Unit 1 InQuizitive Assignment Government 2305

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Congress wishes to pass a new bill mandating free college tuition for all American citizens. Place the following negative or checking powers in the order in which they would occur.

1) The president vetoes the bill. 2) Congress overrides a presidential veto of the law 3) The Supreme Court finds the law unconstitutional

Since the start of the New Federalism era, how has the Supreme Court ruled regarding the commerce clause of the Constitution?

The Court has limited Congress's ability to use the commerce clause to address national problems

How many of the original 13 states were required to ratify the Constitution in order for it to go into effect?


Which of the following describes how a more powerful national government can benefit citizens?

A powerful national government can better protect the civil rights of its citizens.

Drag the type of government to the practice of power it describes.

A state has the power to veto a law made by the central government. Correct label: confederal A country has a government with political subunits, with each subunit having a degree of autonomy and authority. Correct label: federal A single national government makes all laws. Correct label: unitary

According to the - hypothesis, voters in - states are more secular while voters in -states are more religious.

According to the culture wars hypothesis, voters in blue states are more secular while voters in red states are more religious.

Which of the following is a factor that shifted national and state governments towards cooperative federalism?

As the nation began to face more complex problems in the 1930s and 1940s, multiple levels of government were required to step in.

Click on the arrow in the image below that represents the pathway that has been used most frequently to amend the Constitution.

By at least three-fourths of the state legislative

How can Congress maintain the power of the national government even when the Supreme Court strikes down federal laws?

Congress can clarify its intent to overturn some court cases. Congress can use financial coercion to impose national policies on states.

Watch the animation below, and then choose all of the following that are actual checks in the U.S. government system.

Congress can override a presidential veto with a two-thirds vote in each house. The judicial branch can rule congressional and executive actions unconstitutional.

Which theme of the book applies to the scenario of having government officials elected, rather than appointed by a king?

Political process matters

What type of government did the Articles of Confederation create? The Articles of Confederation left most governing responsibilities to the ______. By creating a confederation, Congress was given ___________________.

The Articles of Confederation left most governing responsibilities to the states. By creating a confederation, Congress was given very little power.

The ability of people to choose their leaders in free and fair elections is -, while - refers to political freedoms and legal rights.

Democracy Liberty

The necessary and proper clause allows Congress to enact laws related to its - powers


When President Obama proposed a plan expanding health insurance coverage for all Americans, which value was he emphasizing?


The United States has a parliamentary system


The arrangement of powers in a federalist system is dynamic and can lead to conflict between levels of government. What aspect of federalism is most commonly disputed in the United States?

How power is divided

Watch the following animation of the How it Works infographic, and answer the following question.

It shows more interaction between levels than the layer cake model. It stresses that cooperation between government levels takes place within each separate policy area.

This branch of government received the least attention in the Constitution and only gained its most important check over the other branches in the 1800s.


The Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution primarily addresses which core American value?


Select all of the following ideas that are found in the Declaration of Independence.

People have certain rights that government cannot take away. Government gains its legitimacy through the consent of the governed.

Which of the following best captures the "melting pot" view of racial and ethnic differences?

People should mostly leave their native languages and customs behind when they come to the US

Match the example with the core concept that it demonstrates.

Politics is conflictual. Correct label: There are very few areas where everyone agrees on what is in the best interest of the public. Correct label: Americans are deeply divided on their views of the availability of abortion. Political process matters. Correct label: The cloture rule in the Senate makes it more difficult to pass new laws. Politics is everywhere. Correct label: The food you had for breakfast was likely subject to regulation by the government.

You and your friends are having an argument over where to go to lunch, so you decide to put it up to a vote. Each of you argues for your favorite before the voting takes place. This example demonstrates which core statement(s) about politics?

Politics is everywhere. Politics is conflictual. Political process matters.

According to advocates of a larger role for state governments, what benefits to the country can stronger state governments offer?

Powerful state governments are a check on national tyranny. States can develop innovative solutions to problems.

How is power distributed in the U.S. federal system?

Powers are divided between the national and state government.

Fill out the Venn diagram to show what powers belong to the states, belong to the national government, or are shared by both.

Powers delegated to the national government: Declaring war Signing an international treaty Shared (concurrent) powers: Collecting taxes Borrowing money Powers Reserved to states: Licensing a lawyer.

What was one way the Federalists cultivated support for the Constitution?

Published federalist papers

Congress has the right to declare war, but the president is the commander in chief of the military. This is a classic example of which kind of power?


In arguing that a Bill of Rights was unnecessary, Federalists used which of the following arguments?

State constitutions already protected such rights. The national government lacked the power to threaten people's liberties. There would be too many rights to try to list them all.

What did the Federalists and the Antifederalists believe about government?

The Antifederalists preferred a decentralized federal government and opposed the Constitution. The Federalists preferred a strong national government and supported the Constitution.

The issue of gun rights has been especially polarizing, and recent mass shootings have increased calls for the government to respond. Which of the following best describes what the framers of the Constitution intended for the Senate's role, and how that role can be seen in the current debate over gun laws?

The Framers intended for the Senate to be less responsive to the demands of the people, which is why the Senate does not need to pass gun laws that reflect the majority of public opinion

What was the justification used by the Roberts court in its majority decision on the Affordable Care Act's second challenge before the Supreme Court?

