Unit 10 Exam

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Tim, a third grader, learns the sentence "Georgia eat old gray routes and paints houses yellow" to help him remember the spelling of "geography." Tim is using what?

A mnemonic device

Your ability to immediately recognize the voice over the phone as your mother's best illustrates the value of:

Acoustic encoding

Jamie systematically tried each successive key on her dad's ring until she found the one that unlocked his office door this best illustrates problem solving by means of:

An algorithm

John suffered a head injury in an accident five years ago. He has problems remembering any experiences since the accident. John symptoms describe:

Anterograde amnesia

During her psychology test, Kelsey could not remember the meaning of the term "proactive interference". Surprisingly, however, she accurately remembered that the term appeared on the fourth line of a left-hand page in her textbook. Her memory of this incidental information is best explained in terms of:

Automatic processing

Material that an individual cannot remember but is on the "tip of the tongue" is:

Available, but not accessible

The tendency for one's preexisting beliefs to distort logical reasoning

Belief bias

clinging to one's initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited

Belief perseverance

a tendency to search for information that confirms one's preconceptions

Confirmation bias

Austin can't remember Jack Smith's name because he wasn't paying attention when Jack was formally introduced. Austin's poor memory is best explained in terms of:

Encoding failure

Marlene forgot to bring a pillow on the camping trip, so she spent a very uncomfortable and restless night. Unfortunately, she never thought of using her downfield jacket as a pillow. Marlene's oversight best illustrates:

Functional fixedness

In trying to solve a potentially complicated problem quickly, we are most likely to rely on:


Many people retain their classically conditioned for years without any conscious recollection of how or when those fears were learned this best illustrates ___ memory


Cerebellum is to ___ as hippocampus is to ___.

Implicit; explicit

After spending two hours trying to solve an engineering problem, Amira finally gave up. As she was trying to fall asleep that night, a solution to the problem popped into her head. Amira's experience best illustrates:


an increase in a synapse's firing potential after brief, rapid stimulation

Long-term potentation

people not remembering what other people said because they were too busy rehearsing their own part

Next-in-line effect

the tendency to overestimate the accuracy of our knowledge and judgments


The smallest distinctive sound unit of a language is a:


Reading a romantic novel caused Sarah to recall some old experiences with a high school boyfriend. The fact of the novel on Sarah's memory retrieval is an illustration of:


Arnold so easily remembers his old girlfriends telephone number that he finds it difficult to recall his new girlfriend's number. Arnolds difficulty best illustrates:

Proactive interference

Remembering how to roller skate involves which of the following kinds of memory?


Mood-congruent memory refers to the effect of emotional states in the process of:


Smell of freshly baked bread a weekend in Mr. Brown's vivid memories of his early childhood. The aroma apparently acted as a powerful:

Retrieval cue

When her teacher mentioned the arms race, Krista understood that the word "arms" referred to weapons and not to body parts. Chris does correct interpretation best illustrates the importance of:


The tendency to immediately recall the first and last names in a list better than the middle items is known as the ___ effect.

Serial position

Denise was careful to avoid the use of dangling participle's and run on sentences in her outside because she did not want to lose points for a faulty:


On Monday, the meteorologist forecast a 20% chance of rain, so Cheryl took her umbrella to work. On Friday, he reported an 80% chance that it would not rain, so Cheryl left her umbrella at home. Cheryl's behavior illustrates the impact of:

The framing effect

After reading a newspaper report suggesting that drunken-driving might have contributed to a recent auto accident, several people who actually witnessed the accident began to remember the driver involved as traveling more recklessly than was actually the case. This provides an example of:

The misinformation effect

Miss Smith is orderly, neat, fairly quiet, and shy. She enjoys reading in her spare time in belongs to a social club that includes three librarians, nine real estate agents, and eight social workers. A tendency to it conclude that Jann must be one of the three librarians would illustrate the powerful influence of:

The representativeness heuristic

Jamie performs better on foreign language vocabulary tests if she studies the material 15 minutes every day for eight days than if she grams for two hours the night before the test. This illustrates what is known as:

The spacing effect

Noam Chomsky's view of language proposes that:

There is an inherent language acquisition device

The integration of new incoming information with knowledge retrieved from long-term memory involves the activity of:

Working memory

The organization of information into meaningful units is called:


A flashbulb memory would typically be stored in ________ memory.


incorporating misleading info into one's memory of an event

misinformation effect

Iconic memory is to echoic memory as ________ is to ________.

visual stimulation; auditory stimulation

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