Unit 1 Sacraments

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Rite of Baptism for Children

You may have seen this used at Baptism. This rite and other rites are taken from The Rites of the Catholic Church, volume I and volume II. Volume I contains the rites for all the sacraments (except the Eucharist and Holy orders). Volume II contains the rites for ordinations, blessings, and consecrations of persons, and blessings of objects and places. If used in the liturgy, each of these rites is bound as a separate book.

What do all liturgies have in common?

a basic pattern

What does the basic pattern give to those who participate?

a sense of continuity from the beginning of the liturgy, to the end, from one liturgical celebration to another

When are the other six sacraments (excluding eucharist) celebrated within the mass?

after the liturgy of the word

When do we have to profession of faith?

after the liturgy of the word

Introductory Rites

every liturgy begins with this, which usually includes a greeting or call to worship.

How are the liturgical seasons divided up?

into 6 seasons, 1 season celebrated twice

Deposit of Faith

is the treasure of the church handed on from the time of the apostles and continued in scripture and traditions, makes clear the truths that cannot be laid aside because they are part of God's revelation -This does not change -Scripture and tradition both transmit the word of god together they form a single sacred _________.

What does the dismissal mean?

means being sent off as a disciple and a christian witness

What are the key points of liturgy?

official, public, and communal

What is the symbolic color for advent?


Liturgy is a...


When we participate in Liturgy we are...

serving one another and doing God's work

What are the liturgical colors for the christmas season?

white and gold

How does the sacramental or blessing rite conclude?

with a general blessing and dismissal

Can blessings for other special occasions in other cultures be celebrated?


Can the other six sacraments (other than eucharist) be received in mass?


How is Jesus Christ (part of the trinity) working in the liturgy?

Christ gave us a new law which fulfilled the Old law. The new law of love, grace, and freedom, is the grace of the holy spirit


From a Greek word meaning "to resemble"; a pictorial representation or image of a religious figure or event typically painted on a wooden panel and used in the prayer and worship of Eastern Christians.

When does the Christmas season begin and how long is it?

December 25th, Christmas Day, lasts 12 days

What aspect of the Paschal Mystery is celebrated during Lent?

Jesus's suffering and death

When does Easter season begin?

Easter Sunday

What is tradition "T"?

-"to hand on or give over" -thsi word (from the latin, meaning to hand on) refers to the process of passion ton the gospel message tradition, which began with the oral communication of the gospel by the apostles, was written down in the scriptures, is handed down and lived out in the life of the church, and is interpreted by the magisterium under the guidance of the holy spirit

How does the Liturgical Year bring the past into the present moment and connect us with future hope?

-As each day and feast of the liturgical year is celebrated, the saving actions of Jesus 2,000 years ago are recalled into present moment -During each season of the liturgical year Church remembers and prays abou Jesus' promised second coming , which is our hope for the future.

What are the differences between the calendar year and the liturgical year?

-Calendar year has 12 months, Liturgical year is not split up into months -Calendar year starts in January and Liturgical year starts in november (advent) -Calendar year ends with december, liturgical year ends with 2nd block of ordinary time in november

What time/s is Ordinary time celebrated?

Celebrated between Christmas and Lent and Pentecost and Advent

What do we do during the Easter Triddum?

-On Holy thursday, we remember Jesus' gift of His body and blood in the eucharist. The washing of the feet calls us to serve one another. We recall the institution of the priesthood. -On Good friday, we remember the passion and death of Jesus by venerating the cross and receiving communion consecrated the night before. -On Holy saturday, we anticipate the EAster Vigil mass, which is filled with symbols of new life, and hymns of praise; welcoming new catholics into the church, and Chris's glorious resurrection

What do we do during christmas time?

-Rejoice; word of god has been made flesh -We recognize what an incredible mystery this even, the incarnation is -We celebrate the revelation of the savior to the gentiles on the feast of the epiphany (jan 6)

What do we do during advent?

-We anticipate the son of god entering the world -We prepare our hearts to receive the word of god -We are hopeful as we wait for Christ's second coming at the end of time

What do we do during the easter season?

-We celebrate the resurrection even more so than on the easter vigil -We hear readings about the risen jesus, the early church, and new life -At pentecost, we appreciate the gift of the holy spirit and use it spread the news of God's salvation and his love mission

What do we do during ordinary time?

-We reflect on Jesus's life--his intentions in speaking to us, what he believed, what he was able to do, and what he was taught -We use what we learn about Jesus at each week's liturgy to better align our own thoughts, actions, and decisions and morals with his

What do we do during lent?

-We remember that Jesus suffered and died on a cross for us -We pray, fast, and give alms with more intensity than we do during other seasons -We prepare to celebrate Jesus' rising from the dead

Within the liturgy, what does the profession of faith do?

-affirms our belief in the trinity god, in our salvation through jesus christ and in our hope for eternal happiness -the profession of faith procures that God's story and a story had to become one -the assembly professes faith by renewing baptismal promises at easter

How long does Lent last?

40 days

When does advent begin and how long does it last?

4th sunday before Christmas 4 weeks

How long is the Easter season?

50 days


A feast day celebrating the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus and the revelation of the Savior to the Gentiles. Originally celebrated on the twelfth day of Christmas (January 6), Epiphany is now celebrated on the Sunday between January 2 and January 8.

When does Lent begin?

Ash Wednesday

Why is it called "Ordinary Time"?

