucose plasma > 126 or oral glucose tolerance test > 200

Negative risk factors

- high serums HDL cholesterol > 60 mg/dL

Component of health related fitness

- muscular strength/endurance - body composition -flexibility - cardio resp endurance

Principles of physical training

- specificity - progressive overload - reversibility - individual differences

the five leading causes of death among Americans into the correct order

1. heart disease 2. cancer 3. chronic respiratory disease 4. accidents 5. stroke

How much physical activity per week is enough to reduce all-cause mortality?

150 minutes

People who stop exercising can expect to lose up to 50 percent of their fitness improvement within..

2 months

Under the Affordable Care Act, students can stay on their parents' health insurance plan until age..


As compared to inactive people, active people have a ____ percent lower risk of dying.


Signs and symptoms importance/ examples

: S&S of CVD automatically require medical clearance for physical participation - Angina or discomfort in chest. neck, jaw, arms - SOB at rest or mild exertion - Dizziness or syncope - Orthopnea - Ankle edema

Muscular endurance is the..

: ability to resist fatigue and sustain a given level of muscular tension over time

Risk factors importance

: important element in determining participant safety - HHQ is reviewed to determine presence/ absence of CVD risk factors - + = bad - - = good

Emotional Wellness

Ability to understand/deal with feelings

In which group is hypertension most prevalent?

African American

Intellectual Wellness

An active mind able to detect problems, find solutions, and direct behavior

A regular exercise program will cancel out the negative effects of sitting too much during the day.


A warm-up reduces the temperature of muscles.


About 50 percent of Americans are overweight...


Cardiorespiratory endurance training is the best way to increase muscle mass?


Experts agree that leisure-time activity is sufficient to maintain physical fitness.


Food rewards are highly recommended for successful behavior change...


Lifestyle physical activities like washing one's car or climbing stairs make up the tip of the physical activity pyramid...


Most health problems occur at the same rate for men and women...


Muscular strength is the ability to sustain a given level of muscular tension for a long period of time or to contract a muscle repeatedly.


Reports that use language such as "dramatic proof" or "breakthroughs" often indicate credible health findings.


The benefits of exercise on brain health is seen exclusively in older adults.


Thirty minutes of physical activity per day is sufficient to maintain weight loss for most people?


To obtain fitness benefits, high-intensity endurance exercise must be done for a minimum of 45-60 minutes per session?


To obtain health benefits, daily physical activity should be done in one session rather than in multiple bouts...


Which of the following is true regarding exercise intensity?

Fitness benefits occur when a person exercises harder than at his or her normal level of activity

Spiritual Wellness

Guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning and purpose to life

Health- vs. Skill-Related Components of Fitness

Health: muscular strength/endurance, body composition, flexibility, cardio resp. endurance Skill: speed, coordination, power, balance, agility

Which of the following is an example of a rationalization?

I couldn't workout today bc I had to visit a friend.

Which of the following goals best follows SMART criteria for behavior change?

I will run three times a week for 30 minutes.

Which of the following is an example of procrastination?

I'd better wait until after the semester break to start my exercise program

Physical Wellness

Includes fitness level and ability to care for one's self

Which of the following statements about interpersonal wellness is accurate?

It involves developing a network of caring people.

Joy received a D on her test. She was very disappointed but explained to friends, "I know I did not put enough time into studying. I want to get better grades, so I will spend more time studying for the next exam." Which of the following best describes Joy?

Joy has internal locus of control

PAR-Q importance

Minimum requirement for all moderate intensity program. May require physician clearance - you should review responses and confirm accuracy

In which group is diabetes most prevalent?

Native Americans

Another name for cycle training is..


action stage

Stage of change in which people are actively changing a negative behavior or adopting a new, healthy behavior - Greatest stage for relapse

A goal of the Healthy People initiative is to eliminate health disparities among Americans.


A healthy diet provides sufficient energy without too many of the dietary substances that can cause disease.


During the maintenance phase of an exercise program, the body adjusts to a new type and level of activity.