The court upheld the administrations actions, saying while the wording as written was problematic, the meaning was clear.

The - branch is ultimately the branch responsible for deciding whether an action is constitutional or not. This is because that branch has the power of -.

The judicial branch is ultimately the branch responsible for deciding whether an action is constitutional or not. This is because that branch has the power of judicial review.

Which of the following are examples of states properly exercising their powers in the American federal system?

The state of California requires teachers to obtain particular credentials before they teach in public schools.

Which of the following took place at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

Three-Fifths Compromise The delegates abandoned the Articles of Confederation.

The - plan pushed for representation based on population, whereas the - plan called for equal representation for all states. The - Compromise split the difference between the two and saved the Constitutional Convention from dissolving.

Virginia New Jersey Connecticut

What is the name for the type of government in which a single person comes to power through inheritance rather than election?


Select the example that best emphasizes the concept that "political process matters."

changing the voting rules in a student group from unanimous consent to simple majority

Choose all of the following ways that the U.S. government is set up to satisfy James Madison's concerns.

checks and balances separation of powers federalism

Choose all of the following that are ideologies.

conservatism liberalism libertarianism

Which of the following positions is someone with a libertarian ideology likely to support?

cutting income and property taxes legalizing drugs removing environmental protections defunding the Department of Education

Which of the follow scenarios support the conclusion that "politics is everywhere"?

deciding to stay home instead of protesting a tuition increase only finding pasteurized milk at the dining hall seeing a campaign event trending on social media choosing to identify yourself as an independent

Select all of the following that the textbook identifies as being at the core of American values.

democracy liberty equality

In the United States, compromise is required to resolve conflict because of our commitment to


Which issues are most likely to remain on the political agenda for a long time?

establishing a pathway to citizenship for immigrants expanding government's role in providing health insurance

Match the political party with the appropriate statements. Parties can be used more than once.

favor more regulation on "family values" Correct label: Republican favor more redistributive tax policies Correct label: Democratic favor less spending on social programs Correct label: Republican draw more support from African Americans Correct label: Democratic tend to be more conservative Correct label: Republican

Conservative, liberal, and libertarian are all examples of what concept?


How did the Constitution differ from the Articles of Confederation? Match the correct document on the left to each of the features on the right.

included provisions for an executive office Correct label: Constitution The national government depends upon the states to collect taxes. Correct label: Articles of Confederation bicameral legislature Correct label: Constitution Only the national government can coin money. Correct label: Constitution unicameral legislature Correct label: Articles of Confederation

Choose all of the following that were tensions at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

large states versus small states slave states versus nonslave states national power versus state power

James Madison argued that a strong national government provided by the Constitution would solve which tension?

majority rules versus minority rights

Identify which of the following parts of the Constitution support a nationally-centered perspective on government and which parts support a state-centered perspective.

nationally centered: supremacy clause necessary and proper clause state centered: Eleventh Amendment Tenth Amendment

How does Article V allow the Constitution to be amended?

passage in a national convention followed by ratification by conventions in three-fourths of the states passage in the House and Senate followed by ratification by three-fourths of the states

Within a single policy area in America today, there are usually dozens of interest groups and businesses lobbying on all different sides of an issue, ensuring that no single group has total control of the issue. This is an example of what theory?


Government is often necessary to provide - goods, such as a cleaner environment. This is because the free market tends to - such goods.

public underprovide

Match the appropriate Constitutional Convention plan on the left with the feature on the right.

representation based on population Correct label: Virginia Plan the Senate Correct label: New Jersey Plan House of Representatives Correct label: Virginia Plan equal representation for each state Correct label: New Jersey Plan

Match the term on the left with the tension it helped resolve at the Constitutional Convention on the right.

small states versus large states Correct label: Great Compromise legislative versus executive power Correct label: electoral college national versus state power Correct label: supremacy clause slave states versus nonslave states Correct label: Three-Fifths Compromise

The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are called what?

the Bill of Rights

Match the type of power on the left with the correct example of it on the right.

the Senate's role in advising and consenting to presidential appointments to the courts Correct label: shared Congress's power to raise taxes Correct label: exclusive Congress's ability to impeach a president Correct label: negative

What competing views of government did the Constitution seek to reconcile?

the need for a strong national government versus the need to preserve the states autonomy

The Antifederalists had which of the following concerns about the new Constitution?

the role of the president the lack of civil liberties guarantees the transfer of power from the states to the national government

Which of the following arguments for why the Constitution remains relevant are valid?

the use of ambiguous and flexible language changing social norms that have shaped our interpretation of the Constitution the ability to add formal amendments to the Constitution the changing definition of implied powers

Match the type of federalism to its correct description.

the use of block grants and general revenue sharing to increase state control Correct label: New Federalism the practice of states adopting different policies to attract business Correct label: competitive federalism the use of preemptions and unfunded mandates to compel states to follow federal policies Correct label: coercive federalism the use of federal funds to encourage states to comply with national policies Correct label: fiscal federalism

What has contributed to the rise of coercive federalism?

the use of categorical grants federal preemption of state laws the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 the expansion of civil rights

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