Called "Ordinary Time" because its days are numbered with ordinal numbers -NOT BECAUSE IT IS "ORDINARY"


From the Latin trines, meaning "threefold," referring to the central mystery of the Christian faith that God exists as a communion of three distinct and interrelated Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity is a mystery that is inaccessible to human reason alone and is known through Divine Revelation only.

How is God working in the Liturgy?

God has been working forever to restore that state to us. He called Abraham to be the father of a chose people and formed a sacred convenient with them. God gave them divine law, the Old law, to teach them how to live. God gave them rituals and a priesthood and sent judges, kings, and prophets to guide them. God brings about our salvation.

What is the liturgical color for Ordinary time?


When does the liturgical year end?

In the 2nd block of ordinary time in the month of november

World Youth Day

Instituted by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1985, World Youth Days are convocations of youth held in Rome and in several cities around the world to celebrate and encourage the participation of youth in the life of the Church.

What is the basic structure for all of the liturgies?

Introductory rites liturgy of the word liturgy of the sacrament or particular rite or blessing dismissal

When does the Christmas season end?

January 6th, Feast of the Epiphany

What aspect of the Paschal Mystery is celebrated during the Easter Triddum?

Jesus' suffering and death-his completion of suffering death and resurrection

What aspect of the Paschal mystery is celebrated during Christmas time?

Jesus's Birth

What aspect of the paschal mystery is celebrated during ordinary time?

Jesus's Ministry. His mission values, teachings, and miracles

What aspect of the Paschal Mystery is celebrated in advent?

Jesus's eventual role as our redeemer

What aspect of the Paschal Mystery is celebrated in the Easter Season?

Jesus's resurrection and ascension

The holy spirit

Makes the new law an important part of the liturgy

Private Prayer

Not liturgy; not official or public


Of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition. A liminal experience is one of being between one significant moment and another; a threshold experience; for example, the time of engagement before marriage.

When does the Easter season end?


Group Prayer Service

Public and communal, but is not liturgy because it's not official

What is the liturgical color for Lent?


In some liturgies...

Scripture is optional: In sacraments such as Penance (Reconciliation) and anointing of the sick.

liturgical year

The Church's annual cycle of religious feasts and seasons that forms the context for the Church's worship. During the liturgical year, we remember and celebrate God the Father's saving plan as it is revealed through the life of his Son, Jesus Christ.


The Church's living teaching office, which consists of all the bishops, in communion with the Pope.


The Church's official, public, communal prayer. It is God's work, in which the People of God participate. The Church's most important liturgy is the Eucharist, or the Mass.

How is each person in the trinity involved in the church's liturgy?

The Father: the source of all blessings of creation, and salvation especially the gifts of creation (God's son), Jesus Christ and the holy spirit The Son: accomplished his work of salvation that Christ accomplished for us through his passion, death, resurrection, and ascension The Holy Spirit: active in liturgy when preparing us to encounter christ, H.S reveals christ


The biblical event following the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus at which the Holy Spirit was poured out on his disciples; in the

Roman Missal (Sacramentary)

The book the priest uses at the altar and at his chair. It includes all prayers of the mass.


The established form of the words and actions for a ceremony that is repeated often. The actions often have a symbolic meaning.


The feast day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus; also refers to the liturgical season that immediately follows Christmas Day. Eastern Catholic Churches:The twenty-one Churches of the East, withtheir own theological, liturgical, and administrative traditions,in union with the universal Catholic Church and her head, the Bishop of Rome.


The four-week liturgical season during which Christians prepare themselves for the celebration of Christmas.

When is the Easter Triddum?

The last three days of holy week (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday)

Liturgy of the Word

The next liturgical action is the proclamation of the word of the word, the liturgy of the word -A homily often follows which help us to make connections between the scriptures and our own lives


The night the Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites marked by the blood of the lamb, and spared the firstborn sons from death. It also is the feast that celebrates the deliverance of the Chosen People from bondage in Egypt and the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land.

In what season does the liturgical year begin?

The season of Advent, in the month of november


The three days of the liturgical year that begin with the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday and end with Evening Prayer on Easter Sunday.

Ordinary Time

The time in the liturgical year that is not part of a special season like Advent, Christmas, Lent, or Easter.

Paschal Mystery

The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his life, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.

Lectionary for Mass

This book contains the readings of the Mass , including the gospels, with the responsorial psalm and the gospel acclamations

Book of the Gospels

This is a large book, containing only the gospel readings from the Lectionary. It is often carried in procession. The Gospel is read from this book.

Liturgy of the Hours

This is printed in various forms, but is usually several volumes, one for each Church season of the year. It includes the hymns, readings, and prayers for each of the seven "hours" (or prayer times) of each day.


This word (from the Latin, meaning "to hand on") refers to the process ofpassing on the Gospel message. Tradition, which began with the oral communication of the Gospel by the Apostles, was written down in the Scriptures, is handed down and lived out in the life of the Church, and is interpreted by the Magisterium under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.


Traditionally, the span of forty days (excepting Sundays) between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. In the official Church calendar, Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday evening with the celebration of the Mass of the Lord's Supper. It is followed by the Triduum, the three days of the Lord's Passion, death, and Resurrection. Lent is the season during which believers focus on conversion, turning toward God more completely in their lives

The Rites of the Catholic Church

Volume I: contains the rites for all sacraments except the Eucharist and holy orders Volume II: contains the rites for ordinations, blessings, and consecrations of persons, and blessings of objects and places

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