Exercise can help overcome the negative effects of a poor diet on brain health.


Moderate levels of physical activity can improve brain health and function...


Power is defined as the ability to exert force rapidly based on a combination of strength and speed?


Prevention is the most effective way of dealing with chronic disease...


Schools and universities must make reasonable accommodations to give students with disabilities equal access to sports and physical education.


Swimming and jogging are examples of activities that develop cardiorespiratory endurance...


The three phases of an exercise program are the beginning, progress, and maintenance phases.


When working on a computer, watching TV, or engaging in other sedentary activities, you should make sure that you don't sit for longer than an hour at a time...


With modification, people with disabilities can participate in sports and recreational activities like horseback riding, golfing, swimming, and skiing..


Woman are more likely to be afflicted with Alzheimer's disease than men are....


You can use a step counter to track your general activity level.


Appropriate stress management can lead to..

a decreased susceptibility to diseases

behavioral change

a lifestyle management process that involves cultivating healthy behaviors and working to overcome unhealthy ones

The key to a successful behavior-change program is..

a plan that sets goals

Goal Setting Theory

a theory that says that specific and difficult goals, with feedback, lead to higher performance

Interpersonal Wellness

ability to develop and maintain satisfying and supportive relationships

Financial Wellness

ability to live within one's means and manage money to gain peace of mind

Cultural Wellness

accepting, valuing, and celebrating different cultural ways

The three leading causes of death for young Americans ages 15 to 24 are..

accidents, suicide and homicide

Muscular strength is the..

amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort

physical activity

any form of movement that causes your body to use energy

You are more likely to achieve your physical fitness goals if the goals...

are clear and important to you personally.

A friend tells you that a new miracle pill helped him lose fifteen pounds in a month, and now you want to try it. What is the best way to ensure the reliability of this product?

ask your dr about this product

The first step in creating a successful fitness program is to..

assess your current fitness level

The time component of the FITT-VP principle for overload in a muscular-strength program is..

based on the number of sets and repetitions of specific exercises

Health Status Questionnaire (HSQ)

basic appraisal medical conditions, characteristics, symptoms and behaviors - you should review responses and confirm accuracy

lifestyle change

behaviors that we adapt based on the context of our life circumstances

A disease that develops and continues over a long period of time is a(n)..

chronic disease

What activities best develop cardiorespiratory endurance?

continuous, rhythmic movements of large muscle groups

The maximum amount that you can borrow at any one time is known as your..

credit limit

Which of the following is not a benefit of physical fitness?

decreased lung capacity

All of the following are positive effects that exercise has on the brain except

decreased nervous system plasticity

Environment Wellness

defined by the livability of surroundings

Compared to men, women are at greater risk for..


Reports from various health-related agencies and associations recommend the following for achieving substantial health benefits:

doing at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity.

Specificity of training is best shown by which of the following examples?

doing push-ups to develop chest and shoulder endurance

What is a good strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight?

effective stress management

What is one way to decrease the amount of time that you are sedentary?

engage in active chores

In order to experience improvement in brain health and function, you should..

engage in regular, moderate physical activity.

A key to improving fitness is to

exercise consistently


factors that limit or prevent change

People in the contemplation stage of change are planning to take action within a month.


When setting health and fitness goals, you should do all of the following except..

focus exclusively on long-term goals.

One component of progressive overload is


A trustworthy, health-related website should be updated..


Reports by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, American College of Sports Medicine, the American Heart Association, and the U.S. Surgeon General's office include all of the following exercise recommendations except

getting at least 90 minutes of intense exercise per day.

preperational stage

getting ready to make a life style change

Older adults tend to lose muscular strength due to the muscle cells..

getting smaller in size

Which phrase describes the number of days that you have to pay your credit card bill before interest, late fees, or other penalties are charged?

grace period

Experts recommend that people increase their level of physical activity

gradually with moderate-intensity exercise on a regular schedule.

Donna is about twenty-five pounds overweight, has tried a variety of diets, and has repeatedly failed to maintain weight loss. She defends her weight with the explanation that almost all of her relatives are overweight and none of her relatives has ever been successful with attempts to lose weight. Donna can best be described as..

having external locus of control

Leading cause of death in the US

heart disease

Less income and education have what effect on wellness?

higher rates of many diseases

Overuse or overtraining injuries are most likely to occur when you..

increase the intensity of exercise before increasing the duration and frequency of exercise.

Which aspect of wellness includes the ability to think critically?

intellectual wellness

If you must temporarily reduce the frequency or duration of your regular exercise, which of the following factors should be maintained while the others are curtailed?


The ability to establish and maintain satisfying relationships is a component of __________ wellness.


Data from the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee support an ______ relationship between physical activity and all-cause mortality.


Which of the following statements about the maintenance stage of the transtheoretical model is accurate?

it can last for months or years

As compared to able-bodied individuals, exercise and physical activity for those with disabilities is...

just as, if not more, important

Occupational wellness includes the..

level of happiness and fulfillment you gain through your work.

What is the figurative "place" considered responsible for events in a person's life called?

locus of control

Which of the following is a feature of financial wellness?

managing debt

When developing a plan of action for behavior change, you should..

modify your environment as necessary.

The order in which the steps in a behavior-change program are implemented is..

monitor behavior, analyze data, set goals, devise a plan, and make a contract.

Which of the following best defines physical activity?

movement carried out by the skeletal muscles that requires energy

Healthy body composition is best characterized by a high proportion of...

muscle, bone, and water and a low proportion of fat.

Factors involved in wellness..

often interact with each other

If you carry a balance and are incurring finance charges on your credit card, you are..

paying back much more than the amount of your initial loan.

health-related fitness

physical capacities that contribute to health

Exercise refers to physical activity that is..

planned, structured, and repetitive

Of the following, which is the best predictor of premature death?

poor fitness

Which of the following best describes a key aspect of spiritual wellness?

possession of a set of beliefs that give meaning to life

Transtheoretical Model

precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance

According to the transtheoretical, or "stages of change," model for making changes in behavior, the stage at which people may have begun to make small changes in their behavior but are not yet regular or consistent with those changes is the _______ stage.


When devising a strategy or plan of action, a necessary preparatory step might be..

purchasing walking shoes for a fitness class.


purposeful physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive, and that improves or maintains physical fitness

What does "paying yourself first" every month mean?

putting money into savings before you start paying bills

Which term describes a person's belief in his or her ability to successfully take action and perform a specific task?

self efficacy

Using visualization and getting encouragement from supportive people are strategies for boosting..


The best way to lose body fat is through..

sensible diet and regular exercise

Healthy body composition is best developed by the combination of..

sensible diet, resistance training, and cardiorespiratory endurance exercise.

Which of the following is not a component of health-related fitness?


contemplation stage

stage of change in which people are considering changing behavior in the next 6 months

precontemplation stage

stage of change in which people are unwilling to change their behavior

When choosing a target behavior to change, you maximize your chances of success by..

starting with something simple, like cutting down on unhealthy snacking.

maintenance stage

sustained change over time; begins 6 months after action has started and continues indefinitely

Which of the following best describes emotional wellness?

taking time to explore your thoughts

Which of the following is the best place on an organization's website to learn about its qualifications?

the "About Us" page

Occupational Wellness

the level of happiness and fulfillment you gain through your work

Which of the following describes exercise volume under the FITT-VP overload principle?

the product of frequency, intensity, and time of exercise

Which of the following lifestyle factors contributes to the most deaths among Americans?

tobacco use

Regular exercise is a crucial factor in preventing chronic disease.


In a behavior-change program, a trap related to social influences might be..

trying to get friends or family to change their behavior.

How often should adults do muscle-strengthening activities?

two or more days per week

As you develop an exercise program, you should..

use cycle training to help recover from intense training

Activities on the bottom level of the physical activity pyramid include..

walking, climbing stairs, and yard work.

Physical wellness includes..

your ability to care for yourself.

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